AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2014 - Shapefile Export Did Not Succeeded
Oct 24, 2013
Having the following problem when exporting shapefiles in Map2014 or Civil2014. Im able to import but when i go to export it gives me the following error... Export did not succeed.
I've tried the Providers.xml file replacement but that didn't worked.
I have a series of polylines with a global width of 5m which I want to export to a polygon shapefile to represent in GIS. I realised if I create a shapefile of the polylines and then create a buffer of 2.5m on either side I can create my desired polygon. My question is how do I export this polygon to a shapefile. I have tried bulk copy but this just seems to revert the buffer back to a polyline shapefile .
When I use the command "mkshape" I am getting shape file, but this file i am unable to attach in Arc GIS 9.3..When I export shape file in Arc GIS how to import it in Auto CAD 2012."How to export drawings to shapefile and how to import shape files to drawing file in AutoCad 2012."
Using GPS Pathfinder to export to shapefile to load into AutoCAD. I've done it before, but I messed up the Pathfinder software this time. Using Pathfinder version 4.20
Opened Pathfinder, went Utilities (top tool bar)...Export and the Export popup came up. Then accidently deleted "Sample ESRI shapefile" from the "Choose an Export Setup" drop down list. Clicked the New button at the bottom. Selected a new ESRI shapefile set up, clicked ok.
What do I enter in the Export Setup Properties tabs? (tabs are Position Filter, Coord. System, ESRI Shapefile, Data, Output, Attributes, Units) What were the values in the original "Sample ESRI shapefile?". I tried not entering anything...the points can be exported to a shapefile, the shapefile can be loaded into AutoCAD map but there is no coordinate system (even if coordinate systems is edited in AutoCAD) so the points are always shown at (0,0).
Also tried uninstalling Pathfinder on my computer and then using the original CD to reinstall. Still not showing Sample ESRI Shapefile after reinstalling. How does the CD not reinstall clean? Have turned the computer off and on between deleting and reinstalling.
I am transforming water system components from Autocad dwg files (created in Civil 3d 2013 I think) to a personal (or file) geodatabase in ArcGIS 10.1. I am not familair with using Civil 3d.
I would like to know if there is some way I can export (as ESRI shapefile) AECC alignment objects (waterlines) as lines/polylines and preserve associated data (flow direction and station label info) as field attributes associated with the lines/polylines. I am not sure if there is elevation data associated with the alignments, but would want to preserve that data too if it is available.
Currently working with water system asset inventory mapping and geodatabase design using Autocad Map 3d 2014 on Windows 7 using ESRI ArcGIS 10.1 on Windows 7 using ArcGIS 10.2 on Windows 8.1
I have just updated to Map3D 2014 and work in 2D Drafting Workspace. In 2013, the export button was located in the Map Drafting tab, Map Output panel. In earlier versions it was under output tab as map 3d export. However, its position in 2014 from 2013 has been replace by a "To FDO Connection". it directs me to the older location of under the output tab - map data transfer - map 3d output, however this does not seem to exist. The only panels I have there are Plot and Export to DWF/PDF, no map data transfer. I can find it if I switch to Map Drafting Workspace in the Map Drafting pulldown - inport/export - export, or if I use the command "mapexport", but from both it only asks where and what to name the file and what type (shp, tab, etc), and then the routine stops and goes back to the drawing instead of opening the dialog to select objects, etc. Some of my clients insist on shp files.
I installed inventor 2014 on my laptop with windows 8.1, and export to DWG does not work. When i go to export, the options button doesnt work. when i click save, it pops up a windows and says "Problems encountered while saving the document." On my desktop with 2014 it works perfectly. I have the newest sp1.
I cannot export my .dwg file in other formats!! i want to save in .sat format or .iges... when i do export it does not get saved nor give any indication that it has been exported..
In Inventor 2014, is it possible to export a list of all of the materials in a given material library..? As text, or into Excel, or something similar?
I have a material library in Inventor 2014 containing lots of custom defined materials. I would like to create a master list that I can give to someone who isn't using Inventor. The only property that I really need to export is the material name, e.g.' CSA G40.21-44W'.
In this case, engineering is trying to coordinate better with purchasing, by making sure that materials are specified in the same way in both departments.
i need to export Geometry Data (in properties) X,Y,Z coordinates/points from a Sold 3D object into Excel (csv.file) I have tried data extraction (EATTEXT) but it doesn’t pick the points up unless I add points manually.
On some of our systems (most) when exporting a 3D view to DWG with ACIS Solids makes Revit 2014 terminate whitout any dialogue or information en event log what so ever. When changing solid type to polymesh the export works fine. The file is created in the crashing scenario but is only a few kilobytes in size, as opposed to to above 33 MB file another workstation creates.
All systems use windows 8.1 64-bit, have 32GB RAM (actually the one were the export works only has 24GB). Revit 2014 Build 20131024_2115(x64).
I have uninstalled Revit 2014 and reinstalled whitout success on one of the stations where the bug occurs.
I have a character model in Mudbox 2014. I exported the face, body and hands as individual .obj files, each at its maximum subdivision level. But in Mudbox 2013 the sculpting layers are all flattened on the main layer.
Is there an option to keep the sculpting and painting layers intact?
I have a plat map that I used topopgraphy to create polygons of all the lots. Each lot has a lot number created as text (not mtext or a block) on a layer that is separate from the layer with the polygons. I need to export the polygons as a shapefile and be able to access them in reference to their lot number. This information should be included with the .dbf file. I can export the lot polygons as a shapefile but the lot numbers are not included. I suspect that I need to do something with getting the centroid to include the lot number text (which I was not able to do successfully.) And then include that with the polygon/data export.
If you attach a shapefile through "Connect to Data" and try to zoom to extents by right clicking on the shapefile under "Task Pane" it zooms to a different location. The shapefile and drawing PRJ is in LL84. It works in Civil3D2010 but not in 11 or 12. I have Service pack 3 installed. Why?
I have a shapfile of multipart line features (i.e. polylines) I draped them on a 3d surface in GRASS GIS and exported a shapefile. now how do i get that shapefile to display in 3D inside civil 3D through FDO connection?
second part: how do I import that shapefile as a 3D polyline into Civil3D to generate breaklines?
I've got a drawing that shows the site boundary for a planning application, its just a polyline drawn round xref mapping. A client wants us to export this to a shapefile, or as ESRI format I've heard (its all a bit vague). I believe they want to have it as a Mapinfo layer.
The client has sent through some 'instructions' that are I've never even heard of ESRI format before.
I'm new (again) to using AutoCAD and am a GIS user. I just wanted to know if there was a way to import an ESRI shapefile (.shp extension) into AutoCAD 2011. This is the only version I have and don't really have any extensions with it. Can I do this or do I need different software?
I used connect to data to connect to a shapefile of parcels in NAD83 TX-SF. When I measure a specific parcel with MAPDIST or MEASUREGEOM i get 140 feet but when I check the distance in ArcGIS I get 156'. The 156' is correct. It's not just that shapefile, the conversion is consistent with other imported data. The ratio is about 1.114
I'm new to AutoCAD MAP most of my experience is with ArcGIS?
I have several shapefiles that I have brought into a new autoCad drawing all with the same coordinate system. All display fine when zoomed out to the extents but when I zoom in the features disappear. The scaling is set to the default 0 to infinity onside of the styling so they should disappear like they are or like one would think if that was set to something else.
I also can not snap to these features while zoomed in either.
Whenever I Output a shapefile it shortens the name of my attributes. I am using the Map 3d Export, i selected my objects, then select Data tab and select my block, and click ok. Then when i go to load the shapefiles into the database it has shortend the name of my attributes.