If you attach a shapefile through "Connect to Data" and try to zoom to extents by right clicking on the shapefile under "Task Pane" it zooms to a different location. The shapefile and drawing PRJ is in LL84. It works in Civil3D2010 but not in 11 or 12. I have Service pack 3 installed. Why?
I am working on getting some settings done, moving from 2008 to 2012. How do you set the Middle Mouse Button (wheel) to either Zoom All or Zoom Extents when you double click it? I thought it was set in the Main CUI file.
when i zoom extents, my dwg gets very small and hids in a corner...as if there is something else on the page way off in space. i've tried to find it but theres nothing visible. everything is thawed/on and there are no wipeout frames. i tried to Erase All...then deselect my drawing...but still nothing.
I'm currently marking up some electrical items on a building plan.
At present, when I enter the zoom | extents command, the entire drawing is represented as a microdot in the bottom left corner of the screen.
I assume that upon entering the zoom | extents command, my drawing should appear centred on the screen and zoomed such that the entire drawing fills the screen.
Do I need to move the drawing origin? Do I need to rescale?
When I use Zoom Extents, my map becomes a tiny dot near the edge of model space. This happens will all of my drawings and they are not "zooming" to the same area in model space. One might be a tiny dot hidden in the left corner under the geomarker and the next might be in the upper right corner 1/4" in size.
Once you have multiple layout tabs its very easy to zoom in on a tab make some changes jump to another tab zoom in make some more changes, then save the dwg.
You then open the drawing to say plot and have to zoom e the layout as a glance to see if its correct, etc.
So I wrote this tiny lisp that will very quickly zoom extents on all layout tabs and then I would normally save.
Every example I've seen for writing a .NET version of ZOOMEXTENTS shows the Document.Database being updated with UpdateExt(true). why, after executing this line, my Extmin and Extmax values remain unchanged?
My process is something like this:
* Inside Drawing1.dwg
* Make sure I'm in Paper Space (which contains a 36x24 border)
* Zoom Extents -- At this point, my code attempts to do a SetCurrentView using the new ViewTableRecord and I get an an eNullObjectPointer exception.
I'm assuming the exception is because the HUGE or maybe ununderstood extents (the defaults are (-1E+20, -1E+20, -1E+20))... why the Extmin and Extmax aren't updating
I realise this is an old thread, just wondering if any new tweaks have some to the surface to all the wheel-double-click action to be altered. Currently my mouse is set to ZOOM>EXTENTS like I imagine most people's is. Lately I've been getting a lot of "Requires a regen, cannot be transparent" errors while trying to zoom>extents, and I would like to introduce a REGEN call into the wheel-double-click macro. REGENAUTO is set to ON.
Before I save a drawing in AutoCAD Architecture, I hit ZOOM EXTENTS so the thumbnail preview is accurate and so it comes up the same way the next time it's opened. Unfortunately, after doing a ZOOM EXTENTS, SAVE & CLOSE, upon re-opening the drawing, the view shifts downward, which usually covers up the title of the drawing.
I'm looking for a command that I've forgotten the name of...
Under: tools/options/3Dmodeling/3Dnavigation/viewcube: "zoom extents after view change"
If you unclick that box the navigation cube starts behaving properly but if I remember correctly there is also a variable you can switch between 0-1 to achieve the same effect for all the navigation tools (not only the cube)
I'm currently working in a drawing that has 148 layout tabs and I frequently work in drawings with more tabs than that. when I switch tabs, I like to see everything in the tab. Is there a lisp that will do a zoom extents in every tab so I don't have to manually do it all the time?
I've got a 3D structural model I'm building and will insert 3D mechanical models that I have previously made. I just xref'd the client survey in such that 0,0,0 on my structural model lines up my drawing with the survey.
However, even with the xref frozen and off, when I go Zoom Extents, I zoom to the extent of the xref when I'd prefer to zoom to the extent of my live drawing. I've xclip'd the reference to only include an area slightly larger than the live dwg I'm working on, but no dice.
I think it's functioning correctly, so how do I do a zoom that takes me to the extent of my live dwg and ignores the size of the xref under it?
The double middle mouse button click command. I use the middle mouse button to pan, but if I pan too quickly, it interprets it as a double-click and zooms all the way out. I tried changing the double click speed in my mouse settings but that didn't work. I feel like there should be something in the shortcut settings I can change?
What i would like to do is have autocad do a zoom extents automatically when I open a dwg. Is there a lisp routine that I can run to do this? I use to have something that would do this but I started a new job and cant remember.
Currently I am using 2010 Map 3d, for water main base plans.
I use Micro Survey to process my field work. From there I open in Cad, import layers from our GIS data base for property, buildings, addresses, etc.
The only thing I have done different is from another project was copy and paste some utility layers.
Now my drawing turns any plines with width into hollow lines, and if align something my drawing will zoom to extents, also text mask does not work and i tried turning text to Mtext and it will not let me select yes for background mask.
I am having a small but annoying problem with the viewcube in AutoCAD 2014. In all the previous versions that had the viewcube, when I unchecked the "Zoom to Extents after view change" box, the view would pivot about the center of the screen. Now it seems to pivot about an arbitrary point an I have to zoom_e anyway.
Is there a way to force the option to zoom extents on Isolate mode to be OFF by default? Its great they added this feature but I don't want to enter the miserable "enhanced" menu system to turn it off every time.
We have a new title block which now contains various fields to automatically populate the drawing number, number of sheets, issue etc. The problem we have is when we go to zoom all or extents on a layout tab it moves the layout to the right each time. If we only have one layout or we use a plain title block i.e. with no fields, the zoom works fine (layout stays put in the center). This is also true if we directly insert a field onto the layout - again no problems.
The cause of the problem only happens when a block containing a field is inserted onto the paper space of a layout and,there are multiple layouts containing blocks with fields.
I have a plat map that I used topopgraphy to create polygons of all the lots. Each lot has a lot number created as text (not mtext or a block) on a layer that is separate from the layer with the polygons. I need to export the polygons as a shapefile and be able to access them in reference to their lot number. This information should be included with the .dbf file. I can export the lot polygons as a shapefile but the lot numbers are not included. I suspect that I need to do something with getting the centroid to include the lot number text (which I was not able to do successfully.) And then include that with the polygon/data export.