AutoCAD LT :: Hatch - Island Detect Doesn't Work Correctly When Used With Object Select
Mar 28, 2012
I am trying to write a script that will automatically hatch several drawings. The drawings contain an area in which there are several objects that need to be hatched. For each drawing the objects vary in location within the one area.I figured I would set up my script to encompass the area with the object select hatch technique. This works fine if the objects in the area have no Islands. However when an object within the "object select hatch area" contains Islands it shades the whole object ignoring the Island or if it does recognize an island it will create an individual hatch for it.
However when I use the pick internal point method the hatch comes out as expected for the object with the Islands in it.
I created a closed object that had a Bezier curve as part of it's definition. I wanted to scale it by 110% and then use this second enlarged object to create a sort of a background underneath the first object to create a sort of a shadow effect. But rather than the second object being uniformly larger than the first it intersects the original object in ways that don't make sense to me.
Is there an easier/differnt way to create an effect like this? I can do it but have to manually adjust a lot of points in the new object so that they create a uniformly larger version of the original object but it's a lot of effort for something that works fine for normal polygons with straight lines (e.g. a star with 5 points).
i've attached an image of what I get with this technique of creating two examples of two objects one a 110% scale version of the other. The first star shows the effect I'm trying to get and the second shows the problem (the red border does not surround the black object uniformly around the perimeter)
I opened up a drawing which had a hatch over an area, and after deleting some text from within the hatch extents, found that the hatch didn't ignore the text & put the hatch behind it, rather, it created an island around the text to avoid a hatch/text clash.
I've removed a few pieces of such texts, and now have a bunch of rectangular holes in my hatch where the texts used to be. How can I remove these islands completely without having to re hatch the whole thing again?
(I realize I could simply minimize the size of the island by picking the four corners/vertices of the hatch and bringing them closer together, but this is a messy solution)
I am using AutoCAD Map 3D 2013 version. While using SuperHatch (with Block option) in island polygons, the command creates 2 extra lines. see the attached screenshot. The 2 yellow color lines are extra lines.
Is there any option or setvar to switch off these 2 lines or control this behaviour ?
Weld doesn't seem to work correctly on some ARCs, though I don't quite know which ones yet. Here's an example - A left and right box created to allow two hemispheres to be made. Now try to "weld" them into a circle, and the program fails and delets both, replacing them with some rubbish.
This is most definitely a bug... It's very unusual behavior. Also, when ARCs are used in a welded shape, and it's extruded, it sometimes fails to make a solid. I found that two arcs with two polylines worked, but four arc and four polylines did not.
Also, if we're submitting bugs via Corel rather than directly with Graebert, is it possible to get a bug tracking list on the forum?
Update: Took this ( and others ) to Corel Support. They looked into it, and apparently weld doesn't do what the training videos say it does ( and it doesn't quite do what AutoCAD thinks either ) - but it's all moot.
To do this - Type PEDIT and then M for Multiple polylines. Select and convert them all, then JOIN. Works beautifully. So, if connecting lines, don't use WELD or JOIN - use PEDIT and convert to Polylines first.
I'm pretty sure that 'Keep faces together' when extruding does not work correctly in 2012. Well not on my mac anyhow. If you wish to replicate my problem here is my workflow-
Create cube poly > make some subdivisions> select some faces> extrude with 'keep faces together" unchecked> Select a face and use move tool, notice that faces will move apart as they should> Now select some more faces> extrude with 'keep faces together' checked this time> select a face and use move tool> notice how face is still separate as it SHOULD NOT be.
When I use select object, it never displays the marquee correctly. One of two things will happen.
It will
1. Not even display the marquee at all e.g. I use select object by rectangular selection and the rectangle marquee box is invisible (although I can still select things)
2. If the marquee does display it shows it behind the objects, instead of in front of them, as scene in the image below.
I used Inventor 2010, but after a change of our Domain, I had some issues with export and mouse customization (one worked with IV running privileged, but the other didn't and vice versa). Reinstalation didnt solve the problem, so I hoped, that a newer version would solve it. Unfortunately the problems remained the same, but I could get it to work (running mouse software also privileged).
Now I noticed, that the 'select other' menu doesn't pop up, regardless of the delay choosen in the settings. Also some function keys don't work: F7, F8, and F9 don't show any reaction, while all other F-keys work.I'm using Inventor Professional 2013, 64 Bit (Build : 200, Release 2013 SP2 Update 2) from our Education Master Suite.
We have AutoCAD 2014 and 2012 currently in our office. We have a civil file that works perfectly fine with 2014 (we usually save all files down to 2010 so all our consultants can use them). When we open it in 2012 the object enabler does not seem to work only showing empty boxes with AceeLand90 text in the lower left hand corner. The civil object enabler on 2012 is up to date and the drawing was saved down to 2010. Not sure what I am missing and why it doesn't wort to have the Acee Entities shown in 2012.
I have a map of an island. I am trying to copy and object say a block or triangle into the certain areas of the island several times. How can i do this using the command.
I cant seem to have lightroom 4.4 detect compact flash cards when inserted in reader. Im using USB readers and none of them work. They load on the desktop no problem.
It doesn't happen very often (apparently, 8 days ago was the last time), but I would like to know more about this error.
The .png I've attached shows what happens more easily than I can describe it.
It only happens on Part1 (and possible Assembly1?). If I've made a new part and the menu loaded correctly, it won't load improperly on a later new part (, like Part2, Part 3, etc). It does not happen saved parts that I open. If I have other files open when this happens, the Manage menu seems to be correct in any file, but Part1. Closing IV and reopening has fixed it every time, but one. The time closing/reopening IV didn't fix it, I closed it again, and reloding IV again, the menu was fine.
The visible portions of the buttons work correctly, but the empty spaces where the icons for the button should appear, do nothing.
How to properly select a hatch? i find i'm constantly skimming my mouse all over the hatch trying to find a spot where i can actually select it... sometimes it's super super precise, and if i move my mouse even a tiny bit off it'll disappear.
master im new in autocad 2014....i have a problem now when i select line or object it highlight or make a broken line....but when i select the other object or line my previous selected back to normal..i mean i can select only one line if i use single to select all object or line with single select continuously, except using hold left click...
I'm drafting for an office that likes to create just one single main drawing with everything on top of it (ARCH, STRUC, MEP) and just work frezzing layers on each viewport so of course I have to use "maximize viewport" icon all the time and enter model space from there to work. The problem is when I try to apply hatch it just doesn't show (like if applying hatch to a frozzen layer), I'm very careful making sure that the layer is not frozen or off and still just simply doesn't show, however when I go back to model space is there.
I would like to bring in some of our linework into WS so it can be viewed on an iPad or smartphone with the GPS location referenced to the linework. Our dwg files projection is set for the NAD83 California Coordinate System, Zone 6, US survey feet.
Does the line work need to be projected before uploading to WS to use the GPS correctly? I understand there is also a units issue...but for some reason the location is never where it should be.
My Computer just recently jusst got switched to a new server...
Somethings are just acting weird now, like my hatching...
All my old hatches that were associative are acting like one seltions like if i hatch a polyline now when i go to select that hatch it now selects the polyline as well.
This never happened before abd the only way to edit it now is to either make it in the properties not associative then i lose my boundary or just to explode it then i a ihave an exploded hatch...before i made it assoc. and i could just edit or select the hatch only i think its an option setting...
Can't plot correctly to pdf with transparency hatch. I have several draws with hatch transparency, but when plot do pdf and use dwg to pdf.plot the hatch it´s wrong. See the draws in attachments.
I try to plot to dwf and after plot to pdf use a third part plot pdf like pdf995, arcplot, and others, but the problem its the same.
I use autocad 2012 but the problem it´s the same if I change to 2013 or 2014.
I've been runing LT 2013 for the past couple of months, everything was working fine until recently. Occasionally a viewport will go completely black. I can doule-click into model space and select objects, though I can't really see them. If I delete the viewport and make a new one, the new one works fine (at least for now).
If I had some custom lisp routes that I used with ACAD 2009, then you think I would need to upgrade, modify or change any of the lisp to work correctly in 2014?
Could a custom lisp that I used in 2012, corrupt, effect performance, screw with other key commands (although with worked in the 2012 software) in 2014 if I didn't upgrade the 2012 lisp?
When I select an object and pan to make another selection the first object "deselects". The object(s) will stay selected until I pan and as soon as I start to pan the grips go away and the object(s) is deselected.
Is it possible with the hatch command to be able to select objects first instead of picking an internal point?I looked at this thread first which covers the same problem but not sure if there ever was a solution. URL....
HPDLGMODE is currently set to 2, I tried setting it back to 1 but that brings up the hatch popup window as it does in Classic mode and 0 does the same thing as 2.
I have some blocks that are associated with regions in my drawings. I want to select regions based on attributes in the associated blocks. Is that possible?
Is it possible to link my blocks to an external database and select the regions based on a field in the linked database?
I distinctly remember back in the day, (~2006), that you would be able to to choose the items you wanted to hatch first, then enter the Hatch command, hit OK, and your objects would be hatched. Simple! Since 2010, you have to enter the Hatch command, then hit Select Objects, then select your objects, then hit Enter, then hit OK, which I find it is less efficient.
I have a problem with selecting a solid hatch in autocad 2014 or 2012. from some reason when I click in random place on top of the hatch it always select it self even if it's not highlighted. It causes a problem when i need to select group of item which are on top of the hatch with the selection box. I did not have this problem in previous version. i also find it very strange that in different drawing in the same autocad version that problem do not exist. is there any variable to be set to solve that issue?