AutoCAD Inventor :: Show Icon (image) In Button On Shelf
Jul 7, 2012
I'm searching for quiet a while now, but I can't find information or an example to show an Icon (image) in a button on the shelf for my new tools. The addin should run on 64bit windows.
I found some example wich use vb6 tools, but I don't have these on my win64 and c#.
I've created a button that I've implemented into inventor. However I am at a loss as to how to create an icon for the button. I've read all the articles i can find (such as)
I've restarted the program and the computer multiple times but to no avail.
Under the view cube, in part files, there must be a short ribbon with 3 or 4 view orientation buttons: the navigation bar.It disappeared, how to bring it back?
When I loaded some photo actions into my new PSE11 it show only a generic icon in the effects palette, not the icon from the maker so it takes extra time to search for the action I need. How can I get the icon from the maker to show as the icon in the palette?
But is there a way to get an image icon in the project list? I have a lot of projects and descriptive names only go so far with me. A little image next to each one would jog the memory. Rather than plod through a bunch looking for the right one.
My Image tool icon is grayed out in Insert Panel of the IDW.
I created a sketch in the IDW & have no way to insert a graphic.I checked multiple files including a new file forma template & cannot get the Image icon to work, it's always grayed out.
Is there an option setting I need to change?
We really should have the ability to cut & paste into IDW's.
I loaded 2013 Civil 3D and I customized my Ribbon with Zoom Commands I use frequently; everything looked fine...I changed the Workspace to Planning & Analysis and cutomized my Ribbon to include the Zoom Commands but a Button Icon for ZOOM_TO_POINT came up with a cloud & question mark. I went to look for the Icon Image & I don't see it. I made the mistake of changing the Icon to another hoping I could change it back but it's not there. I went to the 2012 verison & the Button Icon is there...first icon listed. Where are the icons in 2012 so I can drag & drop image into 2013?
The icon has a point symbol with a magnifying glass. I've checked other computers and the same thing. Can't find the Image Icon for ZOOM_TO_POINT. It shows up when you load the software but if you want to edit's not there in the CUI Button Icons.
I am growing increasinly frustrated. I just installed AutoCAD LT 2013 on my laptop. I managed to get everything customized the way I want, except the button icons on my (classic) toolbar are much too small. If I go into the menu and select 'use large icons', they are too huge. My screen resolution DOES NOT need to be changed or adjusted. I went to the help menu to see what I can do, and found that I can go into CUI and adjust the size of the button icons that way, via the button image editor, however there is no 'button image editor' dialog box when I select any given toolbar command.
I had this new script which is used in Unwrella2 so I placed it in the user interface as a new button in the tool bar, the problem is it has no icon so, I wanted to customize one for it. I start searching tile I found how to and I followed the description..I customize a button icon 24*24 it had to be *.bmp 24-bit(I also found that to have an alpha channel it has to be 32_bit 8red 8green 8blue 8alpha) or 16 bit it must contain an alpha channel which I did all of this I even toke one of the original ones from the UI folder and I customize it then every time I copy the new button in icon folder and restart max 2012 and go to “edit button appearance” and search for the new button nothing there I named the new button right “group-name”_24i.bmp but still the max 2012 don’t want to read it.
in the image attached a button icon which should give me a new group called Unwrella with two buttons. I even found some original buttons which is split in two file (file *_24a.bmp contain the Alpha as RGB) and (file *_24i.bmp contain 24_bit colored RGB) I even tried this but still max 2012 don’t read it.
I have created some custom button in VBA. I wish I can make those buttons toggling their image.
For example my custom button toggles Part/Component priority or Highligt on/off and I would like the button image will change showing the current state.
The background image color change will work too, or the some extra tiny mark on working sceen would be useful if it quite complicated to deal with ribbons.
Generally I need to see the current state at glance.
My computer crashed and had to reinstall everything, well almost everything, still re-installing. The issue that I am having is the Instant Project-Wizard button/icon, that is suppose to be located above the Timeline is not being displayed. This applies to both programs, VideoStudio X4 & X5 versions.
I followed the upgrade procedures and the projects appear in the projects list but they are empty once I enter them.I noticed a workspace icon appears next to the edit button the first time a try to launch a project. See attached screenshot. The only choice there is workspace.
Running LR 4.3 under Windows 7. The softproof button does not show. Pressing "S" key gives proof review, but no way to change profile. Image name shows where instructions say softproof button should be.
I am updating my CUI ribbon for some of my customized buttons. I have changed some of the bitmap images that I have saved in my network folder for the network AutoCAD customization. However, I cannot get the Ribbon to update to show the new button images.
I have opened the CUI, browsed down to the partial CUI for our corporate configuration, then to the "Ribbon", then to the "Tabs", then to the individual section of the tab and clicked on it. Then I click on the specific button in the "Panel Preview" pane to get the properties for that button to show. Then at the bottom of the "Properties" panel, I click on the "Small Image" line to see the three dots that allow you to browse to where the .bmp is stored. I have not renamed the bitmaps, but just modified their color and the way they look. So I have to change the .bmp file to a different location in the small image properties, then change it back to the correct image name. It will update the appearance in the "Panel Preview", but will not update the actual ribbon. I click on "Apply" and "OK", and it still doesn't update the actual ribbon. I have tried closing and restarting AutoCAD after that. As a last resort, I rebooted to see if that would complete the change, but in vain.
I made sure that the network location for the bitmap files is listed in my Options > Support File Search Path (very near the top of the support file list), but that still isn't solving the problem.
How to get AutoCAD to completely forget the old image that is showing on the ribbon and repopulate it with the updated bitmap image?
Exporting my photo’s from iPhoto to the desk top and then importing to Photoshop Organizer 11, ALL photo’s show “Missing File” icon (?) in the top left corner when I eliminate photo’s from iPhoto. Why do I have to keep photo’s in iPhoto? Is there a workaround?
If I import iPhoto photo’s directly within Organizer I loose photo information.
I'm trying to show captions when the user clicks on a button (captionButton) symbol. All permutations below work for showing the captions but none of them work for showing the button ever again, though it does hide the captions.
// compositionReady script var captionBar = sym.getSymbol("captionBar"); var captionButton = sym.getSymbol("captionButton") sym.$("captionButton").css('cursor', 'pointer'); [code]....
Every so often some Tabs will disappear from my Shelf. I only notice the Polygon and Surfaces Tabs missing, as they are the ones I use most often. When I restart Maya, my Polygon and Surfaces tabs return. But after setting up my Project and re-opening my scene, the Tabs disappear again, and my custom Tab is also empty too. I have read that deleting preference files will return my shelves. But honestly, this is always happening too me, why are my shelves disappearing seemingly randomly, in various projects.
Is there a way to just add the Polygon and Surfaces shelves again?
My Visual Studio 2010 VB.NET program creates a shortcut to an ACAD.EXE file. I want to use the out-of-the-box AutoCAD icon image. The default path to the icon image is:
I use the following methodology:
Dim objShellClass As New IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell_Class Dim objShortcut As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut objShortcut = CType(objShellClass.CreateShortcut(strPathFile), IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut) With objShortcut .Arguments = strArguments .Description = strName .IconLocation = strIconLocation
Everything works fine except the shortcut image is blank. When I right-click on it and select properties, then Change Icon... it is pointing to the correct icon image. If I select OK and OK the icon image appears on the shortcut.
Why does the image NOT appear when the shortcut is initially created?
Is there a way to add an image or icon as an attribute to a block?
I have created a lot of dynamic blocks and use eat text to extract data to a table for an equipment legend/table. I always have to add the legend symbol to the list manually and was wondering if there is a way to insert or link an image so that when I create the legend the symbol will automatically be loaded.
but my result- the dwg preview is very small I only white screen without figures which I wrote in it. How to resize and fit the image into the icon ? (when i press command button I would like to see maximum image in icon ).
my buttons in my custom shelf disappears when I restart maya. maya has admin privileges and the prefs folder in my documents is not read only and my user account has the privilege to access/write this folder. I'v tried renaming my prefs folder so that maya creates a new pref folder when it starts. that way the shelf works but in that way my other settings are lost.
I want maya to open with my custom shelf tab selected. Ever since I installed SP1 maya now opens with the last tab in the shelf which is DMM. Furthermore, if I install the physx plugin then Maya opens with that tab open. Can I set it so Maya always opens with the shelf tab I WANT?
I've had this problem in 2011 and 2012 on 2 different machines, but haven't seen it on the bug list, and have seen a post saying the hotkey combo for 'add menu item to shelf' is the same it's always been - Ctrl-Shift-Alt, then selecting menu item.
But when I press that, the menu item executes, but no shelf button appears.
I use this combo - a lot- to make custom shelves per project or need. Frustrated it no longer seems to work.