AutoCAD 2013 :: Insert New Tool Icon On Image Context Ribbon?
Mar 26, 2013I'd like to insert an adjust image tool on image context ribbon.
Civil 3D (2013)
I'd like to insert an adjust image tool on image context ribbon.
Civil 3D (2013)
Just installed inventor 2013 and the icon to launch vault is missing from the ribbon where it used to be in v 2012. Also when i try to open a file the quick link to vault is not there. i have installed vault basic 2013 and it opens up fine and my files are in it. Do i have to create a link?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe icon dispayed on the ribbon for my addin seems to be the large (32x32) icon and i'm not sure how to fix that.
In IV2012 it was fine and i can't find anything in the programming that suggests anything was changed.
Using IV2014 Pro SP1 update 1, Win7-64bit
i have aprblem with the main icons of the ribbon, i install the program and it works correctly Suddenly the user interface converts to the normal autocad i tried to restore the ACAD.CUIX and doesn't work.
i have Win8, the version i have of the program is 2014 and the problem also happen on autocad architecture.
I am trying to insert a JPG image in my IDW, but the "image" icon is greyed out?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do you make an image (JPEG) visible again after you turned it off with the contextural Image Ribbon Menu?
Once the image is gone I cannot find how to get the contedxtural Image Menu back.
Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate
I'd like to have a special command (maybe a custom ) placed near the coordinates viewer.
(That is, at the status bottom bar)
Using Inventor 2012 latest SP
My Image tool icon is grayed out in Insert Panel of the IDW.
I created a sketch in the IDW & have no way to insert a graphic.I checked multiple files including a new file forma template & cannot get the Image icon to work, it's always grayed out.
Is there an option setting I need to change?
We really should have the ability to cut & paste into IDW's.
I am currently using Autocad 2014 and I am attempting to insert a dynamic block from a tool palette. I would like to click on a dynamic block in the tool palette and have it prompt for the (uniform) scale. It seems simple enough but either all the dynamic properties are lost or it is inserted at 1"x1" (the scale of my original block). How to get this to work?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI did that some time ago but can't remind now and searching wasn't success.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am while i am tryng to insert right to left text (hebrew) in to a tag lable.
while I type I use the context manue to change reading order but when i finish typing it changes back.
I tried to manualy insert a unicode RTL control character from the context manu, but it doesent have any effect.
I hope I am missing somthing and its not a bug( entering long text (in hebrew) is criticle for notes and scheduals)
RAC 2014
win 7 64bit
I have problem visualization icon ribbon in PDS 2012.How can restore ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just been messing about with the ribbon in Civil 3D 2013 and managed to create my own tab and add a panel with 3 rows. In one of them i have added the command BATTMAN. I've obviously added an icon and used button style 'Large with Text (Vertical)'.
I've noticed that on other buttons with longish names under them have wrapped text. How do i achieve this so say 'Block Attribute Manager' text would appear stacked under the button?
sometimes i like to insert image into a Dwg. In 2012 i use to drag and drop the image from the source folder to autocad screen then i had the insert instructions, scale, position etc.
But i can't drag and drop images anymore in 2013, i have to use _imageattach icon to open the open manager then select an image.
Is there a way to reactivate the drag and drop feature in 2013 ? Must be a Variable to autorise that.
I'm working on a Ribbon and Icon design for our software and I'm having some issues getting my icons to appear the same way they do in AutoCAD. When I hover over an icon on my custom Ribbon there is a white box around the icon (see Ribbon.jpg), but when I hover over an AutoCAD icon the white box does not appear (see Ribbonii.jpg).
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to display large icon without text in the ribbon in autocad 2011? or this feature is only available in 2012 and up.
Is there a workaround to display large button icon without text in 2011?
Is it possible to have a custom grayed out icon in the ribbon when this icon has been used at least once? For example, the user clicks on this icon and it becomes gray to notify the user it has been used. The purpose is to load certain DLL with Netload only once.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new in the autodesk customization, I have autocad 2013 and visual studio 2010..I am interested in make a custom ribbon tab, where I can put a button.
I have found some (incomplete) samples to implement a custom ribbon tab, but I dont know how to "insert" my tab into autocad 2013, and how must I load my tab? with a command? or it can load automatically?
I was trained in Maya 2008, and recently made the leap to Maya 2013.
When I try to use the Insert Edge Loop Tool, it seems to only select an existing edge loop, and will not allow me to slide along an edge to place the new one. I have even tried to use the Insert Edge Loop Tool on a simple polygon cube, to make sure this isn't a complex mesh issue.
I want to insert or import an image that automatically recognizes my drawing coordinates.If I need to, I can use AUD (as Map 3D).However, my computer has difficulty processing too much data.
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes the AutoCAD 2010 have Point Clouds panel in the Insert Ribbon? If it has, how do I put the Point Clouds panel into Insert ribbon?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to add symbols to the text edit ribbon under the symbol icon
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn looking for the design center in autocad 2011lt I discovered the content panel where it should be nested is missing in the insert tab on the ribbon
View 3 Replies View RelatedI made a drawing where there is is a complex part dimensioned. For this part there is also a .dxf drawing of the unfold contour.
I want to add a link to this .dxf so the person on the CNC can quickly open it. But, when I display as icon I still get a the full drawing.
Inventor 2013
I want to insert the UCS (x/y/z Axis icon) into a drawing view in my .idw - Inventor
I need to show the axis directions on a view in my .idw file.
How can this be done?
Dim Menu As AcadPopupMenuSet Menu = ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0).Menus.Add("No.")Menu.AddMenuItem Menu.Count + 1, "1", "^C^C_open"Menu.AddMenuItem Menu.Count + 1, "2", "^C^C_open"Menu.AddMenuItem Menu.Count + 1, "3", "^C^C_open"Menu.AddMenuItem Menu.Count + 1, "4", "^C^C_open"
i created a menu called "NO." with 4 items under it "1","2","3","4"
my question is :How can i insert icon for items under this menu?
I updated to Arch. 13 and some of my content (mainly casework) was not working properly, so I deleted it and decided to just re-download the files. Insert ribbon > Seek search bar leaves me with a blank page. I've tried queries: "casework" "ceiling fan" "furnace" "family" "lighting" and "wall."
I've tried getting through via Revit Architecture as well.
I'm in the middle of a design concept rendering for a client... so this caught me completely off-guard.
AutoCAD Mechanical 2013 SP2
AutoCAD 2013 SP2
I need to convert a PNG image to an icon in Windows icon format.Can I do that in XDP7?
View 9 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden my ribbon panels will not pull off... some refer to this as 'tear off'. The interface is not locked either.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow the actual file location of a drawing can be shown on the ribbon insert of just the file names. For example, file name BOM.dwg is located in C:custom---. Currently, the tool bar is showing AutoCAD BOM. dwg but I want it to show AutoCAD C:custom---.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am experiencing two problems. One is the tool icons in Photoshop are disappearing on the screen. I move the cursor and see nothing on my screen.
The second problem is at other times the proper tool icon and function is not showing up and working. I select for example the pen tool and the hand tool icon show up and the function works as the hand tool not the pen tool?