I am updating my CUI ribbon for some of my customized buttons. I have changed some of the bitmap images that I have saved in my network folder for the network AutoCAD customization. However, I cannot get the Ribbon to update to show the new button images.
I have opened the CUI, browsed down to the partial CUI for our corporate configuration, then to the "Ribbon", then to the "Tabs", then to the individual section of the tab and clicked on it. Then I click on the specific button in the "Panel Preview" pane to get the properties for that button to show. Then at the bottom of the "Properties" panel, I click on the "Small Image" line to see the three dots that allow you to browse to where the .bmp is stored. I have not renamed the bitmaps, but just modified their color and the way they look. So I have to change the .bmp file to a different location in the small image properties, then change it back to the correct image name. It will update the appearance in the "Panel Preview", but will not update the actual ribbon. I click on "Apply" and "OK", and it still doesn't update the actual ribbon. I have tried closing and restarting AutoCAD after that. As a last resort, I rebooted to see if that would complete the change, but in vain.
I made sure that the network location for the bitmap files is listed in my Options > Support File Search Path (very near the top of the support file list), but that still isn't solving the problem.
How to get AutoCAD to completely forget the old image that is showing on the ribbon and repopulate it with the updated bitmap image?
How to add buttons and create my own ribbon in AutoCAD, but now I would like to be able to have buttons for two different schedules that I have created. While I can have a button start the schedule command it won't automatically pick the schedule that I want it to create.
I added a couple of standard Autocad MAP tabs to a custom panel and in my custom workspace some of the button images don't show up. If I go to the Planning & Analysis workspace, the images are visible, but in the custom workspace, all I get are clouds with a question mark.
I attached two screen shots.
Civil3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional - 64-bit HP Z400 Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz 24GB of RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
I am trying to customize Autocad 2012 ribbon tab. I can't seem to find how to mimic the small arrow that appears in several of the standard menus. For example, in the 3D Solids - Home Tab, the second panel from the left is "3D Solids Home - Mesh" It has a small arrow in the corner that opens up a preferences dialogue box.
How can I add that arrow to a custom panel with that little arrow so that I can add my command to it?
I have many drawings with blocks containing polylines set with property Fit/Smooth = cubic. For conversion purposes, I need to change them to FIt/Smooth = none. It is easy with the Properties palette but, because I have lots of drawings to fix, I want to write a lisp routine. Any VLA-SET-xxx property that will allow me to do it in lisp?
Is there a way to modify this script so you don't have to manually choose the blocks. Instead have it find all block names starting with "Supply Diffuser 24x24" and replace them with a block in the drawing named V01.
(defun C:CHANGEBLOCKS(/ printDebug ssAll ssAllTotal ss ssTotal ssCount ssCount2 ssTotal ssMainBlock ssMainBlock entListMainBlock ssBlocks entListBlock entListBlock2 entElementNewBlock entElementOldBlock entElementOldBlock2 oldBlockName) ;PROGRAM CHANGES MULTIPLE BLOCKS ;WRITTEN BY --- RAUL BENITEZ ;Command reference ;subst - returns a list with a new item substituted for every occurrence of an old item ;quote (or ') - easy way to make the string into a list. ;cdr - returns a list containing all but the first element of [code].......
Is it possible to write an AutoLISP script to read an .xlsx file and use the data in the various cells to modify a block within a .dwg?
Ex.: We use Flow Control Modules (FCMs) and use AutoCAD Electrical to show electrical contractors where/how to wire up the devices. In AutoCAD, we have blocks for various types of FCMs, and each block has terminals which are tagged DESCA1, DESCA2, DESCA3, etc. Each of these tags will change based on what the particular FCM is used for.
We also have .xls(x) files we call FCM Maps, which come from our engineers and tell the drafters how to lay out the .dwg files.
Is it possible to write a LISP script to take, say, cell A1 from the .xlsx file, and put that data into DESCA2 in the block, cell A2 into DESCA3, and so on?
I have uploaded the handout for my AU2012 class to Google Drive. The link is [URL] It contains the detailed explanation for all the source code used in entmake-ing and entmod-ing the new MESH (aka Subdivision Surfaces) entities. [URL]
I have created a seperate CUI for use as an enterprise menu. My issue is when I set my main CUI as ACAD.cuix and my new CUI as enterprise, the custom ribbons created in the enterprise file does not show in the panel.
I'm working on a Ribbon and Icon design for our software and I'm having some issues getting my icons to appear the same way they do in AutoCAD. When I hover over an icon on my custom Ribbon there is a white box around the icon (see Ribbon.jpg), but when I hover over an AutoCAD icon the white box does not appear (see Ribbonii.jpg).
Creating a ribbon for Partial Customization files in the CUI, and I am trying to setup some buttons for existing polylines for example underground electric and overhead electric. When writing the macro what are some ideas for creating a polyline with the proper linetype for that particular object rather than changing the layer in layer properties dialogue.
In our 2010 version users used the "OPT Color Control" in a toolbar. When we went to 2012 we switched our users to the Ribbon. I am not able to move this Control to a ribbon panel. I can place in a toolbar and it works okay. Best I could find is "ACObjectColorCombo", Object Color Gallery drop down. Unfortunately I find that this drop down doesn't handle a selection set the way the 2010 toolbar did. I find that one cannot reliably pick a selection and use this to change objects to color bylayer. I can pick the object prior to using the OPT Color Control and they work fine. I pick the same objects and use the Combo box and sometime they are found and change other times I pick one or two and they work.
Is there a way to move this toolbar control to the ribbon, it will not let me drag and drop to a panel in the CUI.
Is there another solution to change object(s) color in a drop down from a ribbon panel? I have tried searching but am not finding other commands or control with selection drop down in the CUI. (Our choice is not to use the Properties dialog. Which, by the way, does work every time on the objects.)
Is it possible to have a custom grayed out icon in the ribbon when this icon has been used at least once? For example, the user clicks on this icon and it becomes gray to notify the user it has been used. The purpose is to load certain DLL with Netload only once.
I have tried everything even un-installing and re-installing. I have customized programs that have been working properly for months by many individuals. These include custom menus, toolbars and ribbon tabs. One day last week one of the ribbon tabs disappeared. The crazy thing is if I load the .cuix file as an Enterprise cui, everything is visible and works just fine. BUT, when I load it as a partial cuix file the ribbon tab does not show up. The custom menus come in, my custom toolbars work and show up just fine but the dag blasted ribbon tab won't show up.
Yes, it's marked as visible. I've done and redone the cui editor, customized my workspace again and again checking every piece of information. I need to have it loaded as a partial cui file as I am the author of these tools that hundreds of people in my company depend on.
I am upgrading from 2010 to 2013 and am having a problem with my image tile menu not showing my slides. The dialog box comes up but none of the slides can be viewed. I am using the macro $I=acadbja.GENPLAN1 $I=* Is there an updated command the super cedes this command?
I am unable to find the "Ribbon Combo Box - Workspace" to our 2013 MEP or ACA CUI. It is visible in vanilla AutoCAD 2013, but it isn't listed in the Command List (under Ribbon Control Elements). I am unable to transfer it from AutoCAD's cuix either. We typically have this control in our Quick Access Toolbar, but I am unable to create this same environment in the 2013 verticals.
I am unable to see it even using one of the default profiles, like "AutoCAD Architecture (US Imperial)".
toggling ribbonclose and ribbon but that did not answer my question. I'm using AutoCAD 2014 and there is a setting to either toggle through all ribbon states or you can select one. You can cycle through:
Minimize to Tabs
Minimize to Panel Tiles
Minimize to Panel Buttons or
Cycle Through All
I want it to always minimze to tabs but when I close CAD and re-open it doesn't remember that selection and always cycles through all minimized states again.
I don't see any system variable or registry value that seems to save this. how I can make it remember?
I would like to creat a dialog box with buttons or radio buttons to insert various blocks. something easy to start the dialogue, push the button desired and my block or lisp is inserted or run. I have the dcl part figured out. i'm not quite smart enough to get the lisp down. is there a generic lisp that can reference a lisp command that i can alter or edit and add to?
I'm trying to bring a lsp routine up to date and it's almost as if I'm a newbie again. A dialog image worked okay in 2005 but in version 2012 displays poorly. So I made a new slide in 2012 and saved it to the same name as the old one, HobMasterDialog.sld, and placed it in the same folder as the old one. However, when the dialog appears the rectangular area for the image is blank.
What is the code to call an image tile menu from a lisp command. I currently have a menu item that calls this image tile menu: $I=TYPSMBL1 $I=* but I want to have a keyboard shortcut as well "SL".
What the require setting to enable me to lock of several layer continuously when i click the "LAYER OFF" button at the toolbar? I wish to set to be like whenever i use the "LAYER OFF" command, i can direct just continue to click several layers for it to be turn off.
I have a text file with a list of image tile names with their bottom left hand easting and northing see attached. I have a lisp that asks for the name of the image then should insert the image at its coordinate with a predefined scale and rotation but it isn't working so I would like an alternative method to test.
I am trying to write a LISP that does the following:
-Open drawing
-Saveas as NEW drawing based on certain criteria from DCL menu
-Deletes old drawing
-*THEN, if drawing contain attached IMAGE FILE (.tiff in my case)
-Rename image file and repath image file based on the new file name
I have gotten it to do all of this, except I can not figure out how to change the "reference name" of the attached image file (.tiff)
Is this read-only data? I can manualy change it under xref manager, so there should be a way to do it via code...
The closest I have gotten:
;;after renaming and repath image file...
(SETQ NAME2 (substr (getvar "dwgname") 1 (- (strlen (getvar "dwgname")) 4))) (setq item (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)));convert to vl object (setq check (vlax-property-available-p item "Name" T));check if the entity can be updated ;if it can (if check ;change value to match (vlax-put-property item 'Name NAME2))
'Name seems to be valid w/ xref'd blocks but not xref'd/attached image files..