I back-up a 23 GB library to two external hard drives about once a week. I always wipe out the previous back up set and copy and paste fresh each time and let it run.
Ive also been thinking of adding an online backup (carbonite etc) as another failsafe.
How do automatic back-ups work in the realm of parametrically linked files such as Inventor. Im a little worried about that concept.
Does a process for importing INDIVIDUAL materials (saved as some_material.styxml) that had been exported from Inventor 2011 or 2012 into the 2013 Inventor Material Library?
I am not asking about converting the old libraries -- I know how to do that -- these are materials that were created for one-time (supposedly) use and exported from the 2012 Inventor file, but never saved to the older Inventor styles libraries. Operation was EASY in 2012 -- click the "Import" button on the styles manager dialog box.
No such button on the new materilas library manager, or am I missing something?
Only way I have been able to do this is create a 2102 part, import the STYXML file, apply the material to the 2012 part, then save the part & open it in 2013 & let 2013 import the style. Once the material style has been imported this way, it can be added to the Inventor Material Library, but this is a really nutty workaround that requires Inventor 2102 to be available...
I'm trying to automate my drawing creation but i've run into a problem. In my code it takes the document collection object and iterates through and creates a drawing for each part and assembly the problem is i need it to skip the files from my library and content center since they dont require drawings. Here is the
Public Sub CreateDrawing() 'get documents collection object Dim invDocs As Documents Set invDocs = ThisApplication.Documents 'iterate through documents in collection [code]........
I am having using CVS Pro 4 for a few months. Now my hard drive is about filled up. But I cannot find where the libray is in my hard drive. where is the directory the library is located so I can back up my video files.
I wanted to create a new calander for 2014, so I created a new catalog and started to import 25 images which were in my library in various folders. once I was done with the selections I could see that there are several catalogs set up from each folder of origin. if I click on library to get out of the "catalog" mode nothing happens. I can no longer see any of my library folders on the left panel, unless I try to import more images.
How do I delete or cancel this request to add a catalog and get back to my original library? also, in hind sight, I believe I wanted to add a "collection". please confirm the difference between a collection, smart collection and a catalog.
I wonder how many of you would love to have that back. Cant find a poll option here. So guess just reply. Not that its gonna change anything. But atleast we would know how many wish to see it as it used to be. May be AD might have second thoughts.
Currently dancing between Flame Premium 2013x2sp3/2013Sp4 nd Smoke on mac 2013Ext1
My previous computer crash . I installed Element 7 in my new computer. Now I would like to retrieve. My library to my organizer in my Photshop Element 7. How can I do it?
I am trying to make a copy of my external drive that I use for all the photos in LR5. I was told that I could do that for a backup and lightroom would recognize it. Well, i make the copy and have question marks by all the photos when I use the back-up drive.
I want to use external edit (in my case: Adobe Photoshop Elements) for editing features not available in LR3 (for example: skew) and easily save back as JPG. The source in LR3 is a DNG-image.
LR3 offers easy workflows out-to-external-editor>back-to-LR3 if you save back as TIFF or PSD.
But, I didn't find any easy or not extremely clumsy way to saving the edited photo back as JPG to LR3 and having it organized "close" to the original/source-DNG (preferably stacked).
My kids' PC's motherboard failed. I was fortunately able to access all data on the old HDD and copied it to my machine. I have to replace the motherboard, CPU and memory. Everything is working OK again.
My son's library files were all in his "My Pictures" folder of which I have a copy. What is the best way of getting everything back without the need to import everything again. I do have a copy of "Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat" - I have a copy of the complete old folder.
I recently upgraded to Premier Elements 12 and loaded my photo and videos from my android (Galaxy 4G Samsung) into the new program. After which when I went to my Lightroom 5.3 I found my entire library folders except one picture with a missing file statement, gone, disappeared. All gone but the one picture. The original files are still on my hard drive, but can I get them back with my Lightroom changes that haven't been saved? How do I do this? or are they all gone?
Sharpening applied in develop module is not shown when switching back to library module. It looks the problem occurs when having size to "FIT". With 1:1 there seams to be no issue. Export also looks fine in 1:1.
I use Mac 10.9.1, LR5.3, Nikon NEF 24Mbit from D600.
When I open a .dwg file, 'Missing SHX Files' dialogue pops out. I checked the box 'Always perform my current choice', and clicked 'Ignore the missing SHX files...'. Then .dwg opened, but all text information were not displayed. I closed the .dwg, and reopen again, but this 'Missing SHX Files' does not pop out again.
How to get this 'Missing SHX Files' dialogue back?
Can't seem to locate the Inventor Material Library....under Default in Projects, the Inventor Material Library is highlighted in Red. Where I need to browse to inorder to locate it?
I seem to have lost my menu bar, and can't figure out how to get it back. I know how restore standard toolbars, but the menu bar is not in that option.
So last week I shot a wedding. I just imported pictures from my computer and have been working on them. Tonight I sit down to edit and was going to delete another catalog not thinking and deleted all of my pictures including my wedding folders. Those had thousands of files most of which I had already edited. They went to my Recycle Bin so I do still have them but now they are not edited. Is there ANY way of getting what I had edited back?
I am trying to create a cut in the back of this chair, I don't know how to make a cut with multiple angles. I attached the back part, all i need to do is figure out the cut in!
I was working on my .idw and my autodesk inventor 2012 fatal errored on me. Well when I re-opened the program and drawing all my work was gone. Does inventor have a back up file like autocad. I know autocad had 2 back up files (.sv$ and .bak). Does inventor have anything like that?
crashes in VSX2 (and all previous versions for that matter). At Corel's suggestion I installed the trial version of X5. In the meantime, I had my X2 working a lot better.
But I thought I'd take a look at X5 and see how it looked, since I'd gone to all the trouble of installing it. In order to try it out, I opened some of my projects and played with them a bit. I didn't mean to save them, but apparently I must have because now I can no longer open them in X2. Windows explorer thinks they are X2 project files, but when I try to open them in X2 nothing comes up. Then I try to open them in X5, and sure enough there they are. Project properties confirms they are now X5 project files. I tried to do a save as, but the only options are X5, X4 and X3. No choice for X2.
This is a problem because I haven't decided if I want to buy X5 or not. If I do, fine, but I don't want to be forced into it just so I can work on my old projects. Is there any way to convert them back to a format that X2 will open?
I have backed up my files on my external hard drive, and then to make space I deleted some of them from my hard drive. Although I added the external files back into Lightroom (ver. 3) none of my Lightroom settings have remained, so all collection information and all development settings have gone. It there any way to get this information back? I have religiously done Lightroom backups but am afraid that if I use one of these back ups I will lose some of my more recent settings, work that I have done since I deleted the files from my hard drive. I am hoping there is some simple way of relinking to retrieve this information. I tried to use 'find missing photos' but couldn't get that to work.
I just mistakenly deleted all my 5000 dng files, and some xmp files are in the trash too. How do I get them back in the catalog? My last backup says it was after I had deleted them (apparently I set it to auto backup?) My only excuse is that I was in an accident 2 days ago. Maybe shouldn't be doing much in Lightroom~!
We've a customer using Inventor and Inventor Publisher. They ordered an iPad sales support App from us. Is there a programming library for iOS available with the same visualization component as the IPM Viewer App that we can integrate it in our App? If yes, how to get it? If no, how do I get into contact with the product management?
I have converted a lot of STEP files to .iam files. What is the easiest way to put them in a library? there is realy no need to publish them is them, i already have them in subfolders etc.