AutoCAD Inventor :: IPM Viewer Library

Jan 22, 2013

We've a customer using Inventor and Inventor Publisher. They ordered an iPad sales support App from us. Is there a programming library for iOS available with the same visualization component as the IPM Viewer App that we can integrate it in our App? If yes, how to get it? If no, how do I get into contact with the product management?

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AutoCad :: Removing Work Planes From Inventor Viewer?

Mar 28, 2013

Is it possible to turn of created work planes within a 3d model when viewed through the Design Assistant 2013 inventor viewer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Remote Users Who Must Have Access To Files Via Viewer

Apr 23, 2013

We have a number of remote users who must have access to our files via Inventor Viewer.  When reviewing the system requirements for Inventor Viewer 2014, I noticed that it lists only Windows 7 and Windows 8.  Was XP omitted by mistake, or will Inv Viewer truly not work on machines running XP? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Inventor Material Library Not Found?

Jun 15, 2012

Can't seem to locate the Inventor Material Library....under Default in Projects, the Inventor Material Library is highlighted in Red.  Where I need to browse to inorder to locate it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use Assemblies In Library

Aug 3, 2012

I have converted a lot of STEP files to .iam files. What is the easiest way to put them in a library? there is realy no need to publish them is them, i already have them in subfolders etc.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add New Materials To Library

Mar 1, 2012

I came up with 2 questions related to my Inventor 2012 install :

1. Is there a way to install only Showcase 2012 from install kit if on fist "session" I've unchecked it from customize-installation? How ?

2. Can I add new materials to library ? If so is there a website with samples to upgrade inventor material library with new ones?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Standard To Library

Apr 11, 2012

Is it possible that i add extra standard to inventor? for example API 5L or else? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save New Material To Library?

Sep 11, 2012

I have a user that has created a new material which is now sitting as a local style. We require this new material in the library so that everyone can use it.  I tried RMB on it but the save to library functon is greyed out. This is due to the styles being read only in the project file. So I have tried to change the project file so we can add the style and then I'd change it back again, but, even though I have checked out the project file from vault, it won't allow me to edit it. What else can be locking the project file?  Is there some other way I can place the new material into the style library in the project file? There are quite a few of us that use the project file since we use vault, so I'm not sure I should create a new one with the same name and save over it. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Materials Library Migration

Sep 26, 2012

Could you tell me or give me a link to the procedure to migrate the materials library.  I have a materials library that I created in 2012 and I would like to migrate it to 2013.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Migrating Style Library

Jul 12, 2013

I have been recently put in charge of all things Autodesk at my company.  We have just installed 2014 software on our machines and I'm told that I need to migrate the styles library from 2013 to 2014.  Here's the thing though, we have our Inventor templates and design data on a network drive for all to access. 

I see where there is a style manager included in the Tools of Inventor but I open it up and I can't make heads or tails of it.   

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Save To Style Library

Jan 21, 2013

Can't save to Style Library

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Back Up Files For Library?

Mar 21, 2012

I back-up a 23 GB library to two external hard drives about once a week. I always wipe out the previous back up set and copy and paste fresh each time and let it run.

Ive also been thinking of adding an online backup (carbonite etc) as another failsafe.

How do automatic back-ups work in the realm of parametrically linked files such as Inventor. Im a little worried about that concept.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk Material Library Is Not Available

Apr 26, 2011

We have recently upgraded from Inventor 2011 Routed Systems to Inventor Pro 2012.  We are using XP fully updated to the lastest SP and everything.  We have everything configured to our preferences but there is one thing that has been driving me batty.  When editing a solid part I open the Style and Standard Editor.  Down near the bottom under Realistic Appearance where there should be a ball with a shiney swatch there is a yellow triangle mocking me saying Autodesk Material Library is not available, also none of the bump maps are showing up on new or migrated files whether this is a related issue I am not sure of.  All of the normal and custom textures show up just fine, and all the bump textures are in their correct folder in the correct place.  I have tried switching the design data folder around with no success. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Material Library Not Showing Up?

Oct 7, 2013

I am using inventor 2012 but the material library is not loading.Then i go to the Manage> Styles Editor> and clieck on color or material it only gives me the option of defualt.

The drop down box in the top right is greyed out so i cannot change this either.

It works fine on another PC just not mine.I have downloaded the material pack from the website also.

I have also changed the hardware settings. I have tried all 3 hardware settings and it makes no differance.

Running windows 7 x64, 8 gigs of ram 3.4 quad core, 128gig SSD.

Everything is up to date.When i installed the material library download the material library was working, but when i opened a file the material library went back to how it was above.

The files i am using are from models i made in inventor 2010, but there is no problem on another PC i use.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Nitinol In Material Library?

Oct 31, 2013

I was wondering if there is a way to import or add Nitinol alloy into my Inventor material list. I need to do stress simulations and Nitinol is not included... 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Appearances Attributes In Library

Nov 15, 2013

Is it possible to save an attribute to an appearance then save it to a library? I would like to store some finish data that can be accessed later from the api. I can apply the attribute to all the necessary renderstlyes and use the SaveToGlobal() method. It seems to work great in the part the program is run from, but when I go to the next part and apply the same appearance it does not contain the new attribute. I have also tried creating a copy of the appearance in the document then save that to the library, but any appearances that I edit or create programmatically will not save to the library even if manually drag it within the appearance editor. My project show the material and appearance libraries set to read/write and if I create an appearance thought the editor I can move it to the library without any problems, it's only the items created/modified through the api that will not move. I am running Inventor 2013 SP2.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Full Path Of Library

Oct 10, 2012

In the code below, the "oLibraryPath.Path" returns: .Library. How can I get the full path?
Dim oLibraryPath As ProjectPathFor Each oLibraryPath In oLibraryPaths Dim oDirs() As String = Directory.GetDirectories(oLibraryPath.Path)Next oLibraryPath

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mirroring Library Parts

Jul 14, 2004

I have installed the service pack, but I am still having trouble getting my structural steel shapes to mirror correctly. The green button is not an option for these parts, only the yellow and grey. I can, however, mirror everything else properly. How do I get these parts to mirror correctly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Library Empty

Sep 8, 2013

How do I install the library inventor 2014 student version, the mine is empty.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Setup Access On Library

Nov 20, 2013

I was put in charge of modifying The commun library of our content center. Later today, i found out that one of our draftmen played around our library and modifying some of the preset that i setup.

My question is: What can be done to limit access (Putting it at Read-only) to certain library for certain users without limiting my own access?

Also, I'm pretty sure its not possible but ill ask anyway, is it possible to know who modify those library and when?

I'm using Vault
Inventor Version: 2014 SP1
Config : Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E5506 @ 2.13 GHz, 24 GB, 64bit win7

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Up A Custom Part Library?

Dec 19, 2013

We produce a piece of equipment with numerous parts and assemblies that we would like to use as a base model. We do not or will ever use vault so I'm trying to come up with a library/content center area where I can store the parts and assemblies that then can be inserted into new assemblies which would create a completely new design based on existing parts. My problem is lack of experience in setting up a good library/ content center area, I do not know what would be an acceptable plan of attack, right now I have moved the complete assembly onto the server in its own location but this is where I get stumped.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk Appearance Library

Dec 7, 2012

How to set Autodesk Appearance Library as default using API

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Select Material Library

Oct 4, 2013

I am working in 2013 right now. My project loads two material libraries, and I am finding that if the Autodesk Material Library is selected in the dropdown, and I try to set the material to something in my Custom library, it fails.  If I first select my custom library to make it the active one, then my code works fine. 

So my question is, how do I set my custom library to be the active one, or better yet, so that it will look through both library's and pick the material from the library that has it.? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Combined Styles Library Use

Oct 7, 2011

I am in the middle of an upgrade from 2009 to 2012 and have a styles use question. I am running three flavors of Inventor: Inventor, Inventor Professional, Inventor Factory (based on Pro). The styles library that I am starting with was migrated from 2009 to 2012 and was running both IV series and Pro Seats. Although no real Pro functionality was ever used so any associated styles were still as delivered for the most part. My working environment is a single Vault project setup where all the styles and libraries are local copies on each workstations drive. All the standard content (styles and libraries) stay checked out to myself on my machine for protection.

So here is what I did to make an all inclusive styles library that all flavors of products will use. pick this apart if you see something wrong with the method.

1) I started with the migrated styles library from 2009

2) As I installed the different flavors I copied the new styles libraries over the existing migrated one without allowing it to "overwrite" any existing styles files. This only populated the styles libraries with any thing I was missing from any of the flavors.

3) I use this combined library on all station regardless of the flavor installed. So some stations have styles on them that are not in use by the installed software.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hydraulic Fittings Library?

Nov 10, 2008

Any good hydraulics fitting library? I have had some success with Parker, but it's still lacking models of lots of their stuff. I've been to the website, which has a lot, but specifically I'm looking for flareless fittings (high pressure hydraulics).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Select Material In Library

Jan 2, 2013

I have my own library, Inteco Material Library, created with a material 'perforatie'.

Now I have a flat part and made a sketch with another rectangle. I have used the Split tool so I create a separate area that I can select.

If I select that area and I go to my own library I can not select my own made material. I have the material in the Inventor Material Library  installed but I can not select it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Mat Library Size?

Oct 30, 2012

Is there some reason my 2013 custom material library size is so big. I have a 16 different appearances and 35 different physical properties  with a total of 71 separate materials and then file is nearly 3 megs. 99% of the appearances and physical props are Inventor standard.

The default Inventor Library with considerably more information is WAY smaller.

So what's going on, am i just building the library wrong?

I also have a different library that is over 21 megs, it contains a number of different materials that is comperable to the default Inventor one but again only 16 appearances and 35 phsical props. It's completly unusable.

Inventor Pro 2013 (PDS Ultimate)
Vault Pro 2013
Windows 7 64
Xeon 2.4 Ghz 12GB

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AutoCAD Inventor :: External Ipart Library

Mar 22, 2013

When I try to use the file attach in the Inventor 2012 it didn't work, I cannot change the size or the position, but when I open in Inventor 2013 it works normally.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Material To Custom Library

Jan 29, 2013

I have recently started playing with the new materials and appearances browsers - what a nightmare.

So I created a custom library as described in the "Materials and Appearances" whitepaper from Autodesk.

Bottom left corner of material browser > create new material

> edit material: change its name, density etc

Why can I not add it to the new custom library - from document materials?I tried to drag and drop - no success.

I tried to right click > add to > xxx material library - no success.It does however let me drag and drop to the "favorites".
Inventor Professional 2014.
Windows 7 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Group The Material In Library

Jul 17, 2013

is it possible to group the material in the library?

ex:  alum will have 1/8 thk flat bar etc, 2x2 alum angle...and so on.

 inventor 2013

vault 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Library Of Parts?

Nov 8, 2013

I've created a folder on our server that contains commonly used parts by several users. My thought was that by referencing this folder as library in their projects, they wouldn't be able to change the parts. I could also build assemblies referencing these common parts so they wouldn't have to be copied into each project folder...

During the save option in their assemblies, the parts show up as NO (in a library), but this can be bypassed by "YES TO ALL".Is this not the right process for setting up a custom part library?Also, the users are experiencing some lag issues... Could this be the reason?

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