I'm trying to dimension an ellipse in the Inventor Drawing Feature. I've attached the .idw files. (the .ipt is too large)I am aware that the ellipse doesn't have a constant radius and was wondering what is accepted practice for these dimensions?
I need to first dimension the external elliptical shape (which I'm struggling at), might just add a note.
Secondly I'm trying to dimension the mesh part, its not centrally align to the part and since I can't put a center mark on I'm not sure how I should dimension this...
While in sketch mode, while in a part, how do I dimension a new feature to the mid point of the surface?
In the example I've attached, I am wanting to dimension the holes around the midpoint of the surface, without stopping what I'm doing, drawing a construction line, then dimensioning to the construction line?
I need to disable the "Set sketch scale by the first dimension" feature.
The feature is nice under normal circumstances, but in my case i need to insert a dxf sketch and then draw around it in inventor. When i start to dimensioning the sketch then it scales the inserted part.
I can add Feature Control Frames in a Drawing Curve but i can't do it in General dimension. How I can add Feature Control . Frames in General Dimension.
In 2010 and previous releases I recall being able to show the feature dimension by right clicking "Show Dimensions" and then being able to double click on any visible dimension and change its value. I don't see this behavior in 2012. Is there a setting to turn this on?
I have a section view of tapered part and I want to get the dimension (radius) but it is not possible. Is there any other option aside from having a perpendicular section view? How to customize the 2D drawing setting?
This is the first I've noticed this, but a sketch in an assembly does not allow to show the dimensions as an expression? In a .ipt sketch you can right click and the pop-up menu has an option to show the dimensions in different forms. I do not get this in an assembly sketch.
I do not know if this is me or not. It's just curious that it does not do that.
I have a swept solid that FLATSHOT will not hide the obscured lines for. In the FLATSHOT dialogue box, I have tried all options, with different results. Any setting that I can change or alternate method that I can use to get 2D geometry from this solid that I can use in my 2D drawing?
Is there a way to override a dimension and have it shown as a GD&T Basic dimension. I can override a dimension with the text option but not with a box around the letter. It sounds strange to do this but the letter represents a dimension in a chart format that are Basic dimensions.
With the Rectangle Tool's cursor is clicked in the document. The Rectangle Panel appears. A height dimension is entered. With the pointer, the Width field is clicked. Usually, the Height Value gets automatically entered in the Width field. In this case it does not.
This same behavior is occuring in the Ellipse Tool.
I have a problem to edit the dimension with autocad 2012. When i try to double click on the dimension text, i have a error message. This command doesn't exit.
I've tried to download the Photoshop CS6 Extended trial, but it was missing from the download assistant, so I just downloaded the version that was available, the 3D feature was missing, which is one of the only reasons I decided to get the trail for Extended, it's not grayed out, it's just simply not there.
My PC's specs are: Windows 8 Professional 64bit, CPU is an AMD FX-4100 Quad Core, 8GB of DDR3 RAM, My GPU is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550ti,
I am running Photoshop Elements 5.0 on Windows 7. The back-up feature no longer functional. My last full back-up was a year ago. When I try to perform an incremental back-up, it hangs (Not Responding) and I have to close the program. With over 34,000 photos, I am concerned about continuing to use the program to manage my photos. I am hesitant to upgrade to 11 with all the problems I am having with 5.0 (no back-up and unable to share photos to Outlook).
I've been using Ps CS5 with a wacom graphics tablet on my mac for over a year now, and have been unable to use the brush feature for the entire duration. With or without the graphics tablet, brush strokes come out as pixelated. I've gotten around that by using the mixer brush instead, which doesn't come out pixelated. However, that's pretty limiting.
I've trained on Ps with a graphics tablet on other computers prior to owning it without this problem and researched on forums to no avail. I've reinstalled both the tablet and Ps and had no luck.
I am trying to make a simple graphic by cutting and pasting a picture into a new project, but when I open up the edit drop down menu, the options for copy or paste are not highlighted, so obviously they are not available. The only reason I can figure out is that somehow, unintentionally, I opened something on the right side that says edit/create/share. How to close this feature and in the gray rectangle box under those words, it is asking me what I would like to create. I just want to make a simple graphic, but because this project program is open I can't make the graphic I want. how to close this project program (Edit/Create/Share).
I have been working with some GIS data in the form of SHP files in autocad map 3D 2011. On one of my layers I have started getting "Feature was not saved in the target feature source" when I try to check in my data. In total there are 308 errors in the data table, all of which were features I deleted. They all have a featID of null and I cannot remove them from the data table. I need to fix these errors without going back and starting over.
I am running Autodesk Map3D 2012 and I need to label my feature points no matter if they overlap or not.The Map3D documention refers to a check box that will allow what I believe I need- but I cannot find the checkbox in the style editor. Here's a clip from the Autocad documentation:
To allow labels to obscure points on the selected layer..In the Display Manager , select the point layer. Click the Style button.In the Style Editor, click Allow Other Labels To Obscure Feature Symbols On This Layer.
I'm trying to use the cut across bend feature on a sheet metal part. However, when I check cut across bend, it grays out all of the other cutout options, and only has thickness as the only option. This is perplexing to me, because I can't think of too many times I'd need this option other than when there is more than one thickness of material I need to manipulate the profile onto.
I was to understand that this "cut across bend" is for use similar to the "normal cutout" command in solid edge? Keeps the cut perpendicular to the sheet face in a sheet metal part.
Cybertron PC Intel Core i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20 GHz 3.60 GHz 16.0 GB RAM Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit 3D Connexion Space Pilot Inventor Professional 2014 Autocad Mechanical 2014
I would like to both flip and mirror (or pattern) a feature onto the opposite side of a rectangular extrusion.
For example (assuming a rectangular solid extruded in the Z dimension), I have two counter bored holes on the top surface of the solid aligned with the X axis and I would like a copy of those holes on the bottom surface but aligned with the Y axis. If I pattern the holes rotating them 90 degrees and then attempt to mirror them, I can only select all four or the two originals. Is there any way to disassociate the rotated copies from the originals while still retaining control over their dimensions from a single sketch?
I am working on a sheet metal tee and i am having a problem with the Rip feature on this particular piece. I am not understanding why it will not rip all the way through this part.
Creating feature edit dialogs? I currently have working program that creates a custom pocket/cavity but I'm having trouble with the User Interface and setting up a solid structure to handle events.My goal is to mimick how the "add hole" dialog works by having the following attributes:
- Ribbon button to bring up dialog - Dimensions update when the dialog text boxes are updated - Right click menu to edit existing features - Existing dimensions and other properties are loaded when the dialog is used to edit existing features
So far, I have my classes structured this way:
AddinServer (handles loading and unloading the command) -> CavityCommand (defines the buttons and containes event handlers) -> CavityFeature (wraps up multiple identicle cavities into one client feature) -> Cavity defitions (draws individual cavities using more specific classes)
I downloaded the autodesk inventor " feature recognition" add-in from the inventor labs website. Then, I opened inventor, went under tools, then clicked the add-in manager icon (the little plus sign). There, I saw the "feature recognition" add-in and set it to "automatic/loaded." Then I imported an stl file and tried to use the feature recognition add-in by selecting and right clicking on the part but could not find the "feature recognition" listed on the list of options. I tried the same thing by selecting the part in the history tree without any success in that way either. How to successfully download this feature recognition add-in and use it to convert an stl file to an inventor part and recreate its history tree? How do I make the feature recognition add-in visible on the ribbon? or how do i call up this add-in so that I can use it?