AutoCAD Inventor :: Rip Feature Not Completing Correctly

Oct 12, 2012

I am working on a sheet metal tee and i am having a problem with the Rip feature on this particular piece. I am not understanding why it will not rip all the way through this part.

Part was created with Inventor 2013

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Photoshop :: Lasso Tool Will Not Stop Completing

Apr 17, 2008

ok, so im trying to laso a picture but the tool will not stop lasoing itself right about the time i pause for a second or just out of nowhere. say i was lasoing this -> ) but photoshop will most often just finish, what it thinks, is what i want selected like this -> |) when im trying to make a form like this -> (). i know its kind of a.. rudimentary way of describing my problem, but i cant think of any other way.

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Photoshop :: Starts And Then Stops Before Completing The Load

Dec 4, 2006

I have photoshop 9.0 and it has been working great but now I cannot load - it starts and then stops before completing the load. It did this last week and then after using spybot it seemed to work but now refuses again. Why is this happening? I have loads of memory.

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Edge Animate CC :: Opening URL Only After Completing Animation?

Dec 11, 2012

I have this button that, when clicked, opens a new URL -"", "_self"); - after playing a 1000 ms animation. The problem is that it changes to the new URL too soon, before completing the 1000 ms. I tried a setTimeout, and it worked great, but it's not so elegant as it depends on the user's computer/net speed...

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Lightroom :: Metadata - Delete Previously Misspelled Country Name From Auto-completing?

Jan 18, 2012

In metadata, how do I delete a previously misspelled country name from auto-completing? I am using Lightroom 3.6.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cut Sections Not Shown Correctly

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to cut sections using Inventor  I will begin by saying I am a fairly new user. On numerous occasions I am running into an issue where the section cuts are not shown correctly? I have attached an image showing an example of what I am talking about, you can clearly see that there are bolts and plates that should be displayed in the section cut which is shown above.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPN View Not Shading Correctly

Sep 24, 2013

I have an IPN exploded assembly in an idw file. The individual parts were created in a multibody solid and sent out to and assembly using the "make components" command. My normal way of working is to leave the source part with appearance sent to "default". One the bodies are sent out to individual parts i manipulate material and appearance in the individual IPT files. 

This is the problem..

The IPN file looks fine with the correct appearances when i open the IPN file. However, the iso view to the IPN in the IDW file does not shade correctly. It appears to shade all parts in the original gray "default" appearance. 

The idw with the linked files are about 7MB after packngo and zip. Attach won't work. Please provide alternate means to transmit file. In the mean time the best i can do is screenshots

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Not Updating Correctly

Dec 20, 2011

I am using a form to make the changes in the assembly, but when I change body styles ( 1 piece to 2 piece) it is not updating correctly unless I regen the rule.  It is having trouble with the 2nd body piece.  It doesn't want to change it unles I do a regen. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters Not Updating Correctly

Jul 4, 2012

I have found a couple of times now a  problem with Parameters not updating correctly.  Last Tuesday (26/06/2012) I logged a call with the VAR and they are yet to contact me about the problem.  In the past when I found the same thing, a different VAR made excuses about not using the most current software as I developed the model on IV2010.  The Parametric model made use of VBA and Skeletal modelling and the VAR made excuses along the lines of we weren't running the most current software, didn't make use of iLogic and since I was using VBA and did not pay for the code checking service the problem for them disappeared as they were going to do no more.   When we finally upgraded to IV2012 and the problem still existed they consequently chose the excuse of my VBA code being the problem, consequently I then created a simple rule in iLogic and demonstrated the problem that way.

To summarize, the model is a Parametric Skeletal assembly, it utilizes VBA for a user interface.  The problem existed in IV2010, IV2011, IV2012 and IV2013.  There are pictures attached to show the problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameter Not Rounding Correctly

Oct 7, 2013

I'm getting unexpected results using "round( )" in the parameters table. File attached (Inventor 2014). Details below.

width = 35.125
end_result = round(width)

Nominal value for "end_result" is 35.039370. Why is this not rounding to exactly 35?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Data Correctly From Excel Sheet

Oct 5, 2012

I´m having a couple of problems with getting data correctly from an Excel Sheet. I´m using the Excel Sheet to get Data for the Stock Number based on geometry.

First time the Excel File get´s opened it always cannot find the first sheet. I´m using a german Version and Sheet1 is Tabelle1 in german.

It always searches for sheet1 the first time the script runs on a new derived assembly. The second time (on second part) it correctly finds Tabelle1 and reads the correct value.Here is the code I´m using:


myXLS = "K:IdentNr.xls"
i = GoExcel.FindRow(myXLS, "Tabelle1", "Stärke", "=", Stärke, "Material", "=", iProperties.Material)
IdentNr = GoExcel.CurrentRowValue("IdentNr")
iProperties.Value("Custom", "IdentNr") = IdentNr


And there is another issue which I have solved already but still gives me a bit of a headache. When the userdefined property IdentNr gets written into the part it always defaults to a numerical value, which means that I always get a comma at the end of the Stock Number.

Only when I define IdentNr like this:

Dim IdentNr As String

the format is correctly set to Text.I expected that when you read a value from an Excel Cell that the Format of the Cell gives the format of the user defined property. Is that not correct?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Manage Tab Doesn't Load Correctly?

Sep 20, 2012

It doesn't happen very often (apparently, 8 days ago was the last time), but I would like to know more about this error.  

The .png I've attached shows what happens more easily than I can describe it.

It only happens on Part1 (and possible Assembly1?).  If I've made a new part and the menu loaded correctly, it won't load improperly on a later new part (, like Part2, Part 3, etc).  It does not happen saved parts that I open.  If I have other files open when this happens, the Manage menu seems to be correct in any file, but Part1.  Closing IV and reopening has fixed it every time, but one.  The time closing/reopening IV didn't fix it, I closed it again, and reloding IV again, the menu was fine.

The visible portions of the buttons work correctly, but the empty spaces where the icons for the button should appear, do nothing.

No other tab has done this.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Views Do Not Display Correctly?

Feb 14, 2013

Sometimes when a drawing is opened in Inventor, the complete design is not visible on the sheet. Only few lines appear on the view.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: API - How To Release Document Object Correctly

Mar 27, 2012

I have made a VB.Net Add-In for Inventor 2011, in a few functions it opens one or more files or sets a reference to already opened files. The release of the resource to this documents seems to be the problem.

In PDM (Productstream Pro) we want to change document states and there for the documents have to be closed in Inventor. When using some Add-In functions prior to the state change in PDM, we get a message from PDM that Inventor still has the files open but inventor does not show any open files (of course we can not see files that were opened in the background).

Only manual operation to solve this is to close inventor or open the drawing and the part used on the drawing and close them top down (drawing first, then part).

I'm stuck with open files that don't seem to be open.I think this is because the add-in sets a reference to the part used on the drawing and then changes something in the drawing.How do I release the resources correctly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Appearance Thumbnails Not Working Correctly

Nov 11, 2013

When you go to the Appearance Browser and go to our custom appearances, some of the thumbnails don't match what the appearance is actually set to. If you open up/edit the appearance it shows the correct appearance, but the thumbnail isn't displayed correctly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Application Was Unable To Start Correctly

Sep 17, 2013

I was already upgrade my laptop to windows 8.1 preview 64-bit,I have this only one error when was start my cad application autodesk inventor pro 2014 student version.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: GIS Data - Feature Was Not Saved In The Target Feature Source

Jun 16, 2011

I have been working with some GIS data in the form of SHP files in autocad map 3D 2011. On one of my layers I have started getting "Feature was not saved in the target feature source" when I try to check in my data. In total there are 308 errors in the data table, all of which were features I deleted. They all have a featID of null and I cannot remove them from the data table. I need to fix these errors without going back and starting over.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part Will Not Author Correctly For Frame Generator Use

Jul 18, 2013

In the part file I created a table with the 2 different sizes used. I can manipulate the part by editing extrusion 1 and the ribs and slots adjust accordingly. However, I would like to keep track of the wire trough used in a similar fashion as a tube weldment, one part, but multiple lengths used, for BOM tracking.

AS soon as I author the part to structural shapes I get issues with the extrusions and sketches, looks like the initial geometry is lost it's constraints to projected lines. (sketches are full of the pink lines).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ray Tracing Not Applying Shadows Or Lighting Correctly

Oct 10, 2012

Just started having a play with ray tracing in Inventor 2013 Pro & I'm quite impressed how quickly you can get a rendered view of a model. However, it seems no matter how I set up the lighting or the shadows in the 'Settings' menu when I click on 'Tay Tracing' it seems to default back to some original settings. The shadows & lighting in any of the drop down menus don't seem to be applied. eg. I select 'Two Lights' from the menu, then select 'Settings' I then adjust the shadows & the lights from within the menu. It all looks good on the screen & click Ray Tracing & everything that I've done doesn't get applied? However, when I cancel & stop the Ray Tracing the shadows & Lights are still there.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 Add-In - How To Release Document Object Correctly

Jan 26, 2012

I've created a Inventor 2011 Add-In using VB.Net with VS2008.

This add-in does all kinds of things, but it will not release some documents.

Well I don't know that for shure but it looks like that.

We use Productstream Pro and when changing state of a document it says the document is in use while there are no documents visibly open in Inventor. This only occures when I use my add-in.

Exact steps: Load drawing document from PSPPerform action with add-in which gets a custom iProperty from the Part file used on the Drawing and fills the display name of the Drawing with itSave the drawingClose the drawingIn PSP try to change state of the part file used on the drawingGet message from PSP stating the part is in use
In my code I've tried some things to prevent this behavior but non of them work.

I've tried:
Setting unused objects to "= Nothing"Releasing objects using "Marshal.ReleaseComObject(obj)"Calling "m_inventorApplication.CloseAllUnreferencedDocs()" and "System.GC.Collect()" on the "m_appEvents_OnTerminateDocument" event.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Component Not Showing Display State Correctly?

Apr 18, 2012

I have an assembly drawing that one of the components in the drawing views is not displaying properly.

What I mean by this is other component that are in front of portions of this said part the said part is not showing line segments as hidden or just removed (preferred).

If you look at the image below I have highlighted the portions that are not displaying properly.

I have tried changing the display section under the edit view.  The other weird thing is this said part is showing up in the view as phantom lines when the properties clearly show it as a continuous line per the "By Layer" setting.

I am not sure if the LOD's involved speak to this, but this hasn't always been like this and I am not sure what changed it. 

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Feature Labeling - Obscure Feature Symbols

Jul 24, 2012

I am running Autodesk Map3D 2012 and I need to label my feature points no matter if they overlap or not.The Map3D documention refers to a check box that will allow what I believe I need- but I cannot find the checkbox in the style editor. Here's a clip from the Autocad documentation:
To allow labels to obscure points on the selected layer..In the Display Manager , select the point layer. Click the Style button.In the Style Editor, click Allow Other Labels To Obscure Feature Symbols On This Layer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Model Adjust Correctly When Parameter Changed

Dec 13, 2011

I have a school project due tomorrow and I am almost completely finished. Except one part says that "Model adjusts correctly as __ varies". When I change a parameter, only that parameter changes and the rest of the part remains the same. I'll attach the assigment. I'll attach my work also if requested.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Flexible Hinges - How To Constrain Doors To Operate Correctly

Jan 17, 2013

I am working on a hinged door assembly that consists of a frame sub-assembly, and 2 door panel sub-assemblies that each have 4 hinged sub-assemblies that I have made flexible. I am trying to figure out how to constrain these doors so that they "operate" correctly and not spin 360 degrees when I manipulate them in the overall assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Metal Sheet - Final Face / Can't Be Mirrored Correctly

Dec 4, 2013

I need to create such part by using Metal Sheet features from Inventor (2014). The problem is the final face..which can't be mirrored correctly and sure can't go with "flat pattern.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mass Not Reporting Correctly In Higher Level Assemblies

Aug 10, 2011

Never seen this before, but I'm having an issue with mass incorrectly reporting in high level assemblies.

See the attached jpgs. The bracket reports a mass of 29.7 kg when opened on its own, but when checked in the browser of the next level up, its mass is reported (incorrectly) as 23.1 kg. A little investigation has revealed that the error is in the stiffening webs (which have been modelled as a single ipt). Again, if the webs are opened on their own, the correct mass is reported, but if the mass is queried in the browser of the sub-assembly, an incorrect value is shown.

In this case, it is not that significant, but if Inventor cannot be relied upon to report correct masses in higher level assemblies, this is a real worry.

Running Inventor 2009.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cut Across Bend Feature

Dec 27, 2013

I'm trying to use the cut across bend feature on a sheet metal part. However, when I check cut across bend, it grays out all of the other cutout options, and only has thickness as the only option. This is perplexing to me, because I can't think of too many times I'd need this option other than when there is more than one thickness of material I need to manipulate the profile onto.

I was to understand that this "cut across bend" is for use similar to the "normal cutout" command in solid edge? Keeps the cut perpendicular to the sheet face in a sheet metal part.
Cybertron PC
Intel Core i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20 GHz 3.60 GHz
16.0 GB RAM
Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit
3D Connexion Space Pilot
Inventor Professional 2014
Autocad Mechanical 2014

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppress Feature If Value Is 0?

Nov 24, 2011

Can not find the table where you can input "suppress feature if this equals 0" and so...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mirror And Flip A Feature

Jun 11, 2013

I would like to both flip and mirror (or pattern) a feature onto the opposite side of a rectangular extrusion.

For example (assuming a rectangular solid extruded in the Z dimension), I have two counter bored holes on the top surface of the solid aligned with the X axis and I would like a copy of those holes on the bottom surface but aligned with the Y axis. If I pattern the holes rotating them 90 degrees and then attempt to mirror them, I can only select all four or the two originals. Is there any way to disassociate the rotated copies from the originals while still retaining control over their dimensions from a single sketch?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Feature Dialog

Oct 10, 2013

Creating feature edit dialogs? I currently have working program that creates a custom pocket/cavity but I'm having trouble with the User Interface and setting up a solid structure to handle events.My goal is to mimick how the "add hole" dialog works by having the following attributes:

 - Ribbon button to bring up dialog
 - Dimensions update when the dialog text boxes are updated
 - Right click menu to edit existing features
 - Existing dimensions and other properties are loaded when the dialog is used to edit existing features

So far, I have my classes structured this way:

AddinServer (handles loading and unloading the command) ->
CavityCommand (defines the buttons and containes event handlers) ->
CavityFeature (wraps up multiple identicle cavities into one client feature) ->
Cavity defitions (draws individual cavities using more specific classes)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Feature Suppression Without Dependents

Sep 12, 2013

Is there a way to suppress a feature without suppressing it's dependents?

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