AutoCAD Inventor :: Mass Not Reporting Correctly In Higher Level Assemblies
Aug 10, 2011
Never seen this before, but I'm having an issue with mass incorrectly reporting in high level assemblies.
See the attached jpgs. The bracket reports a mass of 29.7 kg when opened on its own, but when checked in the browser of the next level up, its mass is reported (incorrectly) as 23.1 kg. A little investigation has revealed that the error is in the stiffening webs (which have been modelled as a single ipt). Again, if the webs are opened on their own, the correct mass is reported, but if the mass is queried in the browser of the sub-assembly, an incorrect value is shown.
In this case, it is not that significant, but if Inventor cannot be relied upon to report correct masses in higher level assemblies, this is a real worry.
I initially entered a few overrides for mass on some parts that I have included in a large assembly. However I now want the calculated values of mass to be used and not the overridden values. I go to the part file, erase my value, and click update and it now shows the calculated mass for that part. However in the assembly it still shows the initial overridden value even though I have tried updating it. How do I use the calculated mass values in my assembly?
I am currently building an Iassembly and I keep running into this message whenever I go to save one of Iassembly members
It states " Do you want to calculate the mass properties for the master level of detail? if you select 'NO' Inventor will calculate the mass property for the currently active level of detail."
now when I go ahead and select yes or no, it goes ahead and places 4 BOM columns in my table with Default and Reference. What exactly does this mean? I keep deleting them and they keep coming back constantly adding more and more columns to my ipart table.
Since I am constantly suppresing and unsuppressing, adding and deleting components based on the configuration, I have to always be on another level of detail other the master detail correct?
I have an assembly with 10 parts in it. We use many assembly features at the assembly level (Revolve cut, Extrusion cut..etc). How to find the mass difference of each part by comparing at its parts level and its assembly level.
I have trouble showing Underlay for level view when dealing with in-place walls. Basically, they dont work with Underlays - nothing shows up (even in wireframe mode).
Please have a look at attached file, dropbox link: [URL] ....
There is a Blend wall that starts on Ground level and goes as high as Top level. When you check whats visible on different levels (and RCPs) everything is fine (views respond to changing cut level and so on) - but when you try to Underlay one of the level views - nothing shows up. Basic idea is to show top edge for tracing with Linework tool - so it shows as Overhead.
I already have several kewords set up in lightroom 4.2 (Win7). I want to add a 'higher level' keword to include some of those keywords already present. For example - If I already have
Dog Cat Bird
How can I add 'Animals' so that the result is -
Animals Dog Cat Bird
I know that I can add 'lower-level' kewords to existing keywords.
I am working in an Inventor Assembly .iam, I have about 250 fasteners (screws) that are constrained to a flat washer and lock washer. I would like to put them in as a single unit (sub assembly if you will) and then promote or explode them in the top level so that my bom has 250 screws, 250 washers, and 250 lock washers all at the same level, not associated to one another except thru the constraints that were entered in the original assembly. I have tried Promote but that doesn't work because it removes the washers from the original file and I end up with only 1 instance of the assembly. Am I approaching this incorrectly? Is there a better way? I run across this scenario with different components quite often.
I've been looking for a solution to remove the unit string ie Lbs, g, kg from the value given from a 'Mass' value in a text string.
As you may all know, creating text and having a 'physical property - mass' value...the unit string is there...
Lots of people on here have the has got a solution.
Until now... the part you need to get the mass property of in your text string.
Follow the instructions on this webpage...this is the first part...
Basically, this creates a Mass property value in the parameters table that you can call on as a text parameter.
It's similar to the custom iproperty model - mass but NOT the same.
Once you have done this, you can go to the drawing of the part and create a text string in the drawing and call it up as shown in this procedure. BUT it still has the unit string.
Here's the best bit that you want to know...
To get RID of the unit up the part again from the on the parameter icon...find the user the Nominal value column, right click on the value and you get a pop-up that gives you 3 options...
Custom Property Format, Make Multi Value & Delete Parameter.
Click on Custom Property Format.
The pop-up window comes up...showing you the property my case...the 4 left columns read Text, g (grams), Format & Precision...
On the right hand side I have a Preview of the text...then 3 check boxes...Units string, Leading Zero's, Trailing Zero's.
Units string is checked.
Uncheck it.
Close it...Save your part...go back to the drawing and hey presto!...the text now shows the weight you require as a straight units!
I am currently writing a COM application that uses the Inventor 2013 APIs to open up and inspect CAD files. This utility is intented to operate on large amounts of Inventor data. I am using SilentOperation and Visibile properties to allow the automated process to run unmanned (i.e., suppressing any popups). However, there are occasions where Inventor will crash due to some corrupt data or some other system problem, which results in the CER dialog popping up.
The utility handles Inventor crashes by clearing out and restarting the session, but the CER dialog prevents this from happening until a user manually closes the window. I would like to avoid the complications of creating a monitor' that handles killing the Inventor.exe process in the event of a crash. Is there any setting - either in the application configuration or through the APIs - that would turn off the CER when Inventor crashes? I have seen solutions that disable CER for AutoCAD [URL], but I need to be able to do this in Inventor.
i have a valve vault assembly that i am creating that has two headers running through a large cylinder vault. how i get a total BOM if i were to create the header assembly file separate from the the total vault assembly file. is there a way to explode the header assembly bom when i do the drawing.
I'm trying to use assemblies when creating a corridor. The Tool Pallette is emply but I can drag the assembiles in from the Catalog. I've also created an assembly using the ASC. Neither work when I try to use them. The error message is attached.
I'm using a network installation and I do not have the option of changing it to a DVD installation.
Attached SSA file refers. When trying to create excel/pdf report, analysis data for only the first 6 sub catchments is created, the remaining 150 fail. Yet if I query each ones properties individually, the analysis data is there.
I was checking my prints and noticed that the mass for the assembly was not shown correctly. The mass for each component is correct, but the mass for the assembly is less than the total mass of the parts..... how can that be?
Watch this video. The mass for my assembly is reported from iProperties as 10 lbs, but the mass for one of the parts is 60lbs. I would expect the mass for the assembly to be at least 60 lbs, but it is not. I tried a "Rebuild All" and an "Update Mass" on my assembly, but that did not fix it (30 sec mark in the video).
This assembly is part of a much larger assembly (around 35,000 parts). There are several more assemblies doing this and I need to get the mass correct.
I have an assembly that i need to know the mass of, easy enough, however the assembly needs to be weighed without some of the parts in it. I hought i could simply uncheck "enabled" of the unwanted parts and re check the mass, however it does not change. Any solution besides adding the wanted parts individually?
have one assy comprising of a valve, made in steel, an actuator made in aluminum, total weight combined is 36 kg.
I make this assy a derived ipt.. i have tried all the output options, single solid, multy solid and the weight is not the same.. since its a new ipt has its own material, ok makes sense.. .. So i use composite, i get the correct weight (yay), but now i cant turn the visibility off on the 2d drawing, in certain pipe spool view representations.
What is the correct procedure for turning multi material assys into an ipt.. to get the correct weights and get the drawings to work properly?
In assembly file - BOM - mass property, parts with the same name (part number) i get "VARIES"..Parts have a little bit different mass - 0,167kg and 0,168kg. I do not want to have different part number.
So, i'm going to do something like this in iLogic :
I have recently made a bucket for chain (linked) and was looking to put the chain in the bucket for visual purposes and to see if the capacity of the bucket is correct.
I can get the chain linked together, however when rotated round it passes through another piece of chain.
Is there a way in inventor to tell a part/assembly of it’s physical/mass properties? I know you can make something mild steel and get weight etc, however if not constrained it still passes through as if it’s a ghost.
I need to add weight to my parts list and notes for both parts and assy. Is there a way to get the weight parsed out from the model without the "lbsmass", just the pounds number no nomenclature I have a couple of other questions on parts list customization also. Also are these better questions for the customization group?
OK, I just did a new install of Civil 3D on a clean machine, were might I find the XML Reporting for 2013 so that I can edit the format and percision of the reports.
I'm having trouble getting mass properties of an assembly to display in an .idw. I've tried it 2 diffent ways, custom properties-model "Totalmass" where I type the mass and physical properties-model "mass" where it's automatic with update.. Nothing shows, not even N/A, but in another idw (different assembly) it works. Both text boxes are saved within a sketch that is part of a template. Both idw's use the same template. If I place text on the drawing it self it works.
To get net weight of my parts i have one template that uses the volume x density and to get the gross weight I use the real dimensions of the item (a rectangular plate without any cutting, e.g.) and then calculate x density, this way i can get both weights, and how in the most of times I need the gross, I overwrite the MASS PROPERTIES of each part with my gross weight. It works fine because all the assemblies sum the MASS of each part (that is over writed by the gross weight).
Now my problem:
In many cases when I need to use the same part many times with just a few of different details, instead of copy the part and change it, I use the same part, and in the IAM I use one feature to make this part different (like a chamber, small extrudes or even holes). But now I realized when I do this (feature in the IAM), it doesn't sum all the MASS properties of each individual part anymore ... it recalculate all the mass with the new IAM volume (with all the features), in my BOM I got all the parts with the correct gross weight, but my total mass comes with the NET weight (and considering that I need the GROSS, i got the wrong mass).
Is there a way to change the way that inventor overwrite this mass in the assemblies ? with Ilogic, or even some Inventor's option ?
Is there any way to force an update of mass property values of a component from within an iLogic routine?
I am trying to produce a calibration chart showing the volumes of an irregular shaped object by taking incremental slices off the component and accessing the "volume" of the remaining portion, then writing the the results to an external file - All from within a "For - Next" loop.
The main routine works O.K. but the resultant chart only shows the original starting volume for each slice instead of the required reducing volumes.
I am a novice with iLogic and can only assume that I must somehow "update" the mass properties of the sliced object before reading its new volume on each pass.
We want to obtain the center of mass of two or more subassemblies within an assembly. How to do it? The subassemblies may or may not be connected to each other directly.
My company recently installed Inventor 2013. In previous versions we used a part with negative density similar to seawater to calculate submerged weight and CoG.
In IV 2013, it seems that the ability to calculate negative mass is not longer available.
This is how it worked in pre 2013 IV, when I could specify a negative density.
What I have is a spool made of steel. This spool is modelled as an iAssembly with four configurations:
-In air, empty
-In air, filled with glycol
-Submerged, empty
-Submerged, filled with Glycol
For this example, I now need three parts:
-Steel Pipe
-Glycol derived from the inside volume the pipe
-Seawater buoyancy derived from the outside volume of the pipe.
Each part has its own density, and the assembly weight and CoG correspond to the assembly configuration (with or without glycol) and environment (in air or submerged).
The seawater buoyancy represents the water displaced by the total spool assembly, regardless of the contents. To achieve correct weight in the submerged state, the buoyancy material has to have a negative density.
I do not want to make any of the mass parameters static, and I also fear that the CoG might not be updated correctly when using that method.
As I no longer can define a negative density, any optional method to achieve this without overriding the mass value.