AutoCAD Inventor :: Busting Up Sub Assemblies In Upper Level Assemblies?
Mar 8, 2012
If you have created a sub assembly and inserted it into an upper level assemby, is there a way to bust up the sub assembly at that level?
The issue arising is the individual components need to be called out on the upper level, but in the drawing are all showing up as the same balloon.
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Oct 3, 2011
I am working in an Inventor Assembly .iam, I have about 250 fasteners (screws) that are constrained to a flat washer and lock washer. I would like to put them in as a single unit (sub assembly if you will) and then promote or explode them in the top level so that my bom has 250 screws, 250 washers, and 250 lock washers all at the same level, not associated to one another except thru the constraints that were entered in the original assembly. I have tried Promote but that doesn't work because it removes the washers from the original file and I end up with only 1 instance of the assembly. Am I approaching this incorrectly? Is there a better way? I run across this scenario with different components quite often.
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Aug 10, 2011
Never seen this before, but I'm having an issue with mass incorrectly reporting in high level assemblies.
See the attached jpgs. The bracket reports a mass of 29.7 kg when opened on its own, but when checked in the browser of the next level up, its mass is reported (incorrectly) as 23.1 kg. A little investigation has revealed that the error is in the stiffening webs (which have been modelled as a single ipt). Again, if the webs are opened on their own, the correct mass is reported, but if the mass is queried in the browser of the sub-assembly, an incorrect value is shown.
In this case, it is not that significant, but if Inventor cannot be relied upon to report correct masses in higher level assemblies, this is a real worry.
Running Inventor 2009.
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Jul 12, 2012
i have a valve vault assembly that i am creating that has two headers running through a large cylinder vault. how i get a total BOM if i were to create the header assembly file separate from the the total vault assembly file. is there a way to explode the header assembly bom when i do the drawing.
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Jul 20, 2012
I'm trying to use assemblies when creating a corridor. The Tool Pallette is emply but I can drag the assembiles in from the Catalog. I've also created an assembly using the ASC. Neither work when I try to use them. The error message is attached.
I'm using a network installation and I do not have the option of changing it to a DVD installation.
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Mar 25, 2013
I have 2 tanks, each one is an assembly in itself, and they have to be positioned on a steel skid, also an assembly and then interconnecting pipework between the two. My prioblem is that I can't seem to find a way to position the two tanks at a set distance from each other and in relation to the edges of the skid.
Because of this, my pipe router is going all over the place in trying to join up the two termination points.
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Sep 22, 2009
Will the next release of Inventor have the capability to perform FEA on bolted assemblies?
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Dec 20, 2011
In SW I was able to create assemblies that had components with limited motion and then set them as "Fllexable" and allow them to move in larger assemblies. How do I do this in Inventor? I have a trailer with both the front and rear axles able to pivot. These axle sub-assemblies are both able to pivot as top level assemblies but when they are assembled in the trailer assembly the only way I have found to allow movement is to make one axle active and move it then activate the other nad move it. This doesn't work well if there are several interdependant subassemblies that should move together. I am in Inventor 2012.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium
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Oct 21, 2011
I use hinges in my door assemblies and they are basically placed into the assembly each time and become flexible so the doors can operate. The hinges are one size and don't change in any way or shape. What is the best practice for inserting these hinges into my door assemblies?
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot
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Aug 3, 2012
I have converted a lot of STEP files to .iam files. What is the easiest way to put them in a library? there is realy no need to publish them is them, i already have them in subfolders etc.
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Sep 27, 2011
We have some structure issues going on. Below is an example of our current structure.
1. Overall Frame Assy
2. Frame Weldment
3. Spine Weldment
3. Bracket Assy
4. Deck Brackets
4. Air Brackets
4. Hyd Brackets
The biggest problem is we have all of these level 3 and 4 subassemblies that need to reference upper level assemblies to show placement on the drawings. We have tried utilizing LOD's and view reps but still can't fix the problem. The problem comes into play when we get to upper level assemblies that become so huge because of all of the references that are happening at lower levels. It is structured this way to create small BOM's and to be able to use in multiple different structures without having to pull a new Part Number.
We need the reference geometry to be able to show on the drawing our locations of all of these lower level assemblies and how they mount to the frame in their respected locations.
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Apr 24, 2012
I'm trying to change the BOM structure of some sub-assemblies from "Normal" to "Phantom". However, some are displayed as disabled and therefore do not allow any changes/overrides. How can I enable these in the BOM?
Inventor RS 2011
AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
ASD 2013
Vault Collaboration 2011
Windows 7 Pro
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Aug 14, 2013
This is using Inventor 2013 Professional.
I've created a simple iPart and want to insert multiple instances of it into an assembly. The plan is to use a parameter-driven iPart to create multiple variations on the same basic model which will eventually be lasercut.
I've included a sample archive. 2DiPart is a simple part with a couple parameters. 2Dassembly is where I've tried to include this part. I'm able to walk through all the dialogs to place the iPart, and will even see it in the canvas as I select the insertion point. However, after I dismiss the dialog, nothing shows up in the canvas. I'm still able to see the component instances in the project explorer however.
How to best to get multiple instances of a parametric iPart into a drawing that can be lasercut.
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Jul 6, 2012
What is the best setting for shrink wrapping an assembly?
I've found shrink wrapping it as a surface causes problems with the video card when rotating the model and placing views on a drawing.
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Oct 16, 2012
I'm having a problem highlighting parts within a sub assembly. A simple structure to demonstarte this issue would be:
Using this structure I wish to highligh ChildPart1.ipt, howver my vba macro code below doesn't seem to work (nothing happens):
Public Sub Highlight()
Dim SubAssy As Inventor.AssemblyDocument
Dim ChildPart1 As Inventor.ComponentOccurrence
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Feb 27, 2012
I have assembly with over 100 sub assemblies. I need to export the COG for each sub assembly to excel. The COG must be in relation to the parent assembly's origin point.
I can get coordinates manualy (right click on sub assembly - iProperties-Phisical), but it is take a lots of time.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013
Windows 7 64-bit
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Aug 31, 2012
Is there any easy way to turn off visibility for all datum planes when opening a Pro/E assembly in Inventor 2010? It is incredibly time-consuming, not to mention irritating, to click through and hide them all.
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Nov 2, 2012
I'm trying to take multiple parts of the same type and make them into one .ipt I began doing this and It seemed to be working fine. When I put those grouped .ipts into an .iam, Inventor creates a Subfolder of each .ipt and fills it with each part from that group and now those created ipts are unique unlinked parts (unlinked to the group ipt). I'm trying to reduce our file count and link our .ipts and .idws/.dwgs so this Inventor file creator results in the opposite of what I'm looking for. My question now is is there any way to modify this process to work the way I need it to or is there a completely different way that I should be doing this?
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Feb 3, 2012
How do you limit translation/rotation of components in Assembly mode? I'm volunteering as a teacher to some high school students and we're modeling a robotic arm using syringes as prime movers. I want to keep the linkages from traveling inside-out and limit the travel of the syringe plunger.
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Jan 11, 2012
I have a spring that is used in multiple assemblies and in each assembly the compressed length is different. Plus the amount of compression is different.
What is the best way to model the spring so if I change the WD or OD, etc. all assemblies would update?
I tried adaptive, but that seemed to limit the relationship to a one-to-one not a one-to-many.
If I used iPart or the spring was derived from a table, where the OD & WD were constant, would the assembly models change when I changed these values?
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Apr 3, 2009
how the file structure works and how to link parts (ipt) and assemblies (iam) to each other. I converted a large file from Mechanical desktop to inventor which was a two day process. All parts and assemblies for the main assembly were dumped into one directory. I would like to move all the part files to one location and the assembly files (sub assemblies) to another location and then tell inventor to go there and pick the items from those two locations. I have set up the project telling inventor where to go and look. I moved all the items out of the original directory and now when I open the main model assembly I have to resolve the link to each part individually. This will take forever, is there a way to have inventor go and look for the parts and assemblies without me having to resolve each one?
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Jun 1, 2012
If I want to control a mechanism assembly, like an excavator, on screen with a couple of joysticks, how can this be done?
The idea is to test the suitability of mechansims and their controls.
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May 1, 2013
I have a master assembly containing three sub-assemblies 1, 2 & 3.I require 3 Drawings from this master assembly.
Drawing 1 showing master assembly, sub-assemblies 1 in full and 2 & 3 in reference.
Drawing 2 showing master assembly, sub-assemblies 2 in full and 1 & 3 in reference.
Drawing 3 showing master assembly, sub-assemblies 3 in full and 1 & 2 in reference.
This sounds so simple but is it possible?We have tried all manner of configurations with LOD.I'm not really keen on locking design views as the assemblies can change at any time.
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Oct 25, 2012
I got here on in my templates, two types of weight - net and gross. I've changed the main property MASS of each PART to be the GROSS weight, so when i have one assembly i always get the total gross weight.
And when i wanna get the NET, I open the BOM, show the proper column with this net weight and then export do XLS to sum all of then..
Now the doubt is, to get the things easier, is there a way to put some code in the assemblies, that could sum all the properties "X" from each part and sub assemblie to get the total net weight ?
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Apr 17, 2012
I have a .ipt part, and am trying to determine any assemblies which use it. Is there a way to figure out all of the assemblies in which this part is a component?
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Oct 21, 2013
I just installed Inventor 2014 today and I can't drag a part from the browser of one assembly into another open assembly.
It changes the cursor when I do it, but it never actually drops the model into the new assembly.
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May 31, 2012
I have one main assembly with two seperate sub assemblies in it. I need to make two drawings showing the installation of both sub assemblies (one drawing for each). I need to insert views of the main assembly into each drawing, showing the overall view of the install, but I need the balloons to represent the sub assembly BOM.
I tried making the sub assembly I'm not currently showing, Phantom, and I have a design view set up to hide the information of the sub that is not part of the current drawing. That seems to work fine for the first drawing, but when I change the BOM (of the main assembly) to suit the next drawing, it affects the first drawing. How can I use one main BOM to suit two different drawings, showing only certain components? Or can I "tell" the balloons which BOM to reference? (I have the BOM of the sub assemblies set up the way I want them as well)
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Jan 9, 2013
My issue is that whenever I edit a sub-assembly or a part within an assembly, whether it's from within the assembly by right clicking and choosing "edit" or by opening the sub-assembly/part and editing it separately, once I return to the top assembly, it does not update constraints to reflect the changes. Say I constrain the top of a part to be flush with something in the assembly. Then I edit the part and make it shorter. Once I return to the assembly, the part has shortened but it is no longer flush as it was meant to be. It is lower with respect to the plane it should be flush to. If I double-click the "flush" constraint and then click the check mark, it's like it reminds Inventor the constraint is there and the part hops up where it should be.
Is there any way I can click an "update" button or something so Inventor automatically checks for part changes and re-constrains everything after I make changes to sub-assemblies or parts? I found a "Refresh" button and added it to my Quick Access Toolbar, but it does absolutely nothing.
I often have the same issue with sheets in my .idw files; they do not update once I edit a .ipn or another view in the sheet. Is there a similar solution for this instance as well?
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Jan 11, 2012
i placed an ilogic component (wich i use as a template to later change dimentions) into an assembly file after changing dimentions i placed the same "template" ilogic component into the assembly but when i want to change something on the second component it also changes the first one and that only happens with only one feature of the component the other features work fine.
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Jul 10, 2012
It would be nice to add materials to assemblies..(under the physical properties tab)I see it can be done only if it was a 'weldment' under the weld bead properties, but in weldments you cant have positional reps.
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Mar 19, 2013
I'm working on a project with three small and very similar vessels. I'm done with the first vessel and I want to re-use this assembly when I start to design the next one. But vessel number two will require some changes to the parts (nozzle location and so on)
My question is, how do I re-use my assemblies and parts so that I can make changes to them without it affecting my original parts and assemblies?
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