AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Not Updating Correctly

Dec 20, 2011

I am using a form to make the changes in the assembly, but when I change body styles ( 1 piece to 2 piece) it is not updating correctly unless I regen the rule.  It is having trouble with the 2nd body piece.  It doesn't want to change it unles I do a regen. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters Not Updating Correctly

Jul 4, 2012

I have found a couple of times now a  problem with Parameters not updating correctly.  Last Tuesday (26/06/2012) I logged a call with the VAR and they are yet to contact me about the problem.  In the past when I found the same thing, a different VAR made excuses about not using the most current software as I developed the model on IV2010.  The Parametric model made use of VBA and Skeletal modelling and the VAR made excuses along the lines of we weren't running the most current software, didn't make use of iLogic and since I was using VBA and did not pay for the code checking service the problem for them disappeared as they were going to do no more.   When we finally upgraded to IV2012 and the problem still existed they consequently chose the excuse of my VBA code being the problem, consequently I then created a simple rule in iLogic and demonstrated the problem that way.

To summarize, the model is a Parametric Skeletal assembly, it utilizes VBA for a user interface.  The problem existed in IV2010, IV2011, IV2012 and IV2013.  There are pictures attached to show the problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Tell When ILogic Has Finished Updating

Dec 7, 2011

I have an assembly with approx. 200 unique parts. Most of them derrived from a common skeleton-file. And some (you could say a lot) iLogic code.

Depending on how big changes one makes, it takes between 10 sec and 60 sec to update. Considering the complexity this is ok.

But the problem is that it is difficult for the user to tell if the update is complete. I have tried to have the last line in my driving rule to show a messagebox: "Updating done". But the messagebox fires to early, and pauses the remaining updating. Even if I call InventorVb.Rebuild and/or ThisDoc.Document.Rebuild in advance.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Disable Screen Updating Via ILogic

Oct 16, 2012

I am using iLogic to change assembly dimensions, suppress components and constrains. Is there any way to turn off screen updating while iLogic rules are running?
Inventor 2013 SP2
Windows 7, 64 bits
Core TM2 Duo CPU 2,99 Gz

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Mass Prop In ILogic

Apr 8, 2011

I have an assembly that I am trying to get the weights every time I update parameters. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Material Pull Down Not Updating After ILogic Routine

Sep 25, 2013

The following rule works perfectly as an external rule except the Materiial and Appearnace pull downs do not update. I know I am missing something easy. Here is my code

'Set the materials libraryassetLib = ThisApplication.AssetLibraries("iLogicTestMatLib")'Set the current document activeoMy Parameter= ThisApplication. ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition.Parameters.UserParameters'Turn off error reporting on parameters and.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Driven Part Not Updating After Parameter Change

Jul 26, 2013

I have a flange that I use iLogic and the parameters list to update the different styles. My problem is that my flange won't update until after I hit save and update. My other square flange is not this way. As soon as I change the parameter in my square flange it immediately updates. Is there anyway I can get my round flange to update immediately like my square flange? I attached pictures below.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Close ILogic Form With VBA Or ILogic Rule

Aug 19, 2013

how can I close an iLogic Form from either an iLogic Rule, or a VBA Rule (VBA is the Preferred method)?

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AutoCad :: Updating Drawings With Updating Template

Mar 20, 2013

I am using Mech 2007. I have created a template to use with new drawings, and want to know if there is a way to update all the drawings at the same time when updating the template.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Colours Are Not Updating In IDW?

Mar 28, 2013

I have just installed IV 2013 Pro  and I am having some issues with changes in the IPN transferring to the IDW. I changed the colour of a part in an assembly which transferred fine to the IPN, but the IDW did not update. I have tried turing off the visibility of the part in the browser in the IDW, then turning it on again, selecting the associative icon  in the drawing view dialogue box, but still the view will not update. I even tried re-inserting the IPN in the IDW, still the colour had not updated. This is unacceptable. I do not have time to re-create all the IPN's.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Scene Not Updating

Mar 27, 2013

I am using Inventor 2013 and if I change the model of a part in the assembly, the IPN updates but the IDW views do not? Why is this happening all of a sudden? I tried unselecting and re-selecting the "associative" icon in the "Edit view" dialogue box but still no change?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New PDF File After Updating Drawing Possible?

Aug 16, 2012

I have a drawing of a part that I want to change the dimensions many times.

When I edit the length and width in the part, the drawing updates automatically.

But is it possible to update the pdf file (of drawing) automatically after editing the dimensions in part?

 Or do I have to update (save as to pdf) everytime I create a new dimensions?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Of Drawing Template

Oct 5, 2010

I have crated a drawing of the part. Now I must be updating the drawing template. How I can update the drawing templates to old drawings?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Bolted Connections Not Updating

Aug 27, 2012

I've got two pieces with 11/16" diameter holes for 5/8" bolts.

When I use Bolted Connection to place nut/bolt in the hole, it detects the 11/16" hole and sizes the bolt to look for 11/16" bolts. There aren't any 11/16" bolts so the window shows no bolts. I have to manually choose 5/8" for the bolt size in order to get a list of bolts to choose from. In my reading, i was thinking this was supposed to have been fixed by 2010, is that not correct?

Also, in testing another theory, after placing the bolted connection andt then editing the bolt size to 7/16" or 1 13/16" in diameter. The bolt doesn't update it's size to reflect the change in the hole. Is there really no correlation here? Is a manual change to existing bolts, nuts, washers, etc going to be necessary if the hole size changes? If i change the thickness of the plate(s) the bolt is going through, using autosolve updates the bolt length, but nothing seems to be checking the diameter of the hole.

If true, kinda harst to be able to make a completely parametric assembly of everything but the fastners.I'm using the Hole method on the bolt connection dialog with pre-existing holes that do not have threads on them.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Weight In Drawing Not Updating?

Mar 20, 2012

We have the weight inour title block tied to the mass property.It is set to populate automatically and it does very nicely.

The issue comes when I have an assembly and in the BOM I set certain components to be reference.  When I go to Iproperties and then under the Physical tab select update,

the value updates there, but not in the associated drawing title block. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Existing Files

Aug 22, 2012

I have recently updated my template files in Inventor (.idw, .ipt (standard/sheet metal), .iam (standard/weldment)).I added ilogic rules and custom iproperties to them.

I would like to update all my existing files to have these changes so they would be available when we copy design new parts.Is there a way automate the process of updating these files? I have about 4924 of them.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Not Updating Drawing Per 3D Model Changes

Nov 25, 2013

As this software continues to change it's behavior of function over nite.  I am assuming due to new updates in inventor.  I can no longer get my drawing to update per changes made to the model. This started about 2 weeks ago.

Change are completed perfectly, I open the drawing and it still has the old model represented.  When I right on the view and open the model.  Model contains all of my changes, but the drawing does not seem to care or notice that changes have been made and saved. I even closed inventor and reopened.

Even though I'm paid by the hour I really do not want to delete all views and start all over.

So the only answer is to delete all views replace them re dimension them and of course add any time consuming sketches.

10-15 minutes change now is going to take 3 hours.  WHY can't autodesk make a stable piece of software?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: List Of Changes When Updating Drawing?

Jan 10, 2014

I wounder if there is a way to see which dimensions that have been changed when you update a drawing? (after changing the model)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Views Not Updating

Nov 10, 2013

I made a drawing and later changed the part to an ipart.

The dimensions of the table part in the drawing are o.k. but the iproperties, the contents of the logo doesn't update and it has a strange number string.

There is the yellow lightning symbol and even though i press update all sheets nothing happens and also the lightning symbol remains

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Imported Part

Dec 17, 2013

A customer sent me a .step file.  In order to produce the part that I need, I wanted to add some machining to his original part. Os I derived in his part and then added the features that I needed. Just a few tapped holes in one side.

 Now, my customer made a few changes to his original part (added some detail) and he has sent me his new .stp file. I did not think it would be any problems if I just overwrote the original stp file with the new one.  But, if I do that, when I open my part, Inventor complains that the updated part is part is not usable.

I tried saving the imported file as a .ipt and then bringing that into an assembly and doing the machining there. But, now when I replace the imported file with the updated version, my features fail.

Is there a workflow that will allow me to update the part that is derived into another part? 

Using 2013,SP3-update3

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Linked Parameters Not Updating

Apr 11, 2010

I can't link parameters properly with xlsx/xls files. At the beginning it works well, but if I change files the parameters can't get updated- all fields get yellow instead. It works only when I relink the file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Font Size

Aug 10, 2012

I noticed just lately, if I update the height of the text in my IDW through Styles Editor, not all the text in the document updates? Why would this be? All the text is under the text style "Instruction Text", but when I update the text height in the Instruction text style, only some of the text updates and I have to manually update all the rest?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assemblies And Drawings Not Updating

Jan 9, 2013

My issue is that whenever I edit a sub-assembly or a part within an assembly, whether it's from within the assembly by right clicking and choosing "edit" or by opening the sub-assembly/part and editing it separately, once I return to the top assembly, it does not update constraints to reflect the changes. Say I constrain the top of a part to be flush with something in the assembly. Then I edit the part and make it shorter. Once I return to the assembly, the part has shortened but it is no longer flush as it was meant to be. It is lower with respect to the plane it should be flush to. If I double-click the "flush" constraint and then click the check mark, it's like it reminds Inventor the constraint is there and the part hops up where it should be.

Is there any way I can click an "update" button or something so Inventor automatically checks for part changes and re-constrains everything after I make changes to sub-assemblies or parts? I found a "Refresh" button and added it to my Quick Access Toolbar, but it does absolutely nothing.

I often have the same issue with sheets in my .idw files; they do not update once I edit a .ipn or another view in the sheet. Is there a similar solution for this instance as well?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Not Updating To Assembly Changes

Mar 4, 2011

I have a drawing of an assembly with approx. 15 parts.  I dimensioned and notated everything on the drawing as I usually would, and everything seemed fine.  I have now gone back to that assembly a while later to adjust the position of some of the parts.  When I open the drawing, however, these changes do not show up in the drawing environment.  All of the parts are still in their original positions, even though in the assembly they are in new locations.

I've checked and it seems that the drawing views are referencing the correct assembly model.  I tried deleting and replacing the dimensions, but that does not change dimension value to be correct.  I also checked to make sure the "Defer update" box in the Options window is not selected.

If I place a new base view of the same assembly in the same drawing, it shows up with the new locations, but the original base view will not update.

I really would prefer not to delete the entire drawing and start over.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Certain IPart Dimensions Not Updating

Aug 20, 2013

A few weeks ago I created an iPart for a custom flange with various sizes, today I have added a new row to the family for a new size. Most of the dimensions work fine but two of them are not translating to the sketch/model from the table.

All dimensions that are working correctly lie on one sketch and the dimensions that are not changing correctly are on a seperate sketch.

The flange is made from a single revolve and then the bolt holes were added seperately as a single extrusion which was then patterned.

The dimensions are correct on the family table but are incorrect when I go into the particular parts parameters.

(I am using IV 2014)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Style Library

May 22, 2007

I made some changes to layers and line scales in our idw template and then saved them to the style library to keep things synchronized. When I started a new drawing I got a style conflict message as if I had not saved the changes to the style library (see attached). My project file is set to Use Style Library =Yes, and what's more strange is that only six of the layers didn't update in the style library while the rest did? These six layers indeed show they need to be updated in the style library when I went back into the template, but when I update them the same thing happens.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating File Status From Vault

Aug 17, 2011

Every time I open a file in Inventor a dialog box comes up that says "Updating file status from vault".  In most cases it is not a big deal, but when an 1000+ part assembly is opened this box flashes for each part in the assemly causing a delay in opening the file.  Needless to say this is very annoying.  So my questions are what is this doing exactly and can I turn it off?

Inventor 2011
Vault 2012 Pro
Windows 7 x64
Inventor Professional 2014 SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Work Geometry Not Updating Properly

May 7, 2012

In the attached part if I change the value of the length parameter from 19" to 20" Work Axis 1 updates to the 19" location, if I change it back from 20" to 19" it goes to the 20" position.

In the images below, the axis should be in the center of that last slot.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Gearbox Design - References Not Updating

Nov 23, 2012

I am working on a gearbox design and would like the housing to automatically update several dimensions if the shaft size, length, or position changes. I am not having much success. I can create the component in the assembly, and project geometry to create the initial model without a problem. However, the modeled features are not updating when the referenced components change.

Using Inventor 2012.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Associative Copy Object Not Updating?

Nov 13, 2011

The assembly in the attached files was working fine in 2011, then for some reason it stopped updating.  So I opened and saved in 2012 and it still doesnt update. 

Open the assembly, edit the extrusion in Copy Surface Master and change the distance to 500.  You can see that the copied faces do not update in the other parts, but there are no error warnings.

I logged with my VAR and they said use derive instead and closed the ticket.  Sure derive is another way but copy object with associativity should work so this is my way of bringing to autodesks attention.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole Note Not Updating In Drawings

Sep 27, 2012

I create a hole feature in part and use Hole and Thread function in drawing view. All info displayed correctly, but if the model changes - note does not! the only way to get the new thread/hole designation is by using the Hole and Thread function again.

see print screen attached - I kept changing the model and using Hole and Thread tool couple of times. They all point to the same hole but look at the results..

Reboot does not work...

Autodesk Inventor 2012 Professional x64 SP2
Win 7 x64, Intel i7 930, 6GB PC-1600, Quadro FX-1800, 250 Gb 10k RMP

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