AutoCAD Inventor :: Not Updating Drawing Per 3D Model Changes
Nov 25, 2013
As this software continues to change it's behavior of function over nite. I am assuming due to new updates in inventor. I can no longer get my drawing to update per changes made to the model. This started about 2 weeks ago.
Change are completed perfectly, I open the drawing and it still has the old model represented. When I right on the view and open the model. Model contains all of my changes, but the drawing does not seem to care or notice that changes have been made and saved. I even closed inventor and reopened.
Even though I'm paid by the hour I really do not want to delete all views and start all over.
So the only answer is to delete all views replace them re dimension them and of course add any time consuming sketches.
10-15 minutes change now is going to take 3 hours. WHY can't autodesk make a stable piece of software?
I'm using Inventor 2011 and when I go to change parameters using iLogic in an assembly model, (sometimes it is a component suppression, other times it is an iPart component change) it won't update the associated drawing file. I need to go into the BOM on the drawing and renumber the balloons, or change something else in order for the custom iProperties to update in the drawing template. If I just change the iPart component, then the BOM doesn't need to update making the renumbering of balloons redundant.
I'm using iLogic to update all of the iProperties and component references, then reattach balloons. What I would like to do is automatically update the custom iProperties drawing template fields, and renumber the drawing BOM.
I have a .iam and .idw that i copied/designed from vault. The .idw has a sketched symbol that has a text box with the mass property. When update mass is applied the mass property in the text box does not. I ran into this once before and got it to work by re-inserting the symbol into the .idw but I can't get it to work. The orginal that was copied from works fine.
We have the weight inour title block tied to the mass property.It is set to populate automatically and it does very nicely.
The issue comes when I have an assembly and in the BOM I set certain components to be reference. When I go to Iproperties and then under the Physical tab select update,
the value updates there, but not in the associated drawing title block.
I made a drawing and later changed the part to an ipart.
The dimensions of the table part in the drawing are o.k. but the iproperties, the contents of the logo doesn't update and it has a strange number string.
There is the yellow lightning symbol and even though i press update all sheets nothing happens and also the lightning symbol remains
I have a drawing of an assembly with approx. 15 parts. I dimensioned and notated everything on the drawing as I usually would, and everything seemed fine. I have now gone back to that assembly a while later to adjust the position of some of the parts. When I open the drawing, however, these changes do not show up in the drawing environment. All of the parts are still in their original positions, even though in the assembly they are in new locations.
I've checked and it seems that the drawing views are referencing the correct assembly model. I tried deleting and replacing the dimensions, but that does not change dimension value to be correct. I also checked to make sure the "Defer update" box in the Options window is not selected.
If I place a new base view of the same assembly in the same drawing, it shows up with the new locations, but the original base view will not update.
I really would prefer not to delete the entire drawing and start over.
I'm using Inventor 2011 with the style library. I have made some changes to my styles template and want to batch update a group of drawings to the new style. Is there a way to do this without opening each drawing and doing the update?
So I am using Inventor LT 2012 in a small company that makes conveyor rollers. Most of the time we make the same roller with only different values to the variables. So I decided to make a part with the parameters in an Excel sheet:
A customer call us, and they want a roller with x,y,z dimensions, I put in in Excel and the drawing is ready.
But, when I need to make a second drawing of that roller with different dimensions, the first one also change.
Is there any way to keep a drawing fix when it is done ? If possible, only making a dwg for each customer without having to make an ipt and excel sheet for each drawing would be awesome !
I don't understand why my parts aren't updating when I put a hole through them on the assembly drawing? I would expect the part (.ipt file) to get updated with a hole through it when I save the assembly drawing, however it doesn't. Do I have to change a default setting or does inventor no do this?
I have parts that are similar and want to save a copy of the model and it's drawing together as a new part number. This way I don't have create a new drawing every time. I used ProE 2001 before I upgraded to Inventor 2012 and ProE would save them both together.
how to identify the model associated with a particular PL on a drawing. I'm able to find a PL and write to the header which is cool. But I'm trying to determine the model associated with the BOM pipline so I can get it's P/N iproperty and write that to the PL header.
After creating the desired frame using frame generator, I am creating a detail drawing. When I insert the parts list, the info applied is using the full length of the tubes before it was cut to fit. (to get rid of the over lap edges of the frame)
Attached is the part file used to create the frame. (Can't attached the frame, too big) I used
Also attached is the drawing to clarify the issue.
Total length of the frame is 116.75"
In reality is it made up of 2 short end pieces 23.375" + 2 x for pocket tubes (10") plus the center tube 50"
Now from my part file, i just made 3 lines for the total length and 2 intersecting lines for the fork pockets. The parts list is using the initial creation length and not the altered cut length? Does this make any sense?
How can I get the parts list to represent values after a cut is done to the tube?
Is there a way to have a part, which is a part of a larger assembly, get the title, subject, etc. from its parent assembly? I have my template set to use the "Title" property in my title block but I'd like each individual part drawing to pull that "title" from the assembly, not from the part itself.
I have a part (partA) and a drawing of it (drawingA).I want to save a copy of both (partB and drawingB) and make changes to partB and drawingB will update.
To do this do I save a copy of partA first to partB and then in drawingA replace part to partB and then save a copy of drawing to drawingB
I did some digging and found the option to replace a model reference in an entire drawing, but I'm looking to change the reference in just a view. Consider the picture I have attached. I'm depicting top down views of these layers. Each layer requires changing the view identifier each time I drop a view. This would be considerably less time consuming if I could just copy/paste the view and change which part file it was pointing to.
I've got a drawing with multiple base views wich means multiple reference models. In my titleblock i've included the mass of my model through
Type: Physical Properties - Model Property: MASS
But now it automaticly selects the first placed base model as the model to select the mass. how can i change the 'active' model to another model/base view?
I could not get the code to work for me, and I am not a programmer or pretend to be. I need to take a model and create a dwg with ilogic. It only needs to be one flat pattern view and one isometric view.
I also need it to have center marks for all the holes and I need to add certain dimensions.
I am working in one assembly. in that assembly i created all the part with using i part & same part i called in to the assembly & created i assembly. while creating drawing i have facing problem to show the model parameters in to the assembly drawing table. How to link the model parameters in assembly parameters with using i assembly.
So I made a shop drawing of an assembly, which is very complex and took a great deal of time to complete. It has 3 sheets and a bunch of different views and information already on the drawing.
Now the thing is I took the assembly and made it an iassembly; but I did this in another file so I wouldnt screw up all the work I did before. Now I realize that I dont have the links to the shop drawing that I wish I did.
how to link the shop drawing to the new iassembly model?
Is it possible to use the Measure.ExtentsLength in a drawing to get model dimensions?
What I am trying to do is get the overall dimensions of the model and place them in a sketch block in the drawings so our machinist can easily reference the stock material. I can't figure out how to get the overall model dimensions.
Im trying to create some code for another user which takes the pre-selected drawing curve and retrieves the feature information from the model. More specifically, I want to pre-select the drawing curve of a hole, and then run the rule. The rule will take this selected drawing curve and get its model. Then from here I'm expecting I'll be able to use the Hole Feature classes in the API to retrieve the wanted information.
I've tried using SelectSet.Item(1by tut cannot seem to be able to set it as a drawing curve (or anything for that matter).
How can I display a sketch or projected geometry that is not a closed loop in a ipt drawing? Historically I have to use a closed loop and emboss in order to display the geometry in a drawing.
Then move that forward to a DXF file for its intended use. I think there should be a way to just have lines placed on the model and display it on a drawing without it having to be a feature.
Been trying to show multiple layers/coatings in my drawing for several hours now, and finally defeated,
I have a revolved part that's made of multiple layers -- aluminum, for example, with an anodized coating and then a paint on top. I need to make a detailed drawing to show how thick each layer is, and to that end, created the part profile, added an offset rotation for layer 1 and then another offset rotation for layer two. They're thus symmetric and in full contact, but separate, distinct layers. No problem.
Turning this into a precise drawing, however, is a bit harder, since all of the layers render into one monolithic revolution. I need to show those layers distinctly, like in the png file attached. Is that possible?