AutoCAD Inventor :: List Of Changes When Updating Drawing?

Jan 10, 2014

I wounder if there is a way to see which dimensions that have been changed when you update a drawing? (after changing the model)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Thumbnail Images On BOM List

May 9, 2013

The thumbnails that appear on the BOM list do no update when changing the part. The IDW file is open and the part is opened from inside the IDW environment to change view, visual style etc. then saved and closed.

When returning to the IDW and re-creating the BOM list the thumbnail the image does not update. Why does the BOM list not automatically update the thumbnail images on the IDW ?  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New PDF File After Updating Drawing Possible?

Aug 16, 2012

I have a drawing of a part that I want to change the dimensions many times.

When I edit the length and width in the part, the drawing updates automatically.

But is it possible to update the pdf file (of drawing) automatically after editing the dimensions in part?

 Or do I have to update (save as to pdf) everytime I create a new dimensions?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Of Drawing Template

Oct 5, 2010

I have crated a drawing of the part. Now I must be updating the drawing template. How I can update the drawing templates to old drawings?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Weight In Drawing Not Updating?

Mar 20, 2012

We have the weight inour title block tied to the mass property.It is set to populate automatically and it does very nicely.

The issue comes when I have an assembly and in the BOM I set certain components to be reference.  When I go to Iproperties and then under the Physical tab select update,

the value updates there, but not in the associated drawing title block. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Not Updating Drawing Per 3D Model Changes

Nov 25, 2013

As this software continues to change it's behavior of function over nite.  I am assuming due to new updates in inventor.  I can no longer get my drawing to update per changes made to the model. This started about 2 weeks ago.

Change are completed perfectly, I open the drawing and it still has the old model represented.  When I right on the view and open the model.  Model contains all of my changes, but the drawing does not seem to care or notice that changes have been made and saved. I even closed inventor and reopened.

Even though I'm paid by the hour I really do not want to delete all views and start all over.

So the only answer is to delete all views replace them re dimension them and of course add any time consuming sketches.

10-15 minutes change now is going to take 3 hours.  WHY can't autodesk make a stable piece of software?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Views Not Updating

Nov 10, 2013

I made a drawing and later changed the part to an ipart.

The dimensions of the table part in the drawing are o.k. but the iproperties, the contents of the logo doesn't update and it has a strange number string.

There is the yellow lightning symbol and even though i press update all sheets nothing happens and also the lightning symbol remains

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Not Updating To Assembly Changes

Mar 4, 2011

I have a drawing of an assembly with approx. 15 parts.  I dimensioned and notated everything on the drawing as I usually would, and everything seemed fine.  I have now gone back to that assembly a while later to adjust the position of some of the parts.  When I open the drawing, however, these changes do not show up in the drawing environment.  All of the parts are still in their original positions, even though in the assembly they are in new locations.

I've checked and it seems that the drawing views are referencing the correct assembly model.  I tried deleting and replacing the dimensions, but that does not change dimension value to be correct.  I also checked to make sure the "Defer update" box in the Options window is not selected.

If I place a new base view of the same assembly in the same drawing, it shows up with the new locations, but the original base view will not update.

I really would prefer not to delete the entire drawing and start over.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Batch Updating Drawing Styles

Aug 9, 2010

I'm using Inventor 2011 with the style library.  I have made some changes to my styles template and want to batch update a group of drawings to the new style.  Is there a way to do this without opening each drawing and doing the update? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Stop Updating Drawing From Linked Part

Oct 7, 2012

So I am using Inventor LT 2012 in a small company that makes conveyor rollers. Most of the time we make the same roller with only different values to the variables. So I decided to make a part with the parameters in an Excel sheet:

A customer call us, and they want a roller with x,y,z dimensions, I put in in Excel and the drawing is ready.

But, when I need to make a second drawing of that roller with different dimensions, the first one also change.

Is there any way to keep a drawing fix when it is done ? If possible, only making a dwg for each customer without having to make an ipt and excel sheet for each drawing would be awesome !

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Parts (IPT Files) After Modifying It On Assembly Drawing?

Nov 25, 2011

I don't understand why my parts aren't updating when I put a hole through them on the assembly drawing? I would expect the part (.ipt file) to get updated with a hole through it when I save the assembly drawing, however it doesn't. Do I have to change a default setting or does inventor no do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom IProperties Not Updating In Drawing When Update Assembly Model?

Nov 19, 2012

I'm using Inventor 2011 and when I go to change parameters using iLogic in an assembly model, (sometimes it is a component suppression, other times it is an iPart component change) it won't update the associated drawing file. I need to go into the BOM on the drawing and renumber the balloons, or change something else in order for the custom iProperties to update in the drawing template. If I just change the iPart component, then the BOM doesn't need to update making the renumbering of balloons redundant.

I'm using iLogic to update all of the iProperties and component references, then reattach balloons. What I would like to do is automatically update the custom iProperties drawing template fields, and renumber the drawing BOM.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Second Part List In Drawing

Dec 21, 2011

I need to use 2 part list in my drawings. I have made the second part list in the style editor and saved it but how do I select it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Put Part List Drawing

Jan 6, 2013

im using inventor trying to put a part list on my drawings.but for some reason, the part list is using a Gost Form. ( diffrent layout and polish/ russian text )How do I go back to default.I have allready tried to reinstall inventor, no go.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Sheet In Parts List

Aug 22, 2012

Any way to make the drawing "sheet number", on which a "part" or "assembly" detail appears, show up in the "parts list"/"bom"?

I need to automate that information in order to prevent errors during revisions, and for company purposes.

IV 2010 Suite
Digital Storm PC:
EVGA & Intel components
Win 7 Pro 64 bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Anchor Multiple Parts List Together On Drawing

Jun 21, 2011

I am creating a template for our title block.  We normally will have multiple assembly called out on one drawing.  So I created a parts list without headings and built the headings into the title block.  The first parts list I enter will anchor to my border, but when i enter the second parts list, it will not anchor to my previous parts list like I would like. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Differences In Measurements Between Part List And Drawing

Jul 19, 2012

I've done a 3D frame in Inventor 2012 and after doing a 2D with a partlist chart I found differences between lengths. The length of the part list was the first one, the frame was modified and the partlist didnt update.

Found out that the d18 parameter was a fixed number. I managed to change it manually by changing the G_L parameter to d18.How can I set up my inventor to update the part length automatically?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Link To Another Drawing Sheet / Parts List

Feb 15, 2011

Let's say I have two independent drawings one with a single part and 1 with an assembly + parts list containing the single part.

So I would like to have an item note on the drawing sheet with the single part referring to the assy drawing, part number & Quantity for this item in the parts list.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Updating Note / Label To Correspond With List Possible?

Nov 7, 2012

In the drawings for my company, we will list notes along once side of the page using multiline text as a numbered list.  Each number corresponds to a label I then use to mark up my drawings.  My label is usually some sort of symbol with a number inside of it.  Pretty standard.  My problem is, when I want to add a note somewhere in the middle of this list, the numbering changes for everything after the insertion point and I have to go through the drawing and update each label individually.  On complicated drawings I want to make sure I don't miss updating a label or see if there is a faster way to update everything.  Is there a way to have a label of some sorts with a number that automatically updates to match a certain note so if I add a note in between or delete a note I don't have to change every single note?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Separate Configuration Assemblies And Parts List On Same Drawing

Mar 7, 2012

I have an assembly that is identical to another assembly with the exception of 2 or 3 components. I want to create 2 different configurations of the assembly, e.g. 12345-009 for the original assy and 12345-019 for the similar assy that has a couple of different components and/or additional components. I can create the -009 assembly and then do a "Save As" for the -019 assy and do a "Component/Replace" and add (or delete) other components.

I want both of these assemblies to be on the same drawing with a base number of 12345. I know I can do this and create a separate parts list (BOM) for each configuration and put it on the drawing. Is there a way to "merge" the two PLs so that there is a quantity column for each configuration (-009 and -019)? For example, if the same gear is used in both assemblies, I want a quantity of 1 in each column. If a component is used in one but not the other, i want only the quantity to show up in the appropriate configuration column.

 I am using Inventor 2011.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Properties Of Parts List On Existing Drawing

Jun 1, 2012

Is it possible to change a Parts Only parts list on a drawing into a Structured parts list? When a new parts list is created and you select the view it automatically chooses parts and greys out, preventing you from actually changing it manually. Is it possible to get around this without having to start a new drawing?

Inventor 2011

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part List In Assembly Drawing Does Not Automatically Updates

Apr 1, 2013

I have a Part List in the assembly drawing.

This list has Renumber Items activated.

All renumbered items become in blue cells in Part List properties table.

All added or altered after that Part Properties are not shown in this Part List.

For instance if I would add or change some Description, Comments or other properties to some parts which are in “blue” cells those will be not updated in neither auto nor any manual way.

So far I should delete and create the table again to see new added properties.

The question is: Is there are any other more simple ways to update the Part List table without recreating it from scratch?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 / Error With Filenames In A Drawing Parts List

Sep 15, 2011

We are using Inventor 2011. 

Inventor adds extra spaces to the parts list filenames when they wrap.

The space is added just before the break.

We access the parts list in several VBA programs.  Mainly to get the line Item number.

With the Filename corrupted with random space characters I cannot tie the document to the item number in code.

Is there a way to get the true fully pathed document name from a parts list Line item instead of the flakey filename that is displayed?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Proper Way To Add Substitute Items In Parts List On Drawing?

Jan 31, 2012

I have some hardware in my parts list drawings that has a substitute for each other.  So you can use one of either item in the list.  Per the ASME guidelines, those two parts share the same item number in the parts list.  So my question is there any way to tell those two parts they are substitute from each other and they come into the parts list sharing that same item number.  Right now i'm manually changing that item number in the parts list. But if you try to re-order those parts it's a nightmare cause it's still treating that other item as a seperate entity.  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Few Assemblies In Separable For Parts List In Drawing

Mar 13, 2013

I'm trying to make a few assemblies inseparable for a parts list in a Drawing, but I can't seem to make it work.

I know I have to do this in the Bill of Materials menu, but for some reason the part I want to make inseparable is greyed out whiles the one that is just one part isn't.

My only option right now is to make it a weldment which works but not ideal, because now the material isn't correct.

I'm trying this on the assembly in the picture.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Printing Drawing Sheet Sets From Assembly BOM Parts List

Nov 27, 2012

I have created an assembly that has a parts list, and in this parts list I have up to 100 mono detail drawings. I would like to know if there is a way to print all of these drawing from that list in a massive plot.

At my previous company we had something like this in AutoCAD where a script was created to look at the drawings and print all drawings mentioned in the assembly BOM and subsequent sub-assemblies, it worked beautifully.

I find that I have to print all drawings to paper or PDF individually.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part List - Quantity Doesn't Match With The Drawing View

Apr 11, 2013

My customer is having trouble with the part list feature inside the Inventor 2D drawing.

For example, He has a car assembly file with 4 wheels and alot more subassemblies, then he creates a view representation which only visible for 1 wheel.

When he generates the part list in Inventor 2D drawing, he go to part list >filter setting and set to ‘’Assembly view representation’’ but the quantity for the part list is still showing as 4 as per attachment.

change the value manually inside the part list table?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Automated Extraction Of Parts List From PDF To Compile Complete Drawing Package

Mar 7, 2012

pdf drawings are king at our company.  When we creat a product, pdfs (and sometimes stp files) are generated and placed in folders organized numerically by part number.

Our challenge is that finding all the current pdfs for an assembly is not automated.  Thus, to get all the current drawing pdfs, someone has to open up the top level pdf, read all the part numbers, go get/print the pdfs of the parts, subassemblies, subassembly parts,  etc.  This is time consuming and error prone and getting worse as the number of parts we always increasing.

I'd like to automate the process.  I'm thinking about a program/script that: Extract parts list from pdf of Inventor assembly drawingCopy pdf of individual parts/subassemblies to a directoryMerge all pdf for that assembly into single pdf.

INV 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Parts List In Assembly Drawing To Fill Part Number Column?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm using Autodesk Inventor 2012 SP1 64 Bit on a Windows 7 machine without vault.

I seem to be missing something. I cannot get the parts list in assembly drawing to fill the part number column. See the image below.

The BOM has the part number field filled out as shown below. Is there someway that I need to map the iProperty to the part number column in parts list?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Model Dimensions To Fill LENGTH / WIDTH Fields In Drawing Parts List

Mar 1, 2013

In our “Parts list” (or BOM as we call it) on our .idw’s we have field for “LENGTH”. For example, we use round tubing. We would list the cut length of that piece of tube in the “LENGTH” column. As it stands now, we add “LENGTH” as a custom iproperty in the .ipt. Then in the drawing we add that property to the parts list to capture the length. This works fine, but I’m wondering if we can eliminate some steps by capturing the actual dimension from the sketch to automatically populate the “LENGTH” value. Needless to say, this would eliminate room for error (less typing) and will update the value automatically if length is changed or if the part is copied. I suppose the same would apply for “WIDTH” on sheet metal parts... How do I do this?

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AutoCAD LT :: Updating Drawing Template

Feb 25, 2013

I seem to recall there is a method of substituting old drawing templates with the latest version on open drawings, but for the life of me can neither remember what the command is or enter anything into the ACAD Help search that results in anything remotely useful .

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