AutoCAD Inventor :: Work Geometry Not Updating Properly
May 7, 2012
In the attached part if I change the value of the length parameter from 19" to 20" Work Axis 1 updates to the 19" location, if I change it back from 20" to 19" it goes to the 20" position.
In the images below, the axis should be in the center of that last slot.
We just upgraded from 2011 to 2013 and we are having SERIOUS problems with our projected sketch geometry in parts not updating. We have only done this about 1.1 million times over the past four years and now every one of our skeleton models we touch is failing to update and causing a whole mess of delays.
I looked through the Application options for sketching and didn't see anything.
projected geometry not updating between sketches in inventor 2013. I hope this will be fixed in 2013 sp1. I have noticed it happening alot when I project a line of another sketch that makes a single point in my new sketch. once the original skecth is changed the second one doesnt update sometimes. It doesnt do this 100 percent of the time just when I need to get stuff done.
Dell t1500 i7 8 gb ram Windows 7 64 bit ati firepro v4800
I have geometry not updating after replacing a component in an assembly.
I have drawn part A and in the assembly environment I have projected cut edges on a XY Plane in a 2D Sketch.
After replacing component A in the assembly with part B (not identical but very close) i was expecting the projected geometry to update. But it doesn't. The "local update" button is greyed out in assembly mode. also the Rebuild command does not seem to update the projected geometry.
I can see the new 3d shape and the old projected geometry. How to get the projected geometry to update?
When I create a new sketch on any given view and utilize the 'Project Geometry' command, not all geometry will project onto the sketch. It seems random; I've tried multiple times using different orders in which to choose the geometry. Sometimes certain geometry will project, sometimes not.
I'm trying to setup an assembly based on a complex 3D sketch. In simplest terms, if I have a sketch for the perimeter of a house, I'd like to add instances of a 2x4.ipt at specified locations automatically. That's not necessarily every 16", but rather wherever I put a specific geometry. I'm imagining two work axis or sketch lines, one along the perimeter to determine the location of the 2x4 and one perpendicular to determine the direction the 2x4 points.
In actuality my sketch won't be a rectangle, but rather a complex 3D spline, that's why I'm hoping to get some sort of automated process. And the current design involves somewhere on the order of 1500-1800 2x4s. Making the sketches and geometry will be nightmarish enough, I'd prefer to be able to breeze through the assembly portion.
I downloaded the full package of mold design library and installed it following instruction. Unfortunately, it does not work properly. I failed to insert a mold base after creating core and cavity. The pop up window of Vendor and Type is empty.
We have changed the color, line weight and description of specific layers. We used to use Layer state to update the layers, now we use the design center.
Changes made in Example 1. Example 2 has the wrong layers - so Design center is open, layers from Example 1 are dragged and dropped into Example 2.
So I've got a customer who's upgraded drawings from a previous version of Civil 3D to Civil 3D 2013. One drawing contains data shortcuts to pipe networks, alignments, and surfaces. At the drawing open the pipe networks are updated, but none of the other data shortcuts are. Removing the pipe network data shortcuts allows the other data shortcuts to be loaded normally. Using SYNCHRONIZEREFERENCES updates all of the data shortcuts normally in the darwing. So I strongly suspect the pipe networks are the cause of the issue. Opening a new drawing and creating a data shortcut doesn't exhibit the same issues. Also WBlocking the trouble drawing doesn't work either.
At work we have been using layer states to set line weights and colors in multiple xref's for plotting demo and install drawings.
So what is happening is that we continue to receive updated files from other groups and I'm unclear on how to update the layer state to include the new layers that have been included in the updated xrefs.
Something strange happened recently where in order for my Right-Click Menu commands to work properly, and the double click ddedit to work, I had to take the "^C^C" out of the macro. All my related variables are set correctly, PICKFIRST, DBLCLKEDIT, etc...
What is happening is, I would get a selection set, right-click, copy with base point. Normally because the selection set is there, once a base point is selected, the command ends. In this case, after specifying the basepoint, I am asked to select objects again... This goes for ALL right click menu commands. Command line input is NOT affected.
I'm using ACAD (2011) most of the time in 3D. I like to work that way and it goes really fast!
Now, sometimes I want to flatten my 3D drawing and show my obscured lines and make them dashed afterwards. With the flatten command and explode it works fine... but... some lines just move! For example, a block with size 100,200,100 turns into a square with size 100.9 x 199.3, even if I use the command in 100% top view!
We had a brief powercut this morning, literally brief: it was less than a second. It was enough to turn off all our machines and since then my colleagues machine is acting in a weird manner.
It starts and opens LT2010 perfectly well but then selecting elements has no effect on the layer drop down. In properties it shows the element is one layer but the drop down shows another.
Double clicks no longer start the edit commands. Pressing delete key doesn't erase anything. I have checked in the CUI and all the key commands double clicks appear as normal.
We asked IT to repair the install, which they have done but nothing has changed. I did ask about going back to the restore point but the IT guy mumbled something technical I didn't understand then walked off to do the install repair.
previously i was using civil 3d 2010, now while i am using 2012. i want to create a grid of points with easting and northing. i have manually created a point but when i use array command it does not work properly. as u can see in this image.
i created point with proper values of easing and northing but after array easing northing values becomes just -19.
I am having difficulty figuring out how to get my detail callout block to work properly. What I would like the block to do is scale/stretch the circle so a larger area can be detailed. Linked to this function I would like the attributed tag with line to stay on the outside of the circle once it's adjusted.
Another function I can't figure out is rotating the the text/line so it can be located anywhere around the circle. I currently have a vertical and horizontal flip but the attributed text doesn't remain on top of the line. So, I guess there are 2 things I can't get to work in that one.
Print size in Photoshop CC does not work after updating, it was working fine before but now when I click to go to print size either from the menu of right chicking when the hand tool is selected, the image just zooms right out until it is a tiny little box in the centre of the screen, no good what so ever, as I say it was working fine before the update.
I am using window 7 with 8 gb of ram and an I7 with a 1GB graphics card.
I 'm trying to create a window from the command panel( for example fixed) and firstly I can't create the width unless I go to modify nor can I add rails and panels.
I'm used to work with an ortographic wireframe view and a perspective shaded view (from other 3d app), I've tried to reproduce this in Max, without much success, the problem is switching between the ortographic views, the hotkeys doesn't work properly (the camera never displays what I want after switching) and the ViewCube seems somewhat better, however, when switching views using the ViewCube, sometimes it just doesn't align perfectly with the view so the grid doesn't appear, and I need the grid on the ortho viewport.My install is fully updated. I would like to know if it's possible to make it work properly, if possible with hotkeys. I've already tried to disable the animation, it seems to work a bit, but when I switch to the back view, this bug always pops in.
When I (as I have in Photoshop CS2,3,4,5,5.5 and 6) click in the letting menu and change the letting, it allows me to change it and then when I click enter, it jumps down to a completely different number. I set it to 200 and hit enter and it drop to 19. I change it to 200 again, it becomes 47.
I am runnning the updated version of CC on windows 7 64-bit.
There used to be a circle onscreen that you could turn to change the amount of blur. And there were lines and or oval areas that could be made bigger or smaller to influence the area of blur. And while there are still pins that can still be placed to further control the blur, they don't really work. I also have the same problem with the new lighting effects as well.
When I have a large image and I try to crop it I cannot control where the crop is to take place. Sometimes I cannot make the selection as large as I want.
I cannot get PSE 10 organizer to work properly.......I will open the program and then click on the file drop down menu and the organizer will give me an error message that organizer has stopped working......My OS is Windows 7 on a 64 bit system and I had the computer specifically custom built to operate PSE...
I recently upgraded to LR4 (on OS X 10.7.4), but this problem was also present in the previous version.I usually move photos around using the OS X Finder (as sometimes they are outside my Lightroom catalog). To make the updates available in Lightroom I've always used the "Synchronize Folder" option. It did work perfectly for some time, but lately that is not the case.For example, here's a folder called "Parents".I added some photos to it using Finder, then tried to sync it.
Normally Lightroom would find the new files and allow me to import them. What happens here is that Lightroom wants to remove all the photos that already exist in the folder (and Lightroom catalog) and then re-import all of them + the new ones.
First I tried to select "Import new photos -> Show import dialog" and import only the new photos. That didn't work, too. (Please see the image below; however in this sample I've chosen to import/remove all of them).
As you can see Lightroom re-imports the folder as a top-level folder, but it should be a subfolder to "Other". When I try to move it manually to "Other" I get an error message that tells me that I can't do that as a folder with the same name is already there.
I purchased and upgraded to Lightroom 4.0. Got things to work fine with some ACR updates for Photoshop CS3 that I'm currently using. Now have ACR 4.6 installed (the latest for my version of PS) as well as ACR 6.7.
I was able to make edits to the DNG RAW files in Lightroom 4.0 and then choose Edit in Photoshop (Command-E) and see those changes in a PSD file in Photoshop, where I could make further changes.
All of a sudden, I went to edit a photo in Photoshop and saw the original DNG file with no Lightroom edits. Some tinkering and update to Lightroom 4.1 but nothing can seem to make it show those Lightroom edits now when I go to Photoshop.
Mac OSX 10.7.3 Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 Photoshop CS3 Extended 10.0.1
I'm trying to make this tut (see at the bottom) I have already kpt effects installed but no kpt5 showed.. Anyone has a suggestion to make this tut...i'm still trying to figure out why it doesn;t work with me...(maybe a matter of upgrade or something...
I have a problem with CS3. Since a few weeks I can't use properly "Colour Range" feature. Especially for bright colour the Colour Range doesn't select what I want to select. For example I want to select a bright cloud and can't select it with Colour Range. Of course I checked if there is any information or I have a burn area. I use several different setting but I still have the problem.
I used 8/16 bit, Adobe RGB/sRGB At Colour Range I use: - Sampled colours - Selection - Fuzziness: how much I need it - Selection preview: None
I'm looking at tutorials on how to add strokes to text (I downloaded it today) and they say to use the color select tool. In their demonstration, when they select text, it has the normal dotted lines around it. For me, when I click it just has a thick border around it and it tells me to move my mouse to change the threshold. It won't select the text, just change the threshold when moving my mouse from left to right.
As what the title says, inputting Chinese characters in Illustrator CC on Mac is not possible. Is there any way to fix this besides waiting for Adobe to release a patch?
Photoshop Elements 11 gives the opportunity to share pictures with Facebook. The facebook uploader doesn't work for me. Uploading in high resolution won't work at all. But even in standard resolution, the following problems occur:
1) uploader does not recognise albums in facebook, and
2) worst of all: uploades images won't be visible to friends, unless they dive into yout profile. I mean: in the uploader window i choose: visible to friends. When i log on to facebook, the images are there, but they are tagged as privat. Untagging them to 'visible for friends' won't work.
While uploading al settings are correct, in Facebook settings become different.
in print module main window for image control (not preview window in the left upper corner) is blank. what is the reason and how can be remedied? os Mac Lion 10.7.3 lightroom 4 ( the 3-rd version had the same problem)