AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Coil A Coil
Jan 14, 2013can we coil a coil in nventor?
If I have a coil or spring, the I want to coil that coil/spring around another axies, can I??
I use Inv.2012
can we coil a coil in nventor?
If I have a coil or spring, the I want to coil that coil/spring around another axies, can I??
I use Inv.2012
I made a coil with taper. Now I want to make a drawing with that taper, but I don't know how to do that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created a simple spiraled coil IV10, and in my IDW I can't place a center mark in the center of the spiral. How do you dimensiom this? I also want to dimension ID and I can't. Something that you would think is so simple is holding me up.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIm using Inventor 2013 and im trying to make a tapered coil but instead of creating it with a liner taper i want a curved taper. Is there a way to create this (perhaps using guide curves like loft feature?)
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow the heck do I make a bent coil following an arc 90 deg?
I do know how to make coil and helix, screws etc bur I cannot figure out how to make this coil
AutoCAD Mechanical 2013 (run as vanilla ACAD)
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
HP Z800, Dual Xeon W5580, 12 Gb Ram, Windows 7 x64
Nvidia Quadro Fx 4800
Dell M6600 core i7, 16 Gb Ram, Windows 7 x64
Nvidia Quadro M4000
I need to make a round coil that rotates along a hexagonal path, so that looking at the coil from the top you see the hexagonal shape.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is any possible way to flat pattern a coil. Attached is a picture of what I am trying to flat pattern. Its a quarter turn of a full coil.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow to cut the coil feature out of the block. I have included the file. I thought the split command would be it but was not able to do anything with it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for making this part. I'm trying to make a pipe that is bent into a donut so the two ends are connected. Then theres a coil around the pipe.
How I can make the donut and/or the coil?
Working on a simple cylinder with a coil runing around the outside of it. For some reason the mesh does not handel the geometry correctlly - can figure our why - any thoguths ? Attaced are pics from the meshing and the model.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing Inventor 2013 SP1
A user just point out to me that when making a coil with 12 revolution is OK but 13 is really wrong.
tube Ø54x2 mm
Øcoil = 800 mm
pitch = 55 mm
Is there a patch for that?
I have a unique part that needs to be generated in IV. It is a sping that follows a curved path (see attachment). I do have complete information, just need to draw it in.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to insert a spring in an assembly, and for that i will make a spring with the coil command. if i will squeese it between surfaces, will it resemble a spring? will the bindings come closer (i hope they are called bindings, otherwise tell me how they are called)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a coil which from above, retains equal and thus parallel pitches whilst at the same time adheres to a semi-circular form in the cross section. You can see from the images attached that the first two revolutions are larger than the semi-circle outline.
These are the values I have used:
r (t): 134.56924424045517662353735770102mm * t * 0.5
q(t): 1 deg * 360 ul * 3.0 ul * t
z(t): 10 mm * 6 ul * 0.5 ul * t * (1.5 * t) * t
tmin: 0 ul
tmax: 0.916 ul
I've read the posts pertaining to coil features along curved paths. The existing solutions are limited in that they must rely on a solid with the addition of a bend feature. How can I create a helical surface structure including multiple bends like the one shown?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a model of coil cord cable (looks like phone cable) in the autodesk inventor10. I know to make a model of the coil cord when it is straight, but how can i make the coil cord model when it is folder.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to unfold a coil shape to get the flat pattern? When I try to unfold the attached part I get an error message (see attached error_msg.jpg). We have been using AutoPOL to unfold these kind of shapes (which works fine). But since we have a very old version which we really need to upgrade, I was wondering if nowadays Inventor could handle coil unfolds.
If this will not work with the current IV2013 release, will this then be implemented in a future release? Are there any alternatives or should I just go for the AutoPOL upgrade?
IV2013 Pro SP1
I have generated a gear set using inventor. Now I would like to 3d print the gears. I have uesd the export tooth shape to get the true tooth profile. now I am attempting to use the coil feature to generate the helical tooth. The problem im running into is in the coil tool I can only give it a Revolution and height dimension. The hight is the width of the gear, but I am having a problem converting the helix angle to the "Revolution" perameter. I have read other posts and they say that it is Helix angle / 360. I have tried that and then compared it to the original gear generated by inventor and it is not even close. I need to do this on in internal gear and match it to an external gear.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to draw a coiled in 2D drafting. is there any command.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am trying to draw an elliptical coil spring with top and bottom radius of 2 in and center radius of 3 in with 5 turns and spring ht of 5 in. the wire guage is 0.1in.
I could draw a cylindrical spring with helix and sweep command but don't know how to draw an elliptical coil spring. What are the commands or steps to get it. Also, I have problems in getting dimensions of radius and height for the coil spring. I use autocad 2014.
I'm trying to create a coil spring to go around a long bolt for bracing. I'm using AutoCAD 2011 MEP. I need to know how to make the path for the spring so I can sweep it, it does not have to be super accurate size-wise (it's more for representation purposes) but would still like to know how to do it..
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to model a coil for a tattoo machine. I have all of the helixs made to replicate the wire wrapping around the bobbin of the coil but i cannot figure out how to get the helixs to blend together smoothly. I.E. have the end of the inner coil bend outward gradually to meet the starting end of the next level helix.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to coil or spiral a long piece text using PS?
View 4 Replies View Relatedwithout the "laminated iron core". So what I need to know is how to make those spiral shapes. I tried using some tools but it was pretty hard to do by hand so it actually looked good.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI am trying to put a helical coil around a curved spline as shown below. why my image wont upload its only 18k?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way in the description field of an Inventor hole table to have mixed units? Some hole sizes at fractions, some at 2 plc, and others at 3 places.
Inventor Pro 2013 or 14
I can't get Inventor 2013 show a custom iproperty correct.My iLogic rule is this:
iProperties.Value("Custom", "myvol")=volume = iProperties.Volume
But the custom iProperty is a Yes or No.Had no problem with this in Inventor 2011.
I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.
The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.
We are trying to get task scheduler to automatically download certain files from the Vault. Templates and Styles. The templates work great, but there is no way to specify any filetypes other than Inventor filetypes. Am I missing something? Is there a way to specify non-inventor filetypes?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan't seem to locate the Inventor Material Library....under Default in Projects, the Inventor Material Library is highlighted in Red. Where I need to browse to inorder to locate it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedUpgrading to a new computer.
1. What is the best CPU to use for Inventor between the i7 and the a Dual Xeon System
2. Would 32GB of memory easily cover all modelling such as assemblies?
3. Any advantage of having 2 x SSD instaed of 1 x SSD
4. Looking at the Nvidia GTX690 graphics card....this should be a good card