AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Flat Pattern Of A Coil / Spiral Shape?
Sep 25, 2012
Is there a way to unfold a coil shape to get the flat pattern? When I try to unfold the attached part I get an error message (see attached error_msg.jpg). We have been using AutoPOL to unfold these kind of shapes (which works fine). But since we have a very old version which we really need to upgrade, I was wondering if nowadays Inventor could handle coil unfolds.
If this will not work with the current IV2013 release, will this then be implemented in a future release? Are there any alternatives or should I just go for the AutoPOL upgrade?
I was wondering if there is any possible way to flat pattern a coil. Attached is a picture of what I am trying to flat pattern. Its a quarter turn of a full coil.
I'm created the parts successfully with no error, but when I try to create a flatten view it kept giving me error. I notice that some people try to use chamfer to resolve this issue but I tried with no luck. Also, I play around with the gap size and still get the error. How to create the flat view for me so I could learn how to do it.
I am trying to 'keep up' with my students, thought I'd use the Tutorial provided, finished the 2mm_guard...went to Create Flat Pattern and...I've never seen an 'exit' that quick before. I'm running Windows 8.1 on what I thought was a 'magic' Dell XPS 12 -
I have a model of a plywood seat "blank" which I have trimmed by way of an extrusion cut to give the plywood seat its shape. Basically I'll use my modeled shape to CNC rout the shape into the actual blank. However, before I tie up a CNC to make my 1st part I want to create a flat pattern which I will lay on the actual plywood blank and cut it out by hand to see if the shape aesthetically works. I am trying to unfold/ unroll/ flat pattern the shape in inventor (as a sheet metal part) so I can plot it but am not able to do so successfully (fails). Is the shape to complex? I have attached an image of the blank, an image of the finished shape desired and the .ipt. I'm not an expert at sheet metal but I have successfully done this sort of thing before making flat patterns of transition cones etc so I do think I am following the correct procedure but this part is far more complex that I am used to. Also, the model of the "blank" was imported as an iges from my supplier before I made it a thickened surface so I'm afraid inventor doesn't "historically know" how it was created and therefore cannot flatten it.
I want to create a flat pattern of a sheet metal-part that I've used in an assembly. In this assembly I've made cut-outs in some of the parts (see attached .png). Is it possible to get at flat pattern of the specific parts with the cutouts? I can e-mail a ZIP-file with the assembly (the file was too large too attach).
Let's say that I'm making a simple L bracket. I'm going to form it, and machine the holes in both ends *after* forming. So I don't want the holes to show in my flat pattern.
On the few threads I found, the consensus seemed to be that you may have to have the part file contain no holes and put them in as assembly. So I just accepted this that it must not be able to be done.
Then I ran across a piece of promo literature online from AutoDesk that made mention of the ability to create "postform" features that obviously are created after the forming process.
I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.
Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.
When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly. What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?
I have been looking all over to try to find a way to create a flat pattern from a 3D model in AutoCAD. I've found several sites saying it can be done on Inventor, but as I do not have Inventor, I would like to know if it is possible to do with AutoCAD, and if so how to do it.
without the "laminated iron core". So what I need to know is how to make those spiral shapes. I tried using some tools but it was pretty hard to do by hand so it actually looked good.
I have a tube which I'm adding a pocket to the outside by removing some material. I then need to array that around the tube. However I need to offset each pocket along the length of the tube. I've attached the tube with one pocket (v2013) and a picture showing the pattern if the surface of the tube was unwraped.
I can't find a way to create multi flat patters in one part from a lofted sheetmetal part. Also, didn't the developers fix the 'can't make a flat pattern from a derived part'?
IV 2010 Suite Digital Storm PC: EVGA & Intel components Win 7 Pro 64 bit
I am trying to create a coil which from above, retains equal and thus parallel pitches whilst at the same time adheres to a semi-circular form in the cross section. You can see from the images attached that the first two revolutions are larger than the semi-circle outline.
These are the values I have used:
r (t): 134.56924424045517662353735770102mm * t * 0.5 q(t): 1 deg * 360 ul * 3.0 ul * t z(t): 10 mm * 6 ul * 0.5 ul * t * (1.5 * t) * t
i've scannd somthing, and i want it to look like its behind a glass window.. the object is pressed to the scanner so i got the behind somthing feeling.. now how do i make it look more like a glass window? a glass wall..?
My next challenge with my rolled cone bottom is to place an oval in the cone that will give the right edges for the lazer pattern. If I create the cut while in the formed shape the edges are not perpendicular to the face in the flat pattern. If I place the cut in the flat pattern, it is suppressed when the part is returned to the formed state.
In other packages I would unfold the part, place the cut, and then refold it retaining the cut. How do we deal with this situation here?
I want to make dxf files from a flatpattern with ApprenticeServer in a VB6 project. I tried this code but I get a Error 5 on the line :
oDataIO.WriteDataToFile sOut, strFilenaam
What's wrong?
Public Sub Maak_UitslagDXF_Appr(strFilenaam As String) Dim oApprenticeServerApp As New ApprenticeServerComponent Dim oPartdoc As ApprenticeServerDocument Set oPartdoc = oApprenticeServerApp.Open(strFilenaam)
It's my first time using sheet metal in a drawing and I can't figure out how to show flat pattern in the drawing. When I insert the base view into my drawing, the bottom to "Sheet Metal View" to "Flat Pattern" is shown, but it's ghosted out so I can't select it. Is there something I have to do in the part drawing in order to activate this feature?
So, I have an assembly with a sheet metal part and a lot of pressed studs, spacers, weld nuts. I'd like to do a flat pattern with these parts in it in order to give their positions to manufacture, because they have to be pressed and weld in flat pattern phase, before bending.
Is there any easy way to do this (instead of saving flat pattern as SAT and insert every components again)?
I have designed a hopper using the lofted flange command. It is a 24" sq going to an 8" diameter. I would like to apply the rip feature to make (4) separate sections for this hopper so that (4) separate pieces can be cut on a waterjet machine. I can make it so that only (2) flat patterns are required, (2) pieces cut for each.
Can this be done in Inventor 2011? Also, can you recommend a good book on Sheetmetal in Inventor?
I am trying to develop a macro that exports all flat patterns for sheet metal components. I haven't been able to get the following code to work. It give the error message "The document you are trying to save is not a drawing document"
Sub PublishDXF() Dim DXFAddIn As TranslatorAddIn Set DXFAddIn = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{C24E3AC4-122E-11D5-8E91-0010B541CD80}") Dim oDocument As PartDocument Set oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oContext As TranslationContext [Code] .......
I just got around to installing my subscription upgrade from INV PRO 2012 to 2013. I am having trouble getting sheet metal flats to show up in the idw's. The folded parts are visible, solid parts are visible, etc. The problem seems to be specific to flat patterns. I have attached a screen shot of a sample part.
When I hover the mouse over where the flat pattern should be, the red dashed box which usually encloses the view shows up, however it is tiny. Barely the size of the view label.
I'm having difficulty with a sheet metal part creating a flat pattern for it. The shape is an ellipse with the dimensions shown in the second picture. When I attempt to create a flat pattern it just shows the side of the part. The sheet metal defaults are correct for the part and it was ripped to created a base point for the pattern. I need to create a DXF for manufacture. I would just use the flat pattern it gives me and mirror it twice to create a pattern but it doesn't factor in the radius of the part. How to create a correct flat pattern for this item?
How can I make a circular pattern of a single occurence of a rectangular pattern?
A shaft has a rectangular pattern of holes (along its axis) on its surface. I want to pattern the 4th occurence of this hole pattern as a circular pattern? Can I do it in Autodesk. I can not select the a specific occurance of a patterned feature to pattern it again.
I want to creat a flatpattern of an iregulary cut cylinder that was made in the standard .ipt world and is now converted into a sheetmetal. I want to "Unroll" the piece out so can see the shape of it as a flat piece. Picture of it is attached.