I'm trying to draw standard flat head socket cap screw size 1/4-20 with 5/8 length. I've tried to draw it with the exact dimensions (converted inches to mm) but the head doesn't turn up correctly.
I've done metric screws with dimensions from that site (mcmaster-carr) and they turned out just right.URL....
I'm new to the style library and how to take an existing drawing that was created on one standard, and changing it to another standard I just created. The new standard has different dimension styles, text, and layers. I've added all the styles to my style library and I've set the new standard to the active standard in both the styles and standards editor and the document settings. If I create a new view, it comes in on the new standard, but the existing views are still on the old. How to I get the existing views on the new standard?
I am trying to have one drawing with B size and E size sheets I am trying to get the border, title block and standard to change when the sheet format changes. I can get it to work when I run the rule but have hard time find information to just change when sheet format changes. And I can't find anything or I should say a sample of how to. I think I found the code just don't know how to make it work. Here is what I have so far.
I am currently endeavoring to translate some (very) old print drawings of standard geometry used by my company to electronic format with Inventor. Many of these standards include a matrix of certain dimensions (noted by a letter variable on the drawing, such as "A") and what their values should be, given the required size of the geometry's main feature, like the cross section of an o-ring that is supposed to go with it. Is it possible to build such variable/multiple value dimensions in Inventor and have a corresponding matrix printed on the drawing with it?
Is there a way to pin or standardize where a revision table is located in a drawing?
I have a title-block set up and would like a revision table either embedded or populated upon command, just above my title-block. It would also need to extend upward with additional revisions...
The company I am working for has dragged their CAD kicking and screaming into the late nineties and have upgraded to 3D! Recreate their drawings using 3D models, I have noticed the symbol gallery doesn't provide such things as Rev Balloons or Rev Triangles.
Using Autocad 2000 LT. Need to create a 2D basic drawing showing 14 TPI external and internal threads with a certain class of fit joined togeather. The basic drawing needs to be drawn in such a way that it could be easily changed to show different Threads Per Inch and or class of fit. Then, with that approach in mind, what would be the basic steps I should take in order to create the basic drawing and then easily change it to show different TPI and or class of fit. Note: I only need to show the external and internal threads, not the entire screw or object attached.
Experiencing some difficulty slotting the cap screw shown. The problem is this: an additional sketch is created using a rectangle .313 * .094 centered .2815 * .047 from the center of the screwhead. The sketch gets finished the extrusion is created but does not show up. The extrusion is not visible even though a new sketch was created.
I have designed a wooden bracing system and added the wood material properties for the part in Inventor 2012. My question is this - does Inventor have the ability to add stainless steel wood screws to the assembly to make this a 'real world' situation prior to me doing a stress analysis on it ? Something similar to the bolted connections for metal assemblys but for screws in wood is what I'm looking for.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
imagine a sheet (big black rectangle), then red rectangles are putted into corners.
I want to have one subassembly - red rectangle with screw/bolt or whatever you call it, but i want to change position of screw if necessary (this screw needs to be a part of kit/subassembly) but I do not want a situation when this new screw position is the only reason of making new subassembly.
I tried Position in representation but I can assign constraints only to master level.
I've been trying to make a male and matching female screw and fitting for attaching two parts that will be 3D printed. However, whenever I export the part to an .STL file, the threads do not show or print properly.
i constantly have problem inserting a flat head screw. i have to always manualy orient it , coincide with the hole then flush the screw head to a face..
I am pretty familiar with Assembly constraints but I want to know how do you constrain/motion a screw or similar object to be able to turn appropriately whilst going up & down a threaded hole?
I'm trying to make a view showing a motor-jackscrew unit with the jackscrew at the fully retracted position and also with the jackscrew at the fully extended position (in phantom). Refer to the attachment.
My initial plan was to have two views in the drawing, one retracted and one extended, and then just align them vertically and horizontally. But it turns out that you can only align vertically OR horizontally, not both at the same time. So I created an assembly of two iAssemblies, one with the screw extended and one retracted. Then I made the drawing view from the direction that placed the extended assembly directly behind the retracted assembly.
I have a small number of drawings that I use very often. I would like to make a menu item to open a certain drawing but I keep getting stuck when the drawing name should be entered automatically.I use the code
The drawing is my support file search path and the name is unique. How do I get this to work properly?When running this command:
Command: filedia Enter new value for FILEDIA <1>: 0 Command: open
Enter name of drawing to open <C:previous.dwg>:
*cancel* Command: "test.dwg" Unknown command ""TEST.DWG"". Press F1 for help. Command: filedia Enter new value for FILEDIA <0>: 1
It asks what file to open and suggests the last opened file, and whatever I tried so far this keeps happening.
*.scr files are not allowed on our network, I can't create or rename files to *.scr. Of course I could ask the admins to allow this but I think our security policy is more important than me having a button to open a file.
I am trying to go from the 3D Modeling workspace to the 2D workspace without the XYZ coordinate gizmo on the drawing screen (just want to see the XY ucs) to work in 2D format.
In the styles my template drawing is set to Standard ANSI, then below are a bunch of styles like Dim and center mark etc.I want to change the precision of my template so that when I bring in a part to the drawing and dimension it. it is at a 3 place decimal.
I created a frame using 150 x 75 BS4 channel section in 2011/12 (can't remember which) however it was created before the BOM length fix (all lengths stated are not necessarily the lengths of the beams). In order to fix this I need to redraw the frame, which is fair enough, however I am unable to find the BSI standard channel section. In fact, BSI has seemed to vanish from my library completely, I can not even place a component from the BSI library.
I have had a look around the C:/Programdata/autodesk/inventor2011(or 12 or 13)/contenetcentre/libraries and have found parker, gost, DIN etc but no BSI. I have not used the frame generator/place component in 2013 yet so no idea if this was from install or not.
i am looking for a resource for models for standard parts....in this particular case a micrometer or something that i can through in an assembly to give a sense of scale.
Is it possible to set up Inventor 2014 so that a new project will already contain custom libraries?
We have several part libraries as well as material/appearance libraries, and I don't want the users to have to select and add each time the start a new project...
The explorer Windows when selecting file from the context menu to bring up the iProperties. Properties window creates a file C:Program FilesAutodeskInventor 2013BinDTCPexe.exe?
As most applies the program DTCPexe.exe to cause property to C:Part.ipt?