I've been working with inventor professionally for about a year now doing piping and vessels for the oil field. This also involves a lot of pipe supports and platforms.
I'm trying to streamline the process right now by coming up with a way to make some adaptive bracing that I can reuse so I don't have to model it over and over. Most of the engineer drawings I get are basically the same; 2d lines for beams with work points for the bracing and typical connection details.
I start with a skeletal model and use frame gen to drop my beams in. But bracing is where I run into difficulty. I get it done but its just tedious and time consuming
Is their a way I can make a reusable adaptive or flexible bracing for this task? Here's some pics of what I've been sinking around with to try and automate this (I haven't found a good solution yet).
1. Created my skeleton
2. Dropped beams in
3. Created bracing template
4. Dropped bracing temp in assembly
5. Constrained it into place
6. used make parts to place the gusset plates into my assembly
7. gusset plates fully parametric
I'd like to have a better process of doing this. Ideally I'd like to drop a whole brace sub-assembly (gussets, brace and bolts) in to the main assembly and constrain to the drawing specified work points and be done with it.
How do I get to the settings that control what does and does not show in any given discipline - we need to update the Structural Discipline to show the non-structural walls, and non-structural portions of other walls as halftone.
I've been working with adaptive parts for a while now so I think I have a pretty good handle on how they work, but I've tried every trick I know and can't get this adaptive part to adapt correctly. When I apply the final constraint, which should drive its length, Inventor tells me it's an inconsistent constraint. If the part would adapt, it should be perfectly consistent. I've attached my work-set, the constraint I'm trying to apply is "Flush:17" under "Side Guard Plate" (the last component in the browser tree).
co-workers part file. in the assembly tree the part file has
Now from what I understand if I adjust something in the the assembly file that this Reference38 is associated to then the cut will be adjusted accordingly. My question is, is there a way to determine what Reference 38 is referring to exactly? Which assembly file and which component/part?
I have an assembly that i want to insert in another assembly. When i do insert it i try to make it "Adaptive" but the option is graded out/not available. How can i make it Adaptive?
what kind of work flow I can use to make an assembly adaptive as possible..I need to make a machine fixture that requires cut outs for three parts. The fixture is made from a 8" x 5" x 0.19" thk piece of UHMW. I've made the "blank" and it features the work planes I need to place the three parts that the cut outs are derived from.
At first I just started the assembly and placed the parts where they should be and then used sketched outlines to define the cuts. However, since the parts are there they get "cut" as well.
I was wondering if I could make adaptive sketches linked to these parts and then import THEM into the correct plane. I could then use them to define the cuts.
I have an assembly with several analogical parts and they have sketches with project geometry inside this assembly ("Adaptive" function works good, look pic "Works").
Unfotrunately, one part of parts doesnt work perfectly ("Adaptive" function is not active, look pic "Doesnt work"),
I had a part which was adaptive in the context of an assembly. I managed to remove it from this assembly in such a way that Inventor did not clear it's adaptive flag (when I remove a part from an assembly, Inventor typically asks whether it should clear this flag - this time it didn't, I can not remember exactly what I did). Anyway, now I can not make this part adaptive anymore in another assembly. How can one clear this flag?
Is there a way to make a part being placed into an assembly instantly adapt using imates?
For instance:New assembly... Place box 1...Place box 2, but have it automatically placed inside of box 1 and sized to fit inside with 1" clearance all around.
I'm trying to make an adaptive part using a sweep. I'd like to be able to constrain both ends to other parts in an assembly and have it change as needed. I'm having trouble making the part adaptive though.
If I make a simple extruded cylinder, I can right click on the feature and make it adaptive. Then in an assembly it will change it's length when I constrain the two ends to fixed objects.
If I make a sweeped cylinder along a simple zig zag composed of three lines, I don't get the adaptive option in the right click for the feature. If I make the two sketches the sweep is comprised of adaptive the sweep feature has the adaptive icon next to it, but it won't change. I made both parts adaptive inside of the assembly also.
Is there some trick to making a sweeped part adpative?
I built an assembly made of some sheet metal parts.
Now - I wanted it to be easily changeable, meaning: in order that each part will adjust according to the other, for instance, it's length, height etc. , and will move with it and adjust, I first made work points on the mating part edges, and then in the relevant part's sketch ( I made the work point inside of the part, not the assembly!) I projected the point.
I was sure that because I see the work point with the "adaptive" symbol , the workp point will move with the parts if I change the dimensions.
It didn't work: For some reason when I'm changing dimensions, the work point stay where it was, even though it's with the "Adaptive" symbol, which makes me wonder what does it really mean (the symbol) if it point won't move along with the part while it changes.
What is the best way for me to do it? Did I have to project the points/edges in the sketch without doing a "work point' before?
My experience with the inventor lately shows that this method isn't working either. I'm sure there a "right" way to do it!
This is very important and elementary thing to do - to adjust part (with their sketches) according to the other.
I've never been able to make adaptivity work correctly in kinematic applications, except with cables, but they break all the time and the model does strange things.
Right now, I need to make an airbag adaptive, so when the control arm/axle goes up and down, the airbag gets longer or shorter:
1. top plate constrained to frame rail
2. bottom plate swings off-plane (in 3d space at strange angle)
3. rubber airbag attaches to both plates
I tried to make a part, but that didn't work.
I tried to make an adaptive assembly, but that didn't work.i just can't get this to work.
IV 2010 Suite Digital Storm PC: EVGA & Intel components Win 7 Pro 64 bit
Attached is a small scale sketch that I'm trying to work with.
I want to make a block to automate the design of typical cross-bracing connection plates relative to the angle of the x-brace. Since the angle varies from one structure to another, I need a quick way to draw these.
Make a dynamic block that would locate to the intersection of the beam and the x-brace. Then I'd adjust a "rotating reference line" from the block to align with the x-brace and then offset the plate edge to mate with the beam web. Sounds easy, but...
The parts that I need dynamic are: 1) the edge of the plate that mates to the beam web (since different beams have differing web thicknesses - this needs to be adjustable). 2) the edge of the beam flange (to make the line type hidden below the beam flange) 3) the rotation of the reference line to align with the cross brace line (so the holes are properly aligned)
I was originally trying to achieve this with a rotate parameter, but had no luck. So I just thought of replacing the rotate parameter with a polar stretch parameter and it's the closest I've been to resolving the problem, but there's still a funny quirk. When I align the reference line in the block to the cross brace angle, the two other adjustments (web and flange locators) rotate too and become skewed. How can I keep those other two beam adjustments horizontal?
what the little symbol that looks like the recycle symbol is in the model tree is? I have several parts in this assembly and many of them seem to have this symbol that says adaptive next to them and I can't find and rhyme or reason to it. I am attaching a screen shot of it. I use Inventor 2012.
I am making a truss assembly by connecting a series of nodes with 100 adaptive rods. The node positions are somewhat random, so each rod will be a unique length.
It could be done with 100 adaptive rods. Something like one adaptive part that can be used 100 times in one assembly?
I have an adaptive part which I created within an assembly. I created work planes in this file, based on features in the assembly, and created a sketch on one of these work planes. I used this sketch for an extrusion. then I wanted to reuse the sketch again for another extrusion - normally one needs to select 'Share sketch' from the right-click menu of the sketch, but this is not available. I have already experienced this (random) behaviour, i.e. the 'Share sketch' option missing from the menu. In those case it was ok to make the sketch visible, and then I could use it again. But now it doesn't work. I made it visible, but when I click Extrusion, Inventor wants me to create a sketch, claiming there is no usable sketch.
When I create part .ipt directly in assembly .iam, I can make it adaptive. I'm doing the projection of geometry. Detail goes adaptive. Geometry appears as a link.
But if I put in the assembly finished parts or remove part created in the assembly, and then insert it back, the adaptability of parts did not get to create. Then the projection geometry inserts usual nonadaptive geometry without reference.
Can I make a finished part adaptive, without creating a component at the place in this assembly?
I am trying to adapt the length of a rod to join two nodes. The error message reads: The new constraint conflicts with existing assembly constraints.
A simple 3-part example is attached.
The middle part should adapt to connect the two cylinders. The middle part is flagged adaptive in both the assembly and the part. The adaptive dimension is not constrained.
Is there a way to make an iPart adaptive? I need to make the length of a pipe adaptive in order for it to line up. These models are not saved, but are merely generated for 2D drawings via my VBA.
Using Inventor 11 I wish to create some individual parts using Structural Shapes from the Content Center as the basis for my sketch profile and extrude to length before doing other machining.
Is it possible to do this from the Part environment directly and not use the frame generator?
I want to sweep a I-beam along a 3d sketch to create a conveyor. I will be using different shapes at times so the profile won't always have the same shape, sometimes a small I-beam or a large one or possibly square tubing.
I know I can create the profile and dimension it but is there an easy way to import the profiles from Frame Generator into the sketch or another way without having to create and dimension the sketch? Or is this one of those tasks you just can't avoid?
Is there a method of extracting XYZ data to use for CNC tube bending from components developed in frame generator ? I know that in routed systems you can export that data, but can the same thing be done with frame generator or any individual bent tube or pipe part?
I created a structural shape profile for use in a project. It is square tube with radiused corners, very similar to "ANSI/AISC (Rolled Steel) Structural Tubing Square" in the content center, but mine is 1 inch square with 0.065 inch walls.
I've made a chassis out of my custom tubing. When I run a frame analysis on it, I get an error/warning stating that the torsional section modulus is zero, because I didn't fill in the value when I generated the frame. How do I calculate that value?
I've attached the tube that I used to make the structural shape.
I want to create frame made out of structural steel. In order to do that Invwentor is giving me no option but to make Layout Sketch (any other way?), which then i should use for inserting members. Now, when i want to creat layout it does not give me an option of assigning it to a work planes i created. It always sketches it in default XY plane. I need to create 3D layout that will follow several work planes i created. I tried selecting any of the other work planes before clicking on layout button but no luck.
I have created a few new structural parts that I am in the process of publishing to the content center.
I got one of them in and have it working very well except for one item. If I place this structural piece into an assembly as a stand alone part just selecting the length and the material as the key inputs, it shows the proper length in the part number and the description just fine. If I insert this same structural piece in a skeleton using the frame generator, then the length that shows up in the description is the default one that the part was originally created to. How do I get the length to show up in the frame BOM correctly when parts are created using the frame generator?
This works using the structural members out of the box.
I'm using 2012 Professional and I would like to know if there is a way to insert a structural member into a part file instead of having to use Frame Generator to get structural shapes from the content center withough having to manuall draw the section view of the member..
The hole tool will not let me complete the holes if I delete the cross part references & re-create them again.
Note that I had to change some adaptive hole locations to follow a part that was moved & I couldn't get adaptivity turned on for all components involved (adaptivity grayed out on actual part to change). Not sure why I could turn adaptivity back on. So I opted to just recreate the cross part hole references in the parts hole sketch.
I find I have to now delete the holes completely & start over which causes extra work in IDW & IPN files downstream.
Is this as planned or am I doing something wrong. This used to be easy in 2012.
We use a similar sub-assembly in almost every assembly we design. So what I would like to do is make a template from this sub-assembly that I can make adaptive, constrain to the proper parts and have it resize to the main assembly. I've been trying to do this for a few weeks now with little success.
I have seen tutorials make adaptive part templates but never adaptive assembly templates. Is this even possible?
I know you can't make individual parts adaptive to multiple assemblies without saving each part as a different file and I think that's where my problems are coming from. Even though I save the template as a different file is it still referencing the original adaptive part in my library folder? If so, is there a way I can make it not do that? I may be way off base there too I don’t know.