AutoCAD Inventor :: Structural Shape Authoring And Frame Analysis
Dec 30, 2010
I created a structural shape profile for use in a project. It is square tube with radiused corners, very similar to "ANSI/AISC (Rolled Steel) Structural Tubing Square" in the content center, but mine is 1 inch square with 0.065 inch walls.
I've made a chassis out of my custom tubing. When I run a frame analysis on it, I get an error/warning stating that the torsional section modulus is zero, because I didn't fill in the value when I generated the frame. How do I calculate that value?
I've attached the tube that I used to make the structural shape.
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Aug 29, 2012
I want to create frame made out of structural steel. In order to do that Invwentor is giving me no option but to make Layout Sketch (any other way?), which then i should use for inserting members. Now, when i want to creat layout it does not give me an option of assigning it to a work planes i created. It always sketches it in default XY plane. I need to create 3D layout that will follow several work planes i created. I tried selecting any of the other work planes before clicking on layout button but no luck.
solidworks 2010
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Jul 27, 2012
I have created a few new structural parts that I am in the process of publishing to the content center.
I got one of them in and have it working very well except for one item. If I place this structural piece into an assembly as a stand alone part just selecting the length and the material as the key inputs, it shows the proper length in the part number and the description just fine. If I insert this same structural piece in a skeleton using the frame generator, then the length that shows up in the description is the default one that the part was originally created to. How do I get the length to show up in the frame BOM correctly when parts are created using the frame generator?
This works using the structural members out of the box.
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Jan 19, 2012
Using Inventor 11 I wish to create some individual parts using Structural Shapes from the Content Center as the basis for my sketch profile and extrude to length before doing other machining.
Is it possible to do this from the Part environment directly and not use the frame generator?
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Jan 21, 2013
I am trying to find a software package that would allow me to model lightweight steel structures; agricultural style barns (up to 60x100) constructed of bar trusses and columns. I can do hand analysis, but for multiple buildings per month, it would be too time consuming. I prefer something more user friendly than finite element analysis, that would produce a quality analysis report.
I have read some through the Revit summary, but it focuses more on the maximum potential of the program and doesn't describe the minimum level it will perform at; I will never be designing a multi - story steel stadium or warehouse or office park, etc.
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May 3, 2013
I have created a report from a frame analysis of an arrangement of I-Beam steelwork. I need to check that I have placed the nodes in the right order and this is reflected in the results of the report. I have the parent and child nodes connected at the ends of the beams as shown on the attached screen shot. I'm interested to know if the order in which I have selected the nods makes any difference to the results. There a 3 node connection points at each corner section.
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Jan 27, 2013
I am trying to run a simulation on a 4 layer part that has two base layers of I-beams, a frame I made in the frame generator (below) and a solid sheet on top. I am having some issues with the FEA side and was curios to see if the frame analysis tool would yield the same results as the stress analysis simulation. For the frame generator I saw 4 times the amount of deflection despite using (what I believe) are similar loading and constraints, however now I am unsure if I can trust to run an FEA simulation with a frame generated component. The frame is made up of 2 inch steel box beam with a 0.25 inch wall thickness. For the frame analysis package, I have applied a pressure that equates to a 70 kN load across four different sections of the frame. Supports have been placed under all four corners, with 1 being fixed and the other 3 free to move. For the FEA simulation, I applied a similar pressure by creating 2 inch wide plates and applying the same pressure at the same four points. There are also 2 inch square pads under the four corners of the frame with one edge of one pad being fixed and the bottom of the pads having a frictionless constraint. There are separation contacts between both the pressure plates on top of the frame and the frame as well as between the pads and the frame.
with the frame generator is that all the segments of the frame are bonded together (under contacts) which makes sense since they are welded together. However when I put a sheet on top of the frame, there are 3 contact points created between each beam on the frame and the sheet (one on the face of the frame that is in contact with the sheet and the other two on the rounds of the frame and the sheet, even though the rounds are not actually in contact with the sheet). Either way, I am seeing deflections of less than 0.1 mm when a 70 kN load is applied which I know is not right and just want to know if using a frame generated component is not possible with an FEA simulation.
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Sep 11, 2012
I've attached file. This is trestle and SWL(safety work load) is 2T. How can understandable that this load is going to be withstand by trestle.
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Jul 5, 2013
Having an assembly, modeled in the frame generator, then with some additional parts (ribs, plates, etc) added to the assembly as parts and constrained with assembly constraints.. which is the best way to do a frame analysis with the frame analysis enviroment for considering the all structure (frame generators parts + the additional enforcing parts) ?
The assembly look like for example, to this (modeled in autocad).
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Oct 8, 2012
explain the circumstances where 'Release' is applied to a beam (node?) when using the Frame Analysis tool.
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Sep 23, 2010
When I go to Environments>Frame Analysis, I used to get a menu for Constraints, Loads and other settings (similar to the Stress Analyisis menu). I don't get that now. I can right-click on an existing simulation and add constraints and loads, but I would really like to get the menu back.
I can go to tools>Customize, Toolbars tab and Frame Analysis Panel is there. I can click Show and it will show the panel but it stays up all the time. Not what I want.
I have tried resetting the menu, repair installing Inventor and Reinstalling Inventor, but still not joy. How do I get this back to the original setting so that it comes up when I select Frame Analysis?
This is in 2011.
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Oct 10, 2012
I understand that in a normal part to apply a load to a face is to make it a UDL (uniformly distributed load) by default. To apply a point load, I was told to create a small sketch and use it to split a face to create, in effect, a small face on which to apply a load, effectively making it a point load.
Now in the frame analysis environment, there is clearly an option for 'force' and one for 'continuous force' which the description clearly describes as a uniformly distributed load. However, when I run the simulation (on a 2m long 100mm x 50mm x 4mm Rectangular hollow beam) with a normal load in the middle of the beam (1m offset); the maximum moment comes out at 500000 Nmm or 500 Nm. By my reckoning the moment should be 1000 Nm as the basic formula for a moment from a point load is M = F*D (Moment = Force * Distance). However, to get 500 Nm, it looks like Inventor is using M = (F*x^2)/2 where x is the midspan of the beam (in this case 1m). .is a normal load in frame analysis the same as a UDL? If to I make it a point load?
There are also some errors stating instability of type 2 at various nodes, I've used both Pinned and Floating constraints at either end of the beam.
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May 2, 2013
I have a question regarding adding a force constraint in the Inventor frame analysis environment. When I add the fixed constraint to the beam the orientation indicator is incorrect - the square indicator being not parallel to the base of the beam. I would like to know why this is and as I am relatively new to frame analysis if I am doing something wrong. I have attached a screen shot of the placement of the constraint on the beam.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Sep 14, 2013
Does Frame Analysis uses the finite element method?
If it does, how to view/edit the mesh?
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Jun 14, 2013
I am trying to run a Frame analysis on a beam structure. I wanted a specific yield stress for the components that make up the beam. So I created a new material and changed the yield stress and change my beam components to that new material. However when I run the simulation the yield stress is not what I made it. Is this allowed?
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Jan 23, 2012
I am busy constructing my own Structural Shapes Library in Inventor 1012.During the Authoring and Publishing step I mapped Cross Section Properties (Ixx, Iyy, Torsional Section Modulus, Torsional Rigidity Modulus etc) to set parameters in my iPart table.
I have noticed that once this part is then used in Frame Generator to create a simple beam and then analyzed with the Frame Analysis tool, the analysis tool uses the geometry of the part to calculate these properties.
Is there a way that I can force Inventor to use the properties in the iPart Tables? I am worried that any errors in creating the cross section geometry will be carried into the Cross Section Properties calculated by Inventor.
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Nov 29, 2010
Simulation Frame analysis crashed when choose button Simulate. Write failed to connect solver.
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Jan 6, 2012
I have tried the Frame Analysis for the first time and quit from this option as requested.
BUT now the subassemly consisting frame and all its parts are grey even after restarting Inventor.
Here is some bug. [URL] ....
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Apr 17, 2013
Is it possible to run force analysis on my part in Inventor? I have used the force analysis before, but never for something so complex in shape. My main issues are constraining the base of the part and applying forces. I tried thickening sections of the part in order to apply a force/constraint, but now Inventor won't recognize the thickened parts as connected to the main body.
On a side note, it won't let me attach my file, which is 122 MB. Is it too large?
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Mar 18, 2013
I want to update a frame generator shape so it shows as a phantom part and won't show on the parts list. I don't know how to do this. Would I re-publish this part again? I can't just change the BOM properties in the original part file. What's the best approach here?
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Jan 10, 2012
I downloaded a hose fitting ipt file from the Parker website and did the Tube and Pipe Authoring thing to put it into the content center as a new family in a new read/write library. When I browse for it to use as the Start Fitting on my hose, the new family does not appear in the list. What is my problem?
The new library is checked in my Projects configuration. I have been monkeying with the NS column of the family and can't seem to get it back to its original format now.
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Jul 16, 2010
Using Routed Systems in the Tube & Pipe Authoring dialog page on the End Treatment pull down -- is there a detailed list of what the different end treatments mean ? such as what does "Quick Connect" exactly mean, or Swaged, single ferrule or dual (such as used with a Swagelok fitting)... What can you do with "Other".... etc..
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Dec 16, 2011
I have authored a part to the Content Center, but the part is inserted at a standardized length. How do I author the part so that the length can be specified whem inserted, like the structural steel shapes?
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Aug 27, 2009
How do I get to the settings that control what does and does not show in any given discipline - we need to update the Structural Discipline to show the non-structural walls, and non-structural portions of other walls as halftone.
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Jul 18, 2013
I've been working with inventor professionally for about a year now doing piping and vessels for the oil field. This also involves a lot of pipe supports and platforms.
I'm trying to streamline the process right now by coming up with a way to make some adaptive bracing that I can reuse so I don't have to model it over and over. Most of the engineer drawings I get are basically the same; 2d lines for beams with work points for the bracing and typical connection details.
I start with a skeletal model and use frame gen to drop my beams in. But bracing is where I run into difficulty. I get it done but its just tedious and time consuming
Is their a way I can make a reusable adaptive or flexible bracing for this task? Here's some pics of what I've been sinking around with to try and automate this (I haven't found a good solution yet).
1. Created my skeleton
2. Dropped beams in
3. Created bracing template
4. Dropped bracing temp in assembly
5. Constrained it into place
6. used make parts to place the gusset plates into my assembly
7. gusset plates fully parametric
I'd like to have a better process of doing this. Ideally I'd like to drop a whole brace sub-assembly (gussets, brace and bolts) in to the main assembly and constrain to the drawing specified work points and be done with it.
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Jan 7, 2014
I want to sweep a I-beam along a 3d sketch to create a conveyor. I will be using different shapes at times so the profile won't always have the same shape, sometimes a small I-beam or a large one or possibly square tubing.
I know I can create the profile and dimension it but is there an easy way to import the profiles from Frame Generator into the sketch or another way without having to create and dimension the sketch? Or is this one of those tasks you just can't avoid?
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May 22, 2013
After using Custom Profile for Frame Generator, the Part List will show total length, not individually. How to split these frame members?
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May 20, 2013
I created an extruded aluminium profile (attached file: Item Profile 8 80x80) which I published into the Content Center. When using this profile in a frame design, and using the Trim To Frame command, the profiles are trimmed at a weird angle (attached pdf file).
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Apr 30, 2013
After using Custom Profile for Frame Generator, the Part List will show total length, not individually. how to split these frame members?
Inventor Professional 2013 SP1.1
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, SP1
HP EliteBook 8460w; 8 GB RAM; i7 - 2.0 GHz; AMD Firepro M3900 -1 GB
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Dec 13, 2011
There should be a way to Notch a straight frame to a curved frame! I want to laser cut the tube, so I really need to trim one tube to a curve tube.
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Jul 26, 2012
I come across this problem from time to time and generally either just ignore it, if the detail is destined for in house manufacture, or alter it in autocad if it's destined for exterior suppliers.
Our guard frames are manufactured from extruded aluminum section (made by a company called palletti) I have when needed created a new frame generator frame member for each new x-section that we wish to use. I then draw a 2d sketch for the base frame skeleton and then a 3d sketch for all the frame work above. This I then use in an assembly to create the framework. This framework assembly then goes into a second assembly where the framework is then adorned with all the accoutrements that make up a guard frame that we can then order as an assembled frame, panels feet, hinges et al.
When placing the views for the detailing of the second assembly sometimes the view will show the wrong length for one or some of the frame members.
;note how the left and right views are different and how some of the frame members are elongated on the lh view.
I'm guessing its because of the home grown frame members but all seems to work well other wise and this only happens infrequently.
HP z210 16Gb ATI FirePro5800
Autodesk Produst design Suite 2012
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