AutoCAD Inventor :: Adaptive Part Using IMates

May 27, 2010

Is there a way to make a part being placed into an assembly instantly adapt using imates?

For instance:New assembly... Place box 1...Place box 2, but have it automatically placed inside of box 1 and sized to fit inside with 1" clearance all around.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Include / Exclude Imates From Two Parts And 1 Whole Part

Nov 15, 2013

I want to exclude imates from two parts and 1 whole part at the same time.

This is my situation:

PartA with 2 sets of imates(for constrains on 3 axis for no movement) on the right side. Set A and set B.
PartB with 2 sets of imates, one on the left side set A and one on the right side, set C.
PartC with 2 sets of imates on the left side. Set B and set C.

i want, in a iPart, part A connected with part C connection with iMate set B. And in the same ipart i want Part A, B and C connected respectively with iMate sets A,C

So in the first situation i want iMates A and C and part B to be suppressed and in the second i want iMate set B to be suppressed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adaptive Part Won't Adapt

May 28, 2013

I've been working with adaptive parts for a while now so I think I have a pretty good handle on how they work, but I've tried every trick I know and can't get this adaptive part to adapt correctly. When I apply the final constraint, which should drive its length, Inventor tells me it's an inconsistent constraint. If the part would adapt, it should be perfectly consistent. I've attached my work-set, the constraint I'm trying to apply is "Flush:17" under "Side Guard Plate" (the last component in the browser tree).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Make Part Adaptive

Sep 10, 2012

I have an assembly with several analogical parts and they have sketches with project geometry inside this assembly ("Adaptive" function works good, look pic "Works").

Unfotrunately, one part of parts doesnt work perfectly ("Adaptive" function is not active, look pic "Doesnt work"),

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adaptive Sweeped Part

Aug 16, 2012

I'm trying to make an adaptive part using a sweep. I'd like to be able to constrain both ends to other parts in an assembly and have it change as needed. I'm having trouble making the part adaptive though.

If I make a simple extruded cylinder, I can right click on the feature and make it adaptive. Then in an assembly it will change it's length when I constrain the two ends to fixed objects.

If I make a sweeped cylinder along a simple zig zag composed of three lines, I don't get the adaptive option in the right click for the feature. If I make the two sketches the sweep is comprised of adaptive the sweep feature has the adaptive icon next to it, but it won't change. I made both parts adaptive inside of the assembly also.

Is there some trick to making a sweeped part adpative?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Make Part Adaptive

Nov 18, 2012

1) How Can I turn on 'Adaptive' option on the menu shown in attached picture for layout part? (in assembly invironment)

2) Which process or fault leads to that problem?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reuse An Adaptive Part In Assembly

May 26, 2013

I am making a truss assembly by connecting a series of nodes with 100 adaptive rods. The node positions are somewhat random, so each rod will be a unique length.

It could be done with 100 adaptive rods.  Something like one adaptive part that can be used 100 times in one assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Reuse Sketch In Adaptive Part

Mar 15, 2013

I have an adaptive part which I created within an assembly. I created work planes in this file, based on features in the assembly, and created a sketch on one of these work planes. I used this sketch for an extrusion. then I wanted to reuse the sketch again for another extrusion - normally one needs to select 'Share sketch' from the right-click menu of the sketch, but this is not available. I have already experienced this (random) behaviour, i.e. the 'Share sketch' option missing from the menu. In those case it was ok to make the sketch visible, and then I could use it again. But now it doesn't work. I made it visible, but when I click Extrusion, Inventor wants me to create a sketch, claiming there is no usable sketch.

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Attached Part Adaptive

Dec 1, 2012

When I create part .ipt directly in assembly .iam, I can make it adaptive. I'm doing the projection of geometry. Detail goes adaptive. Geometry appears as a link.

But if I put in the assembly finished parts or remove part created in the assembly, and then insert it back, the adaptability of parts did not get to create. Then the projection geometry inserts usual nonadaptive geometry without reference.

Can I make a finished part adaptive, without creating a component at the place in this assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Tabled Part In Assembly Be Made Adaptive

Jan 19, 2012

Can a tabled part in an assembly be made adaptive? Adaptivity for my tabled part is greyed out.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Make Individual Parts Adaptive To Multiple Assemblies Without Saving Each Part

May 4, 2013

   We use a similar sub-assembly in almost every assembly we design.  So what I would like to do is make a template from this sub-assembly that I can make adaptive, constrain to the proper parts and have it resize to the main assembly.  I've been trying to do this for a few weeks now with little success.

 I have seen tutorials make adaptive part templates but never adaptive assembly templates.  Is this even possible?

 I know you can't make individual parts adaptive to multiple assemblies without saving each part as a different file and I think that's where my problems are coming from.  Even though I save the template as a different file is it still referencing the original adaptive part in my library folder?  If so, is there a way I can make it not do that?  I may be way off base there too I don’t know.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Enable Using IMates

Mar 7, 2013

For some reason, I am unable to use the iMate feature of Autodesk Inventor.  I am unable to select iMates on existing parts to assemble them with other parts.  I have followed all the instructions for using iMate features, but I always run into trouble because, even though I did indeed enable iMate glyph visibility, and I did do all the other stuff they said, when I click on the iMate glyph, nothing happens.  It is as if they weren't even there at all.  Selecting the iMates from the project browser on the left doesn't work either; while I am able to select the features, I am unable to move the parts or select any other iMates, except as a group selection, which doesn't let me do anything, either.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Multiple Use Of IMates / In A Stamp

Dec 19, 2013

We have a frequently used bearing assembly for dampers, mounted to plate consisting of a shaft hole w/ 2 countersunk holes for flat head cap screws to mount the bearing.

I have a stamp for the hole array into the plate, and can individually i Mate each FHCS into said holes after placing in the assembly onto the plate.

Is there a way to set up the iMates so that the bearing assembly would plop in automatically into the two separate countersunk holes? Not sure if you would have to create iMates in the stamp...or if thats even possible.

Sometimes the damper may have 2 bearing assemblies @ opposite side of the frame for one blade shaft, sometimes we may have as many as 4-5 blade shafts (10 bearing assy's). So Im imagining dragging the thing to each iMated array and dropping it in.

Inventor 2014
Windows 7 Pro SP1
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IMates In Sketch Blocks

Jun 29, 2010

Is there an option to add an i mate within a sketch block. I am working on a belt conveyor for handling coal and have created a master sketch to drive all components for along the conveyor.

As the ground modules are all the same module, i have a sketch block. Problem is i cannot add an i mate to the idlers within the sketch block. It means i can only create to i mates individually after the sketch block is copied or patterned.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create IMates On Workpoints

Sep 7, 2012

I'm working in Inventor 2012 and new to VBA and I'm gonna kick myself if there's a really easy answer to this. I've got 120+ WorkPoints on corresponding WorkAxes on an irregular pattern both horizontally and vertically. I'd like to Select all the WorkPoints and add a mate Imate then all the work axis and add an insert imate to ease placement of a part at each location within an assembly (this scenario crops up quite often).

I've been trying to use AddMateiMateDefinition but it doesn't seem to let me pass a WorkPoint to it, is it possible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit CC Parts To Have IMates

Sep 14, 2012

I currently have to palce a lot of parts from the content center into an assembly and miss essential imates for easy placement. I am using IV2010 at the moment and have no clue where to start.

I have tried copying a new instance of a part into a new library. I then placed this component in the assembly hoping I could add iMates to it in the assembly environment. But when I want to save I get the message that the part has not been checked out for me to use even though I have read/write access to the library.

So a couple of questions here:

As files in the CC are saved in a datapase and not as part files, can imates be included in that database? Do I really need to recreate the part from scratch, and then publish it to the library?

How would it be possible to open up a CC file like in the part edit mode in an assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IMates / Naming And Placement?

Apr 6, 2004

How does IV recognize iMate naming. I am trying to use specific named iMates on parts that when placed in the assembly that they can be placed in the correct postions. What I have run into is that no matter how I name the iMates I can place a part with one iMate name on a non-matching named iMate. Ex.- 1601-1 will mate with 2201-1 using the alt-Drag method. (These two iMates are both insert types.) This happens sometimes using the "Use iMate" checkbox on the place component dialog. I thought that the naming and type of iMate dictated what mates with what not just type.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View Representation - Add Using IMates

Jun 17, 2013

Is there a secret to having the Design View Reps stay on the right settings when using Occurrences.AddUsingIMates? I've got a master top level assembly that I'm bringing other iLogic modules into by using an iLogic form in the master top level assembly. The form calls a rule that makes a copy of the module assembly in the same file location as the master TLA. It then adds the module TLA  to the master TLA using iMates, and calls an external rule to copy all the sub files from the module into that file location and replace them in the module TLA. The user then calls the module's configuration form using a button on the master TLA's form. 

I've been using a line of code to set the DVR back to default and associative for the module, but now that has stopped working and it immediately goes back to Master after running the rule, or even if I try and set it by hand. But if I bring the same module in and place it using the Place button, it comes in correctly. I've even added a NameValueMap for the DVR optional argument on AddUsingiMates and that hasn't work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: API To Place Component At All Matching IMates

Dec 21, 2011

Create code that will allow me to place a part in an assembly at all matching iMate locations. I would also like to call this function from iLogic using RunMacro if possible.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Members Are Missing IMates

Nov 4, 2011

I'm having an issue with imates not showing up on members of an ipart. If I open the factory file the imates are there, but if I open the member file the imates are not there. This is causing an imate error in my assembly because when I need to switch members out (at the assembly level) the imates are not holding because they're not there!?!

I've even tried "Dirtying" the file by creating a plane and then deleting it, doing a save, then a generate files. This doesn't work either. Why won't the imates show up correctly on the members that they're supposed to show up on?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IMates To Drive Parameter / Dimension?

Mar 8, 2013

know if I can drive the length of a shaft based on two iMates being satisfied? We'll take a driveshaft for example. If, using iMates, I make it connect to the transmission yoke and to the axle yoke, can the Length parameter automatically be changed so it fits?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IMates In Replaced Content Center Files

Jan 18, 2012

Recently we added i Mates to some library-parts. Also replaced some Content Center models by models with iMates. When we place these Content Center parts, the only way to activate the iMates is to right click

When creating a new iPart with iMates and publish this to Content Center everything is working well. Our server and workstations are up-to-date, so I think this is a "bug". Maybe Autodesk fixes in the next update.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit / Add Matchlist Items In Assembly With IMates

Feb 27, 2013

I've got an existing assembly in which I need to change the matchlist for the imates.  I have been able to change the imate names but not the match list. 

The only reference I have found creates the iMate in a part.  I need to edit an existing iMate in the assembly document for the matchlist.

I have some code below, but it is not complete.

    Set MyPart = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(strJobLocalDirectory & strLFVAssyName)
    Set oAssyComp = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition
        'Dim oDoc As Inventor.AssemblyDocument
    Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
        Dim oInsertiMate As InsertiMateDefinition


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Place List Of Components With IMates Into Assembly Using Ilogic

Feb 15, 2013

I was just wondering how to place a component into an assembly using ilogic?  If this is possible, is there also an option to choose if iMates will be generated?

I would ideally like to place a list of components into an assembly, the list with probably exist in excel, then have iMates set to 'Automatically generate iMates on place' so that my assembly assembles automatically.

Inventor 2013 Certified Professional
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use IMates Names To Place Hydraulic Adapter Into Assembly

Jan 10, 2012

I am trying to use iMates names to place a hydraulic adapter into an assembly. The adapter has two male ends - one end with an insert iMate matching a cylinder iMate and one end with an insert iMate matching the hose fitting. When placing the adapter, the iMate names are ignored and it is mated backwards using inferred iMates.

Also, I get an error because it wants to mate new instances of the part to the unconsumed iMate of the part that was just placed (which I guess would place parts into infinity). I have changed around the iMate names and matching names every way I can think of, but the names still are ignored, and it uses other deferred iMates.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adaptive Sketch Reference

May 22, 2012

co-workers part file. in the assembly tree the part file has


Now from what I understand if I adjust something in the the assembly file that this Reference38 is associated to then the cut will be adjusted accordingly. My question is, is there a way to determine what Reference 38 is referring to exactly? Which assembly file and which component/part?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Make Subassembly Adaptive

Feb 11, 2013

I have an assembly that i want to insert in another assembly. When i do insert it i try to make it "Adaptive" but the option is graded out/not available. How can i make it Adaptive?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Assembly Adaptive As Possible

Sep 7, 2012

what kind of work flow I can use to make an assembly adaptive as possible..I need to make a machine fixture that requires cut outs for three parts. The fixture is made from a 8" x 5" x 0.19" thk piece of UHMW. I've made the "blank" and it features the work planes I need to place the three parts that the cut outs are derived from.

At first I just started the assembly and placed the parts where they should be and then used sketched outlines to define the cuts. However, since the parts are there they get "cut" as well.

I was wondering if I could make adaptive sketches linked to these parts and then import THEM into the correct plane. I could then use them to define the cuts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Clear Adaptive Flag

Aug 1, 2012

I had a part which was adaptive in the context of an assembly. I managed to remove it from this assembly in such a way that Inventor did not clear it's adaptive flag (when I remove a part from an assembly, Inventor typically asks whether it should clear this flag - this time it didn't, I can not remember exactly what I did). Anyway, now I can not make this part adaptive anymore in another assembly. How can one clear this flag?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adaptive Structural Bracing

Jul 18, 2013

I've been working with inventor professionally for about a year now doing piping and vessels for the oil field. This also involves a lot of pipe supports and platforms.

I'm trying to streamline the process right now by coming up with a way to make some adaptive bracing that I can reuse so I don't have to model it over and over. Most of the engineer drawings I get are basically the same; 2d lines for beams with work points for the bracing and typical connection details.

I start with a skeletal model and use frame gen to drop my beams in. But bracing is where I run into difficulty. I get it done but its just tedious and time consuming

Is their a way I can make a reusable adaptive or flexible bracing for this task? Here's some pics of what I've been sinking around with to try and automate this (I haven't found a good solution yet).

1. Created my skeleton
2. Dropped beams in
3. Created bracing template
4. Dropped bracing temp in assembly
5. Constrained it into place
6. used make parts to place the gusset plates into my assembly
7. gusset plates fully parametric

I'd like to have a better process of doing this. Ideally I'd like to drop a whole brace sub-assembly (gussets, brace and bolts) in to the main assembly and constrain to the drawing specified work points and be done with it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cable Adaptive To 4 Wheels

Sep 30, 2011

I’m working on a project where I need to make a cable that is adaptive to 4 wheels, where 2 of them is moving.

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