I don't seem to find a way to plot to a tiff file. Is there a driver I'm missing? I have and use often "DWG to PDF", but someone has asked us for everything to be in TIFF format.
I have a .dwg non georefenced and I'm able to have the longitude/latitude of several points of this .dwg. I work with the trial version of Autocad Map 3D 2011. My aim is to get .shp georeferenced.
For the moment, I assigned a coordinate system (LL84) to the .dwg. After that, I don't really know how to georeference my .dwg with the latitudes/longitudes that I know.
To convert .dwg to .shp, I think it's ok. I already did some tests (.dwg->.sdf->.shp). My problem is georeferencing.
I have been trying to simply insert points in a .csv file (PNEZD). The foints are taken SPC systems and elevations are in feet. I am using the imperial english template with no conversions. When i import the points from a file the points come in in the correct position but the elevation is in meters insted of feet!
I am trying to insert an Mr Sid file using Data Connect. I am running 2011 C3D. When I try adding the file to the dwg, it tries to execute the query, but then I get an error "There was a problem adding data to map."
The folder containing the SID file has two other files...the .sdw file and the metadata file. Is there another file missing? Or is the SID file too large...it's 1.6GB.
I recently changed jobs and my employer did not purchase AutoCAD 2013 Civil 3D instead they only purchased AutoCAD 2013 (plain). I have to work with aerial and I recived all of our county areals which are on a state plain coordinate system. However when I bring the aerials into AutoCAD 2013 via the "ImageAttach" command the aerals come in at 0,0 and just pile up on each other and they are not to the correct scale. I could just move the aerials and try to rescale them and attach them at the corners but the areals are overlapped so this chore is not very acurate lining them up. I said all this to ask..........Is there a way to insert aerials (tif files) into AutoCAD 2013 (plain edition) so that they come in in the correct coordinate location and the correct scale? I know in AutoCAD Civil 3D you could go to the Map module and insert the aerials and they would come in in the right geodetic location. And incase you need to know, the directory I have the aerials stored in has the "tif" , "aux", and the "tfw" files.
I have just installed C3D 2012 and when I show the menu bar, the only choice is Express which used to be the last tool in previous versions. What happened to File - Edit - View - Insert - Format, etc in the menu bar? I need to access them.
I write a program, this program needs to insert some standard illustrations. I made these standard illustrations into different blocks. And I store these blocks in a dwg file. Everytime I need to insert some illustrations, I just click the mouse on the current drawing, I want the illustration inserted. These means the following points:
(1) Import the blocks to the current drawing, if the blocks have already been imported, then do nothing.
(2) Specify the insert point by clicking the mouse, and I want the block's insert point to coincide with the mouse clicking point.
I am using PSE 12 as an external editor for Aperture. When I ask to use an external photo editor, Aperture creates a .tiff file in my Aperture folder, launches PSE 12 and tells it to edit that .tiff file. This all works great. When I am done editing in PSE 12, I ask it to save the file and it saves it back to the original Aperture folder with a .tif extension. I can instead say "save as" and then it suggests the file name with a .tif extension. When I correct the extension to .tiff it warns me that I'm going to overwrite the file (exactly what I want!). I say yes and then I find out that PSE did not overwrite the file, but wrote it as a .tif file anyway. I have to go to the folder, delete the .tiff file and rename the .tif file to .tiff and then everything is fine - but what a hassle.
I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
First, I am developing with the following system environment.
- ObjectARX 2011 - AutoCAD 2010 - C# with VS 2008
I am making a custom command that opens a open file dialog to prompt the user a dwg file.And the programmatically(automatically) insert another dwg file to the opened map.So what I tried to find a method to open a open file dialog, but couldn't find it.So next I tried to execute "OPEN" command programmatically. The following code is what I tried...
When I run the custom command, nothing happens. After opening a file, I want to insert ("INSERT" command) another drawing onto it. How could I achieve this?
Whenever I tell LR to edit a photo in PS (CS6), I get back a TIFF file that is 10X larger than the orginal RAW file, and I ultimetly delete it to save space (after first converting it to a jpeg). Why doesn't PS do LR style non-destructrive editing, i.e., why not simply return a record of the edits made in a format compatible with LR?
I'm trying to import a .tif image into autocad 2013 this image I clipped in ArcMap 10.1 and reprojected. The size of the image that I can't import is 36.6 mb, but I can import a MrSIDs image size is 611 mb into AutoCAD this is the error message that I get when I try an import the smaller image. "this file is an unknown format or invalid for images"
I am using the map connect command to import a geotiff file to NAD83 coordinates. After import, the image displays correctly at the correct location, however my xref manager indicates that the image file location is in my local app folder within the C drive on my computer even though I specified the target base file on our network server. I also noticed the map connect function converts the files to a png file.
Because the image link resides on my computer others cannot view the image when they open the drawing. I don't fully understand how the map connect function works, do I need to use the map insert command if I want the image to be hard linked into the drawing?
We are trying to find a way to produce a BMP/PNG/ tiff file Heightmap (Hillshade?), I was able to produce something, but it isnt good enough quality (attached). What is the best workflow to achieve a good quality image?
I'm on a help desk where we have several users who run Win7, but can't publish any projects that have a TIFF overlay. Let me correct that. It prints, but that TIFF overlay is not included.
They print to a Xerox 6204 Wide Format printer, and every single Win7 user has this problem (32 and 64 bit). The one person that still runs XP doesn't have this problem. This sounds like a driver problem to me, but we've reinstalled the drivers and still no change.
As I can't bind a Tiff file (X-Ref) within AutoCad 2010, Is there another way to fully embed a tiff file into drawing file, so I only have to email one file to my client?
I am currently working on a drawing. I modeled up 6 cable QCDC's and have to position them in front of an imported Tiff file in model space so that it appears they are installed in the scene depicted in the image. I applied a gray plastic material to my models and when I go to render the scene, the Tiff file and my models are all faded drastically.
I'm having problems with tiff images. I can load them as an xref but then at times that the image will not load. it seems to have lost the file path. Also when I send dwg to other draftsman outside-- the tiff image will not load what is the trick to have the tiff image move with dwg no matter what drive its on or where its going.
I have a problem regarding plotting high quality tiff files from cad. I need to plot a high quality tiff file (300dpi) from my drawing, but I have no understanding of how I could go about doing this. The tifout command does not produce high enough quality images.
I am trying to bring in a couple of Tiff Images into autocad civil 3D. The issue is when I preview the image its in color, however when I insert it into Autocad it is black and white. Is there a way to change the image in Autocad to show up in color?
I have a utm .tif and .tfw files which I need to convert into a wgs84 ascii file (csv ideally) with the full list of x,y and z values. The UTM needs to become geocodes and it needs to be in ascii. I am using Civil 3D 2012.