AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Coordinates Table Of Sample Line?
Apr 15, 2012 I'm designing a road, but I have a trouble how to export coordinates table of sample lines?
I need a table of coordinates X,Y of sample lines.
I'm designing a road, but I have a trouble how to export coordinates table of sample lines?
I need a table of coordinates X,Y of sample lines.
I'm working on a stream restoration project and we need to determine the x coordinates and corresponding elevations along a stream alignment at certain sample lines. The centerline of the stream's alignment has been created as well as sample lines for cross sections at 50' intervals. We need the coordinates & elevations of each sample line (cross section) exported into an excel/txt document.
For instance, at station 1+00 of the alignment we have a sample line. We need to know to the right and left along that sample line the corresponding elevations and that x coordinate) from the alignment. Primarily, whole contour intervals but more information would be useful as well. I was hoping this could be automatically generated.
(I'm using Civil 3D 2011)
I have a corridor with an associated sample line group, and I have produced some material volume tables to give me quantities for my corridor structures and cut/fill volumes. When I look at the material volume tables they are at a seemingly arbitrary stationing. The sample line group which the material volume tables are (supposedly) based on are on alignment L1000 and they run from station 1133+73 to station 1154+00 every 10 meters. The material volume tables show volumes broken down by stations starting at station 3719+58.66 and runs through to station 3786+08.92. It is sampling at a seemingly arbitrary frequency, there is absolutely no alignment in my drawing that has stations remotely resembling those numbers, and there is definitely no sample line group it could be using that samples an alignment or stationing anything like that shown in the materials volume tables. Here is a quick screenshot of what my material volumes tables look like:[URL]
How to truncate coordinates in a C3D point table?
My situation is that I have ground coordinates that are similar to state plane, but because they are not on the grid, they aren't exactly the same. I want to display the coordinates without the first two or three numbers, in order that people won't get confused and think that they are on the grid.
C3D - 2014
I have a road corridor and need to create sample lines at a 50m interval, as well as at every horizontal and vertical turning point. While the 50m stations and the horizontal turning points are easy to add (using the alignment), I can't seem to find where/how to add the vertical points (they have to be extracted from the profile).
Running the Feature Line Report I noticed the horizontal turning points are not used in the report: it only reports the 50m stations (so I guess the same will happen to the vertical points?).
how to add the vertical turning points to the sample line group and how to include both horizontal and vertical points in the Feature Line Report.
I have an alignment with sample lines, I need to export these to a new drawing. i tried export/import land xml, but it did not work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedApply the transformed utm coordinates to grid coordinates to a structure table. the point tables have a grid coordinate selection but the pipe structure table does not.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use object snap (intersection) to position the end of my sample lines at the intersection of the sample line with a polyline. The object snap works with sample lines left of the alignment centerline but not on the right. How do I correct this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI draw an alignment for road. I turned off design criteria and i used data from manual for my country Slovenia. I need spiral in, curve and spiral out on alignment. Finally i got that alignment. Then i insert sample lines along the alignment. Then i saved autocad civil 3d file and shut down the program. When i reopen file, i see that sample lines after the spiral in being erased. Sample lines stayed along first tangent, after that they were erased.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn Civil 3D we can create several new sample line groups and their sample lines can have the same name in other sample line groups.e.g
Sample line names:
Sample line names:
However, If I create a new sample line group with API and after new sample lines, if other sample line name(of other SLG) has the same name, Civil 3D throws Exception.
Creating sample lines at a specific increment within a range starting from the start of the range is impossible unless the start of the range is divisible by the increment. This is a defect that needs fixing.
Meanwhile you'll find me typing in the 93 locations for my sample lines. I believe this is what we made computers for.
I have some sample lines that highlight utilities needing a section view. I've now moved my sample line to highlight the true cross section stationing for these crossings. Why doesn't the station value update for the sample line once this is moved. For some reason I remember the station text on the sample line updating itself automatically in the past.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to figure out how to change the labeling of my sample line style from (<[Sample Line Number(Sn)]> which out puts a count of 1,2,3,4 etc to output A,B,C,D etc.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm working on cross sections and ran into a problem. I had to edit my surface but it wouldn't cooperate with me. So instead, I just erased the whole surface and restarted it. After I got my surface the way I like it, I added my sample lines to where they are supposed to be. Problem is, my cross sections turned out blank.
So for now, I skipped to create a surface profile and see both of my surfaces available on the bottom. The old one I deleted and the newly created one. It won't let me go to the bottom and erase the old deleted surface. When I go into my only shows my newly created surface and nothing more. Is this a reason why my cross sections come up blank?
I'll show you a pic of my toolspace with just the current surface and another pic of the "create a surface profile" showing that it still has both the old and new (all in CAPS) but it won't let me delete the original.
HP Compaq 8100 Elite
Win 7 Pro SP1 - 64Bit
i7 860 @ 2.80 GHZ
AutoCad Civil 3d 2012 SP1
Where is the setting for the sample line label background mask? I have some sample lines that will be plotted on top of an aerial photo, and the black box background looks terrible. I'd like to turn it off. I found the contour label background fine and I switched those to False without much of a problem, but I can't seem to locate the ones for the sample lines.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn "SettingsSampleLine.SettingsStyles" there are the default properties:
SampleLineSampleLineLabelSampleLineLabelStyleIdSampleLineStyleIdSettingsSampleLine estiloLM = CivilApplication. ActiveDocument. Settings. Get Settings<SettingsSampleLine>();string NombreEstilo=estiloLM.Styles.SampleLine.Value;string NombreEstiloEtiqueta = estiloLM. Styles. SampleLineLabel. Value;
but I don´t find SampleLineLabel property in Sample Line Class¿?Is that property in sample line group?
I create the sampleline on the option "by a range of stations" so the sample lines were created on the horizontal geometry points. When I change the geometry of the alignament, the sample lines's local change or I need to do the process all over again?
View 1 Replies View Related[URL]
Bring that back from the archives... because I am still very fond of redoing hundreds of cross sections because you're incable of redistributing the graphs when a sample line is added to a an existing group... and blow up all of the projections well done.... way to leave out a super critical dynamic component.
There is some unbelievable gaps in the software but how do you let this one go on for so long?
Dell Precision T3500 - Xenon W3550 @ 3.07 (4 core)
Ram @ 12Gb
64bit Win7 Pro
Samsung SSD
NVIDIA Quadro 2000 - Dual Monitors
Cat 6 network with GlobalScape Avail Agent - WAFS
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium and Civil 3D 2012
I made an alignment of road, inserted with sample line, then i made a profile. But on the sample line on profile, there is not a data of height and lenght of profile. How to get those data in road profile. I can manually draw that, but i think there is an easier way?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have created an easement after I selected the line callouts and created my parcel table I realized I missed selecting one of my line labels and it is missing from my table. I know I can just erase the table and then reselect all line callouts to create a NEW table, but I was wondering if there was a way to just select the line callout I missed and have it added to the parcel table without recreating a new one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHere is the problem; corridor and its surface, etc are designed but there is no "obvious" way to get coordinates in order to layout the road in the field. There is the option to get COGO points from corridor via "create COGO POINTS" / "CREATE GROUND DATA" but this option refers only to points based on baseline in any station of the corridor and not in any station i would like to.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a question about exporting layouts into the model space coordinate system. I have a lot of drawings created from view frame and sheet set manager.
Each drawing has its own layout and it needs to be exported into model space. But when I export the layout it places the drawing into 0,0 in model space.
Is there any way to have it placed at the drawings coordinate system, assuming its in CA-VF (California State Plane Zone V, US foot) ?
Can it also be rotated, including title block, if the the viewport has a rotation (if the north arrow is not pointing up)?
We need to export the dwg's into dgn's. Our client uses Microstation v7 and all drawings need to be in that format.
I know v7 is old but what are you going to do.
I'm working with TIN surfaces, doing cut/fill comparisons for a surface mine.
My volume surface statistics show a cut volume of 5167.22 cy and fill volume of 8456.18 cy.
The sample line group volume report show cumulative cut of 5527.67 cy and fill of 8465.56 cy.
What could be some causes of this disparity. All reference surfaces are built from points and use a non-destructive boundary.
I am trying to create a line table. Here are the steps I am following :
First I label the lines I have drawn using a line label type for example Bearing over Distance, then I am going to the Annotate tab, Add Tables, Add Line and Curve and once I get to that dialog box I select my table style that I have already created and the label style I chose to label the line and click on the "apply" box and then "ok" and I see the labels such as L1, L2, etc. and all looks good, except now when I go to use that label style Bearing over distance to label another line, it labels the line with the tags and not the bearing and distance, its like the style is now defaulted to labeling tags and not bearing and distance anymore.
I want to export my slope - table - legend to an excel or txt file.
(Of course only the values)
Civil 3D (2013)
Is there anyway to reduce the extra space in the table rows. We finally ran into a situation on a job where the tables have to be smaller. So we ended up exploding the line & curve tables and manually adjusting the spacing.... Exporting the table data to excell would be useful, but cant find a way to do that. Reporting the line calls to html and copy clip to excell would work, but cant seem to do that either.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've created a Line & Curve table to display my metes & bounds. One of the curves is displaying an incorrect length, off by .01. It was caught as my project was reviewed by the city engineer. I went back to the database (Prospector --> Sites --> Parcels) and my mapcheck does conflict by .01.
Why is the mapcheck different from the Line / Curve table? How can I 'fix' the table to match the mapcheck data?
Is it possible to change the row height in a Line and Curve Table.
Civil 3D 2012
The vertical spacing in curve and line tables (the space between the text and the horizontal line) is too big. This makes the table too long and hard to fit on maps. For regualr tables, you can modify this. However, for curve and line tables this is not available. Is there a .NET file that creates/formats the tables that I could modify to reduce the spacing??
C3D 2012, but the same is true for 2014.
I need elevation data from a surface. I need an elevation every 15' along an alignment or feature line. I would like the information as a table. I am not sure how to do this.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe PLS I work under inquired if the pipe and structure tables provided in our construction plans are able to be exported to excel. The only way I know how is to use the reports manage. The problem is, the provided Pipes reports don't contain all the data we are looking for. How do I modify, or create a new, Pipe report? It seems like it should be really easy to export the data to excel..
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