I have a line label style that I created for labeling bearing and distance. The Dragged State Component for display is set to "As Composed", because I want to just slide it down the line a bit, but have it remain at the same rotation as the line, and it is not allowing me to do so. I also have a label style set up for "Stacked Text" and that works fine when I move it away from its original line I labeled
I'm having trouble getting my label style to flip when in dragged state. If I drag it off to the right, the text and line show up just fine, but if I drag to the left, the TC and FS head that way, but the line in between stays put.
I'm trying to set up my point label styles and I don't understand how the dragged state settings work. The default setting is "as displayed" but then the leader does not flip, if I change the settings to "stacked text" the leader flips but the text is out of order. See the attached plot of some points to see what I mean, default on the right and stacked text on the left.
How can I set the point label so the leader will flip and keep the label components in the default order?
The labels normal anchor point is the bottom outside diameter of the pipe, but when dragged the anchor snaps back to the cl of the pipe.
The only workaround I was able to come up with is a "static" leader made up of two lines and an arrowhead block, which you can only slide up or down the pipe with the desired appearance but can't stretch.
The attached image shows the Civil 3D pipe label above and the desirable text/leader legacy version below.
My dragged state leader does not display properly. The attachment runs through my first line of text. My display is set to "As Composed" I do not want the stacked text setting.
In the dragged state, I don't want to use 'As Composed' because the label is composed to be parallel to the line, but I want it to flip to horizontal to the view when dragged. This is working fine with 'Stacked Text'
What is not working is the text justification. I want it to remain centre justified, as it is composed. But there doesn't seem to be any option for this when you use the 'Stacked Text' option for the dragged state. I thought that setting the 'Leader Justification' to false might do it, but that just makes it always left justified. Am I missing something here? Is there no 'Top right/bottom right/middle center/top left.....' option for Stacked Text? And if not, why not?
Is it possible to keep the dragged labels in the same configuration when import the same points with the same numbers second time (with different descriptions) choosing overwrite option? I want to avoid to move the points second time to make the drawing readable.
I have an alignment label that uses "dot blank" in the dragged state. In the drawings that the alignment is xreffed into, the leader converts to "closed filled".Why? How do i fix it?
I am trying to line up labels in a dragged state. When I select the label and move it I can line it up nicely (as shown by the 6" V&B looking in line with the hydrant. When I select the point, the label shifts left (as shown by the 6" V&B far left). Is there a neat way to line up multiple labels? Civil 3d 2012
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
When I drag text away from my point there is no leader. I have gone thru everything I can think of in Label and Point styles. I know its probably a simple fix. Somewhere down the rabbit hole is a box that needs/or not a check.
When creating a style, (for example a Spot Elevation style), I'd like it to be in a dragged state upon insertion, rather than having it plop down right at the point and then having to click and drag it off to where I want it.
I can't seem to find the option to change this though..........
I have note labels in one drawing. An Elevation style that list the elevation of the insertion point. The label texts are dragged to new locations. When I xref this drawing in to another. The label text shows at both the insertion points and the dragged locations. What's going on??
I've made sure the labels aren't duplicated on another layer. If I change the layer of the dragged text and do an Xlist in the drawing they're xrefed in to. The dragged text list on the layer I've change it to. The text in the original position lists on layer 0, which is the default layer for creation.
C3D 2013. We have profile line labels, some of which get manually edited (for example, change the "<[Tangent grade(FP|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|SD|OF)]>" to a static number such as 0.29%).
However, if you CTRL+Click and select one of these labels and change the style of that one label, then the manual edits are lost and the label reverts back to the default string.
I am wanting to add the name of my feature line to a label style. I am trying to create a label style that will show Lot Number and Area. I know i can create parcels, but i dont want to! I have also created a map table that can do exactly what i want on polylines, but will not work on an xref. Labelling featurelines does work in xrefs.
I have been creating contour surface labels, which utilize a 3-point contour label line with grips to adjust, and this is my question:
when i create a single contour label, clicking specifically on a contour i want labeled, the contour label line with the 3-grips extends beyond several contours and thus places a label at every contour it touches. i can manually fix this by shorting the line, but this seems very inefficient.
1. is there a setting to have the label only placed on the center grip of the three?
I have a line label style that consists of two blocks (crowsfeet). The blocks are taking on the properties of the current layer when xrefed. I have enclosed a couple of drawings to show this behavior.
Open the "crowsfeet sheet" drawing. You will notice the crowsfeet are green.
Change the current layer and regen. The crowsfeet will change to the color of the current layer.
To take this one step further:
Freeze the current layer in the current viewport. The crowsfeet disappear.
Change the current layer. The crowsfeet reappear with the color of the current layer.
The objects in the blocks are on layer 0 with a color of bylayer. Changing the color to byblock produced the same results.
The only workaround I found was to change the color of the objects in the block to something other than bylayer or byblock.
Is it possible to insert a formula or is there an existing expression I could use to calculate area in acres from a General Overall Length line label if I input the width?
I have a plan I want to create a table of feature line (the ones used as ditch cl's) with the designation (ie R1), the overall length (this part I can do) and then the Delta z of the entire feature line. I can get segment Delta z, but not the entire Delta z.
I am looking for a Line Label Style Expression which will perform a rounding function on distance labels that display my "General Segment Length" value.
What I need is to be able to remove "Trailing Zeros" from my distance values, so that if precision is set to say 0.01 and my distance value is measured as 45.5, I do not get 45.50 but 45.5.
I have a regular AutoCAD line in a profile view and wondered if there is a way of labeling the grade of the line. I'd think I could use and expression to calculate it. But I don't know how to automatically adjust for the vertical exaggeration without having to have a separate expression for all possible situations.
I am trying to create surface elevation labels along a polyline and I am having an issue with the label anchor point. I have created a line label style that uses a reference text to produce the elevation from a specified surface, however when I insert the label the default anchor point for the label is in the center of the line segment and that is where the reference text is taking the surface elevation. I am looking for the elevation of the surface at the start of each line segment, and I do not know how I can make it stop defaulting to the center of the line segment.
Attached is an overview of what my labels look like, where the anchor point is, and the layout properties within my label style. I am using C3D 2012.
I've seen a label style somewhere that can label the elevation of vertices and elevation points on feature lines. How to style or a procedure for creating a style for this?
I've found a couple of blogs that layout the steps for a style but it seems there are a few ways to do it so I'm looking for what could be considered the most effective/versatile approach.
Is there a way to create a macro to label a line with a particular style?
I label my feature lines with three styles: multiple - segment grade, multiple - segment start elevation & single - segment end elevation. I want to make a macro for each of these that I can put on a button. It would be nice to combine the two multiples too if that is possible.