AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Points Labels In Dragged State
Jun 6, 2013When dragging the point labels the arrow pulls away from the point. Is there a way to get the machine to have the arrow to touch the point it labels.
View 4 RepliesWhen dragging the point labels the arrow pulls away from the point. Is there a way to get the machine to have the arrow to touch the point it labels.
View 4 RepliesIs it possible to keep the dragged labels in the same configuration when import the same points with the same numbers second time (with different descriptions) choosing overwrite option? I want to avoid to move the points second time to make the drawing readable.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an alignment label that uses "dot blank" in the dragged state. In the drawings that the alignment is xreffed into, the leader converts to "closed filled".Why? How do i fix it?
C3D 2008
I am trying to line up labels in a dragged state. When I select the label and move it I can line it up nicely (as shown by the 6" V&B looking in line with the hydrant. When I select the point, the label shifts left (as shown by the 6" V&B far left). Is there a neat way to line up multiple labels? Civil 3d 2012
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
In Civil 3d 2013, my points appear as follows with Point # on top, elevation in the middle and description at the bottom.
But when I drag the label, it changes the order of the labels to Description on top, point # in the middle and elevation at the bottom.
How do I make the dragged state labels appear in the same order as the first picture?
Also, how can I keep the colors from picture #1 (red, yellow, green) into the dragged state labels as well?
When I drag text away from my point there is no leader. I have gone thru everything I can think of in Label and Point styles. I know its probably a simple fix. Somewhere down the rabbit hole is a box that needs/or not a check.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a line label style that I created for labeling bearing and distance. The Dragged State Component for display is set to "As Composed", because I want to just slide it down the line a bit, but have it remain at the same rotation as the line, and it is not allowing me to do so. I also have a label style set up for "Stacked Text" and that works fine when I move it away from its original line I labeled
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen creating a style, (for example a Spot Elevation style), I'd like it to be in a dragged state upon insertion, rather than having it plop down right at the point and then having to click and drag it off to where I want it.
I can't seem to find the option to change this though..........
I'm trying to set up my point label styles and I don't understand how the dragged state settings work. The default setting is "as displayed" but then the leader does not flip, if I change the settings to "stacked text" the leader flips but the text is out of order. See the attached plot of some points to see what I mean, default on the right and stacked text on the left.
How can I set the point label so the leader will flip and keep the label components in the default order?
The labels normal anchor point is the bottom outside diameter of the pipe, but when dragged the anchor snaps back to the cl of the pipe.
The only workaround I was able to come up with is a "static" leader made up of two lines and an arrowhead block, which you can only slide up or down the pipe with the desired appearance but can't stretch.
The attached image shows the Civil 3D pipe label above and the desirable text/leader legacy version below.
I'm having trouble getting my label style to flip when in dragged state. If I drag it off to the right, the text and line show up just fine, but if I drag to the left, the TC and FS head that way, but the line in between stays put.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy dragged state leader does not display properly. The attachment runs through my first line of text. My display is set to "As Composed" I do not want the stacked text setting.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have some points labeled with elevation only. If I drag the labels away from the point leaders are created but the arrows do not point to the centers of the points. I looked in the label style>dragged state>leaders but I don't see anyway to tell the leaders where to point.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn the dragged state, I don't want to use 'As Composed' because the label is composed to be parallel to the line, but I want it to flip to horizontal to the view when dragged. This is working fine with 'Stacked Text'
What is not working is the text justification. I want it to remain centre justified, as it is composed. But there doesn't seem to be any option for this when you use the 'Stacked Text' option for the dragged state. I thought that setting the 'Leader Justification' to false might do it, but that just makes it always left justified. Am I missing something here? Is there no 'Top right/bottom right/middle center/top left.....' option for Stacked Text? And if not, why not?
I'm in 2011.
Why doesn't the drag state work when adding a line label between 2 points in Civil 3D 2013.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an existing topic dwg and it has points from the survey crew shots in the dwg, I need to label this points. I want to extract the TC and Gutter information from the points by picking the the points I want to label.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a plan I need to be able to print at 1:500 or 1:1000 scale.
On this plan I have COGO points with labels, and a point table to compile all of the point data. When I attempt to create a layout I find that the point marks, labels and table become incredibly huge. From reading other posts I get that there is a trick to setting the scale from the right place, but I remain very confused as to what needs to be done where.
I'm looking for a way to add a marker with location & elevation data to the profile (not the bands).
Only mention i found in this forum was for civil2011 (i have 2013) and it is no longer available.
I am trying to create a surface rise:run slope label for our company template file. I have it set using the default values that I want. But right now the text is just 1:1...where we want it to read 1V:1H.
how I can keep the label dynamic to the surface, but put the V & H in the label after the values.?
I think it is normal to want a style showing stationing, speed design stattions, etc.But.... Radii of curves ? Clothoid parameters ?
Why is the reason Autodesk developers think that designers dont want to see this information instead of "add labels, aligments, multiple segments,. etc ....
(aligment by aligment ...... of a whole project ?
Civil 3D (2013)
I'd like to turn off the leader for individual points that have had a component dragged. For most points, I need the leader, but for others, it's just in the way. I'm beginning to think that I have to make a whole new label style in which the leader for dragged components is made invisible.
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
Dell Precision T3400
(Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz)
Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
I have note labels in one drawing. An Elevation style that list the elevation of the insertion point. The label texts are dragged to new locations. When I xref this drawing in to another. The label text shows at both the insertion points and the dragged locations. What's going on??
I've made sure the labels aren't duplicated on another layer. If I change the layer of the dragged text and do an Xlist in the drawing they're xrefed in to. The dragged text list on the layer I've change it to. The text in the original position lists on layer 0, which is the default layer for creation.
C3D 2012
Dell T7400, 4GB RAM, Win 7 64 bit
Nvidia Quadro 4600
I'm a relative beginner with AutoCAD and was looking to find a way to quickly import a selection of survey points (X & Y coordinates) and their labels from an excel spreadsheet using a script file.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI had to create a boundary map and place points to all corners. How to export these newly created points back into my data collector (Ranger) and also I'm trying to figure out how to print out a points list.
I stumbled on to this thread but I guessing that it's a different CAD year because my modify tab doesn't look like this. URL.....
I have a large surface (over 1.5 million points and 20 000hectares)
I need to get a point file .csv from the TIN to be able to use it in another program.
-so i've extracted the points from my surface, but they are Autocad points.
-next step is to convert them to civil 3d points.
-I can not select them all when converting them or my computer crashes.
-so i select about 25 000 at a time, the converting takes roughly 10 minutes.
and i have over 1.5 million points to do.
how can i speed this up.
will more ram useful?
I have recieved a file with many points and would like to convert them into COGO points in Civil 3D. The problem is; I would like to keep the hole ID's as I convert, I've made a few conversions and lose the hole ID every time (not showing in Name or Description). Is there a seting I am missing to keep these? My aim to to organize the COGO points in different point groups.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a couple points that were part of an import event (data from a previous project) which I want to assign as control points for an incoming traverse, is there any way to assign those as control points? I can't seem to find a way to do that other than perhaps re-importing the specific points as control points and overwriting the existing ones.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a project that was started by leaving all the survey data inside the "All Points" group. So, I'm concerned that when I enter my as built survey points, that even if I put them into their own group, that the original surface will still look at them and just rebuild to my asbuilt data, effectively cancel out the purpose of the asbuilt survey. Will this happen?
I want to take the original points and put them into a group of their own, but I don't know if that will affect anything or not? I have several wetlands already designed on that surface with volume calcs already done too.
What should I do?
Alright, I'm not actually trying to do customization, I have a client that cannot save his drawing and have be in a "Saved" state. When creating a data shortcut, after saving the file (and doing nothing else, I watched), he is unable to create the shortcut because the drawing needs to be saved. Another example, when doing an e-transmit it tells him that the drawing hasn't been saved and if he wants to save the file. He clicks YES and then it tells him the drawing hasn't been saved and asks him if he wants to save it.
It seems to be isolated to this file. If he works in a different file, it works just fine. Also, I had him send me the files (via e-transmit) and I was not able to replicate the problem so, it seems to have something to do with this particular file on his system.
My question then is, can something be embedded into the file that will cause something to happen directly after a save (like a reactor)?He's using Civil 3D 2012 but I don't think it's anything directly related to Civil 3D.
I recently obtained a new laptop with a Solid State Drive and, holy smokes, it's seems at least twice as fast as another laptop with comparable specs like RAM and processor. I used a stopwatch. It was incredible.
Things like opening the program, opening drawings and re-loading Xref's are all way way way faster than without the SSD.
To those of you who have added SSD, are you seeing the same boost? This appears to be an easy way for Civil 3D users to increase speed tremendously, without purchasing a whole new system.
“Locking” the layers state (turned on/of frozen/thawed/ locked/unlocked, etc.) in the viewport,
I’m wondering if there is a technique that allows locking the “state” of layers (turned on/of frozen/thawed/ locked/unlocked, etc.) in the viewport mode such that the viewport will keeps its required state REGARDLESS THEIR STATE IN THE MODEL MODE!
For example, in the screenshot below, freezing the point in the model mode will also freeze them in the viewport! And thus the layer state are not kept as required in the viewport which adds more efforts.
One possible option is saving the layer state! But this feature is not a property for the viewport but needs to be selected from the layers option. And thus we need again to think about layers that are supposed to be turned on/of frozen/thawed/ locked/unlocked, etc. in a particular viewport.
What I need here is to LOCK the viewport not only in terms of scale but also regarding the state of layers!