AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Top Soil Stripping Line In Assembly?
Oct 19, 2005How can I create a top soil stripping line in an assembly?
View 6 RepliesHow can I create a top soil stripping line in an assembly?
View 6 RepliesI have an existing contour surface. I would line to calculate the volume of topsoil which will be 300 mm following below the existing contours.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe have a client who is looking to dispose of a large quantity of excess soil on a vacant property. We plan to hold the elevations near the northern property line, slope 2% in a southerly direction, then tie in at 3:1 slopes along the southern property line. What is the best method to determine where the break point between the 2% and the 3:1 tie grades would be?
Civil3D 2013
I will be using the stripping pavement subassembly. I would like to strip 1.0' but in a Deeper fill I only need to strip 5' below finish grade. Is it possible to limit stripping. I can't find a way
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a known outer boundary for my depo for excess soil. I know how much (volume wise) is going in to the depo. I know that the slope is 1:2.
I do not know where the upper boundary (top of the depo) of the depo is. That's what I would like to find out.
I know that I can create a upper boundary with a feature line and then use the grading and volume tool in order to find out at what height the upper boundary is placed. But then the outer boundary is either too small or exceeds the known boundary.
What is the easiest way of finding out where the upper boundary is? I am thinking about drawing a feature line around the known boundary on top of the EG surface and then using stepped offset. Then I can check out the volume.
But is it possible to do this automatically instead of manually?
I've recently started working with Civil2012/2013 (bit the bullet you might say).
I attended a course on civil about a year ago but it didn't cover all the bases.
My question: stripping calculation, is there a way fro civil to perform it automatically?
One way to calculate stripping (manually) is after i have all the tin volume surfaces, is to show the fill areas in the volume tables and then do the calculation myself.
Calculating stripping using a corridor.
All we have is an alignment and a surface. In one region we need to calculate the stripping that is 6m wide x 1m deep.
I used LinkOffsetOnSurface to get the surface elevation on the left and right side.
I then tried using the stripping subassemblies but no luck.
because we have a number of regions and assemblies we would rather use corridors than creating a stripping surface.
I am trying to apply the stripping pavement subassembly to only fill situation and even though my attachment point is only the fill case it applies it to both as shown. I am trying to get this information to provide a stripping volume for fill cases only.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have feature line with elevations that represents bottom of ditch and want to go UP 3:1 slope. also i have edge of road feature line that is higher than ditch and want to go 2% down until it hits side of the ditch that is 3:1. Any easiest way in civil 3d to create intersection line between ditch bottom going up 3:1 and edge of road going down 2%?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't undrstand why my assembly line increased after the existing surface in cut and fill condition, it should be stop at the existing surface. due to this problem my cut and fill quantities is not coming accurate. I'm attaching the screens shot of section. I'm using civil 3d 2009 32 bit software.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have 30 M corridor. daylighting slopes have not been mentioned in typical section of this urban road. the sketch is shown. making this assembly and to get the 30 m fixed corridor.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to create an assembly where the median width varies , I already created the alignment, profile,corridor,section with the design level. Also I have created the assembly with fix width. Now in the middle of my road the median is getting bigger ,Its possible to link the median with a polyline or another alignment were it change the width ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a corridor split and I do not need an assembly for the first part of my corridor do I create a blank assembly for that part of the design?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to create a transition crossfall over a distance in assembly. For example, I would like to get hard shoulder crossfall along the edge of travel lane from proposed 2.5% to tie in the existing (e.g. 1%) over 10m.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to create a sub-assembly with an insertion point parameter using Sub-assembly composer.
like this one below. I found this under the following sub-assembly. All I want is , when the user inserting the sub-assembly they may need to go on both the sides attached.
So the user should be able to select from the dropdown if the insertion point is 1 or 2. Before inserting.
how to create an assembly with different inclinations of terraces and slopes
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create an assembly that consists of two curbs sub-assemblies that are tied to independent alignments with a pavement section in between them. I have been successful in actually creating an assembly with the two curb sections, but I cannot figure out how to define a line or pavement section that will connect one gutter to the other.
I have one curb tied to the main baseline and the other tied to an offset. I have assigned horizontal alignments and profiles to the baseline and the offset. The curbs actually place where I want them when viewed with the section editor. I had thought that I could use the LinkToMarkedPoint subassembly and simply attach it to the gutter of one curb and to a marked point on the gutter of the other curb, but I can't get it to actually work.
Again, the curb alignment and profiles are completely in independent one another, and I need a way to define a pavement section (or just a surface) between the two gutters.
I am trying to create an assembly with a U channel (side ditch) that's top will follow the sidewalk it is next to but I need the profile of the U channel to be different than that of the roadway. Is there a way to create a custom subassembly part that will do this? Can I create a different allignment/profile for the bottom of the U channel that can then link to the other assembly?
The only other think I can think of is to use a dynamic block to add the U channel to my cross sections, but that will take a lot of time to do.
We have just started using Civil 3D. I need to be able to create an assembly that will place a sidewalk at varying offsets (it is too random to make seperate assemblies). I have tried making an alignment of the back of the walk and attempted to use targets in the corridor to achieve this .
I will attempt to attach the DWG that I am working on. The Main alignment is PR-1 as is the corridor and the alignment that i need the back of the walk to follow is PR-1 BWR.
I need to create an assembly that will give me the volume of a new shoulder along an existing road, as show in this picture.
I can easily make an alignment along my edge of pavement, and match the existing elevations, but I need to hold the cross slope constant AND the shoulder slope constant, and have the bottom of the shoulder slope to a target 2 feet off of my ROW.
is there a way to draw a line in the profile view and create that line into a feature line? and if there is can i project that line into the plan? i know that you can make a feature line in the plan and project that feature line into a profile view, just wondering if you could basicly do the reverse. i don't want to make a coridor.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use the create feature lines from object command from the Survey pull-down menu and choose a "Associate figure survey point to vertices" I get a survey figure that uses point elevations at some vertices and 0 at others. However, if I use Create Feature Lines from Objects under the Grading pull-down, and use a surface made of just the points, I get a a figure with all the correct elevations.
I checked the vertices where the survey figure drops to 0 and the line is snapped to the point, distance = 0.0000. What gives?
I want to create a profile layout by feature line. Is it possible?I have a pipe about 3 miles long, an alignment along the pipe, and a provie view showing the exisitng surface and pipe network. The pipe network was created from a feature line. I projected the feature line to the profile.
This is why I want to do this: I need to label the horizontal and vertical angle points of the pipe in plan view. I crated a style that shows the station and elevation. I want the elevation to reference the profile. But it only gives me the elevation of the surface and I need the top of pipe elevation.
I tried crate profile by layout and traced over the top of the pipe in profile but its 3 miles and it will take a long time. How to get what I want done faster?
C3D 2013, Win 7, 64 bit
When I try to create a feature line using an alignment/ profile, sometimes it gives me a feature line for the entire alignment, even though my profile is only a small segment. I made sure I selected the correct profile, and I even deleted all other surface profiles just in case. But it still gives me a wonky feature line for the entire alignment.
However, in the same file, other profiles have worked perfectly.
I want to create new vertex points in feature line and 3dpol.
I have this:
if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d)) {
Polyline3d p3d = (Polyline3d)trans.GetObject(entRes.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
In this code line:
oFtrLn.InsertFeaturePoint(punt, AeccLandFeatureLinePointType.aeccLandFeatureLinePointPI);
always catches the same Exception "the value is not within the expected range" .I have translated it because I get "El valor no está dentro del intervalo esperado". Perhaps is this: " Value does not fall within the expected range.".
I have tried it with different point3d values but always catches Exception.
With pol3d I have similar problem.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1
Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz.
ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd
32gb RAM 1600 Mhz.
nVidia Quadro 2000.
Win 7 Pro 64bit
C3D 2012
I have a number of Sites in my drawing. I want to be able to set a Site current (in LISP) so that when you create or draw a feature line, the site is set to the desired value. I haven't seen a variable or setting for this.
I create the sampleline on the option "by a range of stations" so the sample lines were created on the horizontal geometry points. When I change the geometry of the alignament, the sample lines's local change or I need to do the process all over again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI think this issue started with SP2. I don't remember having these issues in SP1 and earlier.
Create some COGO points at varying elevations.Start a new feature line.Use "node" object snap and pick your first cogo pointIt does not pick up the elevation of the point (it used to)Now draw feature line segments to a few more cogo points entering the elevation each time.It does not pick up the elevation of the point (it used to)Now switch to Arc mode and snap to a few more cogo points.It does correctly picks up the elevation of the cogo points (like it used to)R.K. McSwain | CADpanacea | twitter | Cadalyst tips/code
Is there a way to add elevation labels at any position on a feature line without having to create a surface?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen we apply surface projection gradings to feature lines, we get locked vertices on the feature line wherever the grading transitions from cut to fill. In turn these vertices create segments in the feature line which influence any labels applied to the line. I don't want a bazillion segment labels on my FL. I only want segment labels between the physical vertices and elevation points. Is there a workaround or is an enhancement request in order?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there away to link a i.e. (a stoop to a finish flood elev)? So that, if I were to raise the finish floor, the stoop would move also. I understand I could possible to a create grading feature line for a stoop, but what happens if the stoop would be irregular shapped and not a rectangle?
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