AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Side Ditch As Part Of Assembly But With Different Profile
Apr 10, 2012
I am trying to create an assembly with a U channel (side ditch) that's top will follow the sidewalk it is next to but I need the profile of the U channel to be different than that of the roadway. Is there a way to create a custom subassembly part that will do this? Can I create a different allignment/profile for the bottom of the U channel that can then link to the other assembly?
The only other think I can think of is to use a dynamic block to add the U channel to my cross sections, but that will take a lot of time to do.
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Aug 21, 2012
In highway construction, I usually check for lowest ditch elevation and see how the existing drainage flows. Typically one would create or specify in CL profile creation with a 15m offset right and left which would then generate existing CL and 15m offset profiles in profile view. However, the 15m offset profile might not represent the lowest point in the ditch as the lowest elevation offset distance varies along the highway.
My question: Is there a way in civil 3D profile creation where it can automatically trace the lowest elevation in the ditch and plot it in profile view?
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Jan 17, 2012
I am working C3D 2012. I have a proposed alignment and profile design by another firm that I had to tranfer into C3D. I had no problem getting the horizontal alignment to display from a text file. I tried to do the same with the profile by using the 'create a text file and create the profile from file' command. I got the POB, PI's, and POE to display. I then defined the VC. I wanted to verifiy that the profile was indeed accurate compared to what we were provided. So I tried to execute a profile report PVI Station and Curve Report - I keep getting an error that "No FG profiles in dwg".
I know the Proposed profile is indeed set to proposed in the properties. I have noticed that the icon next to the profile I create from the text file is different than the profiles created from scratch.
Is there a way to convert this profile to be recognized as a FG profile?
Intel Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30 GHz
8.00 GB
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Jun 28, 2012
The intersection wizard makes dynamic EOP profiles based off of the cross slope from the centerline. Well the intersection tool doesn't always work with funky intersection layouts. Is it possible to manually create a dynamic EOP profile based on the cross slope from the centerline profile?
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7, 64 bit
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Mar 17, 2011
We have an engineer who is taking an existing surface and wants to show a proposed road 2" higher than existing.
I told him to simply adjust his assembly for his corridor to account for the 2" difference, but the County agency needs to see a profile.
My questions:
1) Is there a way to easily copy a profile made from a surface and "convert" it to a proposed profile? If we copy and explode, it turns into hundreds (thousands?) of tiny pline segments and it would be a mess to convert all those to a profile 1 by 1. If we make the corridor, and choose "profile from corridor", we do not have an option that could be used to represent the centerline.
2) Other than loss of dynamic updating), would it make sense to adjust the assembly so the top surface would be accurate, then copy the profile, explode the copy to a block and simply shift that (as essentially basic linework)?
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Nov 3, 2013
I'm trying to design a linear bearing that is composed of a billet of material to which six ball bearings are bolted. I was able to create a part representing the ball bearing from the manufacturer's dimensions. I then modeled a lock washer as a part, then an assembly consisting of a ball bearing and a lock washer. I then created an assembly from that assembly, with six of these ball bearing/lock washer assemblies in the desired orientations.
Now that I have the ball bearings oriented in space the way I need them, I need to model the billet to which they will all mount. I did things in this order because the ball bearings are metric, yet the rest of my design is in imperial units, and it just seemed easier to orient the bearings (which will interface with yet another assembly that I have yet to design) first.
I'd like to create my billet using the assembly as a reference. The assembly will tell me where I need holes in the billet to mount the bearings, where I need to cut out material for clearances, etc. I can't figure out how (or if) I can import my assembly into my part file, or what other tools are available to accomplish this task.
I'm attempting to model something similar to this. I've got the six bearings oriented in space, now I need to make the block to which they mount.
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Aug 1, 2013
I can’t seem to manage to get the profile working, the assembly seems to look ok but it doesn’t show on the profile!
The assembly just follows the line of existing ground and does not show the height of the assembly (barrier). Also, if you take a quick section through the alignment/corridor it shows the assembly but doesn’t show it fully?
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Nov 6, 2012
I am trying to get a street assembly to follow a top of curb profile. The profile is at the face of curb. The centerline of the street is my assembly target profile and alignment. I do not want to create an alignment for the curb. The curb profile is based on the centerline alignment. I can't figure out how to get a link that will track the curb profile at the face of curb.
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Sep 25, 2013
I`m working on the code that reads a list of virtual parts from Excel and adds required qty into the assembly. So far it looks good, I just need to know how to create a folder in a Assembly view tree and save virtual part in that folder instead of placing it in the root.
Dim occs As ComponentOccurrences
occs = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
Dim identity As Matrixidentity = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrixDim virtOcc As ComponentOccurrencevirtOcc = occs.AddVirtual(sVirtPart, identity)
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May 3, 2013
So, I finally got a 3d solid part published with the one attachement point (autodeskconnectionpoint). Looks great in object viewer with a pipe connected to it. However, put it in profile, and my 8' tall item shows like 1.5ft tall.
content file available, though this won't let me attach it?
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May 13, 2013
I have changed the horizontal aligment.
As there is not any auto-update tool (or I dont see) I need to displace the profile 123,46 meters from 1021.27 stattion.
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Oct 21, 2012
I've attach a profile of a corridor.
I don't know how to turnoff the assembly points .
I may send another inquiry after this it has to with corridor surface and boundaries.
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Apr 26, 2013
I need to create a triangular grid of injection boreholes with side lengths of 2m and can't think of a slick way to do it.
I've created two linear arrays of polyline at the correct spacings and MAPCLEANed to break all the crossing lines so I now have line segments at the correct locations.I now need to put a point at each vertex to show the locations of the holes.
I'm sure there must be a better way of doing this - just thinking while typing: if the two array are on different layers, I could JOIN the polys on each layer and then add POINTS at vertices??
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Mar 26, 2012
I'm trying to create a feature line to use as a breaklline for the bottom of a ditch. I click on the first contour, elev.678, accept the elevation, click the next contour, select T for transition, then accept the elevation, 677. I would like to end up with a feature line having a first node elev. 678, end node elev. 677, slope -4% (contours are 25' apart). Instead, The first node is 678, slopes @ -1.33% to an inserted node, elev. 677.1, then slopes at -21.88% to end node elev. 677. What am I doing wrong? I don't see a lot of options here when creating (drawing) a feature line. Should I be using something else to accomplish this task?
C3D 2011
Win XP Pro 32 bit
Win 7 64BIT
C3D 2013
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Jul 19, 2012
For some reason I cant seem to target an offset alignment layout profile with my corridor lane assembly. I can target the existing the existing groundprofile with the same offset alignment, but the layout profile when targetted does not change the lane in my cross sections. I can do this with civil 3d 2010, but not 2012. I have tried other lane sub-assemblies and it doesn't make a difference.
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May 23, 2013
WS with R2013 & R2014 installed side by side.
R2013 is stating on start up that the Geotechnics module has been loaded and displays the Tab for it.But I haven't installed the Geotechnics module for 2013 yet and it doen't work.
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May 11, 2012
I'm trying to create a ditch / channel with a 4 foot wide base and 4:1 side slopes. I was going to create one using a feature line and inserting it to my design surface as a break line. Is there an easier way or better process I can use to create this?
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Mar 14, 2013
How do you label the foreslope and backslope of a section? For instance 3:1...
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Jul 24, 2013
I had created a corridor using the attached assembly with conditional cut/fill and SlopeToSurface SA, the cut condition provides a ditch SA at cut only. Then had the Ditch Bottom Profile to follow a ditch profile that I created, and flows toward the increasing chainage. The horizontal offset and elevation of the ditch runs perfectly fine as desired, except between Sta. 0+465 (cut section) and Sta. 0+470 (fill section), where the ditch ties back to the edge of shoulder instead of going toward the outside (as shown in the blue lines).
My question is, do I need to make a transition between the cut and fill sections? If so how much effect and details is needed as I have a few other locations with the same issue.
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Dec 31, 2013
Using part builder, I created a new pipe part for an odd-sized CMP arch pipe. In plan view, the pipe looks good. At first glance, I thought the pipe was drawn correctly in a profile view, but I realized that the pipe was displayed with the invert located at the wrong place in the profile view. I thought this was because the insertion point of the new pipe part that I had made was placed at the incorrect location in part builder.
So, I swapped out the incorrect pipe size for another one that I knew was correct, and then deleted the incorrect pipe from the pipe parts list, and went back to part builder, and placed the insertion point at the invert of the pipe; then saved the edited pipe part, ran partcatalogregen, added the "corrected" pipe part to the pipe parts list and swapped in the new corrected pipe size to the pipe network. However, the pipe still displays incorrrectly on the profile view.
The pipe data is correct in the pipe properties: the invert is stated to be located at elevation 20. The overall height of the pipe , 38" (3.1667') is correctly displayed on the profile view. But the actual location of the pipe invert is not shown at the correct location, elevation 20, on the profile view.
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Sep 6, 2013
I'm trying to add a sump/baffle box to a drainage ditch. I'm taking this project over from someone else. They had created a surface. However, I'm confused about how the surface they made was created, but I have used it to give me a reference to were the sump is located on the profile view. (circled in blue). Currently that surface has wall that are 1.5' high with a bottom at -1.5'. I have drawn in the sump on the profile view (highlighted in yellow).
I have tried to start over by using breaklines. I have already created a standard breakline on the N and W side at 0. However, on the east side, how to create a breakline and keep the drainage basin grading to the exisitng drainage basin grade.
I have attached screen shots of the plan and profile view.
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Aug 21, 2013
how to use daylight basin, for creating ditch
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Sep 17, 2013
I have two picture files and I just want to create one file, displaying both pictures side by side. I have been reveiwing all of the functions in my Adobe Photoshop Elements Version 11 and I can't figure out how to do it.
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Jan 13, 2014
I want to create a banner heading from two pics side by side, but mixing together at the centre with about a 15% overlap into each other.
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Feb 14, 2013
I'm using the DaylightBasin Subassembly along with the "Place Lined Material" option & it works everywhere except along the flat 0% (very bottom portion of the ditch).
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
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Feb 2, 2013
I am trying to create a custom subassembly using SAC 2012 that will place a 1' deep ditch at the bottom of the slope in a fill condition. The trouble I am having is how to hold a consant 1' depth on the backslope and vary the foreslope since the daylight offset and elevation is variable depending on the slope of the existing ground. I need the attachment point to be the edge of the shoulder so it seems like a loop that varies the foreslope length would be required but loops are not allowed. I will also have the option to target a profile but I also need the ability to hold a constant ditch depth.
How to model this condition.
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Oct 18, 2013
I'm using the Ditch subassembly in my corridor and am running into a problem when using realistic mode to view.
I've applied a render material to L3, L2 and L4 which is fine but when I assign a material to L1-L5 (i.e Top) it overdraws (or otherwise fails to display) the previously assigned materials for L2, L3 and L4.
If I set the Links L1-L5 (i.e. Top) to no display then L2, L3 and L4 display as expected but when IMX'd to Infraworks the existing terrain shows through at Links L1 and L5.
Is it possible to stop this from happening and have a seperate material for L1 and L5 whilst retaining L2,L3 & L5 materials?
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Oct 22, 2012
I'm trying to build the ditch portion of my Subassembly backwards from an offset target "DitchOffset". The elevation of this point should be derived from a point that is using Slope and Delta Y from point "P12" (see attached). Must be at least 1m from the bottom of SubBase with a 5:1 slope.
The Ditch Bottom will be variable width. I'd like to be able to select my offset alignment for my ditch bottom. Have a link from this point extend at a slope to the Target Surface to complete the foreslope.
I can't quite picture how to complete the links from the DitchOffset point. This may be complicated but the diagram identify what I'm trying to do.
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Jul 15, 2013
is there a way to draw a line in the profile view and create that line into a feature line? and if there is can i project that line into the plan? i know that you can make a feature line in the plan and project that feature line into a profile view, just wondering if you could basicly do the reverse. i don't want to make a coridor.
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May 7, 2013
How do I create a profile of a underground pipe if I have 4 top of pipe elevations that were surved in the field?
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Jan 6, 2014
How can i create a profile using level data obtained from dumpy level with civil3D
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