AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Projection Grading Create Segments On Parent Feature Line
Dec 12, 2013
When we apply surface projection gradings to feature lines, we get locked vertices on the feature line wherever the grading transitions from cut to fill. In turn these vertices create segments in the feature line which influence any labels applied to the line. I don't want a bazillion segment labels on my FL. I only want segment labels between the physical vertices and elevation points. Is there a workaround or is an enhancement request in order?
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Aug 24, 2012
I have feature line with elevations that represents bottom of ditch and want to go UP 3:1 slope. also i have edge of road feature line that is higher than ditch and want to go 2% down until it hits side of the ditch that is 3:1. Any easiest way in civil 3d to create intersection line between ditch bottom going up 3:1 and edge of road going down 2%?
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Sep 4, 2013
Is there away to link a i.e. (a stoop to a finish flood elev)? So that, if I were to raise the finish floor, the stoop would move also. I understand I could possible to a create grading feature line for a stoop, but what happens if the stoop would be irregular shapped and not a rectangle?
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Dec 24, 2013
"An infill grading has no criteria applied to it. Any area bounded by feature lines or lot lines that is not already a grading can be converted to an infill grading."
So given an area enclosed by a feature line, an infill grading can be created. Using the same features line, an feature line grading can also be created. what is the difference between these two surfaces? They both have no criteria applied to them.
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Sep 26, 2013
Is there any way to project feature lines into a profile when the plan view is xref'd? I have my plan view "existing topo" with all existing features/Figures and a existing surface.
My profile is a separate dwg with plan view xref'd and surface a data shortcut. Of course there are feature lines and Survey Figures in the existing top I want to project into the profile, but can't because it is an xref. Besides copying .
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Aug 2, 2012
I have an existing surface with a steep slope and a feature line for the edge of a proposed walkway. I need a buffer of 25m on either side of the walkway but offsetting doesn't take the grade of the slope into account. How do I grade down the hill from the feature line at 25m to match to the existing surface?
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Oct 10, 2012
why I would get gaps in my grading from a single feature line? The feature line is at the same elevation all the way around and I am trying to grade to my existing surface at a 1:1 slope. No matter what I do it continues to leave out portions of the grading. I have attached a 3d image showing what's going on.
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Feb 22, 2013
I have grading style set up to create a cut/fill boundary and the same thing for my corridor. I made surfaces from my grading and corridor and no longer need them. I need to keep the cut/fill lines for my design. How can I extract these lines from these objects? I tried keeping the grading/corridor on one layer and lines I wish to use on another so I can turn pieces of the grading off. However, it will not print the cut/fill boundary without printing all the feature lines created from a grading.
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Aug 22, 2012
I'm working on crane pads for a windfarm development and have run into an issue that has never happened in the other 60 or so ones I've done previously.
I have a polyline (elevation added in via Properties) that I want to convert to a feature line for use in grading but when I try to convert I get the message below
When I check the properties and do a LIST the list reports a negative elevation.
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Jun 18, 2012
I am having difficulty projecting an existing feature line at a specified tie-in slope. I have a steep (3:1) feature line that I need to project at a specific slope (2.5:1)to intersect a surface model. When I create the grading object the generated grading object is not 3:1 along the feature line and 2.5:1 perpendicular to the feature line. Instead I am left with a new slope that is 1.9:1 between the generated contours. I have attempted slope to surface as well as slope for a distance.My design criteria is to not exceed a 2.5:1 tie-in slope.
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Jun 12, 2013
I am looking for grading utility in autocad civil 3d. So, i need to smooth my projection slope to target the surface without projection steps. The objective is to correct a surface to implant photovoltaic structures.
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Jul 15, 2013
is there a way to draw a line in the profile view and create that line into a feature line? and if there is can i project that line into the plan? i know that you can make a feature line in the plan and project that feature line into a profile view, just wondering if you could basicly do the reverse. i don't want to make a coridor.
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Oct 9, 2012
I use the create feature lines from object command from the Survey pull-down menu and choose a "Associate figure survey point to vertices" I get a survey figure that uses point elevations at some vertices and 0 at others. However, if I use Create Feature Lines from Objects under the Grading pull-down, and use a surface made of just the points, I get a a figure with all the correct elevations.
I checked the vertices where the survey figure drops to 0 and the line is snapped to the point, distance = 0.0000. What gives?
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Apr 27, 2007
C3D 2008
Create Parcel Segments using the Slide Angle Create command
Create a Feature Line in the same Site that bisects any/all of the Slide Angle Create Segments
Save, close and reopen the drawing
Parcel Segments now terminate at the intersection of the FL
Not sure if this is as designed, and I don't recall this behavior in 2007. We have used FLs to assign elevations to Parcel Segments in 2007, looks like this is no longer possible.
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Oct 4, 2012
I want to create a profile layout by feature line. Is it possible?I have a pipe about 3 miles long, an alignment along the pipe, and a provie view showing the exisitng surface and pipe network. The pipe network was created from a feature line. I projected the feature line to the profile.
This is why I want to do this: I need to label the horizontal and vertical angle points of the pipe in plan view. I crated a style that shows the station and elevation. I want the elevation to reference the profile. But it only gives me the elevation of the surface and I need the top of pipe elevation.
I tried crate profile by layout and traced over the top of the pipe in profile but its 3 miles and it will take a long time. How to get what I want done faster?
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Oct 25, 2013
C3D 2013, Win 7, 64 bit
When I try to create a feature line using an alignment/ profile, sometimes it gives me a feature line for the entire alignment, even though my profile is only a small segment. I made sure I selected the correct profile, and I even deleted all other surface profiles just in case. But it still gives me a wonky feature line for the entire alignment.
However, in the same file, other profiles have worked perfectly.
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Aug 15, 2013
I have a created a surface from contour lines.I have drawn a feature line and assigned elevations (it slopes down from 3.5m elevation to 2m elevation). I have added grading from the feature line to the existing surface but have not merged the feature line with the surface.
I also have to make a low area (elevation at 1.5m) on the surface and know i need to grade at 1:1 from the feature line to the low point. Is there a way to grade from a feature line at a given grade (1:1) to a known height (my low point at 1.5m) without drawing another feature line for my low point? Seeing as the height of the feature line varies I can't just offset it at the grade.. I.e. the grade is the constant here.
I will have a few walls and lower / higher areas to grade to. I have drawn the top of my wall and mounds and have assigned them elevations but not sure whether to now make them all feature lines and try to merge with the surface by grading at a set grade or to do some sort of infill.
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Nov 15, 2013
C3D 2012
I have a number of Sites in my drawing. I want to be able to set a Site current (in LISP) so that when you create or draw a feature line, the site is set to the desired value. I haven't seen a variable or setting for this.
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Oct 7, 2013
I think this issue started with SP2. I don't remember having these issues in SP1 and earlier.
Create some COGO points at varying elevations.Start a new feature line.Use "node" object snap and pick your first cogo pointIt does not pick up the elevation of the point (it used to)Now draw feature line segments to a few more cogo points entering the elevation each time.It does not pick up the elevation of the point (it used to)Now switch to Arc mode and snap to a few more cogo points.It does correctly picks up the elevation of the cogo points (like it used to)R.K. McSwain | CADpanacea | twitter | Cadalyst tips/code
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Oct 31, 2011
Is there a way to add elevation labels at any position on a feature line without having to create a surface?
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Mar 19, 2013
I have this problem when creating grading groups with more than one feature line in them. It seems really unstable when you trying get the grading to connect. I have tried to create two separate grading groups in one site or two feature lines in one grading group. And the result is the same, the grading that will be create can sometimes look oki, but suddenly they tend to disappear or look weird...
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Jan 19, 2012
I have one LW polyline consisting lines and one or two arcs. I want to calculate length of all line segments and arc segments separately and the resulted values to be shown as attributes (seperate attributes for line segments and arc segments).
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Jun 26, 2012
When creating Feature Lines, I wanted them to be e.g. Step Line 1, Step Line 2, Step Line 3 etc so I amended the name template to suit. I created multiple from objects and the naming convention worked. If I did features individually (as I wanted certain ones in certain sites) it worked for the first feature but reverted back to the default Feature line name on subsequent entry to the dialog i.e. it had "forgotten" the template name just set.
Am I missing something to get this to work correctly or is this how it's supposed to work i.e. useless for individual feature line creation?? This also happens for gradings.
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Mar 26, 2013
In trying to learn more about label styles, the C3D Help instructs one to:
2. On the Layout tab of the Label Style Composer, select or create the label component that you want to span multiple segments.
3. In the Properties list, under General, change the Span Outside Segments property to True.Specify this setting for each component that you want to span multiple segments.
There is no "Span Outside Segments" to set to True in my Label Style Composer. The only T/F option under General is for visibility.
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1, 64 bit
Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB
Win 7 Professional 64 bit
Intel Xeon @ 2.0 GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
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Apr 3, 2013
Mastering C3D - the bit about spanning segments on an exterior line crossing several parcels. It works like the book shows except the crow's feet only appear at the start and end of the parcel's segment that I click on to insert the label, instead of the start and end of the whole segment. The distance the label reports is correct.
The crows feet are blocks inserted at the start and end of the direction arrow component (visibility false) in the author's style? I have turned the arrow's visibility on and can see that the arrow does not span the parcels.
I have another drawing in a later chapter on alignments that has the same spanning label style that works and I can't for the life of me discover the difference between the two.
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1, 64 bit
Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB
Win 7 Professional 64 bit
Intel Xeon @ 2.0 GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
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Jul 3, 2012
I have a bunch of lines that are created with multiple segments. I'd like to annotate the total length. I can't figure out to do this without labelling each segment along the line using Line and Curve commands. How do I get one annotation that only shows the total of all the sements?
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Aug 9, 2012
Our survey crew would like to upload a dxf file into their data collector in order to stake out linework such as curb & gutter with elevation. They have given up on using stakeout points as a standard procedure long before I arrived (being the cad guy I just figured everyone used points for stakeout) and up to now they would just use the 2-d linework and manually calc elev on their own. From what I understand our RLS didn't "trust" the data collector to use elevation for staking. Now that we finally talked our RLS into "trusting" the data collector as far as using elevation for staking we are running into problems with our feature lines when exporting to a dxf file. As you may or may not know when exporting to a dxf file it explodes our feature lines into lines, p-line, and arcs. Feature lines that have different elev & no curves turn into regular line segments and they still have the correct elev on each end vertex. Great. Feature lines that had the same elev for all vertex turn into a polyline with no elev or a whacked out elev. Featurelines that had a radius turn into polylines and/or arcs (I don't know what it's using to determine this) but either way the elev is zero or whacked out once again. No good!
So, using a dxf file in their data collector to stakeout linework with elevation? If, so what is your procedure?
Furthermore I find it absolutely ridiculous that... oh never mind, it does no good to complain about the complete lack of transparency between C3D, surveyors, and surveying equipment.I have tested the dxf file with both C3D 2011 & 2012. I have not tried it with 2013, maybe that has changed? Our survey crew is using a Tsc2 data collector.
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Jan 29, 2013
The command for Creating Lines by Specifying a Range of Point Numbers makes 3D line segments. Is there an option to make a zero elevation polyline running through cogo points that are 3D (the 3D line segments occur even if the cogo points are set to flatten elevation)?
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Jul 10, 2012
how (or if it is possible) to create a profile that contains mutliple segments. THe scenario I have is a proposed profile that ties to existing grade and then picks up again at existing grade some distance down the alignment.
The only way I can find to do this now is to create it all as one profile with no breaks and then go back and remove the profile segments in between the existing grad tie ins. Except when I remove a segment from my profile all of the labels beyond the first segment fo away.
In the past I have been creating multiple profiles but seeing as how long this surface alignment is and how many breaks in the proposed profile there are I would rather have just one proposed profile than several, especially when labeling existing/proposed elevations in the data band.
Here is an example before a segment is removed:
And here is an example after the segment was removed, the green labels are just polys and mtext not C3D entities
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU
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Dec 26, 2013
I imported fbk file that I created from raw, I would like to see how data was collected (from which instrument setup). As I was watching video tutorial, I have seen this, but can't figure it out how to set it up.
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Feb 20, 2013
How to divide ellipse into line segments(equal/unequal lengths) of required accuracy or tolerance ?
tolerance = mid-ordinate distance
Civil 3D 2012, SAC
16 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7
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