AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Range Of Point Numbers Makes 3D Line Segments
Jan 29, 2013
The command for Creating Lines by Specifying a Range of Point Numbers makes 3D line segments. Is there an option to make a zero elevation polyline running through cogo points that are 3D (the 3D line segments occur even if the cogo points are set to flatten elevation)?
I have subroutine that retrieves a list of detail numbers in a drawing. Sometimes there are missing numbers. I am looking to find a list of any missing numbers.
Example -
(setq List_DN (list 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 17))
Missing numbers are - 4,8,9,13,14,15,16
I would like a subroutine to take the List_DN are return the following missing numbers as text
I have one LW polyline consisting lines and one or two arcs. I want to calculate length of all line segments and arc segments separately and the resulted values to be shown as attributes (seperate attributes for line segments and arc segments).
In trying to learn more about label styles, the C3D Help instructs one to:
2. On the Layout tab of the Label Style Composer, select or create the label component that you want to span multiple segments.
3. In the Properties list, under General, change the Span Outside Segments property to True.Specify this setting for each component that you want to span multiple segments.
There is no "Span Outside Segments" to set to True in my Label Style Composer. The only T/F option under General is for visibility.
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1, 64 bit Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB Win 7 Professional 64 bit Intel Xeon @ 2.0 GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
Mastering C3D - the bit about spanning segments on an exterior line crossing several parcels. It works like the book shows except the crow's feet only appear at the start and end of the parcel's segment that I click on to insert the label, instead of the start and end of the whole segment. The distance the label reports is correct.
The crows feet are blocks inserted at the start and end of the direction arrow component (visibility false) in the author's style? I have turned the arrow's visibility on and can see that the arrow does not span the parcels.
I have another drawing in a later chapter on alignments that has the same spanning label style that works and I can't for the life of me discover the difference between the two.
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1, 64 bit Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB Win 7 Professional 64 bit Intel Xeon @ 2.0 GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I have a bunch of lines that are created with multiple segments. I'd like to annotate the total length. I can't figure out to do this without labelling each segment along the line using Line and Curve commands. How do I get one annotation that only shows the total of all the sements?
Our survey crew would like to upload a dxf file into their data collector in order to stake out linework such as curb & gutter with elevation. They have given up on using stakeout points as a standard procedure long before I arrived (being the cad guy I just figured everyone used points for stakeout) and up to now they would just use the 2-d linework and manually calc elev on their own. From what I understand our RLS didn't "trust" the data collector to use elevation for staking. Now that we finally talked our RLS into "trusting" the data collector as far as using elevation for staking we are running into problems with our feature lines when exporting to a dxf file. As you may or may not know when exporting to a dxf file it explodes our feature lines into lines, p-line, and arcs. Feature lines that have different elev & no curves turn into regular line segments and they still have the correct elev on each end vertex. Great. Feature lines that had the same elev for all vertex turn into a polyline with no elev or a whacked out elev. Featurelines that had a radius turn into polylines and/or arcs (I don't know what it's using to determine this) but either way the elev is zero or whacked out once again. No good!
So, using a dxf file in their data collector to stakeout linework with elevation? If, so what is your procedure?
Furthermore I find it absolutely ridiculous that... oh never mind, it does no good to complain about the complete lack of transparency between C3D, surveyors, and surveying equipment.I have tested the dxf file with both C3D 2011 & 2012. I have not tried it with 2013, maybe that has changed? Our survey crew is using a Tsc2 data collector.
I have several lifts of dirt. I have 50 shots on each lift, but the shots on each lift are in different locations. I have been told to have each lift on a seperate layout and each layout list each shot starting at 1. Is there a way I can show Lift 1 with point numbers 1-50 and Lift 2 with point numbers 1-50 in the same dwg?
I just had an internal request for this and I had to look it up. So I'll share what I found and have a place to find it myself next time.
One way to do it is to select a COGO point to bring up the COGO Point Contextual menu tab. In COGO Point Tools you can select List Available Point Numbers.
I imported fbk file that I created from raw, I would like to see how data was collected (from which instrument setup). As I was watching video tutorial, I have seen this, but can't figure it out how to set it up.
When we apply surface projection gradings to feature lines, we get locked vertices on the feature line wherever the grading transitions from cut to fill. In turn these vertices create segments in the feature line which influence any labels applied to the line. I don't want a bazillion segment labels on my FL. I only want segment labels between the physical vertices and elevation points. Is there a workaround or is an enhancement request in order?
I'm trying to import a GPS coordinate file where our Surveyor has used both Points Names (Alpha-Numeric) and Point Numbers. see below. I have setup a Point File Format for Pname, North, East, Elev and RAW Description, to import this comma separated point file. The problem is that Civil 3D does not want to seem to use a numeric point name as a Point Number, instead the number is used as a Point name and Civil 3D assigns a Point number from the next availible point number. Is it possible to automatically, when the Point Name is a numer only to also assign it the same value as the Point Names?
I would really want Civil 3D to allow users to use Both, Point Names without assigning a Point number.
What I wish to do is to assign a set of points a sequence of point numbers (or custom properties) of my choosing. For example, I have the following points:
I wish to assign point 100 -> 1000, 105 to 1001, 107 to 1002, 104 -> 1003, and 102 ->1004. Basically, I am looking for a command or utility that implements the "TCOUNT" (using select-order) command, but for Cogo points instead of text. The renumber points command appears to only work with offsets, and does not eliminate gaps. I can sequence the points if I select the points I want, then copy them -> set duplicate points to sequence from the range I choose, but this does not allow for reordering of point numbers. I tried individually selecting them in the order I wanted, but didn't change the order in which they were numbered.
Alternatively, I can leave the point numbers the same, and assign a user defined property that I can use to sequence the points in the order of my choosing. However, I'm not sure how to go about assigning the sequence I wish short of typing in each value individually; obviously non-ideal.
A third possibility that presented itself to me was to create new, correctly sequenced points that overlap exactly with the old ones, and then somehow merge the two sets together. Would there be a way to merge the old points and the new ones based on the fact that the two points have the same X-Y coordinates? Preferably done in CAD itself; the last resort would be to export both sets of points out to excel, then do some fancy manipulation in excel, then reimport into CAD.
I know that there is a limitation on the numbers of points added to a surface from a point cloud. But I'm curious how Civil 3D determines which points to exclude from the surface. Is there a special alorithm/criteria the software uses?
I create the sampleline on the option "by a range of stations" so the sample lines were created on the horizontal geometry points. When I change the geometry of the alignament, the sample lines's local change or I need to do the process all over again?
I would like to use the if else parameter in iLogic to set up a range, but I'm not getting it right.
What should happen:
if the variable 'breedte' is:
- 0 up to 3800; thats OK
- 3800 up to 4000; thats not OK, use 3800 instead
- 4000 and up; thats OK
Therefore I wrote this script, but when I enter a number between 3800 and 4000 (like 3900), the MessageBox appears (thats good), but the size of my solid results in 3900, instead of 3800.
breedte = InputBox("What is the breedte?", "Hoofdmaten", "")Parameter("skelet.ipt.breedte")=breedteIf breedte <= 3800 Then breedte = breedteElse If breedte >= 4000 Then breedte = breedteElse If (breedte >= 3801) AndAlso (breedte <= 4000) Then breedte = 3800 MessageBox.Show("This breedte is not possible." & hoogte & vbCr & "The value of 3800 will be used instead.", "Problem message", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) End If
I draw a curved line and would like it to remain as a curved line even after saving the file. However everytime after saving, and opening the file again, the curve breaks into many line segments, which is not what I want! I want the curved line that I draw to remain as a curved line even after saving and opening. How do I do that? I am using autocad2010.
I use the ARC command to draw a couple of lines, they look okay here. But after I saved it, and re-open it again, what previously appeared as curved lines changed in their appearance to polyline segments.
I have a line or a pline segment and i want to start a line from a point laying there and go perpendicular outwards. Is there a way to do it with tracking?
Yes, i saw the command draw line at an angle but i find it a little bit complicated for a simple task like that. I am sure autodesk have a simplest solution about that.
If i am already at the draw line mode and i can easy catch the tracking perpendicular to previous segment but if i want to start from another line and go perpendicular i cannot make the tracking work.
If there is a command to split a line into segments? I know there is the divide command but that does not physically split the line, it just gives it points. i need the line to be seperate segments without the gap like the break command gives.
Trying to get evenly spaced line segments that lie on the circumference of a circle - every time I do the pattern repetition it gives me line segments the same length instead of constraining them to the circumference of the circle ?
I am a first time Autocad user and have spent most of yesterday trying to work through this issue but am still not able to perform this. I have attached an image which on the lower part of the lines shows arcs with large radii which transition to parallel lines in the upper part of the image. Where the two meet there is an abrupt change in angle which I wish to have as a smooth transition from the gradual change in angle of the arcing lines to the parallel straight lines.
This is how the transition between the line segments should look.
I am trying to create surface elevation labels along a polyline and I am having an issue with the label anchor point. I have created a line label style that uses a reference text to produce the elevation from a specified surface, however when I insert the label the default anchor point for the label is in the center of the line segment and that is where the reference text is taking the surface elevation. I am looking for the elevation of the surface at the start of each line segment, and I do not know how I can make it stop defaulting to the center of the line segment.
Attached is an overview of what my labels look like, where the anchor point is, and the layout properties within my label style. I am using C3D 2012.
Is there a way to have a multiline point description? For example, in the raw description, i wrote out the text, but I would like to return a line for the parentheses.
Civil 3D 2013 Windows 7 64-bit Inteel 2.40 GHz 8 GB RAM Dell T7600
Is there a way to convert a feature line elevation point to PI?
My objective here is to delete all the elevation points except one. It would be time consuming to pick each elevation point and delete them individually (in this case there are about 15 but sometimes there are more). I want to use the delete all option but keep one one of them. If I can convert that one into a PI I could then quickly delete the remaining elevation points.
How shall I draw lines into a created surface using raw or full description of ascii file format(COGO)
for example in the imported file i have points to describe a road center line(CL),or edge of the road(ERD),breaklines(BRKL) and want lines represented by the descriptions to be drawed in the surface so that i can use the lines as guides in profiles design.I didn't want to use point number which are not serially ,and have tried to use point grouping without any success
Is there any way to increase the size of the marker that shows up on the plan view when you select a PI in the elevation editor? It is so small that if I have the feature line selected I can't see the marker over the highlighted line. I generally have to zoom to a PI so I can see where I am.
I'm working on a stream restoration project and we need to determine the x coordinates and corresponding elevations along a stream alignment at certain sample lines. The centerline of the stream's alignment has been created as well as sample lines for cross sections at 50' intervals. We need the coordinates & elevations of each sample line (cross section) exported into an excel/txt document.
For instance, at station 1+00 of the alignment we have a sample line. We need to know to the right and left along that sample line the corresponding elevations and that x coordinate) from the alignment. Primarily, whole contour intervals but more information would be useful as well. I was hoping this could be automatically generated.