If there is a command to split a line into segments? I know there is the divide command but that does not physically split the line, it just gives it points. i need the line to be seperate segments without the gap like the break command gives.
I have one LW polyline consisting lines and one or two arcs. I want to calculate length of all line segments and arc segments separately and the resulted values to be shown as attributes (seperate attributes for line segments and arc segments).
I draw a curved line and would like it to remain as a curved line even after saving the file. However everytime after saving, and opening the file again, the curve breaks into many line segments, which is not what I want! I want the curved line that I draw to remain as a curved line even after saving and opening. How do I do that? I am using autocad2010.
I use the ARC command to draw a couple of lines, they look okay here. But after I saved it, and re-open it again, what previously appeared as curved lines changed in their appearance to polyline segments.
Trying to get evenly spaced line segments that lie on the circumference of a circle - every time I do the pattern repetition it gives me line segments the same length instead of constraining them to the circumference of the circle ?
In trying to learn more about label styles, the C3D Help instructs one to:
2. On the Layout tab of the Label Style Composer, select or create the label component that you want to span multiple segments.
3. In the Properties list, under General, change the Span Outside Segments property to True.Specify this setting for each component that you want to span multiple segments.
There is no "Span Outside Segments" to set to True in my Label Style Composer. The only T/F option under General is for visibility.
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1, 64 bit Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB Win 7 Professional 64 bit Intel Xeon @ 2.0 GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
Mastering C3D - the bit about spanning segments on an exterior line crossing several parcels. It works like the book shows except the crow's feet only appear at the start and end of the parcel's segment that I click on to insert the label, instead of the start and end of the whole segment. The distance the label reports is correct.
The crows feet are blocks inserted at the start and end of the direction arrow component (visibility false) in the author's style? I have turned the arrow's visibility on and can see that the arrow does not span the parcels.
I have another drawing in a later chapter on alignments that has the same spanning label style that works and I can't for the life of me discover the difference between the two.
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1, 64 bit Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB Win 7 Professional 64 bit Intel Xeon @ 2.0 GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I am a first time Autocad user and have spent most of yesterday trying to work through this issue but am still not able to perform this. I have attached an image which on the lower part of the lines shows arcs with large radii which transition to parallel lines in the upper part of the image. Where the two meet there is an abrupt change in angle which I wish to have as a smooth transition from the gradual change in angle of the arcing lines to the parallel straight lines.
This is how the transition between the line segments should look.
I have a bunch of lines that are created with multiple segments. I'd like to annotate the total length. I can't figure out to do this without labelling each segment along the line using Line and Curve commands. How do I get one annotation that only shows the total of all the sements?
Our survey crew would like to upload a dxf file into their data collector in order to stake out linework such as curb & gutter with elevation. They have given up on using stakeout points as a standard procedure long before I arrived (being the cad guy I just figured everyone used points for stakeout) and up to now they would just use the 2-d linework and manually calc elev on their own. From what I understand our RLS didn't "trust" the data collector to use elevation for staking. Now that we finally talked our RLS into "trusting" the data collector as far as using elevation for staking we are running into problems with our feature lines when exporting to a dxf file. As you may or may not know when exporting to a dxf file it explodes our feature lines into lines, p-line, and arcs. Feature lines that have different elev & no curves turn into regular line segments and they still have the correct elev on each end vertex. Great. Feature lines that had the same elev for all vertex turn into a polyline with no elev or a whacked out elev. Featurelines that had a radius turn into polylines and/or arcs (I don't know what it's using to determine this) but either way the elev is zero or whacked out once again. No good!
So, using a dxf file in their data collector to stakeout linework with elevation? If, so what is your procedure?
Furthermore I find it absolutely ridiculous that... oh never mind, it does no good to complain about the complete lack of transparency between C3D, surveyors, and surveying equipment.I have tested the dxf file with both C3D 2011 & 2012. I have not tried it with 2013, maybe that has changed? Our survey crew is using a Tsc2 data collector.
The command for Creating Lines by Specifying a Range of Point Numbers makes 3D line segments. Is there an option to make a zero elevation polyline running through cogo points that are 3D (the 3D line segments occur even if the cogo points are set to flatten elevation)?
I am wondering how many times you can use split command on one part?
I have never used split command before.
if you look at the image below, i would like to split this into 4 pieces, and looking for the quickest and the way that makes the most sense way to do it.
I imported fbk file that I created from raw, I would like to see how data was collected (from which instrument setup). As I was watching video tutorial, I have seen this, but can't figure it out how to set it up.
When we apply surface projection gradings to feature lines, we get locked vertices on the feature line wherever the grading transitions from cut to fill. In turn these vertices create segments in the feature line which influence any labels applied to the line. I don't want a bazillion segment labels on my FL. I only want segment labels between the physical vertices and elevation points. Is there a workaround or is an enhancement request in order?
How do I set two line segments apart (at suppose 12%) of it's length no matter how large or small i resize the two line segments, sort of like the settings in ChemBioDraw 13.0? In ChemBioDraw 13.0 you can look into the draw settings and it will say how far apart the two lines in the double bond is, line width etc.
I use pdn to cg my sketches and such and I love it. I tried paint tool sai and disliked it because I don't have a tablet..I was wondering tho.. If there's a way to added more then just four segments into the line tool. The little box things if you don't know what I mean.
I have been using adobe cs5 for a few years. If I wanted to connect the corners of two line segments, you would select the first line segment with the select tool, then switch to the direct selection tool, and drag the anchor point to the other line segment anchor point till the cursor arrow went white (signifying the other anchor point being recognized). Then you would choose "join" and it would give a nice right angle connecting the two line segments.
With adobe cs6, the direct selection tool doesn't change to white when you go over the other line segment anchor point.(Unfortunately my screen capture doesn't show the black arrowhead that you see when you are dragging with the direct selection tool to the other line segment.)
I have also attached a YouTube video link that shows what how this recognition of anchor points looks in adobe illustrator cs5, and this was exactly what I used to do when I was performing the task shown in my screen capture but with adobe.
I needed to join lines into a curve, and not being used to all the extra features of Corel over my old application.
I read of what seems to be a feature of closing different line segments, and it seems that Corel can join two different lines at their start and end point, and take on the characteristics of the first line selected and the help file displayed a pictures of what can be done. BUT I CAN'T DO THAT!
I am trying to do what is shown in the help file's "closing multiple line segments" right most image. Where two lines are closed with another and the new middle line is sort of shaped "in between" the two lines.
I included a file with a bitmap of the examples, and lines I traced for it, and what is happening when I try to join the curves with a bezier, both selecting both lines, and selecting start and end nodes.
I am drawing a simple diamond shape made with one rectanlge shape and multiple line segments. As I drew the design, I made sure to connect all the segments at the anchors. When I select all of the segments and try to join the paths, the end points or corners are not smooth. In other words, some of the line segment ends hang over the edges...
The image below shows the left side of the diamond, where the top portion meets the bottom...
What I'm doing is applying a brush to a line-segment and then dividing the line segment up into pieces of varying lengths using anchor points.
What happens that the long line segments show the brush perfectly, but the shorter line segments are "squashing" the entire brush into one short segment
So for example I'm trying to create a logo with hand-drawn lines - the longer pieces of the logo look perfect with my brush, but the shorter pieces are squiggly because the whole brush is being squashed down into the length of the small line segment.
I've already tried the brush options and I've tried options of selected object. Setting proportion doesn't work, because then the smaller line segments end up thinner than the rest and if I set the thickness back up then I get the same effect back.
Is there some way that I can set the full length of the line with the brush, so that Illustrator doesn't re-apply the same brush effect every time I segment the line? i.e. cut the line up without reapplying the brush to each segment.
I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot
The bug still happens;
- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on - if I plot to a real device or in PDF - if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.
This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.
I am drawing a few feature lines within my surface and it is creating split points.....not even sure how they are created and how do I get rid of them....is there a way? I read a little about them and what I have read so far indicates that it is a point where two feature lines cross? I don't have another feature line created anywhere near this one.
without reiterating a lot of what is said in this thread: [URL] ......
This happen outside the potential malware infection?
if you care to not click-through, the problem is that certain commands (not all of them) simply do not disply in the command line. so the MOVE command for example looks like this:
To recreate this error, draw 2 simple shapes in Illustrator CS6, copy and paste them together as a Shape layer in Photoshop CS6.
Then go to 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Path. I just accept the defaults.
Then go to 3D > Split Extrusion.
The error is thrown at this point. No matter what I do, I can't get it to work.
I've tried rasterizing the shape, but then I get a different error. When I select 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer, I get the error: "Could not complete the New 3D Extruions from Selected Layer command because the path is too complex." This is ridiculous. I can't get the 3D to work at all.