AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Assembly That Place Sidewalk At Varying Offsets
May 25, 2011
We have just started using Civil 3D. I need to be able to create an assembly that will place a sidewalk at varying offsets (it is too random to make seperate assemblies). I have tried making an alignment of the back of the walk and attempted to use targets in the corridor to achieve this .
I will attempt to attach the DWG that I am working on. The Main alignment is PR-1 as is the corridor and the alignment that i need the back of the walk to follow is PR-1 BWR.
What I have is a highway that is being twinned, however the divided lanes are not consistantly the same distance away (or the same width of roadtop). I would like to keep the number of alignments to a minimum. Both lanes would be based off the same vertical profile. So I would like to have a single assembly that could adjust the median width in the center, and the lane width. Targetting the horizontal layout you can see in the attached screenshot. (this is not all of the job of course)
Is this a feasible task for the targetting assemblys? Would be a fairly standard 4:1 side slopes, adjustable ditch bottom width, 2% crowned road otherwise.
So I need an sub assembly similar to the SuperLayerVaryingWidth, but combined with BasicLane Transition sub. If the SuperLayerVaryingWidth sub would follow an ETW profile to set slope, then I would be set. Any tips on how to create this? I'm pretty rusty at building custom subs.
I have a variable sidewalk width and would like my corridor to follow sidewalk as defined by Target Alignment for Sidewalk width (polyline). My sidewalk is merging at ends with roadway however my corridor feature lines presenting sidewalk is not following/merging with target. In all other locations, it follows the target width however where sidewalk merges with road, feature line goes straight.
Attached PDF should hopefully explain what I want to say. Could not attached dwg due to size issue.
I am using Basic Curb and Urban sidewalk assembly wherein my Blvd targets are set to 0 (none).
How can I make my corridor follow sidewalk width target exactly.
if i want to target the existing surface beyond the edges of my road/sidewalk, should i use the link slope to surface subassembly at both ends? i want the model to test if in a cut or fill situation, and then target.
I created a profile for an alignment (which has 2 offsets) and also an assembly with two assembly offsets. I wanted to create a corridor where my assembly offsets will have the same profile but will be on different alignments (alignment offsets).
In the corridor properties / parameters, I got an error : duplicate profile found. Should I copy the profile (for each offset) in different profile views (for each offset) ? Or there is a better way to do that ?
I'm looking for a way to determine (and preferably edit) the values of P1 and P2, the offsets of the initial tangents into the PC/PT of the shifted curve. It's not in the (admiteddly basic) book I have either.
[Edit: OK, after double-checking,I just found Widening offset clothoid, but I'm still none the wiser.]
I need to make interchange shoulder widening for my sub assembly.
there is picture where I have the shoulder which I want to add target offset in corridor to make offset of the edge of shoulder. but I don't know how to write expression that when top link will offset slope will move with it and the bottom link will connect in crossing of this two points.
Would be interested in a strategy for a varying depth overlay, i.e. where the overlay assembly follows a centerline design profile rather than a pavement depth up from existing grade. Then the trick would be for the software to calculate the asphalt volume between the new top surface and the existing roadway surface.
I have a case with the Subassembly Composer where I have 3 varying depths. InsideLane, OutsideLane, and Shoulder. My Base shape below these 3 shapes will not setup properly. I understand why, it's because the varying depths will create a potential step up or down situation depending on the depth of the top 3 shapes. This prevents the definition of the Base Shape.
For the sake of quantities I'd like to create a Base Shape. I could create Base1 Base2 Base3 (one below Inside Lane, Outside Lane, and Shoulder). I would prefer not to for clarity purposes.
How could one approach this? I'm thinking that I need some conditional components to clean this up. I'm not a pro writing expressions. I basically need to define the links that define the varying depths between the top 3 depths. I need to create another point and link if the depths vary, and that link needs to be included within the shape definition for Base.
how to create the transition portion of a corridor design where my road cross slope has to uniformly go from 3% to the right to 3% to the left. I have the two regions set up, but I cannot get that "middle" or "connecting" region where the cross slope is "rotating" around my road profile center line to create this "+3% to -3%" transition.
I have been searching the internet and this forum, but cannot find a good explanation. There is info out there about setting vertical offsets, but not sure how to do this so the cross slope is uniform all the way through this region (i.e., making sure that if the slope is 1.234% on the right side, I will get 1.234% on the left side, etc.)
I have 30 M corridor. daylighting slopes have not been mentioned in typical section of this urban road. the sketch is shown. making this assembly and to get the 30 m fixed corridor.
I need to create an assembly where the median width varies , I already created the alignment, profile,corridor,section with the design level. Also I have created the assembly with fix width. Now in the middle of my road the median is getting bigger ,Its possible to link the median with a polyline or another alignment were it change the width ?
How to create a transition crossfall over a distance in assembly. For example, I would like to get hard shoulder crossfall along the edge of travel lane from proposed 2.5% to tie in the existing (e.g. 1%) over 10m.
How to create a sub-assembly with an insertion point parameter using Sub-assembly composer.
like this one below. I found this under the following sub-assembly. All I want is , when the user inserting the sub-assembly they may need to go on both the sides attached.
So the user should be able to select from the dropdown if the insertion point is 1 or 2. Before inserting.
I'm trying to create an assembly that consists of two curbs sub-assemblies that are tied to independent alignments with a pavement section in between them. I have been successful in actually creating an assembly with the two curb sections, but I cannot figure out how to define a line or pavement section that will connect one gutter to the other.
I have one curb tied to the main baseline and the other tied to an offset. I have assigned horizontal alignments and profiles to the baseline and the offset. The curbs actually place where I want them when viewed with the section editor. I had thought that I could use the LinkToMarkedPoint subassembly and simply attach it to the gutter of one curb and to a marked point on the gutter of the other curb, but I can't get it to actually work.
Again, the curb alignment and profiles are completely in independent one another, and I need a way to define a pavement section (or just a surface) between the two gutters.
What I need to do correctly, I'm sure the picture will explain better. I know I could use multiple masks stacked on top of each other or some similar method, but I'm looking for something less convoluted and neater.
I am trying to create an assembly with a U channel (side ditch) that's top will follow the sidewalk it is next to but I need the profile of the U channel to be different than that of the roadway. Is there a way to create a custom subassembly part that will do this? Can I create a different allignment/profile for the bottom of the U channel that can then link to the other assembly?
The only other think I can think of is to use a dynamic block to add the U channel to my cross sections, but that will take a lot of time to do.
I need to create an assembly that will give me the volume of a new shoulder along an existing road, as show in this picture.
I can easily make an alignment along my edge of pavement, and match the existing elevations, but I need to hold the cross slope constant AND the shoulder slope constant, and have the bottom of the shoulder slope to a target 2 feet off of my ROW.
If a place a pipe piece with a length fro example 350mm and I place another pipe piece with a length of 400mm. Is there a way to place the same part with the two (or more) values? I did try the iPart route and to create a multi value in my part parameter for the length equation but in both cases you can only select a length and all the parts in the assembly updates to the new length selection.
This program continues to surprise me, negatively. I did not want to modify any thing, but to import/place a part into assembly and gives me this picture. why is so important to not modify library????