AutoCAD Inventor :: Import / Place A Part Into Assembly
Mar 26, 2013
This program continues to surprise me, negatively. I did not want to modify any thing, but to import/place a part into assembly and gives me this picture. why is so important to not modify library????
If a place a pipe piece with a length fro example 350mm and I place another pipe piece with a length of 400mm. Is there a way to place the same part with the two (or more) values? I did try the iPart route and to create a multi value in my part parameter for the length equation but in both cases you can only select a length and all the parts in the assembly updates to the new length selection.
I am trying to acheive copying parameter from one part/assembly to another part/assembly document and this is what i came out with:
Private Sub CopyParamToTarget(SourceFile As String, TargetFile As String, ByRef ParamList As ListBox) 'Declares the variables to be used in this sub Dim d_target As Inventor.Document = Nothing, d_source As Inventor.Document = Nothing Dim t_transaction
I did another version for Inventor VBA in which is quite similar to this length as well . . .
Tried using ComponentDefinition instead but it does not have access to the Parameters list.
Dear Sir, In particular project, when I insert part in Assembly file, It is inserted as a Tube & Pipe run part. so that It is not Grounded automatically. What is the settings by which I can insert as a normal part in assembly file ? I have attached herewith the JPG file also.
I`m looking for the iLogic code that can change one parameter (user defined) for each (ipt) part in assembly (iam)
The one below doesn`t work.
Sub Main Dim oApp As Inventor.Application = ThisApplication Dim oAssy As Inventor.AssemblyDocument = oApp.ActiveDocument For Each oSubDoc as Inventor.Document In oAssy.AllReferencedDocuments On Error Resume Next Parameter(oSubDoc, "FH") = 15.26 Next End Sub
I would like to simplify this assembly into one seamless part for FEM calculation:The assembly consists out of parts that, in reality, will be welded together. Due to their form, there is no way to place them exactly onto each other, therefore there are slight gaps between the parts:
Now when I try to merge the assembly into one part via "simplify" --> "create simplified part" and choose "single solid body with seams between planar faces merged", Inventor does not fill these gaps (even though it displays only one part in the bottom right corner of my window). Unfortunately, the remaining gaps brings "contact" problems in the FEM simulation.
how to close the gaps and really merge the assembly into one part?
I have a part that has protrusions. When i mate that part up to another part that second part needs to have cutouts/holes to receive those protrusions.
i mainly use it in sheetmetal parts. and use the rectangular protrusions on de contour to mate up with corresponding cutouts in the other sheet. this works with positioning and also makes for a nice weld spot/area.
But also for making holes to accommodate a mold pin used in custom punch dies. I want the intervening part to receive a corresponding (propperly tolleranced) hole automatically. Much like a bolted connection does.
same for parts like circlips. i want them to automatically generate the seat in the part it's mated to. Rather than using the axle generator.
Ofcourse one can place the parts and do an in assembly interpart projection and go from there, but i want the part to generate the (predifined) modification to the other part. It would save time and also reduces problems as the parts are moved about or even removed.
I have an assembly with 10 parts in it. We use many assembly features at the assembly level (Revolve cut, Extrusion cut..etc). How to find the mass difference of each part by comparing at its parts level and its assembly level.
I have a two part duct fire damper assembly. The IDW has the combined two part assembly, which I know how to turn the CoG on, so that it can be dimensioned. The problem is each piece will more than likely be hoisted separately so I would like to show the CoG for each piece, not the combined master there a way to do this?
Inventor 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz 16GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro
Why when I mirror a part in an assembly the mirrored part gets a new part number? I want to mirror only the position of the part which is always the same part. Is it possible to do that in Inventor?
I am trying to copy a part that is in my assembly drawing and then place multiple instances of that part at equally spaced distance between each other. I can copy the part but i don't know how to place the copied part at the distance i want to place it in.
I was just wondering how to place a component into an assembly using ilogic? If this is possible, is there also an option to choose if iMates will be generated?
I would ideally like to place a list of components into an assembly, the list with probably exist in excel, then have iMates set to 'Automatically generate iMates on place' so that my assembly assembles automatically.
Inventor 2013 Certified Professional Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011 Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit
I am trying to use iMates names to place a hydraulic adapter into an assembly. The adapter has two male ends - one end with an insert iMate matching a cylinder iMate and one end with an insert iMate matching the hose fitting. When placing the adapter, the iMate names are ignored and it is mated backwards using inferred iMates.
Also, I get an error because it wants to mate new instances of the part to the unconsumed iMate of the part that was just placed (which I guess would place parts into infinity). I have changed around the iMate names and matching names every way I can think of, but the names still are ignored, and it uses other deferred iMates.
When I insert a standard 6" square tube into an assembly there are all of the custom shapes and standard structural members to choose from. When I try to put the same tubing into a part file only the custom shapes are visible and no standard parts to choose from.
I can only guess that I have some obscure check box missing. There appears to be no good reason why I would be restricted in part files.
I am looking for the best way to place multiple columns in a single part file (as independant parts). I want to do this to accurately represent a steel structure that we purchase with a single part number. The structure is purchased and not modified so I figured a single part file would be better than an assembly file with multiple parts.
I thought the best way would be to extrude a 2D wide flange beam profile. However I would like to just pick the profile from a database (content center?) instead of going through the hassle of sketching each profile manually.
Any time I click on "Create 2D sketch" when editing a part in place in an assembly, the view moves to an isometric view. It happens as soon as I click on the button. Is there any way to stop this happening?
This does not happen when I'm editing a part (.ipt) on its own. I'm aware of the "Look at sketch plane on sketch creation" issue: this is not the same thing since it happens as soon as I click on the button, i.e. before I actually create the sketch.
I want the view to remain as it was before I click the button, to keep the things I'm looking at in view.
I have an assembly of stair made from steel. There are lots of part the same. Is there a way to make a hole (inside assembly) to one and that hole would appear on all of them.
And another problem, how can I made cut (inside assembly) through more then one part so that would affect a part also when I open it alone.
I am capturing a book-case design that I made long ago into Intentor. I am almost finished, and I want to produce .dwg files and a bill of materials of parts that can be held.
For various reasons, almost all the items in the existing design are assemblies, and the underlying parts correspond more or less to half of physical parts that are contained inside a repeating cell. I will almost certainly continue using this approach.
A simplified design that shows this is at [URL]..... in the file Display.iam
I created the file Slat.ipt by using derive (Slat.iam).
If I replace the Slat assemblies with the file Slat.ipt, the bill of materials will show parts that correspond to physical parts that I can hold in my hand, or list on an invoice. I can do this with many, many mouse operations.
To make this modification quickly, I attempted to do Component -> replace on the Slat assembly. I use this operation a lot to replace one version of an assembly with another. When I do it with a .ipt file, the system pauses for some tens of seconds, then crashes.
A brute force work around is to use the mouse to do the replacement, essentially rebuilding the entire project in place.
as you can see from the image, the blue cone isnt transparent. i set the material properties to "clear blue" to make it "see through", i want to show whats under the cone. however the cone isnt transparent. how can i get the cone to be transparent? is there a step im missing?