I quite often import hardware models downloaded form various mfg or supplier websites. McMaster Carr for example provides a great deal of hardware models. While they offer native formats for SW they do not do this for IV (not many places do)
Since the [imported] models often open up with default properties, I change the material to something that closely represents the actual hardware or item. In some cases, there are certain portions of the item that are in reality colored or textured differently and I sometimes want to duplicate that for aesthetics and a more accurate view for people that use my assembly files.
In SW, it was always real easy to select just a face (regardless of whether the surface was part of an entire part, a feature, an imported solid body, etc. I could always change the properties of just a face or slection of faces. Since it was a standard pc of hardware, I had no concern about updates.
I have a part file that contains two imported solid bodies. If I select just a single face and try to change the color of it, it changes the entire part. Not what I want.
When I insert a standard 6" square tube into an assembly there are all of the custom shapes and standard structural members to choose from. When I try to put the same tubing into a part file only the custom shapes are visible and no standard parts to choose from.
I can only guess that I have some obscure check box missing. There appears to be no good reason why I would be restricted in part files.
I am looking for the best way to place multiple columns in a single part file (as independant parts). I want to do this to accurately represent a steel structure that we purchase with a single part number. The structure is purchased and not modified so I figured a single part file would be better than an assembly file with multiple parts.
I thought the best way would be to extrude a 2D wide flange beam profile. However I would like to just pick the profile from a database (content center?) instead of going through the hassle of sketching each profile manually.
Is it possible to update an existing drawing to reference a new part or assembly file while maintaining associated views and possibly the annotation also?
I have tasks which require frequent subtle changes to assemblies. These assemblies will then be given a completely new file name, so it is no longer just a revision change but a new part altogether.
I sometimes create parts that are very similar to one another. (ie. - complex plate, but one part uses threaded holes, while an identical one has through holes, with all holes in the same location). So before now I would have built one part, made my drawing file. Then Copy/paste the part file into the same assembly folder, edit the hole feature of the newly copied part, then have to create an entirely new drawing file for the new copied part.
Is there a way to just copy my already created part drawing, and then just change the part file it used? They are basically the same part, but one uses threaded holes, the other uses through holes. My current way seems redundant and time wasting.
I have a multi-body part and want to find the both faces which divide the bodys. The first face I pick with the "SelectSet" command.The second one the program should find on its own.
If I pick a boundary face, it should give an error.
One attempt is to create a point on the first face and use the "LocateUsingPoint". But is there a more elegant way for this task?
(Unfortunately there are little examples of the topic multi-body parts.)
when I'm in a part file and attempting to open the related drawing file by right clicking on the part name at the top of the design tree, the drawing can't be found automatically and I've to find it in the file open dialogue box.
At my company we use part numbers as file names for everything. for example, part number 09090P00100000, will be saved as 09090P00100000.ipt and will have a drawing saved as 09090P00100000.idw.
Within the drawing template file, i want to set up an ilogic rule that will check that the part present in the drawing corresponds to the file name of the drawing. This rule will run after saving and will just display a warning if the file names do not correspond.
I just need some code that will get the file name of the part displayed in the drawing. Note that we use iparts so the code must get the member file name and not the factory file name.
Dim oDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawingDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSheet As Sheet oSheet = oDrawingDoc.ActiveSheet
[Code] ........
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011 Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit
Is there any way while using position views to have a part that is adaptive resize? It's easy enough in master view to change placement of parts and have adaptive parts update, but when I try it with position views, the parts will not adapt. Can it even be done with a positional view?
Right now I am using position views and level of detail to suppress two different parts, when I would prefer the same part just update in size. I need the position views so i can show different positions without making new assemblies, but cant get the adaptive parts to work in a positional view.
I just want two parts to move position, and the part between them to update in size depending on the distance. Easy in master view, and so far undo able in position views.
I am trying to copy a part that is in my assembly drawing and then place multiple instances of that part at equally spaced distance between each other. I can copy the part but i don't know how to place the copied part at the distance i want to place it in.
If a place a pipe piece with a length fro example 350mm and I place another pipe piece with a length of 400mm. Is there a way to place the same part with the two (or more) values? I did try the iPart route and to create a multi value in my part parameter for the length equation but in both cases you can only select a length and all the parts in the assembly updates to the new length selection.
This program continues to surprise me, negatively. I did not want to modify any thing, but to import/place a part into assembly and gives me this picture. why is so important to not modify library????
I am trying to use iLogic to create the file types I need to give to my vendors once I have created a drawing.In the .idw file I have a rule that creates a .pdf file and .dwg file. I also want it to activate a rule I have in the .ipt file that creates a .dxf file.
trigger = iTrigger0oType=Left(ThisDoc.FileName(False),3)GoExcel.Open("S:DRAWINGSFolder Types.xlsx", "Sheet1")For rowPN = 1 To 200 If (GoExcel .CellValue("A" & rowPN) = oType) Then oFile = GoExcel.CellValue("C" & rowPN) Exit For End IfNextoFolder = "S:DRAWINGSNOT RELEASED" & oFileIf Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(oFolder) ThenSystem.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(oFolder)End IfThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(oFolder & "" & [code].....
Is it possible to setup a block so that an attribute position remaines fixed (absolute to drawing) when moving the block?
I've been playing around with creating a Coordinate Block by following these instructions: [URL] ........
What I would like is to be able to set the position of the Coordinate Label and Coordinate Object independently, so that if I move one in the drawing, it doesn't move the other. I've looked into Dynamic Blocks, and the "Lock Position" parameter. I can move the attribute independently, but still everytime I move the block, the attribute moves too.
Our company uses a custom Sheet/Coordinate system to follow flyoffs across a drawing, and I'm trying to learn how to automate the process. It's completely manually right now, so any changes to a drawing creates a lot of work renumbering these flyoffs.
Any time I click on "Create 2D sketch" when editing a part in place in an assembly, the view moves to an isometric view. It happens as soon as I click on the button. Is there any way to stop this happening?
This does not happen when I'm editing a part (.ipt) on its own. I'm aware of the "Look at sketch plane on sketch creation" issue: this is not the same thing since it happens as soon as I click on the button, i.e. before I actually create the sketch.
I want the view to remain as it was before I click the button, to keep the things I'm looking at in view.
I want to change the Arrow Side Position for Weld Symbols from Top to Bottom for all future drawings. I have opened the Drawing Template (Standard.idw) and opened the Styles Editor and switched the Arrow Side Position and saved the template. Then I have tested. In the template it works good, but when I open a new drawing (based on the template) the arrow side position didn't change.
i got Inventor recently, and i've been working on a model of a longboard just to teach myself how to use the tools in Inventor. right now i'm trying to color areas for the griptape pattern so i drew the 2D pattern and projected it onto the 3D model of the longboard. but when i tried to split the faces of the model along the projected pattern only a few of the projected lines split the faces. for other faces i kept getting these errors:
Create parting line failed Crane.ipt: Errors occurred during update Split11: Could not build this Split The attempted operation did not produce a meaningful result. Try with different inputs.
Like the title says I am looking to place views (and dimensions) on drawings using ilogic. I am new to both inventor and ilogic, most of my training came in SolidWorks. It needs to pull the part from an ipart that pulls the information from an excel file.
Dear Sir, In particular project, when I insert part in Assembly file, It is inserted as a Tube & Pipe run part. so that It is not Grounded automatically. What is the settings by which I can insert as a normal part in assembly file ? I have attached herewith the JPG file also.
The simple question is… how can we insert a step (stp) part into an existing part file?
The story behind the question is this:
Normally when we get a step file assembly from a customer, if the part has changed, we put our part into Old Versions and save their new step file as our ipt number and replace it in our assembly file. With Vault, in order for us to maintain the history of the part files, we need to keep the original file so we can’t just delete it or replace it, so now we need to figure out how to get a step file into an ipt. The Import command on the Manage tab (with 2013 at least?) does not allow import of stp files just yet.
The only other option I can think of is to put the original part into an assembly with the step file, create a copy of the step information in the part file and use it to recreate the new (step based) part.
I was curious, when creating multi sheet drawings, how can I place different information in the title block on each drawing?
Example, 2 pages, Description on page 1 = PAGE 1 DESC, by default this same description will show up on all subsequent pages. How do I get page 2 description to be different?