AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Assembly Consisting Of Two Curbs Subassemblies
Jun 7, 2012
I'm trying to create an assembly that consists of two curbs sub-assemblies that are tied to independent alignments with a pavement section in between them. I have been successful in actually creating an assembly with the two curb sections, but I cannot figure out how to define a line or pavement section that will connect one gutter to the other.
I have one curb tied to the main baseline and the other tied to an offset. I have assigned horizontal alignments and profiles to the baseline and the offset. The curbs actually place where I want them when viewed with the section editor. I had thought that I could use the LinkToMarkedPoint subassembly and simply attach it to the gutter of one curb and to a marked point on the gutter of the other curb, but I can't get it to actually work.
Again, the curb alignment and profiles are completely in independent one another, and I need a way to define a pavement section (or just a surface) between the two gutters.
Have a question regarding multiple daylight subassemblies, don't know if it is possible. So I have an assembly with a trench SA in cut condition and a project to surface in fill condition, I built the corridor with this assembly and most of things look fine. However, there is a short stretch (in cut condition) of the corridor that I would like to modify such that a trench is not provided. I know I can create a new assembly with my desire condition, then create a new region and drop that assembly there, but I am wondering if there any other way to achieve my goal without another assembly.
I've got several assemblys built for a road project. the problem is whenever i modify an assembly by adding a subassemby, some of the existing subassemblies move. they stay attached to the assembly but they disconnect from the part they were attached to. i can move them back so the assembly looks correct but when i rebuild the corridor chances are they show up wrong. i've tried 'move to' and just grabbing and snapping. i can eventually get it attached but not without trial and error. i'm running c3d2012.
Dell Studio XPS 9100 Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz 12GB Ram 64 bit C3D 2012 SP3.0
I am having a lot of trouble adding retaining walls to my surface. I also have to add the curbs of parking lot.
I already have the surface. However I need to tell Civil3D to stop the contours at the retaing walls and not to try to tie them in to anything else. The closest I got was using wall breaklines and I got the top of the retaining wall to have the desired elevation. However, all the contours going to the retainig wall try to go around it and tie in to something else. This ends up creating weird contours and crazy slopes.
Now for curbs, how do I tell Civil3D to jump 6" when it reaches the curb line?
Is there an easy way to copy an assembly that has sub-assemblies within it. Make changes to that assembly and some of its sub-assemblies and have no effect on the original.
The model I have been working on has been trying to change it's colour all day. Finally I had a crash 'graphics adapter stopped working' and when I re-opened the model it had gone all blue. The top level assembly is all blue but the subassemblies are the proper colours when you open them.
I'm updating my graphics driver which should maybe stop the problem re-ocurring but in the meantime I need to get my top level assembly to display as per the colours in the sub assemblies.
I've got a machine designed that has a couple hundred parts - originally built as one main assembly (with a number of weldment subassmblies). The problem is that the BOM is too large to feasibly have on the drawing and still show assembly detail. I'm trying to avoid a multi-sheet configuration.
So I've grouped certain items and demoted into subassemblies. The problem is that all the subassemblies are attached to a main frame- and I'd like to show this frame in each of the subassemblies as a reference. Is there a way to add a "phantom" copy of the framework to each of the subassemblies to that it can be seen? (and the assembler can see how the subassembly is mounted on the frame) Otherwise all these parts are just floating in space on the subassembly (and constraints are lost on the subs).
I'd like to keep the frame on the top assembly, as it may be customized for future machines, while using the same subassemblies.
Often times when designing a logo I create different versions and variable options on layers. This can result in several layers in one Illustrator file. Is there an easy way or an existing script that will allow me to (with one click) create a multi-page PDF consisting of all the layers within my .ai file? The current method is turning on each layer, performing a save-as (PDF), then turning off said layer and turning on the next layer and repeating the task and so-on-and-so-forth, etc … It becomes tedious and quite often I save over the previous version, forgetting to re-name it or forget to perform a save on a certain layer. I have never written my own script before but am not opposed to trying, where do I begin?
I have 30 M corridor. daylighting slopes have not been mentioned in typical section of this urban road. the sketch is shown. making this assembly and to get the 30 m fixed corridor.
I need to create an assembly where the median width varies , I already created the alignment, profile,corridor,section with the design level. Also I have created the assembly with fix width. Now in the middle of my road the median is getting bigger ,Its possible to link the median with a polyline or another alignment were it change the width ?
How do I specify the code set to be used on subassemblies when creating an intersection? I want to specify this in a command setting so that the intersection is built correctly without me having to edit feature lines in the corridor properties for th intersection.
how subassemblies work, vis a vis pkt files & all the files created in the ProgramData folder (.atc, .cfg, .dll, .emd, .pvd, .xaml, pdb)? Here's our situation:
A user will make a subassembly, save it locally. The subassembly is used in a corridor. A different user tries to access this file: the subassembly is there (shows in plan), but the parameters are empty and that part of the assembly doesn't run. The subassembly doesn't appear in the Tool Pallet. You do get a .NET error when trying to look at the subassembly.
How we fix this is to open up the C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuImported Tools folder on the computer which made the subassembly, copy everything, and paste it into the other computer's C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuImported Tools folder. How/why doesn't the drawing which has the subassembly in it just work?? And moving forward, how can we share drawings with custom subassemblies? Remap everyone's .net search path to a network drive?
How to create a transition crossfall over a distance in assembly. For example, I would like to get hard shoulder crossfall along the edge of travel lane from proposed 2.5% to tie in the existing (e.g. 1%) over 10m.
How to create a sub-assembly with an insertion point parameter using Sub-assembly composer.
like this one below. I found this under the following sub-assembly. All I want is , when the user inserting the sub-assembly they may need to go on both the sides attached.
So the user should be able to select from the dropdown if the insertion point is 1 or 2. Before inserting.
issue with my Corridor. It involves the intersection of a main road alignment and a secondary road. Thing is my main road has a 6' shoulder whereas my secondary road doesn't have a shoulder at all. I used the Intersection Wizard to create the Intersection, but the two templates don't align. Without the shoulder the ditches don't line up. I tried drawing a polyline between the two ditches and targeting it and that worked, but then realized that going from 6' shoulder to no shoulder wasn't working either so when I tried to target a polyline from the 6' shoulder to the edge of pavement all kind of stuff happened that didn't make sense to me.
Windows 7 Prof w/ SP1, 64bit, Xeon 3Ghz, 16GB Civil 3D 2013
I have a ditch and a road that need to follow separate profiles but be integrated with each other as a single corridor and the ditch's 3:1 slope needs to meet up with the road's 2% slope. Is it possible to have the two subassemblies target each other without having to create a dummy surface or a feature line for targeting to?
I was wondering if there is a way to add labels to assemblies/subassemblies. When I use generic subassemblies or subassemblies I have created in SAC there aren't labels such as slope or offset/elevation. At this point I am stuck creating labels in each of my section views and this can become very tedious.
I am trying to create an assembly with a U channel (side ditch) that's top will follow the sidewalk it is next to but I need the profile of the U channel to be different than that of the roadway. Is there a way to create a custom subassembly part that will do this? Can I create a different allignment/profile for the bottom of the U channel that can then link to the other assembly?
The only other think I can think of is to use a dynamic block to add the U channel to my cross sections, but that will take a lot of time to do.
We have just started using Civil 3D. I need to be able to create an assembly that will place a sidewalk at varying offsets (it is too random to make seperate assemblies). I have tried making an alignment of the back of the walk and attempted to use targets in the corridor to achieve this .
I will attempt to attach the DWG that I am working on. The Main alignment is PR-1 as is the corridor and the alignment that i need the back of the walk to follow is PR-1 BWR.
I understand the procedure for IMPORTING a pkt file from SAC into C3D. But is there a way to go the other direction?I want to use certain SAs that come with OOB C3D -- but I want to customize them.
Of course I can recreate them -- but I'd rather not start from scratch (ESPECIALLY where it comes to the codes).
We are just starting with Civil 3D 2012. We are doing a pilot project, and the engineer wanted to make a custom curb subassembly matching the exact dimensions (angle from bottom of curb to top of curb) as the county detail. I didn't think that was necessary and thought we could use one of the generic subassemblies. usually use the basic or generic subassemblies or do you create your own to match specific municipalities' details exactly?
Do you find that the parts that come with Civil 3D are usually sufficient for design or do you make a lot of custom parts?
I need to create a corridor that has this section. So I'm using this assembly:
on which I put 3 conditional fill subassemblies on point A, one for fill conditions of more than 2 m that would daylight at 2:1 until it reaches 2 m down and then daylights at 1:3 until it reaches the EG. Then I have another for fill conditions of less than 2 m that only daylights at 2:1 to the EG, and the last one is for all cut conditions.
As expected I have the following problem in some stations that have fill conditions on A of less than 2 m but more than 2 m on B:
Is there any way I can make B the comparison point without having the following problem on cut conditions?
Or that I could create an assembly with the condition that when I have a fill of more than 2 m on point B it daylights, from point B, at 1:3; but when B would be on cut conditions it daylights from A?
I need to create an assembly that will give me the volume of a new shoulder along an existing road, as show in this picture.
I can easily make an alignment along my edge of pavement, and match the existing elevations, but I need to hold the cross slope constant AND the shoulder slope constant, and have the bottom of the shoulder slope to a target 2 feet off of my ROW.