A way to edit the Stage Storage table output? I'm trying to figure out a way to have the table output default to acre-feet in lieu of cubic-feet as well as omit some of the cells that are generated by default.
What would be the best way to create a stage storage report with a basin that has multiple depressions and high points in the bottom of the basin?
The stage storage report seems to calculate these features as an addition when it should be subtracting for high points.
Could I do a bounded volume and set the datum to each increment of storage? How accurate is that? If it's accurate, is there a way do generate multiple at a time instead of typing D then setting the datum, then repeating that process over and over?
The only way that seems the most accurate is to create multiple planes at different increments, add those to seperate surfaces, then a volume surface for each one comparing it to the basin. This method takes up a ton of time, especially when dealing with 50+ increments.
I see Civil3D has a Stage-Storage curve for determining volumes for incremental elevation increases for a bounded area (e.g. pond). This works well for water where the top surface is horizontal, however, i need to consider a sloping surface to duplicate a slurry discharged into a lagoon. This has a slope of 1% from the point of discharge and how i can determine the volume/height relationship considering this slope without having to do multiple grading and surface creation. The discharge point gradually moves upstream as the filling occurs to prevent the pipe becoming blocked by the slurry.
I thought about creating a 1% surface and incrementally raising it making it a comparison surface, but the 1% slope is not in a planar form, it is 1% from the discharge point in a radial direction.
Is it possible to ask Photoshop to save TIFF images using tile internal storage rather than strip storage? A little-known setting, a registry patch perhaps?
I built a containment dike using the grading functions in Autocad Civil 3D. I set up the feature lines at the top toes of the embankment and graded nicely down to the original dtm. I want to use user defined contour to get the interior storage from the original dtm up to a selected elevation within the containment dike. The containment dike forms an enclosed area. I know I could use infill and add a false bottom to the embankment surface (triangulation from bottom toe of embankment across to opposite embankment) but I want to check storage from original ground dtm.
Is there a workaround method to do this without creating infill? I know I need to get down to two surfaces to get a calculation.
I have a small site where i've essentially designed a storage pond. I've cut 3.0m off the original ground at a 2:1 slope and built a berm at a 2:1 fill slope to a designed elevation. I've managed to balance the site to zero. The contour drawing I have shows elevations - which is great - however the client has asked to see the contours showing a Fill or Cut label from the original ground.
I want to use it as my primary hydrologic and hydraulic modeler. It only makes sense. Well, I got the program to work and had things linked in and was able to route a storm through the network. But when I routed the storms, I had to model double the storage that i expected.
So I went back to the program I'm familiar with - Pondpack by Benltey - and designed the same system I routed in SSA in that program - and got the storage volume that I would expect for a site of this size - about 2 acres.
Is there possibly a setting that I'm missing that makes my outlet structures route slower or less than they should? Or is there some other reason that a system would give this kind of inflated need for storage?
I'm using the pointlist.xsl file and outputting in pdf.
I would like to modified the file with the following changes.
1. increase the left margin, now it seen to be 0. 2. add page breaks, it seem to be one long page. 3. add a header on each page (nu n e elev desc). 4. add page numbers. 5. have the client information fill-in using sheet set manager.
Is this possible, and where do you find information on wrighting XSL files.
I need to export a DTM for use in another package which I previously did by Extracting the Triangles, Selecting the 3D faces & Wblocking to DXF for import to the other package.
The developers of the other package have introduced an XML import which I have been trying out but when the surface is imported into the other package via XML most (but not all) of the triangles honour the original 3D faces.
The question is therefore: Does the XML output contain sufficient information to allow the other package to "join the dots" in the correct way so as to mirror the original 3D faces and thus create an exact copy of the DTM??
I am new to Civil 3D and need to customise the look of road profiles so they look like they were produced from any of our other civil design software packages that we use (to maintain standards between offices etc).
The attached picture is what I need them to look like. I want to show both the natural ground (the dotted line) and the design road line (solid). Then I want to write on the profile the station, natural level and the design level.
I've got the Mastering Civil 3D book (and a few others) sitting on my desk.I worked out how to turn off the grid on the default profile althoguh that was about it.
I am having a problem when exporting surface data into an .xml format using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. I am using LIDAR information to create a surface over an area of approximately 3 hectares in order to undertake future flood modelling. When I have created my surface in Civil 3D the overall file size is around 5MB, however when the surface exported to a .xml format the file is approximately 860MB. I have tried to create a new surface from contour information to decrease overall fle size but with no avail. Any recommendations to decrease the .xml file size without having excessive loss of accuracy for my modelling.
Lidar information that I am using to create surface can be found at URL.....
I hope Autodesk can have a easier way to edit the "input/output parameter" sequence. Today I found I cannot even delete a parameter. Whenever I want to delete a parameter, SAC just frozen.
Is there a better an easier way to change the order of input/output parameters in the subassembly that i've created in SAC 2013 than the one where you have to go into a XML-file in the PKT archive file?
I've created my subassembly and I want to control the order of parameters to have a flow similar to the actual workflow.
I have created a dynamic block of our companies Stage section. The block is set up as a rectangular array using XY parameters. The block itself works fine however I created block attributes in the block dwg to display its measurements using the Distance x and Distance y totals.
When inserting the block into a new drawing I need to explode the block in order for the array to work, however this also means that the text is no longer locked to the block. is there a way around this?
I have been send a dwg of a elevation of a kitchen plans that I want to include into my drawing, everything looks ok in autocad but when I go to print this drawing, non of the lines show up just a few random text boxes but no text, no layers are set to not print so why this is so.
What would be best work flow for showing a part and having drawing for the different stages of machining, I would like to have a print with different sheets at say a lathe stage, than a broached part stage, then a milled stage. Should I do a part for each stage, just save to a different name or Start with a part from the first op, than derive it to another part, and make that part complete on second op, than derive it and make a third part, and so on.
Would like to do this, because we make special shaped part from round stock, so need print's to tell floor people rough blank form. Than mills machine it into final form from that lathe blank.
I am starting a VB.net project, and I want to get off on the right foot. The code I am working on first will need to examine an existing part's parameters and check that the correct ones exist, and if not, create them and give them an initial value. This is a fail-safe against somebody opening a global parameters part and deleting or renaming a parameter.
My question is: what is the best way to store this master list of parameters in the VB code? Would storing them as an Enumerator in their own Class be the best route? I am pretty new to VB, and I dont want to go way down the wrong road.
Just for clarification, the part that holds the parameters is derived into many other parts, and is linked to many assemblies to provide global parameters and sketch blocks throughout a group of models.
Self built computer with; Quad core processor 16 gigs ram Raptor Raid main drives 2 x 1TB Caviar Black storage drives local 2 x 1TB Caviar Black storage drives network backup
Main Software; Product Design Suite Premium Windows 7 Home Premium
I have an immediate need to create stage lights, similar to these, in photoshop. Ideally I will have 3-4 lights on a black background. Is anyone aware of a tutotial on making stage lights, even if they are not as complex as these?
I just purchased and loaded Photoshop CS6. Pictures (actually this is for all content in any layers) will not display at all or only partially display (see picture below). I uninstalled and reinstalled the program but there is no change. The other Adobe products from the Master Suite Collection run fine (Flash, Encoder, etc). I am thinking that my installation disc may be corrupted.
I have been struggling trying to make stage lights, like those that are on the banner of the url below. It looks like the lights themselevs are done with a gradiant effect, I think the same with the cans. If you look closely, there is actually quite a bit of detail; ie: the metal ring around the light, the smoothness of the metal cans, etc.
I drawn beyond the stage in Illustrator CS6 and i saved the file in .pdf with the possibility to change it again in Illustrator. Now i can't open it in Illustrator CS6 (two different files same error). I can open the files only in Illustrator CS5 but i can see only the stage.
I need to insert multiple Edge Animate in the same webpage, but it’s impossibile change the id… always “Stage” and same name create problem with W3C validation.
When I save to PNG, Photoshop CS6 x64 tells me its stopped working.I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate.It began happening after I customized my settings & preferences.
If I hit Ctrl+Alt+Shift when launching everything works fine again.After going through all my settings one by one, saving the settings, exiting photoshop, then restarting photoshop, then trying again.. I think I've Narrowed down the porblem
The problem appears to be Isolated in the "Performance" section of PS's Preferences.
I have drives C, D, E, G, I, J, K, & L .... F & H are my Optical Drives, C, D, E, & G are on one HDD, and I, J, K, & L are on a second HDD
When I selected drives D, E, G, I, J, K, & L as my scratch disks and deslected C:, saved settings, exited PS, restarted, dragged a PNG to stage, Photoshop crashed when opening the PNG
When I added C: back to the list, so I had C, D, E, G, I, J, K, L saved, closed PS, re-opened it and dragged the PNG to stage, it crashed again
When I deleted all other drives but C:, saved, exitted, restarted and dragged a PNG to stage, it worked fine again.
When I went through them one by one, adding a drive at a time, I found that drives I, J, & L cause Photoshop to crash.. I, J, K, & L are on the same single physical HDD, but the Partition K: on that Physical Drive works fine in Photoshop
Its apparent this is the problem, as even without restarting Photoshop, dragging in a PNG works fine, simply adding one of these 3 partitions to the list, and hitting ok, will cause it to crash when dragging in the same PNG after saving the preferences
That same Physical drive also is set to Compress files to save more space, but if K also works, its likely not that.i'll check the drives for errors..
I have the Cs5 Master Suite and just installed my new Wacom Intuos3 tablet. I'm running on a Windows 7. Before installing Photoshop never had a problem starting up - now it crashes without fail every time. I tried uninstalling the Wacom, rebooting, running a virus check, blah blah blah, but nothing works. Photoshop crashes every time, whether or not the tablet is plugged in or installed now.