I see Civil3D has a Stage-Storage curve for determining volumes for incremental elevation increases for a bounded area (e.g. pond). This works well for water where the top surface is horizontal, however, i need to consider a sloping surface to duplicate a slurry discharged into a lagoon. This has a slope of 1% from the point of discharge and how i can determine the volume/height relationship considering this slope without having to do multiple grading and surface creation. The discharge point gradually moves upstream as the filling occurs to prevent the pipe becoming blocked by the slurry.
I thought about creating a 1% surface and incrementally raising it making it a comparison surface, but the 1% slope is not in a planar form, it is 1% from the discharge point in a radial direction.
A way to edit the Stage Storage table output? I'm trying to figure out a way to have the table output default to acre-feet in lieu of cubic-feet as well as omit some of the cells that are generated by default.
What would be the best way to create a stage storage report with a basin that has multiple depressions and high points in the bottom of the basin?
The stage storage report seems to calculate these features as an addition when it should be subtracting for high points.
Could I do a bounded volume and set the datum to each increment of storage? How accurate is that? If it's accurate, is there a way do generate multiple at a time instead of typing D then setting the datum, then repeating that process over and over?
The only way that seems the most accurate is to create multiple planes at different increments, add those to seperate surfaces, then a volume surface for each one comparing it to the basin. This method takes up a ton of time, especially when dealing with 50+ increments.
I have ran an analysis and SSA gave me Error 607 on the report. It says "Inlet A9 gutter capture curve is not a valid curve."
A couple things I did different from the video lectures...
I selected user define for the Tc to figure out Q. i computed those manually.
For the Inlets I have selected Maximum Capture Cutoff.
There are some inlets in this model I created that do not capture 100% of the flow so i created conveyance links to account for the bypass flow.Not sure why is not recognizing the Curve?
Is it possible to ask Photoshop to save TIFF images using tile internal storage rather than strip storage? A little-known setting, a registry patch perhaps?
I built a containment dike using the grading functions in Autocad Civil 3D. I set up the feature lines at the top toes of the embankment and graded nicely down to the original dtm. I want to use user defined contour to get the interior storage from the original dtm up to a selected elevation within the containment dike. The containment dike forms an enclosed area. I know I could use infill and add a false bottom to the embankment surface (triangulation from bottom toe of embankment across to opposite embankment) but I want to check storage from original ground dtm.
Is there a workaround method to do this without creating infill? I know I need to get down to two surfaces to get a calculation.
I have a small site where i've essentially designed a storage pond. I've cut 3.0m off the original ground at a 2:1 slope and built a berm at a 2:1 fill slope to a designed elevation. I've managed to balance the site to zero. The contour drawing I have shows elevations - which is great - however the client has asked to see the contours showing a Fill or Cut label from the original ground.
I am using Autocad 2013. I need to fuse a square building which is placed on a sloping terrain. If the terrain was flat, i would have no problems. But how i can put a perfectly square building on a sloping terrain without having any gaps in between?
I want to use it as my primary hydrologic and hydraulic modeler. It only makes sense. Well, I got the program to work and had things linked in and was able to route a storm through the network. But when I routed the storms, I had to model double the storage that i expected.
So I went back to the program I'm familiar with - Pondpack by Benltey - and designed the same system I routed in SSA in that program - and got the storage volume that I would expect for a site of this size - about 2 acres.
Is there possibly a setting that I'm missing that makes my outlet structures route slower or less than they should? Or is there some other reason that a system would give this kind of inflated need for storage?
I am new to Revit architecture and in the process of learning the software. How do I create a roof walkway for a sloping roof. these walkways are for people to be able to securely walk on the roof for maintainance of mechanical equipment fitted on the roof. Of the walkway will be along the gradient of the roof.
Where is it? On page 332 of Gimp Bible (2010) it illustrates it in the dialog box, but it is not present in mine. I think that I am running the latest version.
I can't seem to find any sloping reference plane I have inserted as a Top Constraint for a wall I want to draw under it. How to make that happen? The only Constraints visible are Levels and Levels only appear to allow themselves to be draw exactly horizontally.
I am working in AutoCivil 3D 2014. I have created a curve table for a plat of an allotment with the precision for the curve length set to "Normal Rounding". My problem is that we have to show data for the individual lot frontage as well as the total length of the right-of-way curve length. So the individual lot frontages must add up to the total right-of-way length.
If they don't, I have to make an adjustment to one of the lengths. If I change the precision of the tag syle, there is no change in the table. I have attached a screen shot to show my results. The left picture shows a "span" style with the tag and curve length with the precision "truncated". On the right, is what is in the table. I would like to keep the table dynamic and not have to explode it. I think my problem lies in the table and the only way this can work is if I can override the one length in the table. But I have not been able to do that yet.
This command does not function correctly for me. Notice that it will ALWAYS draw the arc from the actual end of the object, not the end closest to the selection as it should?
How to start back to curve & line tag number 1 after generating tags?
During Parcel creation I told it to apply curve tags and it did what it said, created curve tags. Never again until I get comfortable with it. Looks great but want to have some order here. It's really random. I know it's not LDD but in LDD you could clear tags and start over. How to do this in 3D? From what I understand even if you do not display tags they are still created right? So where do I set the default starting number? Settings > Parcel > Commands > CreateSite?
I am having a lot of problems with my vertical curve labels. I created a style that shows the length of the vertical curve, the k-value, the end and start elevations, and the elevation and station of the PVI, as shown. My problems are the fact that when I want to flip a label, they all flip (shown in the second picture). I also have noticed that there is only one drag point. Is this a setting that I unknowingly edited, or is it possible to flip labels individually?
This is my aplicattion in Civil 3D 2014. URL....It´s a tool palette that checks the design criteria (for alignments,superelevations and profiles) according to Spanish rules.My program changes the name of each superelevation curve,for example:
---> With superelevation tool own of Civil 3D (Cuve.1,Curve.2,Curve.3)
---> With my program: (VisorNET Curva.1,VisorNET Cuva.2,.....)
If I calcule again Superelevations using Superelevation button (Calculate/Edit superelevation)of Civil 3D, Civil 3D doesn´t change the Superelevation Curve Names and appears again (VisorNET Curva.1,VisorNET Curva.2,...).Superelevation CurveName property doesn´t exist in settings:
URL....and there isn't a name template. I would like to have this property (read and write----get and set) of settings.Then, I could re-write the default Superelevation CurveName format. (name template)
My curve labels keep skipping. Why do they keep skipping from C6 to C9? I know how to use the renumber tags command. It just keeps skipping C7 and C8 for no apparent reason. There are no tags on frozen or off layers. When I add all possible objects to my curve table it does not change.
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor 6.00 GB RAM Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
I need to put a reverse curve on an alignment. I have tried using two free curve fillets,(between two entities, radius). the first curve was fine, but it would not allow the second curve. I also tried using a floating curve ( from entity radius through point) first, but it did not work.
I don't have much experience with parcels. We don't subdivide property. But I have to do some Acquisition maps and this is the first time I've had an opportunity to do them in Civil 3D.
I wont get in to the gory detail, but I created some parcels that were very slightly off for rotation. It turned out there were some distance problems too. I thought I would just rotate the parcel based on a couple of known corners and then snap to corners I had from a drawing in the correct system.
Mostly that worked. But now I have a curve that isn't tangent because the far end of one of the tangents was adjusted. Also, somehow, the radius is off. I'm only talking about a couple of thousands of a foot, but I'd like to make it right since it has to be edited anyway. I've tried the parcel editing tools from the ribbon and read some of the sections in help that I thought might apply. I haven't been able to adjust the curve.
So now after all the warm-up, my questions. Can I just erase that curve and use the parcel creation tools to add a new curve? Will that curve automatically be added to the correct parcel? Is there anyway to modify the existing curve to be tangent to the revised lines? IOW What's the best way to proceed?
In this moment I am trying to add to my profile line a PVI -which I know how to do it- with the capability of modify the criteria for the vertical curve. In this moment every time that I add a PVI the tangents do not have a vertical curve and if I open the Panorama Profile Grade View Window it does not allow me to change either the length or radius so their values in these cells are empty.
How is possible then to edit -create- the vertical curve for a PVI that was not created in the first shoot?
I have a mainline corridor which is intersecting with a side road corridor that is curving towards the mainline. After the PT of the curve, the two alignments are parallel and I am using an offset assembly here for the sections. What is the best way to handle the area where the two corridors are coming together. As far as I've been able to tell, I cannot use an offset assembly through the curve. There will be a ditch between the two that needs to be shown someway or another. I've attached a screen shot.
I am trying to create a subassembly with a curve in it. See attached .pkt and .dwg files. Very small and simple.
When I attach the Subassembly to the Assembly, the event viewer shows "[Something wrong with current subassembly: The given key was not present in the dictionary.] (Source:Subassembly.Subassembly1)"
The link that represents the curve does not display; only the tesselated points display. In the Subassembly Composer the curve does display.
The file called curved.zip needs to be renamed to curved.pkt. This forum does not allow attachment of files with pkt extension.