AutoCAD Inventor :: Best Practice Parameter Storage

Oct 9, 2013

I am starting a project, and I want to get off on the right foot. The code I am working on first will need to examine an existing part's parameters and check that the correct ones exist, and if not, create them and give them an initial value. This is a fail-safe against somebody opening a global parameters part and deleting or renaming a parameter.

My question is: what is the best way to store this master list of parameters in the VB code? Would storing them as an Enumerator in their own Class be the best route?  I am pretty new to VB, and I dont want to go way down the wrong road.

Just for clarification, the part that holds the parameters is derived into many other parts, and is linked to many assemblies to provide global parameters and sketch blocks throughout a group of models.

Self built computer with;
Quad core processor
16 gigs ram
Raptor Raid main drives
2 x 1TB Caviar Black storage drives local
2 x 1TB Caviar Black storage drives network backup

Main Software;
Product Design Suite Premium
Windows 7 Home Premium

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IV2012 Sp1 - Delete Unused Parameter Takes 4-5 Seconds Per Parameter

Dec 23, 2011

I have user parameters that are no longer needed and are not being used anywhere.  They each takes 4-5 seconds to delete, prior to 2012 this would happen instantly.

IV2014 SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T7500, Geforce GTX 480, DirectX11 306.97
SpaceExplorer 4.04, 3DxWare 3.12.2
Twin Intel Xeon E5506 2.13GHz, 12GB RAM, Win7 Pro SP1 64bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert Model Parameter To Reference Parameter?

Oct 2, 2012

I need to convert a model parameter to a reference parameter thru the API.

I saw this item discussed in the group before, but I cant find the thread.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Parameter For End Value Of Parameter Animation

Dec 19, 2011

I got a deadline for my project, but I got a big problem:

"I cannot set the "parameter" for the End Value in Parameter Animate dialog"

For easy understand, let's see a example:

1. I got a part which has two parameters named: "A" and "MaxA"
2. I animate Favorited parameter A.
3. The End Value is MaxA_ (Everything is ok)
4. I finish Studio environment, then I change parameter MaxA_ from 200 mm to 400 mm
5. I turn back to Studio environment, the End Value now is "200 mm" (I want this will be MaxA_, so I can animate the flexible parameter). 

show me how to keep the end value will be "MaxA_" after I change parameter? 

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Photoshop :: Saving TIFF Images Using Tile Internal Storage Rather Than Strip Storage

Dec 18, 2012

Is it possible to ask Photoshop to save TIFF images using tile internal storage rather than strip storage? A little-known setting, a registry patch perhaps?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ipart - Standard Parameter Column Change Depending On Custom Parameter Column

Jan 3, 2013

I am trying to publish to the CC a guide rail. The vendor of the rail gives me the option of entering the desired length of the rail. After that he gives me the option to choose between the length that I entered and a shorter and longer standard length witch can be delivered faster.

I want to do the same thing with my published part, but I cannot make a key parameter to change depending on the entered custom parameter. I want the user to make the next steps when inserting from the CC: 1- select the size of the rail; 2-select the type of the rail; 3- enter the desired length of the rail; 4- choose between the desired length and the 2 recommended lengths (I need these 3 lengths to be shown)

Is this possible?

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AutoCad :: Why Blocks In Layer 0 Is Good Practice

Feb 14, 2011

Any specific reason for keeping blocks in layer 0... and other out of layer 0 ??..

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Best Practice For Layer Naming And Object Layers

Oct 30, 2012

I've used E- for Existing and P- for Proposed for my layers and/or style names.  For Object Layers, I've used OBJ- with modifiers and set the layers inside the styles to 0.  This works ok, and Civil 3D objects obviously stand out and are easily isolated thru layiso and such, BUT having styles set to 0 presents a problem when dumbing down a drawing to send to another firm.  The C3D Objects that are dumbed down are on layer 0 which isn't good.

We're generating a new template for 2013 and want to gear it towards the National Cad Standards on some level and do away with 0 as the style layer and actually have the style layers set to something other than 0.

My initial thoughts from a simplistic standpoint are:

V- for Survey and Existing features
C- for Proposed features

I understand there's many more designators.  We mainly do Civil and Utility work.I know V is a designator for Survey but can it cover and should it cover existing features too that aren't surveyed, for example if we receive mapping from someone and want to reassign some layer names? Is C- strictly for Proposed/Design work?

I'm reviewing a template we're working with someone on and they assigned the layers inside an Existing Surface Style to C-Topo-Majr and C-Topo-Minr.  They assigned the layers inside the Proposed Surface Style to C-Topo-Majr-N and C-Topo-Minr-N.  The only difference is the N for New, between the style layers.

Shouldn't the Existing Surface Style layers start with V-?Just trying to get some feedback on a simplistic approach to Layer naming and keeping with the National Cad Standards on some level.

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Photoshop :: Airplane Into Building Practice Pic

Oct 27, 2004

I'm trying to make something realistic for a change, but you can still see it's fake.
Can someone give me advise on how to make it more realistic?

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VideoStudio :: X2 - Best Practice For Saving Video File

Mar 6, 2012

My video is only for keepsakes of family and friends. I use VS X2 to create short movies. Once I create the movie I want to save it in a file of the highest quality given the camera it came out of. Would I get the best quality file by selecting Share-Create Video File- Same as First Video Clip? Once the movie is saved I wanted to delete the original video clips and the then useless .VSP file used to make the movie.

My thinking is that I do not want to keep all the video clips forever. Many of them are just no good. I use the best of what I shoot and put that into a movie. If I take this approach, will I be able to use movies saved as above to create a new production in the future? For example, create a compilation movie of my son in 2nd grade from the many shorter movies I took throughout the year. Would this compilation movie have the same quality as that created from the original video clips from the camera?

This is just a hobby for me and I don’t want to become buried under a mountain of video files that I will never use and eat up storage space on the PC.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Passing A Value From The Action Parameter To A User Parameter

Dec 1, 2013

I need to use the dimension created by an action-parameter as a variable in a user defined function but AutoCAD will not allow me (see attached).

How may I access the action-parameter's dimension ?

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AutoCad :: Use User Defined Parameter To Drive Action Parameter?

Feb 7, 2012

it is possible to use a user defined parameter to drive a action parameter.

I have several polar and linear stretch actions i would like to drive from one parameter.

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Premiere Pro :: Best Practice To Edit A Stereo Clip With Two Mono Voice Tracks

Sep 8, 2007

My video material holds two voices that were recorded on CH1 and CH2 in mono, resulting in a stereo clip that has one voice on the left channel and one voice on the right channel. So far I always duplicated the audio clips and use fill right and fill left. I just found out about channel mappings in CS2 and CS3, but for my actual project it is too late since it is cut already. It is my first project I'm doing in CS2 and after it is finished I will install CS3. So my first question is: When I use the channel mapping command, how are the resulting mono channels handled in the master? Will each mono channel fill the right AND the left channel of the stereo master track?

With delight I found out that the channel mixer in CS2 allows to use fill right and fill left effects, so I don't have to drag the effects on each clip separatley.

My second question is regarding the mixing of the two voices. Since we couldn't afford to have a professional sound engenieer at the shoot the channel of the voice that was not talking wasn't turned down, so the second voice will be heard on the other channel when the two people stood close together. Is there a more efficient way to mix the two voices instead of using rubber bands to bring down one voice when it is not talking? It's a hell lot of work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Parameter With XML?

May 27, 2012

in Inventor 2010 we can save and load iLogic Paremeter with *.xml and just in my opinion we can control parameter using *xml or html. It's right or false?

how to control Inventor parameter with *.xml?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generating A Parameter

Oct 26, 2012

I need to extrude a simple shape between two planes and then get the length as a parameter. Is there anyway of generating this? All I can find is a parameter for the angle of the extrusion.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change G_L Parameter From In To Mm

Aug 24, 2013

I have generated frame that has 100 members in it. Is there a quicker way of changing G_L unit to a mm so that I don't have to go into all 100 parts to change the custom properties?

Also I do not need unit string to be appear in my BOM.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimension And Parameter

Apr 14, 2009

I set a dimension to a 2dline. The dimension is automatically added to Model Parameters. How can I find , by code, the line which length is driven by the parameter ? Or, starting from the line find the parameter which indicate its length ?

::GetDependents(), nor ::GetDrivenBy(), nor ::GetParent() gives me the answer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Parameter Value From DWG File

Aug 6, 2012

I'm trying to get a parameter value from an Inventor .dwg file, but I keep getting an error saying the file is not found. I use this same code all over the place between different parts but its the first time I'm tried it using a dwg. Can you not access an Inventor .dwg parameters using iLogic .

MsgBox(Parameter(ThisDoc.Path & "MyDrawing.dwg", "Customer")) 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Parameter In IProperties

Jan 6, 2014

Sometimes I change the dimensions of a material I use but then I have to open Iproperties and change the description by hand. This can create problems as you can understand especially when I forget to update the Iproperties.

Then I had the thought to automate it. Lets take a steel bar as example. I have thickness and width as parameter, both are exported and available under IProperties/Custom. But they show as 200 mm and 10 mm. I would like to loose the units. I tried also UL but then it reads 200 ul and 10 ul.

What I like to get are just the numbers, no units. I like to use it to create this  "steel bar 200x10" where the 200 and the 10 are linked to the Parameter and will change when I change the dimensions av the steel bar.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Parameter From IPT File

Aug 8, 2012

I created a *.iam file. And from this asembly file, I need run some rules in *.ipt file.

I use

Parameter("PartA:1", "d12") = d12

to give d12 parameter in my assembly to d12 parameter in *.ipt. It works.

But I need get parameter in the *.ipt file after running the rules in *.ipt.

so, I put 

d13 = Parameter("PartA:1", "d13")

following above line.

But everytime, I just be able to get the result before *.ipt run the rules, not after.

I noticed the rules in assembly were compeletely run, then run the rules in *.ipt. So, the result is not correct.

I am using Inventor 2009 with ilogic. XP OS.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 (64 Bit) SP2
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645
12.0 GB Memory

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Material As Parameter?

Jan 31, 2012

I would like to have the material, color etc. as parameter so i can change it with an ilogic form. 

In this video you can see what i mean:


When I make a ilogic form i can only select parameters and iproperties.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use Filename As Parameter?

Nov 8, 2006

Is there a way to use the filename to drive the parameters of the file?

Example: I have a cube that is called 4x4x4.ipt its dimensions d0,d1,d2 are 4,4,4 respectively. I want to rename it to 4x4x6.ipt and have the dimensions d0,d1,d2 resize to 4,4,6.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom VBA Function In Parameter

Jan 31, 2013

I've got a custom VBA function that works perfectly when called from a parameter in my part.

However, when in the context of my assembly, there is no error, but the function no longer runs, and the parameter text is red.

Apparently, the function is no longer in context?

I've heard of external rules, but have never implemented one.

Is there a way to declare my function and keep it in context regardless?
Public Function BumpHeight(dblHeight As Double, dblMember As Double) As Double Dim X As Integer X = 2 If dblHeight > dblMember * 2 Then BumpHeight = dblHeight Else BumpHeight = dblMember * X End If BumpHeight = BumpHeight / 2.54 End Function
Here is the Parameter:

 VBA:BumpHeight(ValanceBackBumpoutHeight;ValanceMemberSize) * 1 in

Update: (problem better defined)

What seems to be happening is that once I insert the part into an assembly, it creates a new blank copy of the parts' modules in VBA and the functions no longer work.

If I go to the VBA editor, 

There are now two copies of my part listed in the browser tree, but the new one is blank.

If I paste in my function to the new one, it will work until I return to the parent assembly.

Next time I come back to the part, it will have a new blank set of modules.

This appears to continue indefinitely...

see the attached screenshot.

At this point there are only 2 copies of the DocumentProject. The original still contains my functions, but the new one is blank.

I need these functions to work in order to build my model.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Round Parameter Using ILogic?

Sep 20, 2011

how to round a parameter using ilogic.

For example. I have Roperev=Roperev_1. Roperev_1 is determined by an excel equation. I need Roperev to produce a nominal number because this parameter dries a coil revolution and I need the revolution to be a whole number.

I can not just round the excel result because the excel result needs to be multiplied by 2.53 to get the resultant for Roperev_1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Finding Reference Parameter In IPT?

Jan 7, 2014

Is there a way to identify what sketch or Solid a reference parameter (d0, d1, d2 etc) is in / on.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pattern Subassembly By Parameter

Sep 5, 2013

In my head assembly I have a subassembly that has derived parts from my skeleton. My skeleton (part ending with skt in the picture) is in the subassembly.

In this subassembly I made a view representation: NoSKT..When this is activated the skeleton is hided (see picture).If I now make a pattern of this subassembly in my head assembly with for example a parameter from my embedded excel or a parameter in inventor "quantity = 2" inventor will add 1 element with the same view representation. Still no problem.

The problem is now when I change the parameter. If I change the quantity to for example 3, the view representation of the third element is gone and the skeleton will become visible.I have many parts like this in my head assembly and quite a lot of patterns. Which means a lot of skeletons become visible. Is there a way to stop this from happening?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Boolean Parameter

Sep 13, 2011

Does the IV2012 API allow the creation of a Yes/No parameter. I have created "Text" parameters but I am stumped on this one.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic To Change Parameter

Mar 26, 2013

When I import a part from content center, a tube in this case, I get a length parameter called <PL>.

I am using this parameter in the parts lists, so it shows "=Outer diameter x thickness x <PL>"

However I don't want trailing zeros, leading zeros or units string to be shown.

I know I can open the parameters window, right click the parameter, then click custom property format and then uncheck these boxes and its fine.

But I want to know if there is a smarter way to do this, like creating a rule to execute on all the parts?

I have around 500 pipes with the parameter <PL> that needs to be changed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pass Parameter To DLL Using ILogic

Mar 26, 2013

I have built a vb interface using a tutorial from AU. Now I would like to do the same without the interface.

Inventor uses ilogic to pass parameters to the dll - the dll does the number crunching & returns values to Inventor - no interface required.

The tutorial uses an OK button to fire values back & forth - how can I do this without a button? I would like this to fire in the background without a form appearing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use IProperty As Parameter WITHOUT Using ILogic?

Jul 22, 2013

I know how to get a parameter into my list of custom iProperties.What I want to do is take the iProperty lbmass and add it to the list of user parameters.  Is there any way to do this without using iLogic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressed Feature Parameter In BOM?

Jan 6, 2014

I have made a sheet metal panel with three hole in it.Every hole has separate  parameters.

When i suppress one hole and i go to the BOM i don't want to see the values of the parameters from the suppressed hole.

Is there a way to when i suppress one or two holes the values don't show in the BOM?

Everytime i suppress one or two holes the values show up in the BOM.

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