I have some objects (corridor / intersection corridor / surface / grading ...) in civil 3d 2013...When we rotate the 3d objects , object rotate pivot point about (0,0,0, or any place x,y,(z=0)..So rotated 3d object (if the Z= High value) can't be seen / can be seen as a point.
how to change the object viewer pivot point ? (not using steering wheel or zoom extents because of first time rotating objects seen so far )
Any way to change the setting in Object Viewer that will let you orbit around the cursor instead of the center of the screen? In object viwer, orbit is only constrained around the middle of the screen. To me, it would make sense to have it rotate around the cursor like in model space.
I have used the object viewer of my surface and selected conceptual visual style. I save the image as a .png file for a presentation. Is it possible to have the area that there is no surface to be black and not white? Other than opening it up in paint?
In model space I grab my tin, then object viewer. Everything comes up then immediately on rotating my vie win the object viewer the surface disappears.
When I use Object Viewer to look at just feature lines and surfaces, the feature lines do not appear at the same elevation as the surface as I shift the view around. Why is that- especially since I am looking at the surface I created from those same feature lines?
is that a feature, intended to make it easier to discern the feature lines in Object Viewer? Or a quirk of my video card?
Today I opened a file that has previously worked perfectly well, only to find that when I open my surface in Object Viewer and begin to rotate it manually, the triangles making up the surface do not appear. I have the contour lines and border (what is enabled in the Edit Surface Style/Display/Model tab) although the triangles (which should be displayed as well) do not appear. Other surfaces show like they should.
Is there another option other than the Edit Surface Style/Display/Model tab and the VISUALSTYLES command?
I've been using pipe network in Civil 3D for some time now and all I can say is I can't wait for them to rewrite it!
I've had acouple of problems with some of the default parts for the UKIE template which I have managed to fix manually but there is stil one problem I can't seem to solve. For some reason my type E manholes show up in plan and section but don't show at all in object viewer. I've even tried to create a new drawing and place a new network but again the same thing happens.
I've tried going into part builder, validating it and saving it, reload the catalog etc. just incase.
I'm pretty new to using multi view blocks and rendering etc etc... basically all I want to do is show my surface (lake and landscaping) as grass, show a clear blue hatch to represent the water line and add some multi view blocks.. people and trees...
Using the multiview blocks toolpalette I have dragged and dropped some blocks into model space and ensured they are at the correct elevation to sit on the surface...
I have noticed that only one of the multi view blocks within the landscape tab is showing as I would expect - the rest all look like an extruded cross... I don't know how to fix this or whether this is correct.
In the tutorial that we are going through, we are asked to select 2 curves, center the pivot point, and then hit the 'Insert' key to allow us to move the pivot point, and then holding down the 'C' key we should be able to move the pivot point along the curve.
Looking around we found that if you hit the 'fn + left arrow' keys you are meant to get the same as using the 'insert' key on the PC, but this is not right, and also when you try to hold down the 'C' key it does not allow the pivot point to be constrained to the curve.
I am puzzled about how to zero out rotation my object's pivot point when I rotate said pivot point using the "insert" key (on a pc). Furthermore, any subsequent object I make after that has its pivot point off just like the first object when I rotate its pivot point. In fact, even when I start a whole new scene, the pivot point rotation of any object is off just like the first time I rotated the first object's pivot point in a previous scene.
I have a character model I got from the Evolver site before it went offline.
I need to set the pivot point of the eyes to be at the center of their meshes so I can use it in Face Robot.
I do this by clicking on the eye object and "Affect Pivot Only", "Center to Object". This works but when I export the model as FBX the moment the export has finished my eyes have both jumped to the the floor and my pivot is still in the correct place. When I import the FBX into Softimage I see the eyes are now on the floor. I also have the same when I try to do the pivot point in Softimage [URL]....I am a competent modeller however a begginer when it comes to Autodesk's software. Is their some property on the model that could make it peform liek this, does it have something to do with the bones/skining?
i have spent the last 2 days trying to move an eye balls origin
have a question regarding audio float on an object:
some objects react from a certain point with sound by just using a simple box in height for an example...it grows in the height from bottom start point...but if i use the width the movement is going into 2 directions instead of 1 ...i tried to move the pivot but it has no effect....is there a way to tell the reaction he has an another start point ?
im having trouble with a rotational object. I Basically made a basketball system in the category of specialty equipment. i made several different families in the same category and have nested one big family in specialty equipment.. I then loaded the nested family into a Generic face base template and change the caegory to specialty equipment, after completeing the steps i then loaded it into another family that is just specialty equipment. My problem is that, im either getting constraint problems when i set up my angular dimension parameter and try changing it's angle or when i do get it to change angles the pivot point keeps moving around...The main point is how do i get my pivot point to stay still and have my angle parameter change without errors?
I have several objects in a circular array. I want them to pivot on the y axis only so the Z faces toward the camera. How do I do this without the other axis (X,Z) rotating as well. The look at constraint wants to pivot on all three axis.
I've got several objects that require multiple Pivot Points per object or per Group of Objects.
As close as I've come to solving this was a local movement wire parameter effecting local pivot of another object, however, it pivots the wrong direction (clockwise instead of counter clockwise)
It would be nice to just be able to apply a secondary pivot point for an object natively in 3ds max.
I've read, you can do this with IK solver and a pin constraint. However, I'm using 2012 and I do not see pin constraint in my options.
How shall I draw lines into a created surface using raw or full description of ascii file format(COGO)
for example in the imported file i have points to describe a road center line(CL),or edge of the road(ERD),breaklines(BRKL) and want lines represented by the descriptions to be drawed in the surface so that i can use the lines as guides in profiles design.I didn't want to use point number which are not serially ,and have tried to use point grouping without any success
Inside 3D Studio max, its possible to adjust the pivot center of an object to anywhere in space. So if for example, I've got a sphere in my scene and I want to have a bunch of cones spin around the center of the sphere (to create the basic shape of a sun graphic) I can just change the cone's pivot to be in the exact center of the sphere and then when I rotate and copy the cone, they will all be perfectly centered around the sphere.
Tying to do this in Photoshop however is proving rather difficult. Since the triangle representing the sun's rays is smaller than the circle representing the sun, I can't move the traingle's pivot to match the center of the sun because the bounding box for the transform isnt big enough.
If I duplicate the sun and merge the triangle and the sun together, the merge action re-adjusts the pivot to be in the center of both objects so its no longer in the correct center of the circle. I can however move the pivot point to the approximate location now because the bounding box is larger, but I don't need the approximate location, I need the exact location.
Is there a way to move the pivot to a specific coordinate? Or am I going to have to move everything onto a perfectly square canvas and snap everything to grid lines?
I've been using Maya for over a year and I've starting seeing some weird error. In edit mode, I select a couple of verts. I can transform, rotate, and scale the verts relative to the selection's center. However, recently whenever I want to scale my selected verts the scaling origin goes to the center of the object instead of the selection. This becomes somewhat irritating since it doesn't give the expected results. I've included a few pictures demonstrating my problem.
i am searching a script to align the pivot of a multiples objects (objets are 1 triangle polygon) to their normal. After that a way to offset on multiple objects pivot, a predefined value in the Y axis in local.
I have created user defiined properties to add up to 5 inverts to a topo point object. Each consists of the direction of the invert as an enumerated list that can be picked from (N, NE, S, SE, etc) and the second is the measured distance from rim down to IE. I created these in order IE1_Dir, IE1_Meas, IE2_Dir, IE2_Meas, etc and the first time I used it everything worked fine and was in the proper order. Now after opening the drawing for a 2nd time all of the UDP's are scrambled making it a bit of a PITA to enter into the proper fields.
I do not see any logical order to why it is displaying this way as if it was in order of creation or alphebetical it would not have changed. Is there any way to correct this or is this a case of Civil 3D is going to do whatever it wants to do?
How do you lock the pivot point of a light to the light itself? I thought just adding a Axis node would move the light and pivot point but the pivot does not move. Is there a way of parenting them together?
We have someone who doesn't need any cad fuctionality just the ability to view dwgs and occasionally print. I got to looking and found there are various versions of free DWG viewers. What is the easiest one to use? Esp for someone who doesn't normally use cad?
how to match up certain points. I have imported 2 point clouds and have tried to use the 'align' tool to specify three points from the source object (cloud) and three points from the destination object (cloud). When doing this, it does not properly align them. The point cloud makes it difficult to select the exact point I would like to align, since there may not be a point at that exact location, but close to it. Does AutoCAD require the points in alignment to match up perfectly or is it capable of doing a best fit?
Also, is AutoCAD capable of creating a solid 3D piece from the point cloud? I would like to take all of my points and make a smooth object.
When I snap a point to an object, the point takes on the elevation of the object. I would rather the point's elevation stay as is.
-changing osnapz variable
-latest civil 3d service pack
A few weeks ago I did not have this problem but once my computer was switched to the company's global server and c3d was reinstalled the problem appeared. Furthermore (post switchover), when a colleage of mine prepared a simple test drawing with just a line and a point, he was able to snap to that line without the point changing elevation. When he sent that drawing to me and I tried snapping the point to the object, the same problem occured with the point taking the elevation of the line object. I suspect it is a system variable issue
I have an addin with a palette that include some datagridviews.
I show in these datagrid, properties and information about all alignments in drawing.
With event commandEndend I can update all information if I use "grip-strectch" for some PI alignment.
However, we can modify alignment data from Panorama palette (geometry editor) and I would like to know if there are any event to catch it after modify data.
I have the same trouble that this post:
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1 Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz. ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd 32gb RAM 1600 Mhz. nVidia Quadro 2000. Win 7 Pro 64bit