AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Mask Out A Portion Of Ground Line Profile
Feb 7, 2013
I have cut a ground line in profile view. Is there a way to "mask out" a portion of the ground line in the profile? I need to detail some stair but the surveyors only shot the top and bottom tread. I don't want to add points to the surface, I just want to draw the steps in and place them in the correct profile location. And I don't want two horizontal alignments.
I need to extend the existing ground profile. I previously had stopped the profile at 25+00 as shown in the attached. However, I need to add on another 100' to 26+00. I can only view info in the Profile Properties. I can't change the end station.
I have an existing ground profile, and a design profile. All I want to do is label the slopes of the design. When I click my line label style and turn on the text it labels the existing ground and the design ground. I cannot find the setting in my two profile styles to turn the slopes off in the existing ground.
Oh, how can I get a tick on the V.C. dimension line?
I am trying to label existing ground & profile grade on my cross-sections the way old Land 4 used to do it. I've muddled through section view property style settings, band settings, group properties w/no luck. It can't possible be this difficult. What am I missing?
where to change the text height and color for the lower band where the stations are. Also, how do I get the exist grade and proposed grade to show at the specified stations vertically like LDD used to do it.
Second, how do i mask the pipe in the manholes on the profile. Right now i can see the pipe inside the manhole. I clicked "enable masking" under the structure properties but no luck.
While I was out, my partner somehow now has two existing ground lines in my cross-sections. ####exist and ####exist (1). They are offset by about .5 feet left to right. Where do I remove the surtface ###exst (1) from the cross sections. I am looking now.
The intersection wizard makes dynamic EOP profiles based off of the cross slope from the centerline. Well the intersection tool doesn't always work with funky intersection layouts. Is it possible to manually create a dynamic EOP profile based on the cross slope from the centerline profile?
I seem to be having trouble changing the lineweight of my profile line. I have changed the line weight in the layer properties, in the Profile properties and tried changed the line weight in the pen style. Everywhere I could think I try to make the line thicker but when I plot, the line is still the same and difficult to distinguish from the grid blocks of the profile view.
Let's say I draw a rectangle and extrude it. I then go into the sketch and draw two lines perpendicular to two existing lines, which gives me a smaller rectangle in one of the corners of my large rectangle. I then want to go into the extrude feature and "deselect" the small rectangle. How do I deselect?
Where is the setting for the sample line label background mask? I have some sample lines that will be plotted on top of an aerial photo, and the black box background looks terrible. I'd like to turn it off. I found the contour label background fine and I switched those to False without much of a problem, but I can't seem to locate the ones for the sample lines.
I have a profile view with the existing ground profile shown. The alignment the profile is referencing was stretched at the front and now the profile markers do not line up with the profile line. The profile line updated as it should have, but the markers did not.
I'm doing a road project. i've got profile grades of existing left and right ditches. in some sections we're redoing the ditches so i've got proposed left and right ditch profiles. what i want to show is where i've got proposed ditch grades, i don't want to show existing ditch grades.
The new ditches happen intermittently on the road so i would need to be able to turn off the existing ditches at various places. is this possible without exploding my existing ditch grades?
I am working on a profile of a ditch and I want to create an enlargement of a portion of the profile. What I would like to do is shrink the vertical scale of the portion of the profile I want to focus on, creating what looks like a stretched view of the profile.
This can be accomplished by creating a block and shrinking the Scale X, but is there any way to do this feature with a viewport? (Creating a block of the profile isn't the solution, especially if I need to edit it later.)
If not with a viewport, is there any other way I can do this?
is there a way to draw a line in the profile view and create that line into a feature line? and if there is can i project that line into the plan? i know that you can make a feature line in the plan and project that feature line into a profile view, just wondering if you could basicly do the reverse. i don't want to make a coridor.
we use three line road profiles. If there is a bus pullout or lane transition we show the curb profile based on centerline stationing. I'm able to generate a the corridor using a transition lane assembly from centerline and targeting a widened offset alignment or just a feature line. I can import the corridor curb feature line into a profile which would be a perfect solution, but it is all truncated. (i.e. no vertical curves) I can create a profile of the offset alignment, but the stationing doesn't match centerline.
How can I either generate a non trunidicated profile from the corridor for my curb profiles? How can create a design profile of a transition/pullout curb line that I can target and plot against centerline stationing?
I want to create a profile layout by feature line. Is it possible?I have a pipe about 3 miles long, an alignment along the pipe, and a provie view showing the exisitng surface and pipe network. The pipe network was created from a feature line. I projected the feature line to the profile.
This is why I want to do this: I need to label the horizontal and vertical angle points of the pipe in plan view. I crated a style that shows the station and elevation. I want the elevation to reference the profile. But it only gives me the elevation of the surface and I need the top of pipe elevation.
I tried crate profile by layout and traced over the top of the pipe in profile but its 3 miles and it will take a long time. How to get what I want done faster?
I have a special ditch profile that I'd like to use a linetype with arrows on. Currently, it shows the arrows going up station with my mainline profile. i.e. now water does flow uphill...
I have a regular AutoCAD line in a profile view and wondered if there is a way of labeling the grade of the line. I'd think I could use and expression to calculate it. But I don't know how to automatically adjust for the vertical exaggeration without having to have a separate expression for all possible situations.
When I try to create a feature line using an alignment/ profile, sometimes it gives me a feature line for the entire alignment, even though my profile is only a small segment. I made sure I selected the correct profile, and I even deleted all other surface profiles just in case. But it still gives me a wonky feature line for the entire alignment.
However, in the same file, other profiles have worked perfectly.
I created a 2d drawing of a river I am building and constructed a centerline. I already have a surface of the existing ground created from which i created an alignment of the centerline and created a profile showing the existing grade along the centerline. Then I created another alignment on the same profile which shows the bottom of my river that I want. I now want to calculate the cut and fill of my project but don't know how. Is there a way I can create a surface of my river from my profile? Or what process do I follow to apply my centerline profile to my 2d river.
I remember seeing an article or web cast on how to create a style to display a single line for a manhole. It may have been about using the parts create tool. But for the life of me, I can’t remember where I saw it.
Also I had created a style in C3D2007 to display the pipes in profile as a single line. This was done by drawing the flow arrow in a non printable colour over the top of the pipe.In C3D2008 this is no longer possible. So now what?
We are using Civil 3D 2010, Version 4.1 and it is being used on both WinXP and Win7.
This is an issue that has been coming up at different times with profile views and them shifting when viewed from our viewports in our layout tab. It looks correct in the model space. But it shifts to the right 10' in the layout tab. We have 7 tabs in this drawing. I have looked through all of the profile view settings and it does not seem like any of these are the issue. I created a new viewport in the same tab and received the same shift to the right. I then created a new tab in the same drawing (not copied from the one that has the issue), created a new viewport, and the shift is not there. The PSLTSCALE, MSLTSCALE, and LTSCALE are all set to 1 in all of th tabs.
Woudl there be a layout tab setting that is causing this? This is happening on all of our machines with this drawing so I know it is not a specific user/machine issue. I have attached a .pdf showing the three cases described above if that were to provide any additional insight.
I am wondering why the maximum hydraulic gradline in my profile plot is not matching the maximum hydraulic grade levels reported in the report or excel spread sheets.
Is there a way to project just one feature line (or anything appropiate...polyline, 3d poly etc) into the sections group or profiles ?
The thing is that Projection tool, labels everything that's a Block, Point, 3d poly ...etc to the sections group.
And it puts all labels in the same layer.
My project theme requires to project forest limit on every section. This is appearing on the survey as a polyline along the road. Civil Engineer / Infrastructure of metropolitan transports [URL]
I have a finished grade surface and I have a feature line that is my waterline. I created an alignment and then recreated my feature line so they would be linked. I can then create a profile using my alignment and that shows my surface at that alignment. I can even add the waterline by using project objects to profile view.
I need to be able to edit the feature line elevations in the profile view by creating and erasing PVIs so this will tie back to my geometry.
We have a big piping job coming up and as Civil3d still lacks some of the labelling abilities we want in the profile view bands. I am updating some old vba that adds a profile line of the invert of a pipe network to a profile view effectively tracing along the bottom of the network like I know a lot of people do by hand.
My original code works on assuming that the start and end structure are at the start and end of the alignment in the revised code I want to allow for situations where this is not the case.
Leading to my question is there and easy way to find the distance a profile view part is drawn along the parent alignment or do I have look at writing my own function possibly extracting a polyline from the alignment and finding the distance using intersectionwith and distancefrom functions with the structure.