AutoCAD 2010 :: Create An Enlargement Of Portion Of Profile
Mar 22, 2013
I am working on a profile of a ditch and I want to create an enlargement of a portion of the profile. What I would like to do is shrink the vertical scale of the portion of the profile I want to focus on, creating what looks like a stretched view of the profile.
This can be accomplished by creating a block and shrinking the Scale X, but is there any way to do this feature with a viewport? (Creating a block of the profile isn't the solution, especially if I need to edit it later.)
If not with a viewport, is there any other way I can do this?
Let's say I draw a rectangle and extrude it. I then go into the sketch and draw two lines perpendicular to two existing lines, which gives me a smaller rectangle in one of the corners of my large rectangle. I then want to go into the extrude feature and "deselect" the small rectangle. How do I deselect?
It relates to machines which often have different users. I can get ACADM2011 to run for that user by editing the registry and importing keys from a good profile then modifying to user the new users credentials. This is Ok for a fudge fix but not suitable as a final solutions as I have to roll out 2011 to another 90 machines.
All users have full admin rights through a group policy so that is not part of the issue.
What I have noticed is that on machine which will work as expected the secondary installer runs in two steps. The first being the AutoCAD Mechanical 2011 install and then the language pack install. On machines which will fail and have the Profile issue only the language pack install runs. Where does ACAD look to check which causes this first install part to be skipped?  AutoCADM 2011 SP2 XP 32-Bit SP3
I have cut a ground line in profile view. Is there a way to "mask out" a portion of the ground line in the profile? I need to detail some stair but the surveyors only shot the top and bottom tread. I don't want to add points to the surface, I just want to draw the steps in and place them in the correct profile location. And I don't want two horizontal alignments.
I have the following error message:ERROR: Could not create frame surface of window-sectional profile..At various windows and door-window-combinations I added profiles.
Virtually all coordinate entry as well as many other tools and operations reference the current UCS. 2D tools.  Â
Absolute and relative coordinate entry Absolute reference angles Definition of horizontal and vertical for Ortho mode, polar tracking, object snap tracking, grid display,and grid snap Orientation of horizontal and vertical dimensions Orientation of text objects View rotation using the PLAN command              Moving or rotating the UCS can make it easier to work on particular areas of a drawing. However when selecting an object or a portion of the dwg. crossing - window , (a good exemple is stretching) the selection of the area is still 'rectangular' from the ortho of 0° or 90°. This cross-window selection should follow the direction of the ortho angle selected. Is there a command or a setting in order for this operation to take place? IF NOT for future autoCad releases or a update for current releases should be reviewed and implemented
When dealing with blocks, in this instance. If I select the entire object, I get one type of color in the layer pull down. If I select a portion of the object, I get a different color-what is going on? Is there a switch or something that I am missing?
I want to create a profile/wall style or what ever you want to call it for a raised deck flooring for external decking. I am looking at the decking material only. Not concerned about the timber framing sub floor material.
I am working C3D 2012. I have a proposed alignment and profile design by another firm that I had to tranfer into C3D.   I had no problem getting the horizontal alignment to display from a text file. I tried to do the same with the profile by using the 'create a text file and create the profile from file' command. I got the POB, PI's, and POE to display. I then defined the VC. I wanted to verifiy that the profile was indeed accurate compared to what we were provided. So I tried to execute a profile report PVI Station and Curve Report - I keep getting an error that "No FG profiles in dwg".
I know the Proposed profile is indeed set to proposed in the properties. I have noticed that the icon next to the profile I create from the text file is different than the profiles created from scratch.
Is there a way to convert this profile to be recognized as a FG profile?
The intersection wizard makes dynamic EOP profiles based off of the cross slope from the centerline. Well the intersection tool doesn't always work with funky intersection layouts. Is it possible to manually create a dynamic EOP profile based on the cross slope from the centerline profile?
We have an engineer who is taking an existing surface and wants to show a proposed road 2" higher than existing.
I told him to simply adjust his assembly for his corridor to account for the 2" difference, but the County agency needs to see a profile.
My questions:
1) Is there a way to easily copy a profile made from a surface and "convert" it to a proposed profile? If we copy and explode, it turns into hundreds (thousands?) of tiny pline segments and it would be a mess to convert all those to a profile 1 by 1. If we make the corridor, and choose "profile from corridor", we do not have an option that could be used to represent the centerline.Â
2) Other than loss of dynamic updating), would it make sense to adjust the assembly so the top surface would be accurate, then copy the profile, explode the copy to a block and simply shift that (as essentially basic linework)?
how to create reverse curve with straight portion in between , as their is no option of creating reverse curve with straight portion in civil 3d , duding designing a hill road what ever the reverse curve you design will be wrong and superelevation generated will also be wrong as it do no include straight in between the curves (ie reverse curve should contain transition curve transition straight transition curve transition.)
I'm trying to create an assembly and there's one part of one piece I'm struggling with. I attached a quick sketch I made of it. I'm struggling with the bend portion that I lined in. If my drawing doesn't make sense, that piece is 5" long, the bend is 5/8", and it's a cylinder. I'm sure it's really easy but I'm blanking. I've tried the bend tool to no avail.
I am using autocad 2010 in layout have more than one drawings when i give plot from layout and after 2nd drawing give plot from same layout that time the previous plot portion not shown as shaded. in autocad 2008 previous plot portion shown shaded in layout.
We like to allow user to select a rectagular area in modal scpace. Then the code creates a paperscace viewport in a spcified layout. The viewport will show the selected area. find the old VBA code that achived this and the .net code I am trying with. .Net code always gives some exception.
VBA Code
 'Lets find the center of the viewport in paperspace.
   Dim center(0 To 2) As Double    center(0) = newWidth / 2    center(1) = newLength / 2    center(2) = 0    Dim lay As AcadLayout    For Each ent In ThisDrawing.layouts
I had an engineer use another engineer's desktop computer for a week. When the orginal Engineer came back to work and started trying to use AutoCAD 2010 it now wants to write to the second engineers Windows profile.
Is it possible to create a field that will show only a portion of the contents within an text object? Maybe using diesel or something?
There is a text object that contains "FIRST TEST", is it possible to create a field from that object that contains the first 5 letters of the text "FIRST". If the original text was changed to "SECOND TEST" the field would be updated "SECON"
I have an image which I shot from too far away. As a result, it has very few pixels (less than one million, unfortunately). I'd really like to print it at 8x10, but I'm afraid that might not be doable. I'd be getting about 100dpi, and I'm pretty sure that's not very good.
I have an image which is currently 17x22 at 72dpi.
I'm trying to convert it to 23x30 at 300dpi.
What's the best method to maintain decent quality?
What i'm doing thus far is: Convert the original to 1000dpi (excessive but hey, why not?) then flattening, then enlarging to 23x30 and lastly converting to 300dpi.
What resolution do I use to enlarge a 3”x4” photo into one that is one that is 3 ‘x4’? I am using S-Spline (PhotoZoom) which is similar to Genuine Fractal to enlarge pictures. I am also using Photoshop 6. Obviously, a photo enlarged to 3’x4’ at 300 dpi would probably crashed my computer. Is there a mathematically way to determine resolution when enlarging photos?
I'm doing a program in Visual Basic 2010. In one of the forms I put a button that when clicked must open AutoCAD 2012 and make a drawing in it. The user will decide where to save it.The steps are these:
1. I added the references Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop and Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common to the Visual Basic Project. That's OK.
   Dim acadApp As New AcadApplication 'Create an instance of an AutoCAD Application     AcadApp.Application.Visible = True 'Show the instance of the AutoCAD Application     Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument 'Create an intance of an AutoCAD Document    acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open("C:Respaldo TesisDibujo2.dwg") 'Open a Document called Dibujo 2    'Draw a line    Dim PT1(2) As Double [code].....
How can I create closed profile in VBA Suppose this profile includes Line and Spline See attached code in vb
Later I cannot create Extrude feature because previously created profile is open (consists of two separate curves)
How can I join together points in profile which belongs to separate curves to get one curve.
Dim t As Inventor.TransientGeometry Set t = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry Dim c As Inventor.ComponentDefinition Set c = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition
I'am trying to create profile from opening.I have found interesting method : Profile.CreateFromProfile.But every time i call this method "eInvalidInput" exception is thrown.
I need to send a picture to get enlarged to a 20x24. Do I have to crop image or can I just send. If I have to set crop size what are the deminsions in photoshop. I want the entire image. I did not shoot image with a full frame camare.
I have been trying to find a plugin for PSP that will enhance image blow ups. I've just moved over to X4 .
The best one seems to be Alien Skin Blow Up 3 but I can't find out if it is compatible. I did install a copy on X2 recently but it never worked properly, crashing at the end of the render stage. Is that because the plugin is not compatible?
The fact that it installed and worked up to the render output suggests that it is compatible but, maybe not!
I use corel draw to design a poster for a scientific conference.
The content of my poster consists of many diagrams and example traces. To make them fit together I need to drag the content in X or Y. While that I distort the text (change the Y or X scaling). So in the end I need to rearrange hundreds of little text boxes by converting them to ‘paragraph text’ and back to ‘graphic text’ (to erase the scaling information).
How can I quickly straighten the text in the whole document? Or even better avoid the text from being distorted.
Using ‘paragraph text’ doesn’t work because the text boxes are scaled to. So if they are too small the text disappears completely. I can’t see the point, why text is deformable in the first place.Every were I read, the professionals says it is not recommended to deform the text. I think so too!
i have a picture thats not to great and i made it bigger but when i did that the picture got really ... distorted would you say? fuzzy and i need to figure out a way to make it more clear and visable so if anyone knows a way could you please let me know
I have installed AutoCAD (Map 3D 2012) onto a users machine. When I run the software, I get a message box appear saying it cant load the profile...
I went into the registry and noticed that his registry is missing a lot of keys for Map 3D (attached)
I have attached a copy of my registry for comparison.
What would typically cause this? I have tried to delete the registry entry and let it re-configure, but i get all sorts of errors (Internal Error 2738).
I should probably mention that I am using a profile switch in the shortcut.