I have an image which is currently 17x22 at 72dpi.
I'm trying to convert it to 23x30 at 300dpi.
What's the best method to maintain decent quality?
What i'm doing thus far is: Convert the original to 1000dpi (excessive but hey, why not?) then flattening, then enlarging to 23x30 and lastly converting to 300dpi.
i have a picture thats not to great and i made it bigger but when i did that the picture got really ... distorted would you say? fuzzy and i need to figure out a way to make it more clear and visable so if anyone knows a way could you please let me know
I have been trying to find a plugin for PSP that will enhance image blow ups. I've just moved over to X4 .
The best one seems to be Alien Skin Blow Up 3 but I can't find out if it is compatible. I did install a copy on X2 recently but it never worked properly, crashing at the end of the render stage. Is that because the plugin is not compatible?
The fact that it installed and worked up to the render output suggests that it is compatible but, maybe not!
Using the zoom tool, there is a check box to select whether a zoom will also "Resize window to fit." Is there a way, using the _keyboard_, to select or toggle whether I want the window to resize when I use the zoom tool? I often want to go back and forth between asking for the resize and prohibiting it, but I don't want to have to go up with the mouse to click on that little check box all the time.
In previous versions I have been able to resize the canvas and then resize the image. For example resize the canvas to 250px x 250 px. Then resize the image to the same.  Here is the process I am using:  Duplicate the layer and then hide it. Resize the canvas (Image > Canvas Size) to 250px x 250 px. Un-hide the layer and then resize the image (Image > Image Size). When I go into Image>Image Size it says that the image is already 250px x 250px. However if I try to transform the scale the image is the original size and not 250px x 250px  The reason for needing this is I resize image size (in bulk) and the canvas size using the batch process (file>automate>batch) and actions.  I loaded the actions file I used in previous versions, but that did not work correctly. I then went in to do this manually and got the same results.
I have an image which I shot from too far away. As a result, it has very few pixels (less than one million, unfortunately). I'd really like to print it at 8x10, but I'm afraid that might not be doable. I'd be getting about 100dpi, and I'm pretty sure that's not very good.
What resolution do I use to enlarge a 3”x4” photo into one that is one that is 3 ‘x4’? I am using S-Spline (PhotoZoom) which is similar to Genuine Fractal to enlarge pictures. I am also using Photoshop 6. Obviously, a photo enlarged to 3’x4’ at 300 dpi would probably crashed my computer. Is there a mathematically way to determine resolution when enlarging photos?
I need to send a picture to get enlarged to a 20x24. Do I have to crop image or can I just send. If I have to set crop size what are the deminsions in photoshop. I want the entire image. I did not shoot image with a full frame camare.
I am having trouble with Image/Resize/Image Size in PSE7. In the past I had a document size of 4x6. When I wanted to reduce the # of pixels, I just entered new #s and the document size remained the same. A couple days ago I changed both the document size and canvas size. I cannot get my old settings back. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the program, I also have PSE11 on a trial basis and it also only sees the changed settings. I've tried changing Scale Styles, Constrain Proportions & Resample Image, in addition to changing the Canvas Size but cannot get it to work like it did before I changed the settings.
I have completed a project and I need to verify that, based on what I implemented, image should be resized but quality of image (both JPEG and GIF) should not be reduced.
My question is it possible to verify the result using photoshop or some other tools? How?
My college said it is hard to check if an image looks different because of image resizing or because of quality loss or because of both. He said I have to create some log files to trace the result. It is a little too much work for me.
Am trying to get an image to zoom out as need it for a particular size to fit on a webpage. Do not want to loose any part of image, just want to downsize it to appear further away.
Zoom in so much that the image is bigger than the screen and then navigate somewhere near the edges of the image. Then zoom out again. When the image is the size of the screen, Photoshop centers it annoyingly. In short, it's not possible to move the photo on the screen when it fits the screen, only when it's zoomed in a bit.  Reasons of moving a fitting image on the screen can be for example that the screen is big and you want to get a certain edge of the image at the top of the screen... or near the tools, who knows.  Really annoying anyway and the option "Resize windows when zooming" doesn't affect this behaviour.
I have signed up for Adobe CC and now have Photoshop CS 6 for the Mac installed and running.When I come to use the image resize feature, I am still getting the same box as I had in CS5 instead of the new much improved feature.Â
Im doing a picture project, where I need to have many layers..
But just how exactly do I resize an image in a layer? If I go Image > Resize Image...the whole image collection of all layers gets bigger...and I only want that specific layer image to get bigger...
I have a jpg that is 300*300 and a res of 72 pixles per inch I need to resize for printing by about 300% (I think min print res is 300dpi) without it getting to pixalated.
I can no longer simply type in a new image size using the same method I have used for years--did Adobe change this with a update download? The only way I can now change the image size is by using the up/down arrows.Running WindowsXP--I have both CS2 & CS3 installed.
This is probably the most newbie thing ever, but how do I resize an image in a layer by dragging it with the mouse? Can you do this? I wanna fit some things together visually and I don't wanna screw around with numbers.
I've got a question that I'm sure has a very simple solution but I can't find it even though I've searched all over the place. Is there a way to change the default zoom level when Photoshop opens an image? I'm using CS2 on OSX (though the screenshots I've included to illustrate what I'm asking are from Win XP).
I use corel draw to design a poster for a scientific conference.
The content of my poster consists of many diagrams and example traces. To make them fit together I need to drag the content in X or Y. While that I distort the text (change the Y or X scaling). So in the end I need to rearrange hundreds of little text boxes by converting them to ‘paragraph text’ and back to ‘graphic text’ (to erase the scaling information).
How can I quickly straighten the text in the whole document? Or even better avoid the text from being distorted.
Using ‘paragraph text’ doesn’t work because the text boxes are scaled to. So if they are too small the text disappears completely. I can’t see the point, why text is deformable in the first place.Every were I read, the professionals says it is not recommended to deform the text. I think so too!