AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Layer Manager Not Showing Layers
Jan 26, 2012
When I open layer manager, it doesnt show my layers, it is just all blank, not even a "0" layer. I can click in the area and it shows the layer but that is it. I searched for a fix but was unable to find a fix. I have updated my graphics card driver but that didnt fix it. I have attached a screen shot to show what it looks like. I am running C3D 2009.
Using CAD2011, froze, I restarted it and reopened the file I was working in. In my ribbon, all layers read "0", but show the correct ByLayer color according to what layers they were on before the crash. If I list something, it shows the correct layer, and not that it's on "0". When my coworker opens the same file everything is as it should be, which leads me to believe some setting got messed up during this crash.
It is making work way more difficult than it should be - I can't see what layers are what!
I remember that there used to be a command I used in an older version of AutoCad, such as "Sort Layer" or similar that would populate all of the layers used in a drawing, which solves the problem of not being able to see all the layers. I believe the default value is not set at a high enough number. What this command is?
Layers are shown in the drop down menu from the ribbon but when I open the layer manager no layers are visible. I can click in the empty space and the layer will highlight. See attached.
I am missing the icons for the "ON/OFF", "FREEZE", and "LOCK" in the Layer Properties Manager in AutoCAD 2010. Recently upgraded computer to 64-bit and had to re-install 2010. Since then, it takes forever to reload the Properties Manager. Adding new layers, trying to turn layers on/off, freeze layers, etc. causes the Manager to reload. The file I am working with is only 75 kb, tiny in comparison to files I usually work with. My co-worker has a 64-bit and 2010 as well, and her Properties Manager is working just fine. Do I have to reload 2010?
Can you import layers from a file other than the AutoCAD types, e.g. .dwg, .dwt etc? I have made a list of layers in Excel that I would like to import into AutoCAD without having to manually create each layer at a time (there are approx 150 layers).
I have a problem with exporting layers from dwg to pdf. Problem is that i can export (or print) drawing but i missing some layers in layer manager in pdf. I have drawing with 150 layers (from other co-workers) but only mine 4 layers doesn't appear. I have check in ACAD in layer prop manager if they are plottable but this is not a problem for content from those 4 layers are exported in pdf but not in layers they have to be (those layers are missing)!
I use ACAD 2012
edit: i found out that layers doesn't appear because contetnt on them are only blocks. for eg. block is on layer 1 but contetnt of block is on layer 2 so i see only layer 2 in pdf but not layer 1
Do the people that develop (anti-endusers ) the upgrades ever think like an end user? Having the Layer Properties Manager set up with default filters that show "ALL" layers or "Xref" layers without a default for "Layers Local ONLY" is so counterintuitive and non-user friendly! This is just another example of how Autodesk has absolutely no regard for the end user.
When I use the Layer Isolate command, then use the Layer Unisolate command, everything seems to work fine, as far as displaying the correct layers again. However, when I go to the Layer Manager, I noticed that all frozen or frozen in current viewport are also turned off.
LAYISO set to OFF (use fade?)
This only happens in a maximized viewport, not in model space.
I have a file where the layer manager does not seam to be contorling the bylayer color settings. When I change the color in the layer manager everything seams to work fine. But when I try to creat objects on this layer they we not use the color that I set. They use the original color that the layer was set to. In the ribbon the color default is set to by layer. One interesting thing is that when I pull down the layer menu in the ribbon it will show the old color.
In fact the work around is to change the layer color from this menu and not the layer manager. This is the only drawing I have that exhibits this behavior. Any system variable that would cause this or is this just a coruption of this file. (I ran audit, closed autcad and restarted, verified that all objects are set to manage colors bylayer, default ribbon palets are set to bylayer).
One of my CAD techs is having an issue with the Layer Properties Manager Palette. When she opened AutoCAD, the palette was gone. When she tried to bring it up with "LAYERPALETTE", she gets the "unknown command" message. When she tried to bring it up using "LA" or "LAYER" or the button on the ribbon, she gets a bunch of options in the command line.
How can we get the Layer Properties Manager Palette back?
Why a layer state assigned to a viewport can only restrict the layers showing? I want my viewport to show the proper layers all the time, even when those layers are not visible in model space.
C3D 2012 SP2.1 WIndows 7 SP1 64 bit 24GB RAM Dual quad core xeon 3.2ghz cpu's Triple Monitors
I have two view ports on one sheet and the top one has layers not showing that the bottom one has. I can erase and make a new VP and the layers are on.
Started working with PSE and when I tried to "stamp" a brush shape (whether default brushes or otherwise), the program does something it had never done before....SEE ATTACHED. I will create a new layer to use my brush, but when I try to "stamp" it onto background, the program then creates a layer mask where I can see the brush shape AND a new layer, however ALL that shows up on the background is the icon you can see in my screen grab I am attaching here. What is this icon? (The teeny one middle right of image, black square, outlined in red, with two red circles in the middle) I called Apple, we did a few things, they said it wasn't on there end. I reset my tools, I uninstalled, reinstalled, to no avail. Again, I've reset all tools, the "eye" icon on layers panel shows it should be visible, I've tried layers-->merge visible, I've uninstalled and reinstalled.....
I want to create a Layer Filter that excludes both Civil Layers and Xrefs.
I have created one that excludes Civil objects (Excel Civil.jpg) but when I add a filter for excluding xrefs as well the Civil objects appear in the filter again indeed all the layers are included again (Excel Xref.jpg) if I invert the filter nothing is displayed.
There are some layers in my drawing that won't delete in the layers properties manager. I don't know why. It gives me 4 possible reasons:
- It might be layer 0 or a Defpoint (whatever that is). - It is the current layer - It is an Xref dependent layer - It is a layer containing objects
But none of these, to my knowledge, apply. There could be things on the layer that I'm just not seeing, but I've looked thoroughly. I even zoomed out to the extents, highlighted the whole area, and clicked the erase tool, but it still won't go away. I got the file from another computer, so it might be an Xref dependent layer and the Xref'ed files just didn't come with it. How would I be able to tell - and how could I remove the Xref dependency?
Other than that, is there any other reason a layer won't delete? Can I force it to delete?
I have a drawing where I need to open the layer manager to turn on a layer in a view port but cannot get to that particular column. As you look across the top of the layer manager I can see all the headings of each column beginning with "Name", "Status", "On" and so forth. The last column heading I see is "Description" but I need to go even further to the right to get to the column I need to be at but can't get there. There is no scroll button on the bottom of the layer manager which would allow me to do that.
I have a client experiencing a layer manager dialog box issue - the layer names are disappearing... This is not happening all the time - and in different files.
you can match the layer filters with in the layer manager to the drop down on the how do i get the to match so the filter im viewing in the manager is what i see in the ribbon.
How to get the classic layour manger to use the ACA layer manager tools?
In 2008 before the floating layer manager the manager looked as the Classic version does now in AutoCAD ACA 2012 with the tool of "new layer from standard". This tool now only seems to be in the floating layer manager and when I switch to Classic manager the "new layer from standard" is removed from the dialog box.
I want to use the classic dialog but have access to the "new layer from standard" tool
I'm currently using AutoCAD LT 2012 and when I create a new layer and set it as current in the layer manager, regardless of what color I set the new layer to, the new layer's color remains the same as the previous one in the properties box even though the colors of the layers are always set to "by layer."
I've used E- for Existing and P- for Proposed for my layers and/or style names. For Object Layers, I've used OBJ- with modifiers and set the layers inside the styles to 0. This works ok, and Civil 3D objects obviously stand out and are easily isolated thru layiso and such, BUT having styles set to 0 presents a problem when dumbing down a drawing to send to another firm. The C3D Objects that are dumbed down are on layer 0 which isn't good.
We're generating a new template for 2013 and want to gear it towards the National Cad Standards on some level and do away with 0 as the style layer and actually have the style layers set to something other than 0.
My initial thoughts from a simplistic standpoint are:
V- for Survey and Existing features C- for Proposed features
I understand there's many more designators. We mainly do Civil and Utility work.I know V is a designator for Survey but can it cover and should it cover existing features too that aren't surveyed, for example if we receive mapping from someone and want to reassign some layer names? Is C- strictly for Proposed/Design work?
I'm reviewing a template we're working with someone on and they assigned the layers inside an Existing Surface Style to C-Topo-Majr and C-Topo-Minr. They assigned the layers inside the Proposed Surface Style to C-Topo-Majr-N and C-Topo-Minr-N. The only difference is the N for New, between the style layers.
Shouldn't the Existing Surface Style layers start with V-?Just trying to get some feedback on a simplistic approach to Layer naming and keeping with the National Cad Standards on some level.
why my File Link Manager dialog box is not showing up in 3ds Max 2012?
I have not been using 3ds Max 2012 because it was so buggy upon it's release, and it appears as though that has not changed. Anyway, my 3ds Max 2012 is completely up to date with SPs, HFs, and Subscription Advantage Pack. This is literally the first time I've tried to use it, and it's already going bad; I would have thought by now AD would have had most of the bugs worked out of it.
I am using AutoCAD LT 2013 where I work.I am working with a Floor Plan in which the building and the Site Plan are XRefed and the drawing is very slow.
The building is small, but the XREfed Site Plan, being of a large shopping center, was as drawn by a survey company, and is large. I took out (erased) the solid hatches that indicate the concrete, to make the site a little smaller. Since I do not use the entire site plan on the recipient Floor Plan Sheet, I clipped it using XClip, so only the necessary areas and parking around the building are shown.
I notice that the recipient drawings are very slow (i.e., the Floor Plan where I am working), and the Layers Properties Manager is the worst offender, being very slow and erratic when I want to add a new layer, change layer name, etc.
The computer is a new very large computer, and I did not have this slowness problem before working with other prjects.
Is there any setting or some settings that will make the drawings faster?
I'm working on a drawing where I've been turning on/off a layer for parcels so I can select a well (point coverage/theme) or the parcel to get well owner and property information. All of a sudden I can't select the layer anymore - the checkbox becomes unresponsive. C3D and not map for this...
I am using Layer States Manager in CAD2010 and have run into this problem.
I inserted an XREF into my drawing which is using LMAN. I put the XREF on a layer that is visible for the current layer state I am in. Saved the drawing then another coworker opened it and the xref was no longer visible. Even though the layer settings show as not frozen or locked the XREF won't show. If I move it onto a layer that is showing in the layer state manager it still doesn't show. I'm not sure if this is just a glitch or if I have some some setting set incorrectly.
Also are others have problems with LMAN not working after drawings are opened by someone else in the office? Are the LMAN settings not universal?
I want to attach a drawing as xref to another drawing, but with maps, to be specific, with drawing manager layers, entity styles and hatch styles. I've made different maps in the same drawing with different styles, so I can change them accordingly.
When I try to add new layers the layer propert manager is notvisable. I have to hit escape to return to the drawing. I beliesve the dialog box may be trying to go to a second screen I use at home. This happens on my lap top when it is not connected to my second moniter..