AutoCAD Civil 3D :: All Autodesk Files And References Were Removed?

Aug 21, 2012

After using Autodesk recommendations for a clean install, remove programs, remove files and remove registry edits I can not delete the file

C:Program FIlesCommon FIlesAutodesk Sharedacsigncore16.dll

How this file is still in use if all Autodesk files and references were removed?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 - Find References To JPG Files In Drawings

Dec 30, 2013

URL....I have a jpg file that I needed to apply some transparency to and saved it as a png file. I now want to delete the jpg file but it's being referenced in several drawings, but I don't know which ones. Is there a way to reverse the function of Reference Manager, ie find all the drawing files that reference my jpg file?

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Lightroom :: Old Files Are Automatically Removed From Program Files Folder

Mar 12, 2012

Following previous LR upgrades (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6), old files were automatically removed from the Program Files folder. However, I just upgrades from 3.6 to 4.0 and notice that the old files are still on my hard drive in the 3.6 folder. Do I need to keep these files or can I UNINSTALL LR 3.6?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: References Not Updating

Aug 15, 2013

I have a recurring problem that I can't seem to figure out.  I have my existing grade TIN surface as a data shortcut into my roadway design file, but it sometimes will not update when opening the drawing.  The surface profile will not display until the surface is manually synced.  Any labels that are associated with that surface (or other object) will just display the ??? because it can't seem to connect to the data.  After a manual sync it seems to come back.

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AutoCAD LT :: Freeze On References - Unresolved Reference Files

Mar 30, 2011

There are several drawings that when I try to open I get a popup message "References - Unresolved Reference Files". The message box is clear with only the border and the description in the blue bar at the top of the message box. AutoCad LT 2011 locks up and I have to do a Task kill. The same drawing can be opened by most of our other users, but some experience the same issue. When AutoCad is restarted, I get a "Drawing Recovery" empty/clear popup message message freezing AutoCad AGAIN, requireing another Task kill. I have to open a 3rd time, and if I had another drawing open, it's gone and doesn't appear to be recoverable.

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Lightroom :: How To See Removed Files

Sep 16, 2013

I've done it many times...I hit Enter before changing my selection, and have removed instead of deleting a few files.  Is there any way to get them all back in my catalogue so I can properly delete them?  Or any way of isolating them in the Finder/Lightroom?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Sorting Data References

Dec 3, 2012

How do you sort data references?


Civil 3D 2012 (64)
Windows 7 Pro (64) SP1, 16 GB
AMD Radeon HD 6900

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Broken Data References?

Jul 8, 2013

Possible to open a drawing that was created with AutoCad Civil3D 2011 and create all of your Civil objects and data references if it is a bad idea to then open it at a later date in AutoCad Civil as Autocad 2011. Does this effect any of the data in the drawing. It has been recommended here that we do this for making minor line/text edits as some folks have slower computers that cant handle the civil side of the program.

why we are constantly facing corrupt drawing files that lose references.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Crashing Due To Data References

Jul 8, 2013

A co-worked has made a mention of "Reference Alignments not found in Reference Drawing" error message popping up multiple times this morning and said he thinks it is a trendd in many drawings that have been worked on. In my experience this message pops up if you move the location of the reference drawing, or change the name of the alignment without synchronizing.

The issue is it has been said that this is fatal erroring the drawings.

I have not worked on the project myself and am just relaying what i heard-

I know this is a very vague question, we have 2011 Civil 3d

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Searching For Textstyle References In Styles?

Jun 18, 2012

C3D 2013.Is there a way to search the C3D styles for references to textstyles?

IOW - I know there are references to a certain textstyle in this drawing, how to find it/them without manually inspecting each style?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating Multiple Data References?

Feb 9, 2013

Is it possible to create more than one data reference at a time?

I have approximately 30 alignments with over 100 profiles in my profile design drawing. The interface to create the data shortcuts allows me to do so by selecting multiple alignments and profiles. This works well and is efficient. To create the data references I have to create the reference for each alignment and profile one at time. I estimate this will take at least 30 minutes.

I am using Civil 3D 2012.
Civil 3D 2012 SP3 | Win 7 64-bit SP1
Xeon E5-1620 @ 3.60GHz, 16GB Ram | NVidia Quadro 600

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Xref Has Multiple References - Not Detached

Apr 8, 2013

I know the difference between attach and overlay for reference files. 

The problem here is that the xref IS attacehd as an overlay and I am still not able to detach it.

I am working on WisDOT transportation plans.  For those that are not familiar with these projects, certain reference files must plot black in some plan sections, but grey in others.  When we submit the plans to the utility companies, all utilities must be black. but are grey in everyother submittal.  I changed the xref level attributes to plot black with the intensions of detaching the xref and reattaching to revert back to the orignial grey level attributes.  Is there anyway that changing the level attributes is somehow not letting the xref be detached?

Intel Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30 GHz
8.00 GB

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Labeling Profiles From Data References

Nov 17, 2013

We recently started using Civil3d 2013. We made a huge jump from LDD 2008. We have profiles designed and data short cuts are created. We have existing and proposed. 

Now i've created a reference and brought them into another drawing. First I tried to set up the color and linetype for each profile. When I do this. Both the existing and proposed become the same color and linetype.I do not see how to select the existing from the proposed and set the color and linetype.

Next I select the proposed profile and right click and select Edit Labels. I start to create the PVI labels. When I do this the PVI's for the existing profile get labeled. I want the proposed profile labeled. Not the existing.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data References Cause Program To Freeze

Apr 5, 2012

We just discovered data at our office, and I am pretty stoked about them 90% of the time. We do have one problem with them though. We are doing a small road, with 10 or so alignments and a few pipe networks of 40 pipes and structures. 1 surface, and that is about it. I made a cross sections sheet with our design file xrefed and data references to everything in it. Now it won't open. I can copy it to my local hard drive, run a recover, and then open it, save it back, add in all the data references and redo labels, but I can't open it from there.

Is there some way to have it open without syncing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved File References 2011 Simulation Still Trying To Find Files

Apr 4, 2011

I have unchecked resolve file references, etc, and still basically spends 5 minutes looking for files i told it not to look for.  Why doesnt it just open the assembly or drawing, without waiting for ever?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: File Contains External References Function Fails

Jun 27, 2013

I'm trying to adjust the properties of some block objects in Mspace. When the file contains external references the function fails, when it has none it works perfectly.

Dim modelSpace As BlockTableRecord = DirectCast(M_trans.GetObject(SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(db), OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTableRecord)
                For Each id As ObjectId In modelSpace
                    Dim ent As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity = DirectCast(M_trans.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite), Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity)
                    ent.Color = Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByLayer, 256)
Using the above to get all objectid's and filter through them then using:

  If TypeOf ent Is BlockReference Then
                            Dim br As BlockReference = DirectCast(ent, BlockReference)
                            Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = DirectCast(M_trans.GetObject(br.BlockTableRecord, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTableRecord)
                            If Not btr.IsFromExternalReference Then

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Errors From Mixing Data And External References

Aug 20, 2013

Here is the background.  

A "MODEL" drawing exists that contains only the surface model.  The surface model is data referenced into a "LABEL" drawing that contains the surface style (contours), contour labels, and spot elevations.  This "LABEL" drawing is xref-ed into a "SHEET" drawing that contains the title block and some other xrefs containing the proposed layout, ex cond, etc..

When I open the "LABELS" drawing, the data reference works.  My problem is that when I open the "SHEET" drawing, the contour labels and spot elevations cannot find the referenced surface and just contain a string of 20 or so characters.

I already have a workaround.  If I open the "SHEET" drawing, then open the "LABELS" drawing and save it, I can reload the "LABELS" drawing within the "SHEET" drawing and the problem is solved.

HOWEVER, I have a bunch of sheets that I want to publish, and publish does not work when you have to open the file and re-reference everything.  Is there anyway to get this reference working correctly so that I do not have to open multiple drawings to get my data correct?

FYI, I have already tried resetting my data shortcuts project folder, validating data shortcuts, etc. in the "LABELS" and "SHEET" drawings.

Civil 3D 2012, SP 2.1

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Lightroom :: Import RAW Files - HDR Effect Removed In Process

Feb 7, 2013

I use a Panasonic LX7 with in camera HDR. When I import RAW files into Lightroom 4.3 the HDR effect is removed in the process. Is there a way to avoid this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drawing Has Disassociated Surface And Alignment Data References

Aug 28, 2013

I am working on roadway project where I am using Pipe Networks to layout the drainage infrastructure.  I have set my working dwg up so that I am data referencing the existing surface and proposed alignment.  I have set my pipe network up so that it is also referencing this surface and alignment.  Everything was working fine.  Labels were pulling the correct information from my surface elevations, and stations were being referenced as well, until I got a message that recommended that I recover my drawing. 

I ran recover and my surface and alignment data shortcut disappeared. My pipe network now shows questions marks where there were once stationing and it appears that the surface and alignment have completely disassociated themselves from my drawing, however they appear in the prospector, but cannot be refreshed.  Again the data shortcut symbol is no longer next to my surface and alignment, but there is a symbol telling me that those objects are being referenced by another object in my drawing (my pipe network).   I have tried refreshing, resetting the working folder, all to no avail. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Opening File Gets Stuck At 50% Synchronizing References For 5+ Minutes

May 11, 2012

I have a file that looks like it is going to open nice and fast and then it gets stuck at 50% synchronizing references. It literally takes over 5 minutes for the file to come completely up and ready to work on.

In the file I have an existing ground surface data reference and two corridors (with alignments, profiles and profiles views) that are basic access roads roughly 1200' long each with a very basic assembly. I also have a pipe network data referenced that is just a bunch of pipes that represent existing utilities crossing the access road so I can show them in cross sections. The final thing I have in here are 50' cross sections for each of these access roads.

 why does it take me 5+ minutes to get into this file?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Shortcut File Names With Multiple DS References?

Nov 26, 2012

I have a data shortcut file where i keep my EG surface that now has File Name.dwg [DS] [DS] [DS] [DS]. What's the deal? Has this managed to morph itself into something it's not. It used to have only one, had two for awhile, and now 4 references to the DS (Datashort cut project folder).

Have I done something wrong here to get these wonky file names, would be nice to see just 1 reference being made to my DS Project folder.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Manhole Label Inv References Adjacent Null Instead Of Next Manhole

Jul 24, 2013

I have a sanitary run manhole to manhole with null structures in between for lats.  Each null is named "wye(lot#)" which I really do not need labeled anywhere but grants me the illusion of order and control.  When I label the manhole (style uses text for each component) it references the inverts as from adjacent structure the nearest of which is the null.  I need it to reference the upstream manhole as the from structure. BMP?

Another issue is the text for each component.  There are times when I need to have the manhole label show "INV 8" IN 209.50 Int Drop (MH110)" or "INV 8" IN 208.75 w/ Slide (MH 108)".  But as you know if I add to one I add to all.  I found a post that discussed editing the xml to do this but my code either looked different than the example or I was looking at it cross eyed.  I think if I could add an invert type column to the structure properties pipes tab the text for each component could add it to the label.Is there a better way people have been handling this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: RFA Files From Autodesk Seek?

Jan 18, 2012

we get this e-mail from Autodesk extolling the many virtures of Autodesk Seek.  I go there and see that most of the files are in RFA format. Can I get these into Inventor by any means? AutoCAD?  Inventor Fusion?  I do not have Revit.

Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014
Dell Precision T1650
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM
Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82
Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 - Linetpyes Cannot Be Removed

Aug 15, 2013

I am having an issue with line types.  I have about a dozen lines types that are coming up in my drawings, they are not being used by a single layer or object in the entire file, but they cannot be purged from the file, nor deleted by the  Linetype Manager.  How can I remove these line types from either of the files that they are appear in.  They have infected my template files.  TO make matter worse I cannot copy ANYTHING from the infected files into a new drawing because these linetypes will be carried into the new drawing.  For some dumb reason I cannot attach a .dwg file to this message to provide an example.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Maps Removed From Ribbon

Sep 9, 2010

I've recently started using Map 2011 and am not happy with the new ribbon.  Most of the commands that I use for setting up my maps seem to have been removed from the ribbon.  Is there a way so that the ribbon set up from Map 2010 can be used in 2011?  I just got used to the layout in 2010 and then everything changes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk 360 Content Center Files

Jun 15, 2013

I am starting to use Autodesk 360 a little now. Mainly with new Inventor 2014 projects.If I have a project file setup on 360 that I can access from work and from home. Home does content center parts work?

So if I insert a content center part in assembly while working at home will work pc load up the same part when I open assembly at work?Must I have content center mapped to 360 drive or?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: DWG To PDF Removed From List Plotter?

Jan 4, 2014

DWG To PDF from the list Plotter has been removed, How to turn?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk Cloud - Sharing Files For Collaboration?

Dec 6, 2011

I am trying to share documents with outside vendors using the Autodesk Cloud services. I have successfully uploaded files but, out of the six people I have shared the files with, only 3 of them can actually see the files. 

My question is this: If I send an invitation to view the shared document to a person whose e-mail address is, "" does John have to use that exact e-mail as his official user name when registering with the Cloud or can he use any user name he wants to?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Removed Content Center From Favorites

Dec 6, 2012

I accidentally removed the Content Center folder from my favorites menu.  How do I get it back?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Autodesk 360 Showing Up Out Of The Blue?

Dec 2, 2013

I never used 360 sor put these project file in the cloud whay would I get this notification?

HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
64 Bit Win7 OS

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Autodesk 360 And Settings Are Ready

Dec 12, 2012

After having struggled to get Autodesk 360 working, it is constantly pestering me to say my settings are ready.

I have synced my settings to the Cloud (I like this function) but why are my settings ready to load as presumably syncing to the Cloud duplicates the settings on my machine??

IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600

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