AutoCAD LT :: Freeze On References - Unresolved Reference Files

Mar 30, 2011

There are several drawings that when I try to open I get a popup message "References - Unresolved Reference Files". The message box is clear with only the border and the description in the blue bar at the top of the message box. AutoCad LT 2011 locks up and I have to do a Task kill. The same drawing can be opened by most of our other users, but some experience the same issue. When AutoCad is restarted, I get a "Drawing Recovery" empty/clear popup message message freezing AutoCad AGAIN, requireing another Task kill. I have to open a 3rd time, and if I had another drawing open, it's gone and doesn't appear to be recoverable.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved File References 2011 Simulation Still Trying To Find Files

Apr 4, 2011

I have unchecked resolve file references, etc, and still basically spends 5 minutes looking for files i told it not to look for.  Why doesnt it just open the assembly or drawing, without waiting for ever?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Undo Always Ignore Unresolved References

May 17, 2012

I was working on some work files, and generally a box comes up saying that there are unresolved references and asking what to do. Usually I hit the x and everything works fine, but this time i accidentally clicked the checkbox to automatically ignore unresolved x references and now certain files will not load the references even though the path is correct and the files are there. I was wondering how to undo this check box. I imagine it has to be a variable or setting somewhere.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Determine Which Components Contain Unresolved References

Apr 30, 2013

If an assembly contains unresolved file references, when I try to open it Inventor allows me to try and resolve this with the Resolve Link dialog. But if I choose to skip all for whatever reason, once I've opened the assembly there's no easy way for me to see which sub-assembly/assemblies contain the missing reference. I have to expand folders, patterns, assemblies, etc. until I find the one with the little question mark next to it. I prefer to work with unresolved links in this way sometimes because it just makes more sense working with the model than a bunch of file paths and file names in the Resolve Link dialog. But it's nearly impossible with large assemblies where the unresolved links may be burried deep.  

Is there a way to list or somehow see which assemblies contain the unresolved links once I've already opened an assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler (Unresolved References) Error Message

Sep 29, 2011

I am looking to batch convert my IDWs to AutoCad DWGs without having to go through and manually open each file and save as etc.  Right now I am using the export files task to do this.  I have saved an *.ini file with all the settings I want and successfully create the task.  After running the task it fails to convert all the files giving me an error message that says "File has unresolved references".  This shouldn't be the case though because the IDW's open and reference the part/assembly files fine.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2010 32bit edition SP3

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Revit :: Ignore Unresolved References And Continue Opening File

May 15, 2012

Is there an option in Revit to automatically ignore unresolved references and continue opening the file without showing the dialog box?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unresolved Reference File Cannot Be Opened

Feb 21, 2013

I was working on my project today when the window popped up telling me to reload my pavement file.  When I reloaded the file, the reference said it was unresolved.  I tried to open that file directly, but it would not open. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved Reference When Opening Assembly

Nov 14, 2013

I always "Configure Default Template" on start-up, changing Measurement Units to mm and Drawing Standard to ISO. After Ok, 

"the default template (standard.*) will be replaced according to your selected drawing standard or measurement unit. The original default template will be copied to Old Templates folder as backup. Do you want to overwrite?" Yes.

I have created a series of parts which i have assembled and saved on my USB. I have placed fasteners from Content Center and saved. When i change computer, and attempt to reopen my assembly files, i get a "Resolve Link" window, as seen in attachment, to which i don't know how to respond, and end up clicking "skip all", which results in assembly with unresolved components.

What are the steps i should have been taking to avoid ending up with unresolved components, assuming i cannot avoid changing computer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Dimension To Unresolved Reference Geometry

Sep 2, 2009

I am having trouble with Iparts getting a red cross due to dimensions and constraints to unresolved reference geometry. If, for example, I have Hole 2 dimensioned from Hole 1 in one member and in another member I suppress Hole 1 and Hole 2 I get an error stating (correctly) that the sketch for Hole 2 has a "Dimension to unresolved reference geometry". I understand why I should get this error if Hole 2 was unsuppressed and Hole 1 was suppressed but why do I get this error when they are both suppressed.

If I get this error on a member that has these two holes suppressed and I switch back to a member that has them both active the error dissapears. I guess in the end this is a question for Autodesk. Can you set up Iparts so that when a feature is suppressed Inventor completely ignores it instead of still trying to resolve it. This functionality is a major headache for us because we don't want to leave models with the Red Cross on but if we want to dimension our features appropriately (ie referencing other, related features) we have to leave a model with errors in it.

See attached part. If you switch within the first 2 members there are no errors, if you move into the last 2 members you will see the cross highlight.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data References Cause Program To Freeze

Apr 5, 2012

We just discovered data at our office, and I am pretty stoked about them 90% of the time. We do have one problem with them though. We are doing a small road, with 10 or so alignments and a few pipe networks of 40 pipes and structures. 1 surface, and that is about it. I made a cross sections sheet with our design file xrefed and data references to everything in it. Now it won't open. I can copy it to my local hard drive, run a recover, and then open it, save it back, add in all the data references and redo labels, but I can't open it from there.

Is there some way to have it open without syncing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved Files In Assembly

Mar 19, 2013

I have an assembly that has a component that has not only been deleted from this assembly, but has been removed from the vault.  When I try to select a similar file on my local, just to get through this I get the followong error message and this cycle keeps going in circles.  Wanting me to point to where this deleted file is.

 This assembly remains unresolved and as a result of that I cannot check it into the vault.

Another frustrating things about his is in the dialog window that wants you to select a different file, there is no option to either select from the CC or the vault.  Why?

I just hope the only solution is not to recreate this assembly.  Because this is a subassembly used in upper level assemblies.  Speaking of which those upper lever assemblies wont check into the vault either because of this issue.

Inventor Suite 2012
Windows 7
(Colossians 3:23-25)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: All Autodesk Files And References Were Removed?

Aug 21, 2012

After using Autodesk recommendations for a clean install, remove programs, remove files and remove registry edits I can not delete the file

C:Program FIlesCommon FIlesAutodesk Sharedacsigncore16.dll

How this file is still in use if all Autodesk files and references were removed?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 - Find References To JPG Files In Drawings

Dec 30, 2013

URL....I have a jpg file that I needed to apply some transparency to and saved it as a png file. I now want to delete the jpg file but it's being referenced in several drawings, but I don't know which ones. Is there a way to reverse the function of Reference Manager, ie find all the drawing files that reference my jpg file?

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Photoshop :: Freeze When Trying To Open Files

Oct 19, 2006

Photoshop CS2 on OSX 10.4.8. It wont open any files, it freezes everytime and I have to force it to close. Have tried everything, uninstalled and deleted all Photoshop files, still wont work. I can open files in Image Ready but i need to open in Photoshop,?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2010 Is Missing Reference Files?

Mar 8, 2012

We have AutoCAD 2010 installed on 5 machines in our office.  These machines work and save files to our server.  One of the workstations always gets a pop up that it is missing reference files.  No other workstations are running into this issue.  We've tried having multiple users log into this specific computer but they all encounter the same error.

Another thing (which may be related to this error) the drawings that do open up on this computer don't line up.  For instance we have a field in the lower right hand corner wiith text such as job name/number, tech who worked on the drawing etc.  One all other computers this information lines up perfectly but on this one it doesn't as well os other lines on this machine don't line up properly.  

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Allow Read Only Xref Files In Edit Reference In Place Mode

Jun 6, 2012

I am working on Xrefs in autocad, I come across one scenario as below,

AutoCAD application is not allowing me, when tring to  "Edit Reference In Place"  mode for read only xref file. and displaying below dialog box.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Relink Reference Files When Folder And File Have Been Renamed?

Jul 7, 2013

I knew how to use Reference Manager to replace xref saved path. Otherwise, if we change the xref file name also, RM could work?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Structure Reference Alignment Not Holding In Data Reference

Nov 28, 2012

I have structures and alignments data referenced.  If I assign the structures ref alignments in the dwg with the data refs for labeling, the next time I open the dwg the ref alignments are set back to none, causing the labels to be ?

It seems like this worked in the past?

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AutoCad :: One Reference File To Control Multiple Reference Layer Settings

Jun 27, 2012

I'm working on a large infrastructure project with numerous of drawings. On quite a few layout drawings I need to have the same base set of references, however I need to change the layer settings (colors, lineweight etc.). This cannot be done in the base reference itself as it is used by others. As the layouts I work with includes other references as well, it is time consuming to filter and change layer settings on each base reference.

My concept is to have a master reference file to manage all layer settings and add/remove base references. When the master reference is referenced into the layout, all layer settings on the base references should stay as set in the master reference. In this way I can easily control all base references with one file and make sure all changes will be the same for all the layouts.

New illustration of concept:

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Remove Unresolved Link Error

Dec 15, 2011

I am currently using IV 2012 Pro and have run into some issues.  When the company first started to use this program, they left me in charge to create our Title Block and Border templates.  For our logo, I used a bmp file and placed that in out TB template.  Recently I have replaced the bmp image of our logo to an ACAD block.  My problem is when I open our template, I still get the unresolved link error prompting me to find the bmp image of our logo. Even though I have removed it from the template. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Created Part Shows As Unresolved

Aug 5, 2013

In an assembly of a gymnasium divider curtain, I create a path on a 3D sketch which snakes its way upward through a series of grommets.  A circular profile is then swept along the path to create a new part - a cable.  The cable is its own unique part document and is saved and then vaulted in a job-specific folder.  The curtain assembly has several instances of this cable.  Everything looks fine until the assembly is closed and later opened for editing.  When the assembly is opened, the cables show up in the browser as "Unresolved."  Graphically, they have disappeared.  

Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit
Inventor 2013 / Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Remove An Unresolved Link In A Drawing

Jan 27, 2012

I have drawings I reuse for different designs. I sometimes insert a parameter value from a part into a drawing dimension for different reasons. When I copy these drawings and no longer reference that particular part, the dimensions in question get deleted by turning off the "Preserve Orphan Annontations", but the fact that the dimension that referenced the parameter value is deleted does not affect the link, and the drawing tells me there are still unresolved parts! Is there someway to remove these references from the drawing? I can write a macro if I have to, just not sure if there is some other way to do this, or even if a macro can do this? I can apparently just pick some other part in the job that doesn't even have that parameter and the unresolved warning goes away, but is that sufficient? I would think an option in the resolve file dialog should let you delete the reference instead? Using IV2012.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved Link To Deleted Part

May 31, 2011

I was recently updating an assembly which contained a part that had been subsequently deleted from my folders. I skipped it while opening the assembly, then deleted the part in the Model Tree (and replaced it with a different component). So, to summarize, the assembly no longer has the part in the Tree, and the part does not exist anymore on my system. These parts and assemblies have not been Vaulted, so that should not be an issue either.

My problem is that every time I open the assembly, it wants me to resolve this deleted part, and I have to skip it every time just to proceed. Once the file is loaded, I get no other issues, no "red cross" items, just a question mark next to the file name at the top of the Tree indicating that the file needs to be resolved.

The old part is gone; I tried recreating it using the same file name, and using the same third-party SAT file from which it was originally generated, but Inventor detects that it's not the original part and won't accept it.

How to get past this "part resolution" issue?

Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2013
Inventor 2013 64-bit Edition
Win7-64, 8-core Intel® Xeon® CPU W3550 @ 3.07GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
454 GB HD, Intel® ICH10R SATA AHCI Controller
SpaceNavigator, 3.14.2 / 6.14.0 / 3.18

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Reference Surface (x) Not Found In Reference Drawing

Jul 28, 2011

I am getting this error in my production drawings.

My setup is as follows:

- EG.dwg has my existing surface in it. I create a data reference to use it in other drawings.

- Level One.dwg has the EG surface data referenced in, and I use this to create alignments, profiles, and finish surface. All of these are turned in to data references.

- Storm Sanitary.dwg has my pipe designs. I data reference in the two surfaces, profiles, and alignments, and create pipe networks. I create references for these networks.

- Plan Profile.dwg is the production sheet I'm getting this error from. Every one of my civil objects is data referenced in to this drawing. Everything is inserted correctly, the pipes show correct FG surface elevations for their rims, etc.

BUT when I open this drawing, I get this error. I assume it's because my FG surface is not directly in the storm sanitary.dwg.

How do I get rid of this error, without combining drawings, or promoting the surface to one or more drawings? Isn't this exactly what data references is made for?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved Parts When Opening Multiple Assemblies?

Jan 22, 2013

When I open up multiple assemblies at the same time Inventor cant find some of the part files, even though they are on my system.  Many times if the part is in an assembly more than once, some of the instances will be there and only one or two instances will be "unresolved", of the exact same part. I can open each assembly one at a time and it will be fine, but that can be time assuming. I wasn’t able to find any other threads with a similar problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Macro To Delete Unresolved Sketch Items

Aug 3, 2012

Constraint to unresolved reference geometry. Finding these magenta broken links items in a sketch is time consuming. Is there a macro that can delete them all?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Unresolved Menu Groups

Oct 24, 2006

During the creation of an Enterprise CUI, I somehow was left with Unresolved Menu groups, as shown in the attachment. Any thoughts on how these can be removed?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Open Inconsistent Assembly Takes Long Time To Show Unresolved Link Dialog

Oct 20, 2011

We have a data folder on the server mapped as network drive to the clients. The data folder contains all cad data stored from productstream professional.

Due to an over 10 year old environment the data folder contains a huge amount of cad files, library parts, iParts and so on.

Due to historical growth of the environment there are some missing parts (not available on the file system anymore), because they were deleted, are corrupt, and so on. At the root of the data folder there is located the typical cmpinv11.ipj inventor project file.

If you open an assembly either from productstream or via inventor (without productstream) directly from the data folder and the assembly has an unresolved child component because the file isn't there anymore it takes a very very long time until the dialog box for unresolved link comes up (waiting time several minutes 1...10min). Once reached this point one can skip and repair the assembly, of course.

But the question is, how to speed up the time for getting the unresolved link dialog?

The network connection itself is quite OK und the project file itself is also OK. The project file list of every user is pretty small (only cmpinv11.ipj and some standard ipj's).

We think inventor internally scans the whole project-file folders to ensure that the component is really missing but due to the huge environment this takes many minutes and is annoying.

Any bypass for that? Is it possible to apply a temporär setting before opening a potential inconsistent assembly? Or is there a setting like skip unresolved components by default or by a defined timeout?

Because it is Inventor 2010 (Productstream PRO 210) there is no File open Option Auto-Skip unresolved components (like in 2012) but even if it was I guess it wouldn't reduce the time to get the dialog either.

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Illustrator :: Link Files Reference To Styles Of Single Master?

Feb 24, 2014

Is there a way to link many Illustrator files (say about 200) to the styles of a single master?
The goal is to set up all of the 200 files in such a way that they can all be modified by a master setting. For example, I would like to control font size, line weight, etc. in this "master". It could simple be a file with settings or another AI file.
I would also need to "break the link" at some point (or just have it such there is not dependency that would make it unusable). That way I could disseminate each file without the need for the master.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Locating All JPG References?

Dec 31, 2013

[URL] How-to-programmatically-find-all-references-xref-dwg-jpg-pdf-OLE/m... I have a jpg file that I needed to apply some transparency to and saved it as a png file. I now want to delete the jpg file from the folder but it's being referenced in several drawings, and I don't know which ones. Is there a way to reverse the function of Reference Manager (perhaps with a different app), ie find all the drawing files that reference my jpg file

Intel i7 3.33Ghz, 16Gb RAM
Nvidia Quadro 2000D
C3D 2012 SP4, holding off on C3D 2014
Win 7-64

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AutoCAD .NET :: Where To Find References

Nov 29, 2011

I am not too bothered which version of AutoCAD it is, but I have access to 2011.

Where can I get the proper and detailed documentation.I reference acdbmg, acmgd as well as Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.

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