AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved Files In Assembly

Mar 19, 2013

I have an assembly that has a component that has not only been deleted from this assembly, but has been removed from the vault.  When I try to select a similar file on my local, just to get through this I get the followong error message and this cycle keeps going in circles.  Wanting me to point to where this deleted file is.

 This assembly remains unresolved and as a result of that I cannot check it into the vault.

Another frustrating things about his is in the dialog window that wants you to select a different file, there is no option to either select from the CC or the vault.  Why?

I just hope the only solution is not to recreate this assembly.  Because this is a subassembly used in upper level assemblies.  Speaking of which those upper lever assemblies wont check into the vault either because of this issue.

Inventor Suite 2012
Windows 7
(Colossians 3:23-25)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved Reference When Opening Assembly

Nov 14, 2013

I always "Configure Default Template" on start-up, changing Measurement Units to mm and Drawing Standard to ISO. After Ok, 

"the default template (standard.*) will be replaced according to your selected drawing standard or measurement unit. The original default template will be copied to Old Templates folder as backup. Do you want to overwrite?" Yes.

I have created a series of parts which i have assembled and saved on my USB. I have placed fasteners from Content Center and saved. When i change computer, and attempt to reopen my assembly files, i get a "Resolve Link" window, as seen in attachment, to which i don't know how to respond, and end up clicking "skip all", which results in assembly with unresolved components.

What are the steps i should have been taking to avoid ending up with unresolved components, assuming i cannot avoid changing computer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Open Inconsistent Assembly Takes Long Time To Show Unresolved Link Dialog

Oct 20, 2011

We have a data folder on the server mapped as network drive to the clients. The data folder contains all cad data stored from productstream professional.

Due to an over 10 year old environment the data folder contains a huge amount of cad files, library parts, iParts and so on.

Due to historical growth of the environment there are some missing parts (not available on the file system anymore), because they were deleted, are corrupt, and so on. At the root of the data folder there is located the typical cmpinv11.ipj inventor project file.

If you open an assembly either from productstream or via inventor (without productstream) directly from the data folder and the assembly has an unresolved child component because the file isn't there anymore it takes a very very long time until the dialog box for unresolved link comes up (waiting time several minutes 1...10min). Once reached this point one can skip and repair the assembly, of course.

But the question is, how to speed up the time for getting the unresolved link dialog?

The network connection itself is quite OK und the project file itself is also OK. The project file list of every user is pretty small (only cmpinv11.ipj and some standard ipj's).

We think inventor internally scans the whole project-file folders to ensure that the component is really missing but due to the huge environment this takes many minutes and is annoying.

Any bypass for that? Is it possible to apply a temporär setting before opening a potential inconsistent assembly? Or is there a setting like skip unresolved components by default or by a defined timeout?

Because it is Inventor 2010 (Productstream PRO 210) there is no File open Option Auto-Skip unresolved components (like in 2012) but even if it was I guess it wouldn't reduce the time to get the dialog either.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved File References 2011 Simulation Still Trying To Find Files

Apr 4, 2011

I have unchecked resolve file references, etc, and still basically spends 5 minutes looking for files i told it not to look for.  Why doesnt it just open the assembly or drawing, without waiting for ever?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tube And Pipe Assembly Styles Don't Translate Into Other Assembly Files

Feb 9, 2012

I have encountered a problem with the Tube and Pipe styles. 

As you can see, I have a rack assembly with a custom tube and pipe style. A wire as a tube in orange, and a tube support in white. Both have their seperate colorations at a style in the tube and pipe styles editor

When placing the rack assembly into the main assembly, it reverts to the coppor coloration I changed from the original style.

Steps I've taken:

Exported the styles .xml and Imported the styles into the master tubeandpipe.iam 

Imported the user created .xml styles into the main assembly file nothing seems to work

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AutoCAD LT :: Freeze On References - Unresolved Reference Files

Mar 30, 2011

There are several drawings that when I try to open I get a popup message "References - Unresolved Reference Files". The message box is clear with only the border and the description in the blue bar at the top of the message box. AutoCad LT 2011 locks up and I have to do a Task kill. The same drawing can be opened by most of our other users, but some experience the same issue. When AutoCad is restarted, I get a "Drawing Recovery" empty/clear popup message message freezing AutoCad AGAIN, requireing another Task kill. I have to open a 3rd time, and if I had another drawing open, it's gone and doesn't appear to be recoverable.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Project Files Vs Assembly Files?

Mar 8, 2013

I am deep into my first Inventor project. I am approaching the point where I would like to make a comprehensive set of drawings with bills of material etc. I have discovered that all this time I have actually been working in one big assembly file. My main project file is NOT a project file (so I have discovered). It is a *.iam file. 

So, my question is, should I create a project file, and then add my main assembly to it? Should one normally create a new Project file for each new job? What does one gain by doing this versus simply using the *.iam file?

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Remove Unresolved Link Error

Dec 15, 2011

I am currently using IV 2012 Pro and have run into some issues.  When the company first started to use this program, they left me in charge to create our Title Block and Border templates.  For our logo, I used a bmp file and placed that in out TB template.  Recently I have replaced the bmp image of our logo to an ACAD block.  My problem is when I open our template, I still get the unresolved link error prompting me to find the bmp image of our logo. Even though I have removed it from the template. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Created Part Shows As Unresolved

Aug 5, 2013

In an assembly of a gymnasium divider curtain, I create a path on a 3D sketch which snakes its way upward through a series of grommets.  A circular profile is then swept along the path to create a new part - a cable.  The cable is its own unique part document and is saved and then vaulted in a job-specific folder.  The curtain assembly has several instances of this cable.  Everything looks fine until the assembly is closed and later opened for editing.  When the assembly is opened, the cables show up in the browser as "Unresolved."  Graphically, they have disappeared.  

Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit
Inventor 2013 / Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Remove An Unresolved Link In A Drawing

Jan 27, 2012

I have drawings I reuse for different designs. I sometimes insert a parameter value from a part into a drawing dimension for different reasons. When I copy these drawings and no longer reference that particular part, the dimensions in question get deleted by turning off the "Preserve Orphan Annontations", but the fact that the dimension that referenced the parameter value is deleted does not affect the link, and the drawing tells me there are still unresolved parts! Is there someway to remove these references from the drawing? I can write a macro if I have to, just not sure if there is some other way to do this, or even if a macro can do this? I can apparently just pick some other part in the job that doesn't even have that parameter and the unresolved warning goes away, but is that sufficient? I would think an option in the resolve file dialog should let you delete the reference instead? Using IV2012.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved Link To Deleted Part

May 31, 2011

I was recently updating an assembly which contained a part that had been subsequently deleted from my folders. I skipped it while opening the assembly, then deleted the part in the Model Tree (and replaced it with a different component). So, to summarize, the assembly no longer has the part in the Tree, and the part does not exist anymore on my system. These parts and assemblies have not been Vaulted, so that should not be an issue either.

My problem is that every time I open the assembly, it wants me to resolve this deleted part, and I have to skip it every time just to proceed. Once the file is loaded, I get no other issues, no "red cross" items, just a question mark next to the file name at the top of the Tree indicating that the file needs to be resolved.

The old part is gone; I tried recreating it using the same file name, and using the same third-party SAT file from which it was originally generated, but Inventor detects that it's not the original part and won't accept it.

How to get past this "part resolution" issue?

Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2013
Inventor 2013 64-bit Edition
Win7-64, 8-core Intel® Xeon® CPU W3550 @ 3.07GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
454 GB HD, Intel® ICH10R SATA AHCI Controller
SpaceNavigator, 3.14.2 / 6.14.0 / 3.18

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Determine Which Components Contain Unresolved References

Apr 30, 2013

If an assembly contains unresolved file references, when I try to open it Inventor allows me to try and resolve this with the Resolve Link dialog. But if I choose to skip all for whatever reason, once I've opened the assembly there's no easy way for me to see which sub-assembly/assemblies contain the missing reference. I have to expand folders, patterns, assemblies, etc. until I find the one with the little question mark next to it. I prefer to work with unresolved links in this way sometimes because it just makes more sense working with the model than a bunch of file paths and file names in the Resolve Link dialog. But it's nearly impossible with large assemblies where the unresolved links may be burried deep.  

Is there a way to list or somehow see which assemblies contain the unresolved links once I've already opened an assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unresolved Parts When Opening Multiple Assemblies?

Jan 22, 2013

When I open up multiple assemblies at the same time Inventor cant find some of the part files, even though they are on my system.  Many times if the part is in an assembly more than once, some of the instances will be there and only one or two instances will be "unresolved", of the exact same part. I can open each assembly one at a time and it will be fine, but that can be time assuming. I wasn’t able to find any other threads with a similar problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Macro To Delete Unresolved Sketch Items

Aug 3, 2012

Constraint to unresolved reference geometry. Finding these magenta broken links items in a sketch is time consuming. Is there a macro that can delete them all?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Dimension To Unresolved Reference Geometry

Sep 2, 2009

I am having trouble with Iparts getting a red cross due to dimensions and constraints to unresolved reference geometry. If, for example, I have Hole 2 dimensioned from Hole 1 in one member and in another member I suppress Hole 1 and Hole 2 I get an error stating (correctly) that the sketch for Hole 2 has a "Dimension to unresolved reference geometry". I understand why I should get this error if Hole 2 was unsuppressed and Hole 1 was suppressed but why do I get this error when they are both suppressed.

If I get this error on a member that has these two holes suppressed and I switch back to a member that has them both active the error dissapears. I guess in the end this is a question for Autodesk. Can you set up Iparts so that when a feature is suppressed Inventor completely ignores it instead of still trying to resolve it. This functionality is a major headache for us because we don't want to leave models with the Red Cross on but if we want to dimension our features appropriately (ie referencing other, related features) we have to leave a model with errors in it.

See attached part. If you switch within the first 2 members there are no errors, if you move into the last 2 members you will see the cross highlight.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler (Unresolved References) Error Message

Sep 29, 2011

I am looking to batch convert my IDWs to AutoCad DWGs without having to go through and manually open each file and save as etc.  Right now I am using the export files task to do this.  I have saved an *.ini file with all the settings I want and successfully create the task.  After running the task it fails to convert all the files giving me an error message that says "File has unresolved references".  This shouldn't be the case though because the IDW's open and reference the part/assembly files fine.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2010 32bit edition SP3

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can STEP Files Still Be Used In Assembly

Sep 3, 2012

Basically, my school has the 2012 version of Inventor while I have 2013, and I was wondering if I can still use STEP files in an assembly, and also in my drawing sheets.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Archiving Big Assembly Files

Nov 16, 2012

I have several projects that have some very big complex assembly files which are taking up a lot of space on our company drive. I need to compress and archive these large files to free up space on the drive. I know that shrinkwrap is an option to simplify assembly files, any optimum way of compressing large assembly files and reducing the file size considerably ?

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Erase FEA Files From Assembly

Apr 9, 2012

I used to use the Stress Analysis feature at my assembly.

Now I have copied it to another project and do not need this FEA info at copy.

I cannot just delete AIP folder since  Inventor claims of missing FEA files while opening.

How to erase those files info from this assembly file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename Files Without Effecting To Assembly

Dec 12, 2012

How to rename the files of an assembly without effecting to assembly, as we do it in solidworks explorer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Plot All Related Files To PDF From Assembly

Jul 7, 2011

My attempt to plot all related files form an ".iam" resulted with the following code. The code as is working for us. We use an eight digit number for file name. Plotted PDF will have revision added to file name. Any chance of making an addin or iLogic code for similar functionality?

Private PDFPATH As String'FOLLOWING CODE USES CODE FROM URL...AND OTHER PLACES INCLUDING INVENTOR HELP.Public Sub PrintRefFiles() 'BOMQuery() ' Set a reference to the assembly document. ' This assumes an assembly document is active. Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim ASSYIDW As String ASSYIDW = oDoc.FullFileName ASSYIDW = Replace(ASSYIDW, Right(ASSYIDW, 4), ".idw") If Dir(ASSYIDW) <> "" Then 'Debug.Print strDisplayDim oDrawDoc As drawingDocument Set oDrawDoc.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketch Blocks In Assembly Files

May 29, 2013

Is there any way to add sketch blocks to an assembly sketch?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sharing Assembly Files Without Using Vault

Nov 6, 2012

We do not use VAULT. We're using network shared folder with 3 machine.

In some cases three users opening same assembly and sub assemblies. In this case Inventor showing us an error like "You can not save file. Use save-as" But in this case it's impossible to work share files.

We're opening / using same project file (ipj).  I remember that older versions of Inventor give us to chance that not save some subassemblies of main assembly. In this case you may save newer version of assembly files..

How can I share network folder to share my assembly files with the other colleagues? 

Using Inventor 2013 and not Vault. Because we're using Linux file server .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Conversion Of Assembly Files To Pro / E Compatibility

Jun 26, 2012

I'm running into a file conversion issue at work. I use Inventor 2008 and i need to have my assembly miodels analyzed by stress engineering via Pro/E Wildfire.

I've tried converting the assembly file to .iges and .step. However, the assemblies are jumbled in the conversion. All the parts are there, but the constraints are not.  In the past, the assemblies have been small enough that the stress engineer was able to reassemble the parts in Pro/E. This current project, however, is much to large to do so. 

If I were to purchase Inventor 2013, could I save the files with the Pro/E native file extensions directly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly / Subassembly Files In Parts List

Feb 4, 2013

We have an issue regarding Parts Lists. We currently produce a 'master parts list drawing' for the jobs we produce. This drawing has 2 rolled up parts list on it -

1 - purchased parts - so buying can order all the required parts in one go.

2 - manufactured parts - so production know which and how many parts to make.

Both of these can be setup in Inventor (using filters) so they display only the correct parts from the BOM. However, neither of these show assembly / subassembly files (and consequently drawings). Is there any way of creating a parts list that can show assembly files only?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Drawing From Assembly Of IGES Files?

May 3, 2012

I've got some IGES files, which I want to place into an assembly, and then create a drawing of the assembly.  

If I open the IGES and place it in a drawing it works.  If I create an assembly, place the same part, and then try and put the assembly into the drawing it doesn't work.  

Attached is the IGES file.  I'm using Inventor 2011.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly File Independent From Part Files

Jan 30, 2013

How can I make an assembly file independent from the part files that went into it? I tried converting it to STL then opening the STL document, but that causes problems with what I'm trying to accomplish.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Check-in Assembly - Missing FEA Results Files

Mar 9, 2012

I am trying to check-in an assembly, however there  are missing .fins,.fsat,.ftes, fmsh and .fres files that cannot be found on my local machine, in the vault or on the other machines on our CAD network. 

is there a way to remove references to these files so the assembly can be checked into the vault? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Fails To Follow All Assembly Updates At IDW Of Mid To Big Files

May 19, 2013

I use IDW file as “fine” checker of my assemblies design. Sometimes it is much easier to see general picture in variety of spots and set dimensions to check the designed assembly using IDW file.

Working within mid to big assemblies Inventor mostly fails to follow the opened assembly IDW file with actual assembly. When switch from assembly to IDW Inventor may indicate the update sign at IDW but finally did not update all changes. After the “Update” sign has been used there is no any chance to force Inventor to make one more update. I mean there is no any manual update tool or way to force one more update. The only one way is to close the IDW and open it again. It quite time consuming process.

The second problem opened IDW file is automatically updates somewhere in background and in most cases makes troubles of changing parameters in assembly or subassemblies since it somehow can catch up changes first when it opened but not active. User cannot prolong working without either updating IDW or closing it. Either way it takes too much time.

some ways to manually force IDW update and to postpone IDW files from automatically update in background?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating Parts (IPT Files) After Modifying It On Assembly Drawing?

Nov 25, 2011

I don't understand why my parts aren't updating when I put a hole through them on the assembly drawing? I would expect the part (.ipt file) to get updated with a hole through it when I save the assembly drawing, however it doesn't. Do I have to change a default setting or does inventor no do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Manual Animation Of Ratchet And Pawl Mechanisms In Assembly Files?

Apr 26, 2004

problem when manually animating a model ratchet and pawl mechanism in an assembly file. One can get the pawl to track the ratchet wheel surface OK but there seems to be nothing to stop the ratchet wheel going in both directions, contrary to real life experience. I have used transitional constraints to link pawl surfaces with ratchet wheel surfaces but there seems to be no drive constraint which will operate in this circumstance.

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