Having issues with 2013, somehow switching to bottom view. Open a drawing and everything looks normal except when I look at the viewcube and I am looking up from the bottom.
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
I have a series of sheets, each with two viewports to show two plan views of a long road alignment. I arranged them to read bottom to top, as it goes up stationing, as we do with cross section sheets, but have been told by an outside reviewer that the sheets are confusing and should read top down.
I created 8 points (4 locations with 2 depths in each location) in the DWG of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 project. I grouped these 8 points into 2 Point Groups: Point Group 1-high depth has Points #1, #3, #5, #7, and Point Group 2-low depth has #2, #4, #6, #8. I changed the 2D Wireframe to 3D Wireframe and on TOP view I saw Point Group 1 is on the top of Point Group 2 (because the 2 Point Groups have the same values of X- and Y-coordinates with different Z(elevation) value - see the first attached file. How can I change the TOP view to the TOP-FRONT view by using some Command to get this fixed TOP-Front view thar has the good separation of the 2 depths as shown in the second attached file?
I have multiple pages I want printed. So I click on my "quick view drawings" on the bottom right.I then click on "Publish".It says that my project is publishing in the background.This doesn't change. the publishing icon keeps moving and it looks like it is working but this will go on for hours, not advancing pages.
This used to have Autodesk Autocad 12 and it worked fine.
After upgrading from 2013 to 2014 we have a few drawings that had profiles created in 2013 and now when we open the drawing in 2014 the profile view disappears and so we regen and then we get a fatal error. I ran an audit and there are no errors, I re-sycronized the surfaces, i also ran an audit on all the xreferences.
I have many section views of a road where I want to calculate ground volumes. I have a curb in a section view and I want that Civil showed me just an elevation at the top of the curb and at the top of the road cover. Is it possible to do that? And also distances: I want that Civil just show me a distance from the center of a road to a curb and from a curb to the edge of the road.
We are having an issue with profile grid shooting off to the left of 0+00 rather than starting at 0+00 and stopping at the end of the profile. There is nothing in the settings that I can find that is telling the grid to extend close to 2000' to the left. Three of the four profiles are doing this. One of them displays correctly, but there are no differences that we can find in the settings.
I have created a pipe network and am now creating an alignment and profile from that network. I follow the steps outlined in help file and when I get to "Select profile view origin" C3D freezes. I can invoke the Task Manager and choose to end C3D, then cancel when prompted to save file and control is returned. But no profile is created. Is it a video card issue maybe?
Seems like it is creating the alignment but freezes before the profile is created - In Prospector there are aligments in the misc category from multiple tries but no profiles associated with them. When it occurs I can't zoom or pan in C3D but I can switch to another app.
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1, 64 bit Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB Win 7 Professional 64 bit Intel Xeon @ 2.0 GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
Any new methods for depicting flared end sections in profile views in Civil 3D 2013 or 2012? I just loaded Civil 3D 2013 last week and have been checking to see if flared end section depiction in profile views is any better than previous versions. I haven't noticed anything different. I'm I the only one wanting a easier way to depict flared end sections in profiles? In short, I have never been able to figure it out.
If you can see it in the image below, I am showing my minor grids with a dot linetype. I have a total of 6 profiles all of which appear to have the dots double up in random areas, they also print like this.
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
We export our renders to be used in a GUI and for some reason the bottom of our renders since last week (to be fair we only have one user who exports - so only one user has this problem) have a solid black line on the bottom. Now this wouldn't be a horrible problem except we have to set a transparency color in our control software and since the background is not uniform it is VERY obvious when in our final software package. We also have to maintain a constant resolution or the control systems (what we use the renders in) will distort and be way off.
Here is a sample: [URL]....
This happens in both 2013 and 2012. Perhaps there are some lightning/render settings I can try changing on this users machine?
We've carried out a company upgrade of AutoCad to 2014. Since then a fair few PC's display an odd behavior of rapidly flashing bottom toolbars when more than one drawing is open at a time. One PC resolved this by upgrading their video driver.
I feel as though there is a shortcut for this problem. In this simple 3D model, I need to "cut" out the excess volume from the bottom of my 3D model. The thickness at all walls needs to be 1mm. Is there a simple solution to "vaccum" the extra space out from the bottom? The top shows the compartments.. but the problem is the excess space underneath.
I need to start doing shaped glass drawings for our new glass supplier who insists everything is viewed from outside. Unfortunately all our drawings are viewed from inside and I don't want my team to be responsible for copying and flipping glass details in case they forget to flip one day.
I can obviously mirror the viewport view by clicking View/Views/Bottom but this is also mirroring any text dimensions, even though my Mirrtext preference is set to 0.
Is there a way to set a dimension style where the text is automatically back to front so it will then appear the right way round in that particular viewport. How to get round this problem without duplicating parts that can then get missed at a later date and not amended?
This needs to work in both AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCAD LT 2014 as we run a mixture in our office.
Recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2013 and drawings opened up fine. Now today any drawing that opens shows the plan view as last saved but then after loading takes the drawing and shifts it into a 3d view similar to a crossection. Is there a setting somewhere that has been changed? I noticed after a windows 7 update was preformed.
I am trying to create a layout view using the view manager in paperspace. Whenever i click on define window, it does not record any information no matter where i click. If i do the same task in model space, it accepts the window i select. I am currently using civil 3d 2013 with the latest updates.
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
i have a template, created a viewport and fit the model view in the layout space. However, when i scale the template... the viewport model doesn't follows the layout scale. Is there any ways to fit it so that when i scale the template i don't have to set the view again.
I am trying to insert blocks into my drawings and for the most part I have been successful using Design Center. However, I have difficulties turning some of those blocks from the Plan View into the Elevation View, even when they show as elevation blocks. Even the downloads that show as 3-D end up being inserted as 2-D in plan view. In floor plan mode, I have no problem; so how do I turn them into 2-D in elevation mode?
I have a number of older pictures in my library that don't have Capture Date in the metadata. Windows Explorer Propoerties typically shows info like this, for these files:
Created: Tues, Mar 11, 2009 <time> Modified: Wed, June 12, 2002 <time> Accessed: Thu, Sept, 13, 2006 < time>
In my experience, PSE assumes the "Modified" date as capture date with files like this. (A good assumption, for these pics Im looking at now.)
From what I can tell, LR also uses the "modified" date when sorting these pictures' thumbnails. And when I do Metadata > Edit Capture Date, it shows the Modified date as the Original (all good so far).
BUT, in Grid View of the Library module, I have View Options set to show capture date in the Bottom Labal, and here it shows the "Created" date. (So it like 2009 pictures are getting placed next to 2002 pics, in what's supposed to be a chronoligical sort.)
Is there a way to have no view transition when changing views with the view cube? I'd prefer that it just switch to the desired view instantly with no transition.
When making a Section view from a Base View is there a setting to make the text follow the Text Style and Paperspace text size. Everytime I create a Section View I have to change the text settings in the Properties box.
What would be the best way to create a stage storage report with a basin that has multiple depressions and high points in the bottom of the basin?
The stage storage report seems to calculate these features as an addition when it should be subtracting for high points.
Could I do a bounded volume and set the datum to each increment of storage? How accurate is that? If it's accurate, is there a way do generate multiple at a time instead of typing D then setting the datum, then repeating that process over and over?
The only way that seems the most accurate is to create multiple planes at different increments, add those to seperate surfaces, then a volume surface for each one comparing it to the basin. This method takes up a ton of time, especially when dealing with 50+ increments.
Is there a way for the elevation of surface to be shown in the bottom left corner along with the easting and northing as the cursor tracks over the surface? currently only the easting and northing track with the cursor the elevation remains 0.00
I have a existing surface. I want to create a proposal surface so I can know the volume between boths. This proposal surface is represent for a disposal area that can be filled up to a elevation. I have a bottom of P-surface as a feature line at EL 1608, and I want top of P-surface to EL 1613.
I'm fairly new to C3D and im having a few teething problems with section view display
1 - How to I remove the bottom label on the vertical axis (label 25.00 on the image below).
2 - How can I get only the start and end labels offset away from the line?
3 - Can I change the size of this title (SCALE 1:200) to be different from the CHAINAGE 10.00m title?
4 - My band sets are labeling grade breaks every 2m. Why does my grade breaks show at 2.24m/5.44m etc I would expect this to be 2/4/6/8/10/12/14m or is there a way I can change this so that they only label to major grade changes (i.e. the bottom of slopes).
Is there an easy way to create a tin surface from 3d polylines that are generated by actual measurements of a river/ditch or imported from Hec-Ras (River Analysis -extension)?
The problem seems to be that the triangles should be long and narrow (like the ditch bottom in the example) instead of normal triangles the triangulation method normally generates. (The triangles in the example are generated by 3dwin -program).
When using Hec-Ras one way to go around this problem is to interpolate sections (XS:s) with very short distance. Hec-Ras does the interpolation very well, but I would like to have a better solution without tricks with other programs. Also in the long rivers the result is a very large file.