AutoCAD Architecture :: Xref Doesn't Plot From Sheetset But Does When Plotting Only One Sheet
Oct 31, 2013
I have a set of drawings.
Titleblocks are drawing files with the floors xref'd in.
It's a pretty regular aggregate xref method.
I have a sheet with a roof plan.
The third floor (unique xref - attach) has vpcolours assigned to layers so that the walls show greyed out, for routing roof drains.
If I plot this sheet on it's own, the walls below show.
If I plot the whole set by shift clicking the drawings in the sheet set, and choosing publish to PDF, this drawing doesn't show. I get the roof plan without the xref'd walls below showing.
I'd like to issue one pdf file of the whole set, but this one sheet in the middle isn't showing. I don't have an adobe suite to plot the roof plan on it's own and cut it in for the wrong one because $1500.00
I'd like to be able to plot the draiwng correctly from AutoCAD.
I have a drawing which contains 17 layouts in paperspace. When I go to plot all drawings using the sheetset manager its only plots out what is in paperspace. I.e the titleblock and nothing in the viewports, i.e model space.
I have a drawing that I created with acad 2010 that has a pdf xref attached. I just updated to 2013. And now when I go to plot the drawing my xref shows up in preview but doesn't show up on the plot.
I can go back to my 2010 version, and it plots fine. What gives?
When I bring an xref drawing (floor plan) into a plot sheet drawing the xref does not display properly. Walls at doors are not removed and have jambs and door in what appears to be 'reflected screened' view. Switching to 'reflected' view, walls not removed, jambs and doors, and windows still showing.
I may have inadvertently changed some of the settings in the display manager, is there any way to restore the defaults here without reloading the program?
When I try to plot the file from the layout the middle and right part of my xref'ed image comes out as a black box - the top, bottom and left edge are fine. As are the line-drawings from two other xref on top of the image. The problem accourse both when I try to a physical copy on our plotter and when I try to plot to a pdf.
I'm working in autoCAD 2013 for mac and the files I'm working on are located on a server.
Years ago, there was a program of routine that would plot files to a sheet resembling a photographer’s contact sheet. You would tell it which folder to use and it would print the entire folder. You could tell it how many rows and columns and it would fill up the 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 sheet with little images of the files.
problem when plotting files that have PDF images attached to them and are viewed through a viewport. When plotting, the publishing bar fills up but then stays filled and doesnt disappear. At this point AutoCAD is locked up and I see the file starts spooling. I have several PDF files attached that amount to no more than 500 kb, however, when spooling it racks up to 30mb before in sends it off to the plotter and it takes a very lenghtly wait (up to 60 min). Eventually it plots and sometimes it doesn't plot at all. After a while if I try cancelling the plot, it will start plotting but only half of the page and after that the entire operating system will lockup. We have several machines (6) and 2 plotters in a network and the plotters are shared. Is there a better and faster way to work with PDF xrefs? Could this be a networking problem instead of AutoCAD?
machine specs:
Dell Precision T3400 Intell Core Duo @ 2.33GHz 2GB RAM OS: XP pro ver.2002 (w/ SP3) AutoCAD Architecture 2012
I'm working on getting my autocad groove back, and I'm not sure how to get my plotted output to look right. Specifically, how to plot b/w instead of colors, and how to control lineweights. BTW, I seem to have ctb files, but they don't show up in the styles when I go to plot.
I am running CAD Map 3D 2011 and a Windows XP SP3 machine with 4GB RAM and a 128 MB 3D card. I am trying to send the plot to a HP Designjet 800PS plotter.
The file that I am working on is not overly large and has no raster images or OLE objects attached. It does have several open database connections that I am using to theme one of my drawing layers. The sheet itself is an odd size (36" x 54"), but I have printed other drawings of this size before and I've never had problems.
When I first plotted the sheet, it was taking forever to spool, so I ended up canceling the print several times. I finally decided to try to plot to PDF, but this created a HUGE spool file (2.65 GB). Since it was actually spooling, I went ahead and let it run. It ended up taking about an hour to spool and print the PDF. Before I opened the PDF, I checked the size and found it to be about 12 Mb. When I opened it, all that was there was a blank sheet. After that, I re-sent the plot to the HP plotter and just let it work overnight. When I got in this morning, there was a 36" x 54" blank sheet waiting for me.
I've checked the basic settings and none of the layers are frozen, off, or set to not print. I also increased by page file size to work with the plot, but that does not seem to have had any effect. I've tried creating several different .pc3 files, but the issue has stayed. I am now trying to have another person open the file and print it from a different workstation, but so far no luck.
As a side note, I tried a work around by plotting to a dwf file using the included dwf driver. This spooled and plotted very quickly (<60 seconds) and the dwf file appears just fine in design review. However, when I try to print from design review, it won't let me set it as a 36" x 54" plot; it keeps with with the standard print sizes only.
- All drawings in this project (oops did a saveas and now I screwed).
- All Windows 7-64bit
- AutoCAD 2013
- drawings have Revit AutoCAD dumps X-referenced to them
- Title block is x-refed and created same way as above
- drawing scale is Unitles as well as insert units
- plot preview shows a drawing at 100%
- Drawings will plot fine to 50% scale and 100% scale to PDF but NOT100% to the HP plotter.
- when ploting to 100% size, plotter progress bar in AutoCAD takes awhile, hangs, then dissapears and a new bar appears and jumps across and spits out a blank sheet.
-I have the "plot paperspace last" checkbox checked.
- Could my plotter driver be corrupted?
- Tried on several machines and same thing happend.
This is an issue for which no one in my office has any solution. We create all of our plan sets on E1 size paper. However, when we plot them for redlines we print to C-size to save paper. I know you can "publish selected layouts" to plot numerous tabs at a time. However, I am unable to figure out how to make them plot to a smaller size paper than what the page is set up for. Is there a way to plot all of the tabs at a smaller scale without plotting each tab individually?
I recently downloaded student version of architecture 2011 and works great, but how do I get rid of the message that plots with my drawings, produced by autodesk education product.
OLE objects does not plot in color. The OLE object is in a title block that its being reference to the working drawing. Is the are referencing setting we can manipulate to resolve this issue?
One to Five people has the same project loaded into their Project Navigator.
One of the people opens a plot sheet while using the Project Navigator.
ALL computers with that project loaded experience an Autocad 2011 Crash.
-No Error Message appears.
-Autocad shuts down completely with no warning.
This only occurs with DWG files located under the Sheets Tab of the project navigator.
It is not Project specific. This has occured for different users in our office with different projects open. However Autocad only crashes for the users with the specific project accessing the plot sheet loaded.
We recently made the switch from 2009 to 2011. So far this is only a problem for projects where the plotsheets were created in 2009. We can't go back to 2009 to plot since the walls etc have now adapted to 2011.
Often when I attempt to insert a sheet list from the project navigator to a sheet, nothing happens. The sheet index will not insert. Why does this happen? Better yet, how can I fix it?
So I have the educational version of ACAD 2012 and this is my first time using that version. My model is done and I formatted my layout with a border and the model to scale in the viewport. When I go to plot to PDF, all I see is the border. I've tried fiddling with colors and viewports but neither of those did anything.
I'm fairly new to Autocad and getting used to using sheet set manager. What I'm experiencing is, when you insert a model view it brings in an xref of that model, but i'm then unsure how to add additional xref models into the same view.
For example I have a separate ground floor plan file and OS data file which I want to show in the one sheet view without nesting the OS data to the original ground floor file.
Using someone elses template. When I plot to PDF the layout sheet name is not the PDF plot file name, it uses the drawing file name (and hence the same file name for all plots, not what I want). When I plot in paper space, my layout sheet name is the output file name, is there a way to change this?
I am a Mac user and new to AutoCAD. I am enrolled in a CAD class this semester and the instructor for my session is requiring Windows. Supposedly this is because AutoCAD for Mac does not allow for proper printing on their plot style setting.
I understand that I can install Bootcamp and Windows on my computer, but I'd really like to avoid that if I can. If I were to do my work on my Mac and then digitally transfer my files to a PC for printing purposes, would my files become corrupted or compromised in any way?
I have a drawing (Drawing A) that contains a PDF (using PDF attach) with text over the PDF. I then have this drawing Xref'd (as overlay and as attachment) into another drawing (Drawing B). When I print this drawing (Drawing B). The text prints but the pdf does not.
In Drawing A the pdf is on the 0 layer. In Drawing B the pdf is on 0 layer. The 0 layer is not frozen and is set to print. The xref in drawing B is set to overlay and relative (I tried absolute). I can see the pdf in drawing B. PDFrame is set to 2 in dwg A and B.
have xrefs in drawing froze some of the xref layers, changed colors on some others looks great on screen, but all the original colors show on plot, along with the frozen this to do with the xref?
Plotting from the Layout - Model is plotting fine, XREF Titleblock is plotting out too light, about 20% of what model plots.
XREFd on 0 layer (tried on different layer, result = no difference) all other aspects of plot are correct
Print Preferences
- line and text (not photo)
- dpi 600
I found a work-around but it isn't realistic in the longterm, I inserted the Title block as a BLOCK and exploded it, and then the titleblock plotted fine with each of the different Title Block layers plotting correct to pen width.
New hard drive, had to reinstall LT 2010 (Win XP). Trying to batch plot, going through the normal prompts, little plotter icon in lower right does its thing, then the message says "errors and warnings found". When I open the "plot and publish details", there are no errors or warnings, and the plot file i just attempted does not show up at all. Tried different variations, none work.
The first couple of times i tried it, it seemed there was a problem with the default path for the output file, in the publish options window, as if it could not see the server, but then i would browse, point to the exact same server folder, and it accepted it. Also tried to save the output folder on my c: drive, but still no file. I will need to make this plot file by tomorrow for the client, or i will have to send them 40 individual pdf's.
Ive got a A3 drawing all set up to plot to my printer and it works fine.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said when I use the _exportpdf command (or the PDF function in the ribbon):-
- If I export using the current layout then the top and bottom of my title block are chopped off. - If I change the paper size to A3fullbleed then it does plot the whole drawing, but not to scale (even though its still set to 1:1
- Changing to the other A3 options goes back to chopping off the top and bottom.
From my limited knowledge It appears that the columns need adjusting, trouble is, i'm not sure how?
I am having trouble plotting the lines from my drawings. From sheet set manager. It plots the image, text and border xref but when the lines start to plot they turn off in task manager from gis all turn to exclamation points. These lines are in the background from gis.
My colleges and I are having trouble plotting a batch of drawings (Layouts) using sheet sets. We believe that we have set up all the parameters correctly in order to accomplish what we want. First off, we have set up the page set up in each layout properly. We have also set up page set up overrides to plot sheets at different sizes. The problem is that when we send a batch of drawings ( ex: 30 drawings) only the first drawing in the batch gets plotted. We have also tried plotting from the Publish dialog box and still that only plots the first sheet.
Do you think that the problem is at the networked software that the plotter uses? Or is this having to do with additional parameters in the sheet set that I am missing?
I updated my computer to windows 7 32 bit and need the file: AdskHwCertificationDatabase.xml - version so that I can find out the correct driver for my OS and my quadrofx 1700 graphics card. Autodesk doesn't support 2008 Architecture and the on;y file I can find is buried in a torrent file with a pirated copy of 2008 and I DO NOT wish to download that.