AutoCad :: Sheet Set - Batch Plotting
Nov 3, 2011
My colleges and I are having trouble plotting a batch of drawings (Layouts) using sheet sets. We believe that we have set up all the parameters correctly in order to accomplish what we want. First off, we have set up the page set up in each layout properly. We have also set up page set up overrides to plot sheets at different sizes. The problem is that when we send a batch of drawings ( ex: 30 drawings) only the first drawing in the batch gets plotted. We have also tried plotting from the Publish dialog box and still that only plots the first sheet.
Do you think that the problem is at the networked software that the plotter uses? Or is this having to do with additional parameters in the sheet set that I am missing?
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Jun 17, 2011
We have Adobe Acrobat Pro which has a plugin to allow batch plotting of PDFs from multi-sheet drawings. Works awesome in Autocad 2009 and before. It DOES NOT work with Autocad 2011!
We have drawings with 70 sheets and it's nice to print the entire document to a single PDF in one step. Takes less than one minute in Acad09. Nice!
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Nov 13, 2012
New hard drive, had to reinstall LT 2010 (Win XP). Trying to batch plot, going through the normal prompts, little plotter icon in lower right does its thing, then the message says "errors and warnings found". When I open the "plot and publish details", there are no errors or warnings, and the plot file i just attempted does not show up at all. Tried different variations, none work.
The first couple of times i tried it, it seemed there was a problem with the default path for the output file, in the publish options window, as if it could not see the server, but then i would browse, point to the exact same server folder, and it accepted it. Also tried to save the output folder on my c: drive, but still no file. I will need to make this plot file by tomorrow for the client, or i will have to send them 40 individual pdf's.
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Feb 1, 2012
When I do a Batch plot, I am getting an error message stating that my background plotting is on. I can't do any batch plotting with this on. How do I turn this off?
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Aug 12, 2008
If there was a way to plot multiple dwg files in a single go all using the same plot settings. Is it possible to do this in AutoCad without having to use another program? I am using AutoCad 2009 LT by the way.
Also, is there a way to save a certain plot setup as the default so that I don't have to switch my page setup to <previous plot> every time I open a new drawing?
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Nov 21, 2013
I have two sheet files (files which reference other drawings/data and contain multiple layouts) which do not plot correctly in a batch. Upon opening the files all profile surfaces (existing and proposed) do not display. I run SYNCHRONIZEREFERENCES to make the profiles show up. I would love a solution to that, but that's a different topic. So now the profiles show up, in all tabs and even in a plot preview. However if I try to run the Publish command and print all tabs to either .pdf, .dwf, or the plotter the profiles do not show up. I must go to each and every tab and plot the sheets individually.
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Jun 22, 2012
I am having issues batch plotting in LT 2010.
I am using Windows Vista.
I go to the batch plot. Load the drawings I want to plot. I then load the page setup I want to use. None of the files plot. The error says that the device doesn't support the output size.
The weird thing is that I can plot using those same page setups individual files, just not as a batch.
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Jun 22, 2012
I usually make pdf's by plotting each layout to pdf then combining them with adobe acrobat. Recently i have tried the batch plot to pdf and found that i like it much better but im having a problem with it. I have set up my page sheet manager and have imported my plot sheet settings from a different file. I have checked and double checked that the settings on this file is correct.
My problem is that when i create the batch plot and select the page setup when i create the pdf it cut the left and right side of the page off like there are margins or something. I have created a pdf my plotting to pdf on an individual page and printed it and compared to my batch plot and they are the same scale and size on the paper but the batch plot cuts it off on the sides. I need to get it to print like the plot to pdf so that it is to scale.
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Jul 31, 2012
Earlier I asked about a "Issued fo Construction" block with automatic date....I was thinking if there is anyway to "publish" ~65 loop diagrams and it insert the "IFC" block on it's own? When publish is finished, I open any loop drawing and the "IFC" block is NOT present. Can this be done with a script?
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Jun 18, 2012
While batch plotting to a multi page PDF in AutoCad 2012 using Adobe Acrobat:
My pages come out with a blank / empty viewport,
The title block is on the page and nothing else plots on the page.
This is only happening with one of the files I am working in. Other DWGs are PDFing normal.
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Mar 9, 2012
Why my viewport is moving to the right when I print it in batchplot.
I tested by printing the outline of the vport and opening the resulting PDF in a PDF viewer.
The vport is exactly the same dimension but is about .5 inch off to the right.
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Apr 10, 2012
I am trying to batch plot 60 .dwg files to PDF. When I do this, it slices off a piece of the title block on the right.
When I plot a single files I can set it to extents, 11x17, and center the plot, and the PDF comes up perfect.
I save this page setup and try to batch plot again, and when there is only one file on the list, my saved page setup is available in the dropdown menu. The second I add another one, my setup disappears from the list, and the import option doesn't appear to work (I choose a .dwg that my setup has been applied to and nothing happens).
Is there a trick to applying a saved page setup to an entire list of drawings in the batch plot utility?
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Jan 30, 2013
I am having trouble plotting the lines from my drawings. From sheet set manager. It plots the image, text and border xref but when the lines start to plot they turn off in task manager from gis all turn to exclamation points. These lines are in the background from gis.
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May 27, 2011
I have a list of drawings which i want to batch plot using dwg to png plotter. I want the page setup file to use sun high res, plot scale fit to paper, plot area extents, plot offset center the plot for the model space
When in batch plot, the page setup shows default, however this is not my pagesetup settings as it shows default none, how do i make it see the page setup i want?
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Jun 17, 2013
I cannot get my lisp routine to run when I batch plot in AutoCAD 2014. It's loaded into the startup suite and runs when I open the individual drawings but not during a batch plot. How can I get this to run during a batch plot?
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Jun 15, 2012
I recently upgraded to a new PC.
We get a lot of files from customers where there are multiple drawing borders all in model space.
Sometimes as many as 150-200 borders in one file that we need to print for the shop floor.
Years ago, I wrote a LISP routine that prompts for printer settings (Fit or To scale, etc.) and then prompts for
2 corners of each border and then writes a script file and launches it to batch plot each drawing.
My thinking was that I had to manually pick each drawing anyway, this LISP routine saved me from having to issue the plot command over and over.
Anyway, since my PC upgrade, the LISP routine fails.
There is a line of code that answers the plot prompt for output device name where I have the same printer as always.
When the script runs up to that line, AutoCAD tells me that printer is "not found".
So then it keeps reading the rest of the script lines which answer other plot prompts and repeatedly says "device not found".
If I manually print, I can choose the same print settings in the dialog box that the script file has and it can "find" that same device.
Why I can print manually but the LISP/script file gives me a "not found" error.
BTW, when I upgraded my PC, I also upgraded AutoCAD from 2012 to 2013..
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Aug 9, 2013
I have run the DWG Compare Plug-in on two DWG files. The results show the plan in grey while the differences in plans are showin in color. If I plot an individual layout to PDF the plot looks perfect meaning the plan is grey and the differences are color.
When I batch plot, all of the layouts lose their ability to plot the results of the DWG Compare and just print like the original DWG file whether it be mono or color. is there an entirely different way to go about batch printing to a combined PDF the results of a DWG Compare?
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Jun 1, 2012
When I'm batch plotting several drawings, I'm trying to add a block from a page setup to each print.
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Apr 23, 2012
I have 64 bit machine, Windows 7, kipp plotter, and two sharp printers.
When I send a sheet set manager plot to any of my output devices I get an autocad error. That boots me out of Autocad. I have used this in the past with 32 bit machine, Windows XP , kip plotter and two sharp printers and have had no issues. It worked great.
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Apr 26, 2012
Is there any way for me to choose a bunch of .dsd files, and have those be batch plotted?At the moment I have to publish one .dsd file at a time, and each .dsd file can take about 10 minutes to go through all the layouts I have.
Does Autocad have that capability built in? Or is this a problem that can be solved with scripts?
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Oct 3, 2011
Years ago, there was a program of routine that would plot files to a sheet resembling a photographer’s contact sheet. You would tell it which folder to use and it would print the entire folder. You could tell it how many rows and columns and it would fill up the 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 sheet with little images of the files.
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Oct 31, 2012
We have a new printer/plotter in our office and Autocad cannot find the old one and so I have to select the new one. Here's the scoop:
When I am in the layout tab, everything is perfectly aligned in my layout sheet (24 x 36) and so I type plot and before the dialogue screen appears (We just got a new plotter) Autocad says: "such and such printer: This plotter config. cannot be used for blah blah blah.... The None plot device has been substituted." Which makes sense because that such and such printer is non existent. So i click ok. and the usual plot dialogue screen displays.
I select our new plotter and the exact size of my layout sheet (24 x 36) and click apply to layout and then preview it and it shows the layout cutting off my titleblock on the right hand side. So I cancel the plot (having applied the new printer and 24 x 36 config.) and look at my layout and either my layout sheet or my linework has shifted about 3/4" up and 3/4" to the side.
Why did something shift? My layout sheet was already aligned and at 24 x 36. I don't want to have to move it every time especially if I need to print off older drawings which are set up with the non existent printer. Should I or could I make autocad ignore the old printer and tell it to recognize the new one so I wont ask me every time i open an older drawing?
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Sep 23, 2013
I've been try to use the Multi Sheet Plot routine that's provided with the Inventor 2014 install.
I'm attempting to plot both Vaulted and Non-Vaulted idw and Inventor .dwg files.
Regardless of drawing type or location, the Multi Sheet Plot routine is unable to print any files. The application reports a failed while reading error. None of the settings within the application seem to have any effect on eliminating the read file errors.
What steps must I follow in order to successfully print multiple sheets of a designated printer?
Inventor 2012 Certified Associate
AutoCAD 2012 Certified Associate
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2012, 2013 & 2014
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Oct 25, 2011
when I select the printer/name: Adobe PDF
under Paper size: the standard Arch sizes are not there...
2013 Civil 3D
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Aug 28, 2013
I'm trying to incorporate in my new workplace the Sheet Set in our plan production.
But one of the powerfull thing of the SSM is to publish multiple (or single) sheets at a time.
Well, i tryed it since a few months in and out publishing via the style sheet on the sheet set template i'm building and it doesn't print.
The publishing icon in the status bar of civil 3d 2012 keeps on going for ever !!! (Even when i cancel the job, it doesn't stop the icone, like it's jamed)
Btw, even if i pass by a drawing that isnt in the SSM and choose several layouts to publish it does the same thing too.
I use to do this on a 2008 version of Autocad.
Using : Autodesk Civil 3D 2012
OS : Windows 7 - 64 bit pro
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Jun 15, 2011
I am running CAD Map 3D 2011 and a Windows XP SP3 machine with 4GB RAM and a 128 MB 3D card. I am trying to send the plot to a HP Designjet 800PS plotter.
The file that I am working on is not overly large and has no raster images or OLE objects attached. It does have several open database connections that I am using to theme one of my drawing layers. The sheet itself is an odd size (36" x 54"), but I have printed other drawings of this size before and I've never had problems.
When I first plotted the sheet, it was taking forever to spool, so I ended up canceling the print several times. I finally decided to try to plot to PDF, but this created a HUGE spool file (2.65 GB). Since it was actually spooling, I went ahead and let it run. It ended up taking about an hour to spool and print the PDF. Before I opened the PDF, I checked the size and found it to be about 12 Mb. When I opened it, all that was there was a blank sheet. After that, I re-sent the plot to the HP plotter and just let it work overnight. When I got in this morning, there was a 36" x 54" blank sheet waiting for me.
I've checked the basic settings and none of the layers are frozen, off, or set to not print. I also increased by page file size to work with the plot, but that does not seem to have had any effect. I've tried creating several different .pc3 files, but the issue has stayed. I am now trying to have another person open the file and print it from a different workstation, but so far no luck.
As a side note, I tried a work around by plotting to a dwf file using the included dwf driver. This spooled and plotted very quickly (<60 seconds) and the dwf file appears just fine in design review. However, when I try to print from design review, it won't let me set it as a 36" x 54" plot; it keeps with with the standard print sizes only.
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Nov 1, 2012
Ghost in the machine or something:
- HP T110044 plotter.
- All drawings in this project (oops did a saveas and now I screwed).
- All Windows 7-64bit
- AutoCAD 2013
- drawings have Revit AutoCAD dumps X-referenced to them
- Title block is x-refed and created same way as above
- drawing scale is Unitles as well as insert units
- plot preview shows a drawing at 100%
- Drawings will plot fine to 50% scale and 100% scale to PDF but NOT100% to the HP plotter.
- when ploting to 100% size, plotter progress bar in AutoCAD takes awhile, hangs, then dissapears and a new bar appears and jumps across and spits out a blank sheet.
-I have the "plot paperspace last" checkbox checked.
- Could my plotter driver be corrupted?
- Tried on several machines and same thing happend.
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Oct 31, 2013
I have a set of drawings.
Titleblocks are drawing files with the floors xref'd in.
It's a pretty regular aggregate xref method.
I have a sheet with a roof plan.
The third floor (unique xref - attach) has vpcolours assigned to layers so that the walls show greyed out, for routing roof drains.
If I plot this sheet on it's own, the walls below show.
If I plot the whole set by shift clicking the drawings in the sheet set, and choosing publish to PDF, this drawing doesn't show. I get the roof plan without the xref'd walls below showing.
I'd like to issue one pdf file of the whole set, but this one sheet in the middle isn't showing. I don't have an adobe suite to plot the roof plan on it's own and cut it in for the wrong one because $1500.00
I'd like to be able to plot the draiwng correctly from AutoCAD.
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Oct 8, 2013
This is an issue for which no one in my office has any solution. We create all of our plan sets on E1 size paper. However, when we plot them for redlines we print to C-size to save paper. I know you can "publish selected layouts" to plot numerous tabs at a time. However, I am unable to figure out how to make them plot to a smaller size paper than what the page is set up for. Is there a way to plot all of the tabs at a smaller scale without plotting each tab individually?
We just recently upgraded to AutoCad 2014.
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Apr 4, 2013
We have experienced this problem with multiple versions of Revit. When we plot to PDF (bluebeam driver), it will sometimes not create the final sheet that was checked in the list of sheets to print in the print dialog box.
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Oct 14, 2005
way to to automate a workflow as follows:
1. drop or select a folder of pics (sometimes up to 200 images)
2. create a contact sheet - just like the "File > Automate > Contact Sheet II" (I make contact sheets/proofs of 2-4 images per page)
3. print all the contact sheets on 8.5x11" sheets of paper
4. close contact sheets w/o saving.
I can't seem to combine the Contact Sheet II with other actions.
Alternatively I could continue to create my contact sheets with the existing Contact Sheet II tool, then save, then drag to print window/icon - but it would be much easier to handle it one step.
I also looked for Automator actions and can't seem to nail this thing. I even considered iPhoto - it does this "standard prints" thing which works great but I need the file names in the contact sheets (bummer).
I'm using a Macinotsh G5 2GHz DP, 2GB RAM, OSX.4.2, Adobe Photoshop CS2, Epson 4000 Pro.
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