I am currently using Autocad Architecture 2010 and would like to change the rendering options if possible. I have drawn something and can view it in realistic style, but when I render it, the lighting comes into play and everything looks too light. What I would like to know is how could I render my drawing in realistic view so that the rendering reflects what is on my screen in model space? Or realistic sketchy view for that matter?
I would like to preface this post by stating, for the purposes of this message, that I have absolutely no understanding of the workings of AutoCAD. I have looked at many forum discussions concerning my issue and I am simply unable to understand the terminology and/or concepts being described.
I recently purchased a new computer for my office. Accordingly, I needed to install AutoCAD on this new machine. All of the machines in my office are running AutoCAD 2011. However, after addressing some licensing issues with AutoDesk, I received a license and installer for AutoCAD 2012. Everything was installed correctly (as far as I understand) and the program itself is working fine. The problem I am running into involves the text style for the files I open:
For files saved on AutoCAD 2011, the text style used is Arial. Simple; no custom fonts. However, when I open that same file in AutoCAD 2012, the text style for the entire file has changed to Franklin Gothic Book. (Note that all files are accessible from all computers in the office through a network drive)
That is my only understanding of the situation. As I mentioned earlier I have very little understanding of the workings of AutoCAD. I have had this problem for almost a week now and I am no closer to understand this issue, much less solving it.
I make a code set style by doubling the "all codes" style. Then make styles of links points and shapes in which i turn off the visibility in model. I also leave the render materials in links.
I try the set with 3d orbit. But as i turn around the model the rendering materials start to uglify..I attach an image to better understand what i am saying.
When i turn on the visibility of links the problem solved.
I'm new to AutoCAD 3D and Rendering. In a model I'm currently working on, the colors I have in the 3D model become different colors when I create a rendering. For instance, in the model I'm working on, in the model, the object is blue, when I render it, it's grey. Is there a setting I need to change?
I know the possibility of a plot style just disappearing is slim to none, but I have this user that constantly claims her plot styles have "disappeared".
When I check them, the entire "Plot Style" folder is gone. One day it's there the next it's gone.
She also has this problem with the DWG to PDF print option. It was there, now it's gone. She claims she isn't deleting anything. I will get them back on her PC and a few months later they will be gone.
She is a contract worker who also spends time at her office off site. I am not sure what version of AutoCAD she is using. I manage an AutoCAD group of about 20 users and none have this problem.
When I want to establish a new annotative text style, and I'm in the Text Styles dialog box, in the "Size" box, why will it not let me enter a Paper Text Height of 3/32"??? Every time I try it defaults to either 1/16" or 1/8". I have checked the Annotative box.
I'm working on getting my autocad groove back, and I'm not sure how to get my plotted output to look right. Specifically, how to plot b/w instead of colors, and how to control lineweights. BTW, I seem to have ctb files, but they don't show up in the styles when I go to plot.
I tried to load/insert a specific window style through use of the design palette but couldn't find the right type within the generic window styles that came with the software. I needed an 8 Blade x 150 glass Louvre Blades Window with a few standard openings currently used in our industry. In fact I needed to design several standards of these which I did but saved them as blocks with the dwg extensions.
In fact I really desire a way to design one that would be possible to be integrated into the styles drawing in the default location (C:/Program Data/Autodesk/ACA 2013/enu/Styles/Metric/Window Styles (Metric).dwg.
I understand that these default styles can easily be loaded into design palettes, entered into constructed walls and modified to certain specs in the appropriate dialogue boxes.
How to group wall types together when scheduling a drawing?
I have multiple wall types within a drawing but scheduling produces multiple entries per type depending on length, only grouping them together when lengths are identical. All I need is a total length per wall type within the drawing.
I'm new to this company and still learning the ropes on there standards and how they do things. I have a floor plan and when I was cleaning it up, I noticed some extraneous linetypes and text styles. Being the good drafter that I am, I tried to clean it up, but to no avail. I even tried to make a new file, but when I copy clipped it in, it brings in the extra linetypes and text styles. Ran audit, but didn't find anything unusual. I even deleted everything but can't seem to purge out the extra linetypes and text styles. How to remove them? see attached for the drawing file. running autocad architecture 2012 on windows 7 64 bit machine. and the files was originally created in revit, that was converted out.
In ACA2008 there seems to be a maximum of 10 Cell Styles allowed in a Table Style? When I try to make a new 11th style, one of the existing 10 styles gets supplanted by the new style.
I am using arch 2009, I have a bizarre issue with the rendering output soley based it seems on what version of Autocad the original drawing was created.
I have a block with 3d elements & materials, I insert it on any drawing which was created in release 14 which just about 100% of our drawings are (because you know, you take your old title blocks, convert then to the new version of Autocad, year after year after year, so the original title block was created way back when, just saved in the new format.) Anyhows, these are where the 3d blocks were created, newly in r2009, on on drawings originally created a long time ago. We just created new office title blocks from scratch in r2009 starting with the acad.dwt template.
When you insert any of these blocks, render it, the colors are different, too bright. here are all the specs for both drawings, one with the corect colors, one without. We have a ton of these blocks created over the last year or so which we render in Acad for the graphics guy to use for color elevations so its a pretty big deal if the color output is not reliable, it should be the same if all your settings are the same regardless of where the drawing file came from. I have missed something, and its probably something simple, it always is.
1. Same block with same material specs, verified on both drawings.
2. Zero lights, as per the lightlist on both drawings.
3. LINEARBRIGHTNESS - set to zero on both drawings.
4. LINEARCONTRAST- set to zero on both drawings.
5. DEFAULTLIGHTING - set to ONE on both drawings, viewport.
6. DEFAULTLIGHTINGTYPE - set to ONE on both drawings, viewport.
7. Render envirionment & render settting dialogue boxes, match line for line, verified.
Here are the 2 rendered images of the same block inserted on 2 different drawings. The darker one is the correct one:
I have a simple model of two desk units. I also have a large rectangular area under them with a carpet texture applied. The desks each have two textures/materials applied. I am rendering to a viewport at 640x480, with shadows on and "high" quality. I have 4 point light sources in the model. When I render to viewport, it all looks great. But when I plot or plot preview, all of the detail/textures/materials in the horizontal surfaces are gone and it plots as completely white in those areas and also shows it white in plot preview.
Attached are two images. RENDER A is a screenshot of the correct image rendered on screen and RENDER B is a screenshot of the plot preview screen showing the white areas (which is also how it really prints).
I'm trying to set up Annotative Text styles in my Xref base drawing, so that I can alter the Annotative Text Scale in paperspace of my titlesheet drawings.
Is it possible to create the Annotative Text styles in an xref and amend these on a titlesheet when said xref has been imported?
I've checked the "Help" section of AutoCad but it all seems to relate to creating Annotative Styles within a single drawing.
How do I get my dimension styles, door styles, window styles, etc. from Architectural 2011 to 2012? I migrated but I don't see where it brought my styles over.
I'm using Architecture 2011 trial and it generates good rendering, but after adjusting sun angle (time), I received a message: Make sure the destination directory is writable and that the disk is not full. Rendering aborted.
How do I change the style of brush for the blob brush tool? I try selecting from the library a different brush and nothing happens. Also, I've tried restarting illustrator and that does not work.
V Ray rendering i am using V Ray physical cam + V Ray sun once i rendering flooring colour is changing the walls colour actually i have white colour walls.
How make changing in my operational system that I had chosen. I clicked on 32 mbit but know I want to have 64 mbit. I didn't install software yet, it is still waiting to install.
I'm almost done with my elevations! One last thing, though.... When I print it, it comes out all green. Is there anyway for me to change the colors so it's just black and white? Also, when I print it, there's a line between my 1st floor roof, my floor joist, and the floor for my 2nd story. Is there any way I can get rid of that, such as joining the walls? I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2013.
I changed the 'startup' value from 1 to 2 in ACA 2012, now program crashes. On start up it displays the first error message 3 times (see attached), then opens a blank drawing. Once a select a file it displays the second message 70 times then opens the drawing. After a few seconds a fatal error message is displayed and program closes.
Error messages are the same other than address location changes.
I have tried a repair and a reinstall to no avail.
We've just upgraded to AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and I discovered that my match properties command (MA) is now on steroids. In the process of making an existing plan into a demo plan, I put a toilet on a demo layer. I intended to use match properties to put other select items on the same demo layer, but when I touched the lavatory, it turned into a toilet. I've never had this happen before. In trying to solve the issue, I've discovered the same thing happens with other AEC objects (couches, urnials, chairs -- all became toilets) and it happens in multiple files. Only walls and doors remain intact with only the layer, color and linetype changing (which is what I was expecting).
I looked at the settings inside the match properties command and none of them seemed to apply. I deselected the special properties options anyway, but the problem remains.
I'm currently trialling ACA 2010 in our office. In previous releases we used AEC Polygons as hatch and boundary objects for say concrete footing as an example.
Without the properties toolbar, how would I go about changing the linetype or colour of the aec polygon, I don't want to change the layer or a style based override I just want to assign a new colour to an object as the style base is set to 'byblock'. The properties for changing linetype, scale and colour aren't in the properties palette either.
Is this a bug or is there a correct workflow I must assume from now on?
I'm new to Architecture Desktop (especially 2012), I dabbled with it a little bit years ago.
I'm doing a floor plan and I want to change one door to a double door. I changed the style and it changed all the doors. So I did a search and saw something about doing a style override in the "Edit Object Display." So, I checked all the "Object Override" boxes in there. Buuut...when I right click on that door and do "Edit Door Style" it still changes ALL the doors in the drawing to double doors.